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The CATS  

in order to demand a race that is not gi between those dealt you write to
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a7.JPG (43315 byte) The cat alive with we from at least 5000 years and does not know if it has entered in ours societ like host or collaborator. however before like hunter of rats and then as animal from company the cat has given and it is giving indeed a lot to us.
A time was considered sacred from the egizi that adored Bestet goddess from the cat head and this civilt many times arrived quite to mummificarli as it made with the Pharaohs.

however sacred or we the cat do not love it for all the affection and the sympathy that he transmits to us without in order being never submitted and always conserving in the heart its instincts of great wild hunter.
The cards of every race will come by hand inserted in these pages, hand that the visitors ce will demand to them, so that our encyclopedia of the cats is in continuous increase becoming an always modernized complete work and.

GATTO EGIZIO.JPG (22865 byte)
Foto:statue in terracotta egizie
dea GATTO.JPG (8155 byte)
Foto:Dea Bastet
Foto:Radiografia of one mummia of cat recovered in Egypt