FCI-Standard N° 140 / 20.04.1998 / GB
UTILIZATION : Companion.
CLASSIFICATION F.C.I. : Group 9 Companion and Toy Dogs.
Section 11 Small Molossian Dogs.
Without working trial.
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GENERAL APPEARANCE : The Boston Terrier is a lively, highly intelligent, smooth coated, short-headed, compactly built, short-tailed, well balanced dog, brindle, seal or black in color and evenly marked with white. The head is in proportion to the size of the dog and the expression indicates a high degree of intelligence. The body is rather short and well knit, the limbs strong and neatly turned, the tail is short and no feature is so prominent that the dog appears badly proportioned. The dog conveys an impression of determination, strength and activity, with style of a high order; carriage easy and graceful. A proportionate combination of « Color and White Markings » is a particularly distinctive feature of a representative specimen.
« Balance, Expression, Colour and White Markings » should be given particular consideration in determining the relative value of general appearance to other points.
The clean-cut short backed body of the Boston Terrier coupled with the unique characteristics of his square head and jaw, and his striking markings have resulted in a most dapper and charming American original : The Boston Terrier.
In a comparison of specimens of each sex, the only evident difference is a slight refinement in the bitch’s conformation.
IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS : The length of leg must balance with the length of body to give the Boston Terrier its striking square appearance. The Boston Terrier is a sturdy dog and must not appear to be either spindly or coarse. The bone and muscle must be in proportion as well as an enhancement to the dog’s weight and structure.
BEHAVIOUR / TEMPERAMENT : The Boston Terrier is a friendly and lively dog. The breed has an excellent disposition and a high degree of intelligence, which makes the Boston Terrier an incomparable companion.
Skull : Square, flat on top, free from wrinkles; brow abrupt.
Stop : Well defined.
Nose : Black and wide, with a well defined line between the nostrils.
Muzzle : Short, square, wide and deep and in proportion to the skull. It is free from wrinkles, shorter in length than in width or depth; not exceeding in length approximately one-third of the length of the skull. The muzzle from stop to end of the nose is parallel to the top of the skull.
Lips : The chops are of good depth, but not pendulous, completely covering the teeth when the mouth is closed.
Jaws/Teeth : Jaws broad and square with short, regular teeth. The bite is even or sufficiently undershot to square the muzzle.
Cheeks : Flat.
Eyes : Wide apart, large, round and dark in color. Set square in the skull and the outside corners are on a line with the cheeks as viewed from the front.
Expression : Alert and kind, indicating a high degree of intelligence. This is a most important characteristic of the breed.
Ears : Small, carried erect, either natural or cropped to conform to the shape of the head and situated as near to the corners of the skull as possible.
NECK : The length of the neck must display an image of balance to the total dog. It is slightly arched, carrying the head gracefully and setting neatly into the shoulders.
BODY : The body should appear short.
Top line : Level.
Back : Just short enough to square the body.
Croup : Curves slightly to the set-on of the tail.
Chest : Deep with good width; ribs well sprung and carried well back to the loins.
TAIL : Set-on low, short, fine and tapering, straight or screw and must not be carried above the horizontal. (Note : The preferred tail does not exceed in length more than one quarter the distance from set-on to hock).
FOREQUARTERS : Forelegs set moderately wide apart and on a line with the upper tip of the shoulder-blades; straight in bone.
Shoulders : Sloping and well laid back, which allows for the Boston Terrier’s stylish movement.
Elbows : Stand neither in nor out.
Pasterns : Short, strong. The dewclaws may be removed.
Forefeet : Small, round and compact, turned neither in nor out, with well arched toes and short nails.
Thighs : Strong, well muscled, and set true.
Stifles : Well bent.
Hocks : Short to the feet, turning neither in nor out, with a well defined hock joint.
Hind feet : Small and compact with short nails.
GAIT / MOVEMENT : The gait of the Boston Terrier is that of a sure footed, straight gaited dog, forelegs and hind legs moving straight ahead in line with perfect rhythm, each step indicating grace and power.
HAIR : Short, smooth, bright and fine in texture.
COLOR : Brindle, seal or black with white markings. Brindle is preferred only if all other qualities are equal. (Note : Seal defined : Seal appears black except it has a red cast when viewed in the sun or bright light).
Required markings : White muzzle band, white blaze between the eyes, white forechest.
