ITALIAN GREYHOUND (Piccolo Levriero Italiano)
In the two lateral photos we see magnificent copy ROMEDIO VERTRAGUS MIR
FCI-Standard N° 200 / 17. 06. 1998 / GB
TRANSLATION : Mrs. Peggy Davis.
ORIGIN : Italy.
UTILIZATION : Racing dog.
CLASSIFICATION F.C.I. : Group 10 Sighthounds.
Section 3 Short-haired Sighthounds.
Without working trial.
BRIEF HISTORICAL SUMMARY : The little Italian Greyhound descends from small-sized greyhounds which already existed in ancient Egypt at the court of the Pharaohs. Passing through Laconie (Greece), where numerous representations on vases and bowls confirm this, the breed arrived in Italy at the outset of the 5th century BC. Its greatest development occured during the era of the Renaissance at the court of the nobles. It is not rare to find the Italian Greyhound represented in the paintings of the greatest Italian and foreign masters.
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GENERAL APPEARANCE : Of an elongated shape, its body fits into a square and its forms recall, in miniature, those of the Greyhound and the Sloughi. May be considered as a model of grace and distinction.
IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS : Its length is equal or only just inferior to the height at the withers. Length of skull is equal to half the length of the head. Length of head can reach the 40% of the height at the withers.
BEHAVIOUR / TEMPERAMENT : Reserved, affectionate, docile.
HEAD : Of elongated shape and narrow; its length can attain 40% of the height at the withers.
Skull : Flat with the superior axes of the skull and muzzle parallel. Length of the skull is equal to half the length of the head. Lower orbital region well chiselled.
Stop : Frontal nasal depression only very slightly marked.
Nose : Of a dark colour, preferably black, with well opened nostrils.
Muzzle : Pointed.
Lips : Thin and tight, with edges of lips very darkly pigmented.
Jaws/Teeth : Jaws elongated with well aligned incisors crown shape, strong in relation to size of dog. Teeth sound and complete, set square to the jaws; scissor bite.
Cheeks : Lean.
Eyes : Large and expressive, neither deep-set nor protruding. Iris of dark colour, eyelid rims pigmented.
Ears : Set very high, small, with fine cartilage, folded in itself and carried well back on the nape and upper part of the neck. When the dog is attentive, the base of the ear is erected and the lobe tends to stand out laterally on the horizontal, position commonly known as « flying ears » or « propeller ears ».
Profile : Upper line slightly arched and broken at its base towards the withers.
Length : Equal to that of the head.
Shape : Truncated cone, well muscled.
Skin : Lean and without dewlap.
BODY : Its length is equal or barely inferior to the height at the withers.
Topline : Straight profile with arched dorsal-lumbar region. The lumbar curve merging harmoniously in the line of the rump.
Withers : Quite well defined.
Back : Straight, well muscled.
Croup : Very sloping, wide and muscled.
Chest : Narrow, deep, let down to the elbows.
TAIL : Low set, fine even at base, tapering progressively to its tip. It is carried low and straight in its first half, the 2nd half curved. Pulled up between the thighs towards the topline, it should surpass the level of the hip-bone slightly. Covered with short hair.
FOREQUARTERS : On the whole straight and vertical with lean muscles.
Shoulder : Very slightly sloping with well developed, lean and salient muscles.
Upper arm : With a very open scapular-humeral angle, and of a parallel direction to the median plane of the body.
Elbows : Neither out nor tied-in at elbows.
Forearm : Length of the limb measured from ground to elbow just slightly longer than the distance from elbow to the withers; very lightly boned; forearm in perfect vertical position as much from the front as in profile.
Pastern : In the prolonged vertical line of the forearm; seen in profile it is a little slanting.
Forefoot : Of almost oval shape, small, with arched and closely-knit toes. Pads pigmented. Nails black or dark according to coat colour or that of the foot, where white is tolerated.
HINDQUARTERS : Seen from GO BACK TO LIST on the whole straight and parallel.
Upper thigh : Long, lean, not voluminous, with very distinct muscles.
Second thigh : Very sloping, with fine bone structure and well apparent groove in leg muscle.
Hock and metatarsal : In prolongation of a vertical line drawn from the ischial tuber.
Hindfoot : Less oval than the forefoot, with arched and closely-knit toes; pads and nails pigmented like the forefoot.
GAIT / MOVEMENT : Springy, harmonious, no hackney gaiting (high-stepping). Gallop fast with sharp spring.
SKIN : Fine and tight on all parts of the body except for the elbows where it is slightly less tight.
HAIR : The hair is short and fine all over the body without the slightest trace of fringes.
COLOUR : Self-coloured in black, grey, slate grey and yellow (in Italian = Isabella) in all possible shades. White is tolerated only on the chest and feet.
Height at the withers : males and females from 32 to 38 cm.
Weight : Males and females : maximum 5 kg.
FAULTS : Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree.
- Continous ambling.
- Hackney or highstepping movement.
- Aggresive or overly shy.
- Accentuated convergence or divergence of the facial-cranial axes.
- Nose totally or half depigmented.
- Nasal bridge concave or convex.
- Overshot or undershot mouth.
- Wall eye; total depigmentation of eyelid rims.
- Tail carried over the back; anury or short tail, whether congenital or artificial.
