


Canarian Serinus

in the photo: Garibaldi red canary mosaic of But

As its name indicates it, the canary (serinos canarias) e' original of the Islands Canarian. In order a lot is met also to the island of Madeira and the Azores islands.


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Which thing is these islands?
Discoveries in the 1402 from normanno the Jean de Bethencourt, the Canarian make part of the Spanish archipelago of the Atlantic. These islands are grouped under these names: Large-Canarian, Tenerife, Fuerteventura, Lanzarote, Gomera, Palm ET Hierro. Enjoying of an exceptional climate, than other times it has made them to call "Fortunate Islands", they are the crib of the canary. The sociability and the song of this last one, sedussero the Spanish which, accortosi that this bird conserved, also in cage, all the facolta' natural, comprised the importance of the discovery made in these islands. The birds were captured and send to you in mass in Spain, where their breeding divenne very soon a flourishing industry. Not only the young canaries came export to you to gold price, but, wanting to conserve the monopoly of the production, the Spanish exported the males killing systematically the not necessary females to the production.
How fini' this monopoly?
A legend wants that a Spanish boat vessel loaded with canaries, was shipwrecked to the wide one of the Island of Elba and that the freed birds, are from the equipaggio' are from the destruction of the gabbie' took the flight, some back the Italian coast of the Tuscany, other back the Island of Elba and the coasts of the Provenza. Some of these birds, males and females, were captured; others made stock in these places, giving life as a result of a type of mountain canary, in Corsica, in Sardinia, and the North of Italy and to Serino, diffusosi in all the Latin countries and Germany. This e' the legend! However we can give them a sure credit poiche', a lot in the song of the mountain dweller who in that one of serino finds again sure tones similar to those of the canary. An other supposizione wants that the Spanish breeders for an immediate personal interest, fornissero of the females to foreign countries. Any have been the causes fini' the Spanish monopoly and the breeding of the canary propago' quickly in all Europe. From principle it was appanage of the elevated social classes which ambivano to hold it in cage or to raise it for "snobismo", pero' very soon it diffuses in all the other classes and was raised, it is for passion or sport, than for creation or search desire, is to financial scopes. From the aspiration of the amatori to gather in order to confront their subjects, nacquero very soon the Ornithological Societies which they began to organize exposures and competitions where the canaries came judge you for theirs qualita' of song, shape and color.


In spite of the ransom of the wild Canaries the 16 centimeters catch up us to the maximum, are some breeds of domestic Canaries that touch the 20 - 22 centimeters of length; however also being be subordinates to numerous selections, the anatomo-morphologic structure of the domestic canaries e' remained invariata; the wings introduce ten primary remiganti, eighteen secondary ones and in the tail there are twelve helmsman. The Serini, being of sociable nature, if it isolates to you suffer the solitudine remarkablly, for which, but cases of training to the song or in which pathology demands it, e' always advisable to hold these uccelletti in braces. The average life of the canaries, raises to you in corrected way, it is gone around around to the ten years and they are not rare cases in which, animals held in optimal conditions, they catch up the twenty years of life. Premised that, when is spoken about intelligence, it does not have to expect too much from these little creatures, we will pass to make some examples of cio' that a canary completely trained e' in a position to making. A breeder had taken the habit to hide a within mouthful under one pawn of one chessboard: the canary subordinate to training tardo' not to find the mouthful and to repeat the exercise although the piece came moved. An other canary imparo' to move carrelino those much from consentirgli arriving to the food. If very it trains the canaries to you are able to execute piu' very complex operations, as to make the dead man as a result of I shoot it of a light gun, letting to transport on a carrelino, in order then to resuscitare always to commando. How much over described not ago to other that to risaltare the mnemonic and intelletive characteristics of these uccelletti.