Desired markings : White muzzle band, even white blaze between the eyes and over the head, white collar, white forechest, white on part or whole of forelegs and hind legs below the hocks. (Note : a representative specimen should not be penalized for not possessing « Desired Markings ».)
A dog with a preponderance of white on the head or body must possess sufficient merit otherwise to counteract its deficiencies.
Weight is divided by classes as follows :
- under 15 pounds (6,8 kg),
- 15 pounds and under 20 pounds (6,8 to 9 kg),
- 20 pounds and not to exceed 25 pounds (9 to 11,35 kg).
General Appearance 10
Expression 10
Head (Muzzle, Jaw, Bite, Skull & Stop) 15
Eyes 5
Ears 5
Neck, Topline, Body & Tail 15
Forequarters 10
Hindquarters 10
Feet 5
Colour, Coat & Markings 5
Gait 10
FAULTS: Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree.
- Blocky or chunky in appearance.
- Pinched or wide nostrils.
- Eyes showing too much white or haw.
- Size of ears out of proportion to size of head.
- Gaily carried tail.
- Legs lacking in substance.
- Straight in stifle.
- Splay feet.
- Gait rolling, paddling or weaving; hackney gait.
- Wry mouth.
- Any showing of the tongue or teeth when the mouth is closed.
- Roach back or sway back.
- Ribcage slab-sided.
- Gait : Any crossing movement, either front or rear.
- Aggresive or overly shy.
- Dudley nose.
- Eyes blue in color or any trace of blue.
- Docked tail.
- Solid black, solid brindle, or solid seal without required white markings.
- Grey or liver colors.
Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified.
N.B. : Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.
Automatic translate from
General aspect
Intelligent, full dog much of life, covered of smooth hair and has a short head and a morphology that immediately render it identifiable also for a neophyte. Clever Quellaria from and the intelligent look perfectly expresses the features distinguished to you of its character from joyful, careful and always ready companion to follow to you.
The skull squared, lacking in wrinkles and plate in the advanced part. The cheeks are flat, the forehead scoscesa and the stop very marked. The orecchie are small and straight capacities, are left natural, are cut in order to harmonize them to the head. The enough short back, the short, smooth, shining hair and of fine webbing.
Ransom: 10 standards do not supply alcunindicazione of ransom, but it divides the subjects in three categories of weight: light (less than 6,8 kg), means (from 6,8 less than 9 kg), heavy (from 9 to 11,35 kg).
Colors: tigrato dark, with spots white women, clean and equally distributed. Admitted the cape all black with spots white women. Spots ideal white women: front snout, strip white woman in head, collar, chest and limbs (in all or part) and posterior limbs under the garretto.
Tail: attacked low, short, it is lost weight towards the estremit Straight or uncinata, not capacity over horizontal I'.
Defects to avoid
. . Blue eyes or with the blue trace
. . Unicolore cape without the spots demanded white women
. . Cape gray or color liver
General aspect
The general aspect of the Boston Terrier that one of a lively dog, much intelligent one, from the smooth hair, the short head, the compact structure, the short tail, very proporzionato. It has medium ransom, pezzato and uniform spotted cape of white man. The head must proporzionata to the ransom of the dog. And the rather very structured short log; the sturdy limbs and correctly flessi; the short tail. Nobody of the several regions must be predominant to the point to alter the physical equilibrium. The general impression must be that one of a determined, and strongly active dog, with much style; the elegant and melted portamento. One of the important devout elements in the appraisal the corrected spot and combination ' colore' ' ideali'; a subject that introduces a preponderanza of white man on the body or that it does not have the corrected tigrato proportion of and white man on the head must counterbalance these mancanze with other merits. An other important characteristic of the race the expression from Boston Terrier, that it indicates a high degree of intelligence. "Color and spots" and "expression" must be held in particular consideration when the relative value of the other factors regarding the general aspect is determined.
Squared, flat up, without wrinkles; flat cheeks; arched sopracciliari abrupt; stop very defined.
