we thank Fabry
in order to have sended the photos to us of its beautifulst
FCI-Standard N° 105 / 29. 03. 2006 /GB
TRANSLATION : Jennifer Mulholland.
ORIGIN : France
UTILIZATION: Water dog used for hunting wildfowl. Like all water dogs, the French Water Dog is more than just a retriever; he must search for, locate and flush out the game hiding in the water vegetation. He then retrieves the game shot by his master. Very resistant to cold, he shall go to water in all weather.
CLASSIFICATION F.C.I.: Group 8 Retrievers, Flushing
Dogs, Water Dogs.
Section 3 Water Dogs
With working trial.
BRIEF HISTORICAL SUMMARY: A very ancient breed, common throughout France, used for hunting waterfowl and described or mentioned in several works as early as the 16th century.
GENERAL APPEARANCE: Medium proportions, medium size, characterized by a thick, woolly coat which guarantees efficient protection against cold and damp. The coat forms a beard (French barbe) on the chin, which gave the breed its name (Barbet).
- The muzzle is slightly shorter than the skull.
- The length of the body, measured from the point of shoulder to the point of buttock, is slightly more than the height at the withers .
BEHAVIOUR/TEMPERAMENT: Even disposition, very attached to his master, very sociable, loving water even when very cold.
HEAD: The coat on the skull must fall onto the bridge of the nose. The beard is long and furnished; the moustache entirely covers the bridge of the nose.
Skull: Rounded and broad.
Stop: Defined.
Nose: Broad, with well opened nostrils; black or brown depending on the colour of the coat.
Muzzle: Quite square. The bridge of the nose is broad.
Lips: Thick, well pigmented and completely covered by long hair. Black or brown edges.
Jaws/teeth: Jaws of equal length. Scissors bite. Strong teeth. Incisors well developed and well aligned.
Eyes: Round, preferably dark brown. The rim of the eyelid is black or brown.
Ears: Set on low (at eye level or slightly lower), long, flat, wide, covered by long hair hanging in strands. When brought together in front of the nose, the ears (including the hair) reach at least 5cms beyond it. The ear cartilage reaches further than the corner of the mouth.
NECK: Short and strong.
Back: Solid with well sustained topline.
Loin: Arched, short and strong.
Croup: Round, seen from the side, in smooth continuation of the line of the loin.
Chest: Broad, well developed, deep, reaching the elbow; ribcage rounded but not barrel-like.
Slightly raised, carried above the horizontal when the dog is in action, low set, forming a slight hook at the tip.
Shoulders: Oblique. The scapulo-humeral angle varies between 110° and 115°.
Upper arm: Strong and muscular.
Lower arm: Straight, strong bone, upright, completely covered by long hair.
Upper thigh: Slightly oblique, well muscled.
Hock: Low, well angulated.
Metatarsus (Rear pastern): Upright.
FEET: Round, broad, covered by hair.
MOVEMENT/GAIT: Easy movement, the limbs moving in line with the body. Medium length foreleg stride with good thrust from the hindquarters.
SKIN: Relatively thick.
HAIR: Long, woolly and curly; can form strands. The coat is furnished, covering the whole body in a natural state. This is an essential characteristic of the breed. The French Water Dog may be groomed in a specific manner to accomodate its work and maintenance.
COLOUR: Solid black, grey, brown, fawn, pale fawn, white or more or less pied. All shades of red-fawn and pale fawn are permitted. The shade should, preferably, be the same as the colour of the body.
Height at the withers: Dogs: 58cm – 65cm
Bitches: 53cm – 61 cm
With a tolerance of +/- 1cm
Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree.
- Head fine and narrow, muzzle thin and too long, lips thin.
- Overshot or undershot. Wry jaw.
- Light eyes.
- Ears set high (higher than eye level), thin, short and narrow.
- Neck long and thin.
- Topline hollow.
- Loin long and weak.
- Croup straight.
- Chest narrow.
- Tail set on high, curved over the back, curled over or lying on the croup or loin. Tail naturally absent or too short.
- Shoulders straight.
- Upper arm thin.
- Forearm with fine bone; feathering.
- Hindquarters: Upper thigh flat, hocks straight, feathering; presence of dewclaws. Feet fine and narrow, not covered by coat.
- Skin thin.
- Coat short, harsh, not woolly, not curly.
- Colours: Any colour other than those mentioned in the standard.
- Aggressive or overly shy.
Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified.
N.B.: Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.
Automatic translate from
origin and the history
The progenitore of the FRENCH WATER DOG (Barbet) a French water
dog, the Barbet, the exemplary iconography us extension of FRENCH WATER DOG (Barbet) to
leave from the late Middle Ages, various 1700's and authors Six
cites the caniche like dog from job.
In XIX the century, the aspect of this race and
the facilit of training, of it it made a valid complement of the
French circuses, and of it it existed only a type, the medium FRENCH WATER DOG (Barbet) ,
in three colori:nero, white man and marrone.Dall' beginning of the
century the English breeders multiplied colors and ransoms.
only saltinbanchi, the Poodles, or appendix eccentric to the
toilettes of the landlady, but also, to the occurrence, brave dogs
soldato.E soldiers in Large the Arms napoleonica, even.