Canore Virtu' of the canaries

Of continuation we will deal the dowries canore of the Canaries, are domestic they selvati to us that, but poiche' these last ones come down from first, of true and own substantial differences, puo' not to speak itself. The Song of the wild canary turns out piu' marked, fresh and melodioso, but a po' sour, in how much compound in part from metallic and acute sounds, emitted in fast succession. There are however some breeds domestic that are distinguished perche' able of true and own musical virtuosismi; these breeds are: the Malinois and the Harzer. Wanting however to make a comparison, e' possible to compare, the sounds emitted from the sopracitate canaries pertaining to the two breeds, the chamber music and the song of the wild canaries us to the popular song; for which, puo' easy being understood, that the predilizione for one or the other varieta' e' only questine of tastes. Also in the canaries like in the greater part of the birds, the song e' a prerogative of the males, while the females limit themselves to emit of cinguettii piu' or the little squillanti, than sometimes urges the males to emit canori prorompenti fraseggi. On the capacita' canore they influence numerous factors; between which: those hereditary ones, the just training and attivita' the hormonal one, nonche' the psicofisico state of the same animal. For which e' easy to intuire that the feeding plays a fundamental role; if it heals, rich of vitamins and accompanied from the maintenance in sunny and aired atmosphere it contributes in positive way on the produzine of endocrine glands, rendering piu' the vibrations of appropriate membranes fast. In short it is not had wants to sing if not e' in good health and comfortable atmosphere.



For serinologia s' it better means the science that studies the canaries, or, several the species of uccelletti of the sort Serinus comprising beyond to the so-called the canaries some species with various gross name, but with affinita' generic common. The canaricoltura e' the branch of the serinologia that is taken care of the practical rules of the breeding of these flown them to the state of domesticita'. Affinche' the canaries (features of little or many subjects, does not import) benefits of the best necessary living conditions e' that the ornicoltore has acquaintance and piu' modern methods of breeding as far as razionalita' of the containers, salubrita' of the premises, appropiatezza of the feeding, cures of the eventual pathological states, etc. But e' also opportune that a prepared breeder does not ignore the serinologia slight knowledge that they supply one piu' better completes acquaintance of this kind of apt wingeds consentirgli the foundation than a relationship sensibilizzato with the animals subject to its cures. This relationship would have to always sussistere between the man and the vital manifestations of the nature object of its interest. Slight knowledge on several the species of Serini wild us and on their customs to the free state is indispensable to who means to concur important goals in the field of the canaricoltura through a impegnativo job in fact of selection and reproduction of the flown ones them; draft of slight knowledge that places in a position to not only predisposing in best of the ways the crossings and hybridizations for irrobustire a stock of wingeds, but also to the ambitious fine to bring to it migliorative modifications for anatomo-morphologic characteristic new. E' to think unreasonable dedicating itself to the breeding of the birds - thus like to that one of whichever other kind of animals - without to have before taken cosicenza of the characteristics, the temperament and the habits nonche' of the natural requirements of these winged creatures. Apparte the satisfactions of moral character, and also material, that they can draw from the canaricoltura the competent ornicoltori, e' the intelligent and conscenziosa person to provide itself of a baggage of specific cognitions before undertaking whichever attivita' in particolar way when the attivita' e' tied to of the little creatures, than for how much modest, they deserve the consideration of every civilly aware individual.

