The cat an animal that ' it knows vivere': morigerato in the feeding, it sleeps for a considerable number of hours, cures the pulizia of just the body, search calm places and salubri, it does not love the crowdings and it prefers to have too many own contacts with simili.Ai fine of the prevention of the diseases the all these positive habits are not obvious mind, but us in spite of also the cats they are become ill. The frequent devout diseases can be subdivided in three large groupings, base to you on the so-called eziologico agent and cio on the type of responsible: virus;batterio or parasite.
The virus they are so small from not being able to be seen with the common microscopes, gives origin to diseases turns characterized them from elevated contagiosit course express, difficolt of cure with means today disponibili.I bacteria they are visible to the microscope, they are responsible of contagious diseases talora that can for being controlled with the employment of antibiotics and sulfamidici. You adorned to you are often visible also by rough estimate knot, some can pass directly from cat to cat, others demand a so-called ' host intermedio' and cio an other animal on which completing part of just the vital cycle; it gives place to diseases to passed along, little diffusive.FROM THIS PAGE CLICCANDO On the MENU On the left Of the SCREEN YOU WILL BE ABLE TO VISUALIZE PATHOLOGIES Or the TRAUMI THAT INTEREST To YOU TO VISUALIZE OTHERWISE YOU WRITE To OUR VETERINARY PAUL BIONDANI CLICCANDO ON THE BELOW KEY.
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