



FCI-Standard N° 287  / 01.09.1997/GB


ORIGIN : Australia.


UTILIZATION : As the name applies the dog’s prime function, and one in which he has no peer, is the control and movement of cattle in both wide open and confined areas.  Always alert, extremely intelligent, watchful, courageous and trustworthy, with an implicit devotion to duty making it an ideal dog.

CLASSIFICATION F.C.I. :   Group 1            Sheepdogs and                                    Cattledogs, except                    Swiss Mountain and                                                   Cattledogs.
                                               Section 2          Cattledogs (except                   Swiss Mountain-and                 Cattledogs).
                                               Without working trial.

GENERAL APPEARANCE : The general appearance is that of strong, compact, symmetrically built working dog, with the ability and willingness to carry out his allotted task however arduous.  Its combination of substance, power, balance and hard muscular condition must convey  the impression of great agility, strength and endurance.  Any tendency  to grossness or weediness is a serious fault. 

BEHAVIOUR/TEMPERAMENT : The Cattle Dog’s loyalty and protective instincts make it a self-appointed guardian to the stockman, his herd and his property.  Whilst naturally suspicious of strangers, must be amenable to handling, particularly in the show ring.  Any feature of temperament or structure foreign to a working dog must be regarded as a serious   fault.

HEAD : The head is strong and must be in balance with other proportions of the dog and in keeping with its general conformation.

Skull : The broad skull is slightly curved between the ears.
Stop : The skull flattens to a slight but definite stop.

Nose : Black.
Muzzle : Broad and well filled in under the eyes, tapering gradually to form a medium length, deep, powerful muzzle with the skull and muzzle on parallel planes.
Lips : Tight and clean.
Cheeks : Muscular, neither coarse nor prominent.
Teeth : The teeth, sound, strong and evenly spaced, gripping with a scissor-bite, the lower incisors close GO BACK TO LIST and just touching the upper.  As the dog is required to move difficult cattle by heeling or biting, teeth which are sound and strong are very important.
Underjaws : Strong, deep and well developed.
Eyes : The eyes should be of ovale shape and medium size, neither prominent nor sunken and must express alertness and intelligence. 
A warning  or suspicious glint is characteristic when approached by strangers.  Eye colour : dark brown.
Ears : The ears should be of moderate size, preferably small rather than large, broad at the base, muscular, pricked and moderately pointed, neither spoon not bat eared.  The ears are set wide apart on the skull, inclining outwards, sensitive in their use and pricked when alert ; the leather should be thick in texture and the inside of the ear fairly well furnished with hair. 

NECK : the neck is extremely strong, muscular and of medium length broadening to blend into the body and free from throatiness.

BODY : The length of the body from the point of the breast bone , in a straight line to the buttocks, is greater than the height at the withers, as 10 is to 9.  The topline is level.
Back : Strong.
Loins : Broad, strong and muscular.  Dog strongly coupled.
Croup : Rather long and sloping.
Chest : Deep, muscular and moderately broad.
Ribs : Well sprung and carried well back, not barrel ribbed.
Flanks : Deep.

TAIL : The set on of the tail is moderately low, following the contours of the sloping croup and of length to reach approximately to the hock.  At rest, it should hang in a very slight curve.  During movement or excitement the tail may be raised, but under no circumstances should any part of the tail be carried past a vertical line drawn through the root.  The tail should carry a good brush.


FOREQUARTERS : The forelegs have strong, round bone, extending to the feet and should be straight and parallel, viewed from the front.
Shoulders : The shoulders are strong, sloping, muscular  and well angulated to the upper arm and should not be too closely set at the point of the withers.  Although the shoulders are muscular and the bone is strong, loaded shoulders and heavy fronts will hamper correct movement and limit working ability.
Pastern : Pasterns should show flexibility with a slight  angle to the forearm when viewed from the side.

HINDQUARTERS : The hindquarters are broad, strong and muscular.  When viewed from GO BACK TO LIST, the hind legs, from the hocks to the feet, are straight and placed parallel, neither close nor too wide apart. 
Thighs : Long, broad and well developed.
Stifles : Well turned.
Hocks : Strong and well let down.
Feet : The feet should be round and the toes, short, strong, well arched and held close together.  The pads are hard and deep, and the nails must be short and strong. 

GAIT/MOVEMENT : The action is true, free, supple and tireless and the movement of the shoulders and forelegs is in unison with the powerful thrust of the hindquarters.  The capability of quick and sudden movement is essential.  Soundness is of paramount importance and stiltiness, loaded or slack shoulders, straight, shoulder placement, weakness at elbows, pasterns or feet, straight stifles, cow or bow hocks, must be regarded as serious faults.  When trotting the feet tend to come closer together at the ground level as  speed increases, but when the dog comes to rest he should stand four square.