Eyes - Very it distances to you, large and round, of dark color, with expression wide awake, but good and intelligent. The eyes must be cut to you straight in the skull, with the external angles align to you with cheeks, watch rights in ahead.
snout - Short, squared, wide and deep, proporzionato to the skull; without wrinkles; less long that wide and deep; its length does not have to be advanced to approximately a third party of that one of the skull; its width and its profondit are maintained such until to the estremit; the snout, from the stop to the tip of the nose, runs on one line parallel to that advanced one of the skull; tartufo black and wide, with one line very defined between the narici. Wide and squared jaws, with short and regular teeth; they have the same devout length or that leggermente long inferior in order to square the snout. . Le labbra scendono bene senza essere cascanti e coprono perfettamente i denti quando la bocca chiusa.
Orecchie - Capacities erected, stumped in order to conform to the shape of the head or left natural, attacked devout the close possible one to the angles of the skull.
. Difetti della testa - bombato or tilted Skull; furrowed from one median line; skull too much along regarding the width or viceversa; stop too much flat; arched sopracciliari and skull too much tilts to you. . Occhi piccoli o infossati; troppo prominenti; di colore chiaro o affetti da glaucoma; troppo bianco o congiuntiva visibili. Snout to shape of too much little deep wedge or; nasal cane descendant; too much infossata under the eyes; tight or too much wide narici; nose to butterfly; sporgenti teeth; inferior weak person or too much short jaw; wrinkles. . Orecchie mal portate o sproporzionate alla testa.
. Di buona lunghezza, leggermente arcuato, porta elegantemente la testa ed ben unito alle spalle.
. Difetti del collo . - Grosso e pesante; sottile e incavato; giogaia.
Front limbs
Moderately it distances to you and it aligns to you with the tip of the shoulders; they have straight skeleton and good musculature; short and strong pasterns; elbows never turn aside to you n in within n in outside.
Deep and wide thorax; oblique shoulders; short back; deep ribs and very arch, very extended towards kidneys; short and muscolose kidneys; rump leggermente scoscesa until to the junction of the tail; flanks leggermente re-enter to you. . Il tronco deve avere un aspetto corto ma non grossolano.
. Difetti del tronco . - Fianchi piatti; torace stretto; reni lunghe o deboli; dorso inarcato o insellato; ventre troppo rientrato.
Posterior limbs
Solid; flessi to the grasselle; courts from the garretto to the foot; garretti it does not turn aside to you n in within n in outside; strong and muscolose thighs.
feet . - Rotondi, piccoli e compatti, non deviati n in dentro n in fuori; dita ben arcuate.
. Difetti degli arti . - Spalle o gomiti deboli; arti posteriori troppo diritti alle grasselle; garretti troppo prominenti; pasturali lunghi o deboli; piedi piatti.
Attacked low, short, fine and lost weight towards the estremit; straight or turn; it deprives of frange or rough hair; never capacity over the horizontal line.
. Difetti della coda . - Lunga o portata allegramente; deformata o arricciata contro il corpo. . (Nota: lalunghezza ideale non deve superare met della distanza dall'attaccatura al garretto).
. Colore ideale
. Tigrato con macchie bianche. . Il tigrato deve essere ben distribuito e definito. . Le macchie bianche e nere sono ammesse, ma preferito il tigrato con macchie bianche.
. Macchie ideali - Snout front white man, spot homogenous white woman on head, neck, chest, limbs (in part or totally), posterior limbs under the garretto.
. Difetti di colore e macchie - All white man; absence of spots white women; preponderanza of white man on the body; lack of proportion between tigrato and white man on the head; every varying that modification of the general aspect involves one.
. Pelo corto, liscio, lucido, fine.
Defects of the cape . - Lungo o ruvido; non lucido.
Not advanced to 11,25 kg, subdivided in the following classes: light, under the 6,75 kg; means, between the 6,75 and 9 kg; heavy, over the 9 kg and not beyond the 11,25 kg. . Squalifiche Tutto nero; nero e focato; color fegato o color topo. . Muso inconsistente. . Coda mozza o altri interventi artificiali per ingannare il giudice.
sailing point
. L'andatura del Boston Terrier diritta e sicura. . Gli arti anteriori e posteriori si muovono ben allineati e con un ritmo perfetto, dando impressione di forza ed eleganza.
. Difetti dell'andatura . - L'andatura non deve avere alcuna traccia di rullio o saltelli o ondeggiamenti. . I movimenti incrociati, sia dell'anteriore che del posteriore, sono un difetto grave.
. I maschi devono avere due testicoli di aspetto normale, ben scesi nello scroto.
. Standard FCI n.140/c
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