example of disease turns them, manifest with the appearance of
nodosit isolated or verrucose proliferations to level of the body
and the fins. The contagio pu to happen for through of the
ectoparassiti ones. Therapy does not exist; tutt' to devout the
possible one, in the fish of elevated economic value with boccali
lesions that prevent to I' feeding, to remove the tubercoli, previa
anesthesia, with liquid nitrogen. The hit fish must be isolate to
you until happened guarigione. The passed one in benign kind.
of the fins Caused
from devout bacterial agents, one typical disease tied to the
atmosphere and the state of stress. Pu to hit whichever species.
Usual mind appears after the transport or later on alI' breaking in
in Aquarius popolati from species heterogenous care the behavior and
the ransom. The insorgence characterized from small irregolarit
along the margin of the fins. In short time necrotici phenomena take
part that, if it does not cure to you, carry to the passing of the
fins and the peduncolo tail. The best ones turn out therapeutic are
obtained to you with medicati baths of ossitetraciclina to the dose
of 25 mg/L repeated for 5 consecutive days.
from a bacterium, the Aeromonas salmonicida, typical of the
sovrappopolati Aquarius and in predecay hygienic-sanitary
conditions. The veicolato pathogenic agent from the water. possible
an acute, characterized shape from unexpected mortalit and the
absence of external symptoms and a chronic shape in which the
typical purulent cutaneous foruncoli appear degenerating in
abscesses. Usually the zone devout hit those adjacent fins chest
straps. The therapy is based on the use of ossitetraciclina in bath
or for os and of sulfamidici.
disease of the Anabantidi
provoked it from a bacterium, Pseudomonas fluorescens, hits the
Anabantidi mostly; be marked also in the Caracidi and the Ciclidi.
Of usual with outcome infausto, recognizable from the appearance of
spots all the body is white women is red long blood. An effective
treatment does not exist.
bacterial disease All
are hit pressoche the species. The slow and manifest evolution
essentially with asthenia and general dimagramento with increase of
the volume of the abdomen for I accumulate of liquid (ascites). AII'
autopsy the kidneys introduce necrosis zones. Antibiotic of I'
election eritromicina.
disease Acting
L ' infecting a micobatterio. Predisposing factors ARE the
sovrappopolazione and I' I accumulate of deiezioni with with
following increase of ammonia and irritation of the epithelium of
the row branchial minds: The hit fish become apati to us and stop to
feed themselves. The branchial filaments inspessiscono, become
edemato with small emorragiche specks. Se' does not take part in
time the funzionalit branchial compromised and sopravviene the dead
women for asphyxia. Saprolegnosi
caused from fungi that develop themselves on organic material in
decomposition; the cutaneous wounds very are lend like land of
very devout mycoses of the previous one, hit the inner organs
(liver, deep muscular layer, brain, etc.) carrying a.morte the hit
animal, in short time. The diagnosis introduces remarkable difficolt
being the sintom I
to other diseases. At first the hit animal introduces Dimagramento
and easy affaticabilit in short the pauses on the bottom of the
Aquarius they become devout frequent and of I do not shave are added
to one difficolt in the swim with loss of the equilibrium. Also the
cute pu to be interested and in such case itintroduces lesions of
ulcerativo type. Given to the effective drug lack and the
transmission of the ictiosporidio from fish to fish through watery
means, the only one possibilit that it remains to ill-fated
acquariofilo the ' putting in secco' of the bathtub with total
destruction of fish and vegetables.
agent motive a protozoo of small dimensions (0,5-1 milimeter) in a
position to independently moving in the water thanks to numerous '
ciglia' with propulsive function. The feared target of election
constituted from the cute where incista provoking typical lesions
whitish and found similar to a chicco of rice. 13iunta to
maturation, the cysts are opened leaving the new ones free adorned
to you that to they time penetrates in the cute of other fish.
Ictioftirio L ' much sensitive one to formalin and the green
malachite, for which with draft minds repeated possible to eliminate
it in definitive way. Examitiasi
frequent like the previous one, it comes brought back in these short
notes which internal example of parasatisms. The protozoo in issue,
I' Hexamita, usually introduced nelI' Aquarius food is veicolato col
is through the vegetables. Ingested from the host it is multiplied
in its intestine and it comes then expelled with I made them in the
atmosphere. Also in this case the symptomatology not sufficiently
specific in order to allow one precise diagnosis. The anorexia and
the emphasized dimagramento can make to suspect the presence of the
parasite, found in any case for means of the examination of only
made. As therapy election drug the Carbazone somministrato with the
food to the concentration of the 0.2%.
Other parasatisms present in Aquarius how much in free waters,
supported from a small crustacean, I' Argulus. Equipped of you hang
to us apt to berth itself to the body of the fish, provokes a most
intense irritation with consequent pruritus. The hit fish then are
maintained in one be of perennial agitation and will try to get rid
of the parasite with continuous rubbings against every possible
obstacle, until procurarsi wounded also deep. The scadimento of the
general state which had to stress makes s that the parassitato fish
is never receptive how much to germs of secondary irruption. If I'
not massive infestazione pu to try itself of
Diseases of the
The filaments fungini invade the cells of the epidermide penetrating
in profondit until catching up also the muscular woven one.
Unmistakable symptom the presence on the cutaneous surface of
airframes of cottony aspect with tendency to extend in short time
also as a result of the requirement of the fish of sfregarsi against
every obstacle for the feeling of annoyance provocatagli from
micosi.Il the treatment pu being is local, with iodato alcool
brush-works, is general, for means of chloride baths of sodio to 3%
or green malachite. In any case it goes always avoided the
manipulation not corrected of the healthy subjects; removing for
abrasion the infection mucus the possibilit they increase