Scientific name: Uraeginthus angolensis
English name: Cordon - bleu
E' a species much similar one to the cordon blue with which it shares the life habits. Often it comes imported with to cordon blue because of the fact that the areali of spread are overlapped above all provoking confusion between the females that are much similar in the two species.
I know Tom, Cabinda, the Congo, southern part of the Zaire, it leave northern of Angola and the Zimbabwe and it leave western north of the Zambia.
E' diffused in smaller way regarding the "cousins" Cordon - blue but like this last not difficult one to sight it while nutre to the edges of the villages.
E' a long bird around to 12,5 13 cm. livery of the male much similar one to that one of cordon blue cheeks, the advanced part of the chest and the flanks and the tail is of a beautiful one tonalit of blue, the advanced parts are tawny and ventre color the chamois. It lacks the red spot on the cheek. The female introduces devout the blue parts is less extend and than one tonalit faded.
The young people are similar the females but they introduce the dark spout completely.
No breeding to signal
if you want to know like signaling yours, contacts:
It needs of the same cures of the cordon blue.
we thank the breeding agate in order to have to us supplied this card