Scientific Name: Forpus coelestis
Family: Psittacidae
Sottofamiglia: Psittacinae
Dimension: This small long parrot approximately 12 cm
Spread: original of many regions of the Equador and of For
Behavior: It lives in small flocks in the scrubs, the forest but also in the dry devout zones.
Nutre above all of fruit and seeds
No breeding to signal
if you want to know like signaling yours, contacts: marketing@inseparabile.it
In Cattivit: It lives well on condition that composed varied diet comes to it guaranteed one gives: scagliola, mile, oats, panic in ear and verdura.
Like shelter in order to pass to the night serving one small house nest prefabbricata of those for cocorite.
Pu living with birds of other species to the inside of the same voliera.
REPRODUCTION in cattivit: it is reproduced with facilit.
Reperibilit: in commerce enough easy to find.