No breeding to signal
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HAIR : The coat is smooth, a double coat with a short, dense undercoat.  The outer coat is close, each hair straight, hard and lying flat, so that it is rain-resisting.  Under the body to GO BACK TO LIST the legs, the coat is longer and forms near the thigh a mild form of breeching.  On the head ( including the inside of the ears), to the front of the legs and feet, the hair is short.  Along the neck it is longer and thicker.  A coat either too long or too short is a fault.  As an average, the hairs on the body should be from 2,5 to 4 cm ( approx. 1-1 ½) in length. 


  • Blue : The colour should be blue, blue mottled or blue speckled with or without other markings.  The permissible markings are black, blue or tan markings on the head, evenly distributed for preference.  The forelegs tan midway up the legs and extending up the front to breast  and throat, with tan on jaws ; the hindquarters tan on inside of hindlegs, and inside of thighs, showing down the front  and the stifles and broadening out to the outside of the hindlegs from hocks to toes.  Tan undercoat is permissible on the body providing it does not show through the blue outer coat.  Black markings on the body are not desirable.
  • Red speckle : the colour should be of good even red speckle all over, including the undercoat, (neither white or cream), with or without darker red markings on the head.  Even head markings are desirable.  Red markings on the body are permissible but not desirable.



Height : The height at the withers should be Dogs 46 to 51 cm,           (approx. 18-20 inches).  Bitches 43  to 48 cm ; ( approx. 17-19 inches).

FAULTS : Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree.

N.B. : Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

Automatic translate from

the structure

Its strong and compact structure, the symmetrical corporatura. It encloses in if a robustness compound power and equilibrium, with sturdy musculature. It must give the impression of great agilit and resistance.
Its job the conduction of the herds. Continuously alert and careful, intelligent and brave, extremely faithful and devout person to the mistrustful master but in the comparisons of the strangers.


. Il cranio largo, leggermente convesso tra gli orecchi. . Lo stop non molto accentuato; le guance muscolose ma non piene. . Il muso di media lunghezza, potente, con labbra asciutte e ben chiuse. . Il tartufo nero, gli occhi marrone scuro. . Gli orecchi, di dimensioni contenute, hanno base larga e sono eretti. . Il pelo non n troppo lungo n troppo corto; liscio, fitto, ruvido e aderente al corpo,

. Taglia: l'altezza al garrese dei maschi va da 46 a 51 cm; delle femmine da 43 a 48.

. Colori: blu, pieno o screziato, con o senza macchie di altre tonalit

. Cada: inserita piuttosto bassa; a riposo pende lievemente incurvata e non supera il garretto.

Defects to avoid .

  . Taglia al disopra o al disotto dei limiti.

  . Temperamento o struttura inadatti al lavoro.

  . Spalle fragili o pesanti o troppo diritte.

  . Gomiti, pasturali o piedi deboli.

  . Grassella diritta o garretti cagnoli o vaccini.

. razza richiesta da FABRIZIO S. (VR)



ORIGIN: Australia

I USE: as it indicates its name, the primary function of this dog, in which unparalleled, to lead the cattle, it is in the open spaces that in narrow areas. Always wide awake, extremely intelligent, supervising, brave and worthy of confidence, its absolute devoluzione to the job in ago the ideal dog.

. Gruppo 1 : cani da pastore e bovari (eccetto i bovari svizzeri)
. Sezione 2: bovari
Without job test

General aspect: the general aspect that one of a dog from strong, compact job, of harmonious construction, that it has capacit and desire to acquit the tasks to which devolven, for how much hard they is. Its substance, its power, the equilibrium of its shapes and the qualit of its muscles must concur to giving an impression of large agilit, force and resistance. . Qualsiasi tendenza a sembrare pesante o a mancanza di sostanza costituisce un difetto grave.

. COMPORTAMENTO/CARATTERE: fedelt del the shepherdesses Australian and its instinct of protection of it make a guardiano without par del cattle, del its football and goddesses its assets.

. La testa forte, dritta, in armonia con le altre proporzione del cane e corrisponde alla conformazione generale.

. largo, leggermente convesso fra le orecchie.
Stop: . il cranio diviene via via piatto dirigendosi verso uno stop leggero, ma ve

Region makes them
. nero.
. Musello: . largo del riempite sotto gli occhi, si assottiglia gradualmente verso la canna nasale.
Nasal Cane: . lunghezza media, alta, potente, parallela alla linea del cranio.
Labbra: . asciutte e ben disegnate.
Cheeks: . muscolose, non grossolane n prominenti.
. Mascelle/denti: . mascella forte, spessa e ben sviluppata; denti sani, regolarmente distanziati, articolazione a forbice. . Come richiesto ai cane da pastore, la dentatura deve essere in eccellente condizioni.
Eyes: . di forma ovale e dimensioni medie, non prominente n infossati fra le orbite. . Devono esprimere vivacit e intelligenza tipiche di questa razza. . All'avvicinarsi di forestieri caratteristico vedervi un velo di avvertimento o diffidenza. . Colore marrone scuro.
ORECCHIE: of moderated ransom, large, wide small rather than to the base, muscolose, erected, moderately appuntite, not to shape of spoon n to shape of bat wing. . Ben distanziate alla base, si inclinano verso l'esterno. . Sensibile minimo rumore ed erette quando il cane attento. . Il padiglione deve essere spesso e l'interno molto ben fornito di pelo.

