




Origin and spread: original race of the Sardinia, probably comes down from the muflone(Ovis musimon). Beyond that in its earth of origin raised in various zones of the peninsula between which: the Lazio, the Tuscany, the Umbria, the Abruzzi and the Marches in the Italy center, the Sicily and the Calabria in the meridione and groups less consisting in the north the devout important is in Liguria, Piemonte and in Emilia Romagna.Mentre to the foreign country nuclei in several countries of the meditteraneo between which Tunisia and the Spagna.Allo are recorded be it puts into effect them the present ovines of such race in Italy are approximately 4.000.000 of heads, of which good 60 for hundreds only raised in Sardegna(la Sardinian sheep constitute beyond 50% of the Italian ovine patrimony).

Tipologia of breeding: E' a peasant race and much productive one and comes raised in extensive and transumante way in the origin zones; it allocates them (with pasture) in the breedings continentali.La main characteristic for which it comes raised the production of the latte ones that it oscillates from the 60 liters in100 days for primipare(in an extensive breeding) to the 180 liters in 180 days for pluripare (in an intensive breeding). For what it regards the meat it is necessary to say that, although the production of the meat is the Sardinian sheep to lattifera attitude also has one its importanza.Infatti much demand on the market the meat for the lamb between the 8 and 10 kg of weight, while in its zones of origin the meat of the adult subjects employed in the preparation of various plates of the tradition has a good reply of market also sarda.Infine the production of the wool has a marginal role being of qualit rough, adapted for carpets and mattresses.


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Vital characteristics:
of medium ransom its weight is gone around between the 40-50kg in the females between the 60-70kg in the males, vello the white man and very rarely they possess corna.

Riproduttive characteristics:
- fertilit annual (understanding as relationship percentage between the number of the give birth sheep and
number of the sheep matricine): 96%. Prolificit (understanding as relationship percentage between Agnelli born and the number of the give birth sheep): from 110% (in extensive conditions) to 150% (in intensive conditions).
- annual Fecondit (understanding like relationship percentage between Agnelli born and the number of the sheep matricine): from 106% (in extensive conditions) to 144% (in intensive conditions).

- period of the first delivery is gone around around to the 15 months

- low the rate gemellarit (8-10%) in extensive conditions; discreet gemellarit (40-50%) in intensive conditions.

Address of improvement:

- to exalt the attitude to the production of the latte ones under the quantitative and qualitative aspect;

- to improve the characteristics of the mammella in order to facilitate the mechanical mungitura

- to increase prolificit above all the rate gemellarit


For the realization of this card we thank the Mr. Sebastiano Moreddu