The purchase of the canary

Before proceeding allacquisto of flying them it must assess its perfect state of health. The piumaggio to have folto, compound, shining, locchio alive, opened and perfectly round. Lanimale does not have to show thinness or pinguedine and must move liberations, with nature, just vivacit. The spout and the legs do not have to be malformate and these last ones do not have to introduce scagliose (sign of ET excessive advanced or insufficient cures from dellallevatore part), with lacking pustole or nails. In the case of purchase of race subjects it assigns you to the reproduction of canaries from extension, necessary to assess the correspondence of the feathered one to the characteristics of the race, that, where is lacked the necessary practical competence and, cercher to settle down itself confronting lanimale with the design of the standard of which dovr to have fortified itself I nurse dellacquisto and that avr had cure to study previously carefully. Better still if potr to be available on the expert advising dun interested R-al.mercato that one agrees to put into effect. The common canaries find themselves in sale near every uccelleria and lamatore does not have that the difficolt of the choice. In the storees of animals they equally find easy variet less pregia you of the Canary to red factor and sometimes given to reperire good subjects also of expensive devout others breeds. In kind, for, lacquisto of valuable subjects of breeds the preferibile, if not in dispensabile, to address to a sport breeder, of which pu obtaining themselves lindirizzo addressing to unassociazione of ornicoltori or through the small pubblicit dune specialistic review. A good system also that one to visit the extensions of flown ornaments them them that the October months of and December are organized in every region dItalia between; here pu to make acquaintance of breeders dogni species and race of flown them from cage and above all of canaries. It is not never carried out lacquisto near unuccelleria or it raises badly mento held; the trader and lallevatore who neglect the store and the local dbreeders neglect also the health of flown them that vendono.Gli purchases of canaries can be made also for correspondence, being the many raise it Tauruses that practice this type of sale. In such case it before must make sure that the vendor is expert and worthy person of confidence and must also agree that 1a shipment happens with the system devout possible express and that the vendor hurries to perceive the buyer telegraphically dellavvenuta shipment so that to these it is possible to know the day and lora possibly darrivo of they transport containing the flown ones them. Largomento ulteriorly dealt to the voices Spedizioni and Vendite.Quando possible, better to carry out the purchases personal mind. Those who os in visit of ornithological exposures, which sometimes they are bound together of the extension-market exhibiting exemplary in sale outside with course, must watch making soverchio confidence on the qualit well of the exposed subjects. Lespositore has tendency to value the own goods just to dellambiente cause in which ways of offered, and understood often that the asking price tuttaltro that proporzionato a1 real value of the flown ones them. If possible, it convene to abstain concluding endured lacquisto in the room-extension carrying out before the purchase the purchases of canaries can be made also for correspondence, being many the breeders who practice this type of sale. In such case it before must make sure that the vendor is expert and worthy person of confidence and must also agree that 1a shipment happens with the system devout possible express and that the vendor hurries to perceive the buyer telegraphically dellavvenuta shipment so that to these it is possible to know the day and lora possibly darrivo of they transport containing the flown ones them. Largomento ulteriorly dealt to the voices Shipments and Sales. When possible, better to carry out the purchases personal mind. Those who os in visit of exposures ornitologi that, which sometimes they are bound together of the extension-market exhibiting exemplary in sale outside with course, they must watch making soverchio confidence on the qualit well of the exposed subjects. Lespositore has tendency to value the own goods just to dellambiente cause in which ways of offered, and understood often that the asking price tuttaltro that proporzionato a1 real value of the flown ones them. If possible, it convene to abstain concluding endured lacquisto in the room-extension carrying out before the purchase a visit to the breedings of the prechosen exhibitors devout waves to be able to arrange immense chosen dune and to assess altres the hygienic conditions in which they come held the flown ones them and the razionalit dellimpianto. A local dbreeders rations them, perfectly cleaned up, it constitutes a good reference even if naturally it does not guarantee dellonest of the vendor and the qualit of the sold them flown ones. And good norm, when it is acquired near a private one, not to choose endured the canaries, as soon as it is entered in the room dalleva mento, but to leave to pass a po of time in order to give way to the uccelletti to get accustomed to the presence of the visitor, or at least to observe them with calm from a sure distance perch leccitazione that a person stranger provokes in the flown ones them pu sometimes to mask of the mende that teeth only become evi when the feathered ones are not in state of vigilance. Naturally in the uccellerie such precaution becomes superfluous being the flown ones by now accustoms them you to the continuous one andirivieni of lost of strangers. If possible careful mind is observed the canary while sleeps or it is found in state of complete rest: if the tail, anzich remains immovable king, moves getting angry and lowering itself allunisono with the rhythm of the respiration, it wants to say that lanimale affection from a allapparato disturbance breathed river. Other precaution to take in the comparisons of the prechosen subjects with a first examination: after to have made to svolazzare pochino a canary in the cage, one takes in hand approaching it allorecchio waves to assess that it does not have gasping and sibilante breath, symptom of asthma or respiratory dellapparato parasitic disease. Naturally it convene always to prefer young subjects. When the inamovibile ring canary fortified bringing back lanno of birth, not is problems; lacking lanellino, they can be recognized with a po of practical the subjects dellannata from the legs that are covered from particularly soft and thin flakes. The months pin it indicates to you for lacquisto of flown them the dbreeders as the canaries are the last dellanno (from september to December) those cio that they come endured after the riproduttivo period and the dumb one of the piumaggio. Nellacquistare flying them with comes also to inquire itself of regi me to feed which accustomed it, so as to not to subject lanimale beyond that to it changes mento of atmosphere also to that one of vitto; the modifications of the diet go carried out with gradualit.