NECK: . estremamente forte, muscoloso, di lunghezza media, si allarga per fondersi col corpo. . Fanoni assenti.

. La lunghezza del corpo, dalla punta dello sterno a quella della natica, superiore all'altezza al garrese nella proporzione di 10/9.
. Linea del dorso: . orizzontale.
Back: strongly.
Chest: . ben disceso, muscoloso e di larghezza moderata. . Costole ben cinturate e ben sviluppate all'indietro, ma non a tonneau.
. Regione lombare: . larga e muscolosa e forte. . Regione dorso lombare solidamente attaccata.
Rump: . lunga e inclinata.

TAIL: . l'attacco della coda moderatamente basso, in continuazione del contorno della groppa inclinata. . Lunghe circa fino al garretto. . Riposo, pende formando una curva molto leggera. In action or when the excited dog, pu is raised, but in any case no part of the tail must exceed the vertical one that passes for its attack. . Dotata di pelo abbondante (spazzola).

Front limbs
. Gli anteriori sono dotati di ossatura forte e rotonda fino ai piedi. . Devono essere forte e paralleli visti di fronte.
Shoulders: . forti, oblique, muscolose, ben angolate rapporto al braccio e non troppo ravvicinate alla sommit del garrese. Bench the shoulder is muscolosa and of strong skeleton, the loaded shoulder and heavy is a defect for the execution of corrected movements, that they limit the attitude to the job.
. Metacarpi: . soffici, visti di profilo, leggero angolo rispetto all'avambraccio.
Posterior limbs
. Larghi, forti e muscolosi. . Visti da dietro, in posteriori, del garretto ai piedi, sono dritti e paralleli, non chiusi n troppo aperti.
Thighs: . lunga, larga e ben sviluppata.
. Grassella: . ben angolata.
Garretto: . forte e ben disceso.

FEET: . i piedi devono esser rotondi e con dita corte, forti, ben arcuate e ben serrate. . I cuscinetti sono duri e spessi. . Le unghie devono essere corte e forti.

. ANDATURE: . andatura franca, sciolta, soffice e facile. . Il movimento delle spalle e degli anteriori in armonia con la spinta potente dei posteriori. . Bisogna assolutamente che l'azione possa essere rapida e scattante. of primary importance that dog is healthy of constitution, while the step I shave, the loaded shoulder or badly attacked, the straight shoulder, the elbows, metacarpi or the feet weak people, the angle of grassella too much the open, garretti the vaccine or arch to you must be consider you like serious defects. To the trot, of feet they have tendency to approach itself level of the ground, as the velocit increases, to but when the dog immobilizes the four limbs must be in perpendicularly.

. il pelo liscio, doppio, con sottopelo corto e denso. . Il pelo di copertura serrato, con peli lisci, duri e coricati a piatto, cos da essere impermeabile. Under the body, until the posterior part of the limbs, the hair devout along and form near the coscie one risen of coulotte without excess. . Sulla testa (ivi compreso l'interno delle orecchie) e nella parte anteriore degli arti e dei piedi, il pelo corto. . Sul collo, pi lungo e spesso. . Il pelo troppo lungo o troppo corto un difetto. . In media sul corpo deve avere la lunghezza fra i 2, 5 e 4 cm.
. Colore : . blu: il colore deve essere blu, blu marmorizzato o blu macchiettato, con o senza marchi. . I marchi ammessi sono macchie nere, blu o focate sulla testa, di preferenza equamente ripartite. The front ones are of color fire until met height, with the focato color that extends on until the pettorina and to the throat, with spots focate on the musello. Color focato to the inside of the front limbs and to the inside of thighs, that it appears on of the grassella and increases towards the outside of the posterior limbs from the garretto the fingers. . Ammesso sottopelo fulvo sul collo purch non sia visibile attraverso il pelo di copertura blu. . Non sono ricercate macchie nere sul corpo.
Red with black spots: the color must be formed from small fairly shared red spots, comprised the sottopelo that not n white man n cream, devout red Spots of tonalit dark on the head. . Ricercate macchie ugualmente ripartite sulla testa. . Le macchie rosse sul corpo sono ammesse ma non ricercate.


. Maschi: 46 - 51 cm
. Femmine: 43 - 48 cm

. Ogni scarto da quanto sopra deve essere considerato un difetto da penalizzare in funzione della sua gravit

N.B. . I maschi devono avere i testicoli di aspetto normale completamente discesi nello scroto.