The variet of color they are most numerous and impossible to list them all. As a result of mutations and crossings, from the original one Undulated of tintaverde derived infinit a range of colors.
in the photo the cocorite ones of eva
Variet the Greens are: clear, green green dark, green olive and green gray.
Then there are the blue Pappagallini in various shadings: blue sky, cobalt and malva.
Beautifulst also the subjects Viola, the Yellows, the White men and the Lutini and the Albinos who find themselves frequently.
Several the factors can be arranged in order as an example to modify the design of the head or the wings. The Pappagallino has a black design normally, but have been clearly raise you of the introducing subjects a tawny design (cinnamon) in all the series of colors. The Pappagallini that they have only a vague design on the head and is lacking in the undulations on the back (that it introduces the same coloration of the body) are calls "Opalini to you".
We have only listed some to you variet of color and one recommends to all the amatori to make of the personal experiences waves to obtain the preferred colors. Only when the amatore potr to decide of a good theoretical preparation and a sure experience potr to achieve of turns out realizes to you and is of proud. If one desires to hold only Undulated like animal a sufficient company to acquire of sturdy and a healthy one, but if it is desired to dedicate on the credit side breeding necessary to enter in possession of subjects that posseggano all requirement demands give it standard; only the perfect braces will allow to obtain one stock of great value. We give to hour some signal on the standard: the length must be of cm 21,5 approximately (the general tendency to obtain subjects of always greater size); the length of the wings must be the 2/5 of the total length of the winged; in state of rest the wings must join perfectly to the body and put down on the codione (the coccige of the birds), but not be intercrossed to the tips; the head must be wide, round and much convex one, the head of the less convex female; the mask introduces 6 small tondeggianti spots on the throat uniform spaced, 4 visible ones and 2 disappearing in mark guanciali; these small spots must be wide, but not too much, constituting a serious defect it is the excessive largeness that the excessive minutezza); the color must clearly be and of uniform shading. |