Scientific Name: Sanguinea Kakatoe
Family: Psittacidae
Sottofamiglia: Kakatoeinae
Dimension: From the tip of the spout to the tip of the tail measure approximately 35 Cm
Spread: In nature alive in desert territories in the heart of Australia.
Behavior: It lives in flocks that can be truly giganteschi assembling of long preference the water course.
She nests in cavit of trees placing to the maximum 3 eggs.
In Cattivit: It goes fed beyond that with it eats specific also with fruit and verdura to me.
In cattivit it must fornirgli a large log cable or a small house nest where to pass the night or to repair themselves when it wants to be left single.
And one of cacatua the devout domestic servants and that devout easy it succeeds to reproduce the human voice.
If the procuriamo often of freschi coppers we will avoid that "rosicchi" the supports and the objects to the inside of the voliera or however to its disposition.
No breeding to signal
if you want to know like signaling yours, contacts:
REPRODUCTION in cattivit: enough simple if it has to disposition a great voliera and a nest adapted.
Reperibilit: not easy reperibile and it has a rather elevated cost.