- Dewclaws.
- Multicoloured coat; white except in chest and feet as mentioned above.
- Size below 32 cm or over 38 cm, as well in males as in females.
Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified.
N.B. : Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.
Automatic translate from
General aspect
Nellantico Egypt near the courts of the Pharaohs comes down from the Levrieri of great ransom, gi present. Through the Laconia (Greece) - as they testify many raffigurazioni of the ceramics of that period it would have reached in Italy is from century V to. C. Its maximum development laughed them to the Rinascimento, near the nobiliari courts: not rare to find represented it in the paintings of the greater Italian and foreign Masters of the rinascimento.
Dolicomorfo (the length of the head pu to catch up 40% dellaltezza to the garrese). its log (of equal length or hardly inferior allaltezza to the garrese) is in the square. Pu to dirsi a model of grace and distinction.
Its shapes remember, if also in miniatura, those of the Greyhound and the Sloughi.
Official standard e.n.c.i.
General aspect of the dog
Dolicomorfo, its log is in the square and its shapes remember in miniature those of the Greyhound and the Sloughi. Pu to be defined a model of grace and distinction.
Important proportions
Height: Minim 32 principle 38 cm. The maximum weight 5 kg. The length of the head pu to catch up 40% of the Height.
Behavior and character
Classified, affectionate, docile.
Dolicocefala, its length pu to catch up 40% of the Height.
Cranial region
Flat skull with aces skull-facciali between they parallels. The length of the equal skull to met of the total length of the head. Region sottorbita them with good chisel.
Marked depression the least nose-facade.
Region makes them
with very open narici and dark pigmentazione, of black preference. Snout: appuntito with labiali margins very it pigments to you in dark, labbra thin and adherent to the jaw.
Lengthened, with I recorded forming crown to you, sturdy in connection with the ransom.
You heal and complete with perpendicular system to the jaws; closing of I recorded to you to scissor.
Large, expressed to you, with sporgente bulb infossato some. Dark Iride. Palpebral margins pigment to you.
Inserted very up, small with thin cartilages. E' folded on if same and carried GO BACK TO LIST on the nape and the posterior part of the neck. In attention first part comes erected and the laterally held advanced part in horizontal sense "to roof".
Advancedly leggermente arch with abrupt insertion to the garrese.
Par to that one of the head.
Troncoconica. muscolosa.
Dry and it deprives of giogaia.
Its equal or hardly inferior length to the Height.
Advanced line
Straight with arch back-lumbar region. The lumbar arc is melted harmonically with the line of the rump.
Enough pronounced
Rectum, very muscoloso with thorax come down until to the elbows and deep.
A lot scoscesa, wide and muscolosa.
Inserted low, aim also to the root goes streamlining itself until the tip. E' low and rectilinear capacity in its before met in order then ricurvarsi in its second one. Made to pass between the posterior limbs and pulled up towards the hip it must surpass it little. Its shaved hair.
Front limbs
In together: well in perpendicularly with dry musculature.
Little oblique with muscles very it develops to you, clean and salienti.
With bachelor-humeral angle much open and direction parallel to the median plan of the body.
Of sporgenti of re-entering.
The height from earth to the little greater elbow of the Height, the lightest skeleton in perfect vertical position is of forehead that of profile.
It somewhat follows the vertical line of the forearm and fiesso if seen of profile.
Of shape nearly oval, small with arched and joined fingers between they. Plantari bearings pigment to you. Black or dark nails in connection with the color of the mantle and to the white man to the tolerated foot that.
Posterior limbs
In together: in perpendicularly if seen they give GO BACK TO LIST.
, dry and not long voluminosa with muscles clearly uniforms between they.
Much tilting with fine skeleton and very obvious gambale channel.
Garretto and metatarso
They are found on the vertical one of the extension of the line of buttocks.
Little oval of the front one with arched and joined fingers between they, plantari bearings and nails very pigmented like the front ones.
Sailing points
Elastic, harmonic and not steppante. Fast gallop and releasing.
Thin and very adherent in every region of the body to exception of the elbows where leggermente rilassata.
Shaved and fine in every region of the body without the minimum I point out of frangiatura.
Unicolore, black, gray, slate and isabella in all the gradazioni. The white man only tolerated to the chest and the feet.
Ransom and weight
Males and females from 32 to 38 cm.
Males and females maximum 5 kg. The males must very have two testicoli of normal aspect and reductions in the scroto.
Every shunting line of the characteristics indicated in the description of the several regions constitutes a defect, that it must be penalized in the judgment in connection with its gravit and to its spread, cos like continued Ambio and the steppante sailing point or playing arpeggios.
Eliminatori defects
Convergence or emphasized divergence of the aces skull-facciali, tartufo depigmentato, also only for met, concave or convex cane nasal, spurs, tail rivoltata on the back, pluricolore cape, presence of white man beyond that in the parts indicated from the standard. Height, is in the males who in the females, inferior to i 32 cm. or advanced to the 38.
Defects from disqualification
Enognatismo, prognatismo, monorchidismo, criptorchidismo, incomplete development of or all and two testicoli, congenital eye gazzuolo, depigmentation total of the palpebral hems, anurismo or brachiurismo as well as how much crafts them