One of they
accompagner along all Europe the tenacious dreams of the Emperor and
its dismounts armies to you.
Sar the leggendario Moustache, a FRENCH WATER DOG (Barbet) who parteciper to
all the campaigns of Napoleone, not excluded that one of Austerlitz
where comporter, also he, hero much to coherently deserve the
decoration on the campo.Morir in battle, in Spain, in 1811.

the beautifulst dogs of the photo are of the
breeding Friends of the dog
The FRENCH WATER DOG (Barbet) a dog from bringing back in water
from here the name of "chien dog" or "canichon" dog duck.
called also "dog sheep", for
the aspect of its hair.
came sheared on the posterior part so as to to be able itself to
move easy devout in water, lasciandogli instead the hair on the
thorax in order protect heart and lungs from the cold.
Poich often had to be
penetrated in driven in marshes of vegetation that could have hidden
it to the eyes of the master, the hair forelock on the head came
fixed with a colored ribbon, than it rendered it devout visible, and
on the tail it came to it left a pompon of hair, perch the tip of
the tail a delicate part, that it could have hurt itself without an
adequate protection.
toelettatura of the FRENCH WATER DOG (Barbet) not been born for aesthetic requirements,
but works them.
Later on its
character has rendered it so searched and diffused that the
selection of the race has carried out decided carrying out and of it
it has made a dog from company.
True large pregio of the this race character,
and its acute intelligence be judged devout and the lively one.
In French caniche the drift
from "canard", that it means "anatra"in German the FRENCH WATER DOG (Barbet) calls
"pudel" and in English "puddle" cio swimmer.
The ransom
FRENCH WATER DOG (Barbet) great size goes from the 45 to i 58 cm to the garrese.
The FRENCH WATER DOG (Barbet) of medium ransom goes from the 35 to
i 45 cm to the garrese.
FRENCH WATER DOG (Barbet) dwarf goes from the 28 to i 35 cm, must have the aspect of a
medium FRENCH WATER DOG (Barbet) and conserve devout possible the proportions, without
to introduce nanismo characteristics.
The FRENCH WATER DOG (Barbet) miniatura (toy) under i 28 cm, better
if 25cm, anch' it must conserve the aspect of the FRENCH WATER DOG (Barbet) dwarf in all
its proportions, without to introduce nanismo characteristics.
Cape: Black, white man, brown, gray, apricot.
Hair: Ricciuto or Cordato
brown, the gray and the apricot to cordato hair and
ricciuto they
must be uniforms.
Great size: approximately 22 kg.
Medium size: approximately 12 kg.
Dwarf: approximately 7 kg.
Toy: less than 7 kg.
Distinguished, rectilinear, proporzionata to the body. Leggermente
convex skull. Pronounced Occipite. Little marked Stop. Labbra
piuttosoto dry. Color of the tartufo in harmony with that one of the
Orecchie: Enough long,
falling along cheeks they arrive until the commessura of the labbra.
Covered of waved hair and a lot along.
Eyes: To almond, leggermente oblique. Black,
from brown much dark one to dark amber to second of the color of the
Body: Its length exceeds
the Height. Solid neck, leggermente arch. Without
giogaia. Thorax very come down. Kidney balance and muscoloso.
Retratto Ventre.
Attacked high, shortened of third or the met in the subjects to hair
riccioluto. Pu to remain of the normal length in the subjects to
cordato hair. Risen oblique in action.
Hair: Riccioluto: abundant, of fine, lanoso
webbing, very goffered. Often, very folto, of uniform length, form
equal riccioli. Abundant, of fine, lanoso webbing, folto, shape of
cordicelle the many characteristics and equal length.
The head
distinguished, rectilinear, very carved and proporzionata to
the body.
The neck solid and fiercely high door the
The log leggermente devout along of the
The ventre moderately retratto.
tail , attacked high, oblique capacity and comes cut to
approximately a third party of the length.
The hair
ricciuto characteristic of the FRENCH WATER DOG (Barbet) , but cordata exists also
the variet, by now rarest.
The limbs front
they are in perfect perpendicularly.
Posterior limbs
they must be in perfect and much perpendicularly angled.
The standard of the
identical FRENCH WATER DOG (Barbet) for all and the four variet.
The stop little marked
The eyes they
have lively expression, ardente:sono piazzatiall' height of the stop
and leggermente obliqui.Di dark black or tawny color in the subject
white men, black, grays and apricot, can be dark amber in the
subjects browns.
The tartufo pronounced and very developed,
with vertical profile and open narici.
The labbra
leggermente they are developed, dry, of advanced thickness
medio:il labbro must rest on that inferior without being pendant.
orecchie they are enough long, hanging along the
guance.Tirate ones in ahead, must catch up the commessura labiale:i
subject in which they do not catch up cannot obtain it the
qualification of "excellent".
In the FRENCH WATER DOG (Barbet) s dwaries and miniatura the only
difference previewed from the emphasized standard occipite a p less.
The sailing point of the
light FRENCH WATER DOG (Barbet) and saltellante:il its step does not have to never be
along or sliding.
does not have to be believed that he is excessive to speak about
character of the dog, indeed pu to speak about personalit.Il dog
FRENCH WATER DOG (Barbet) a delicious, likeable companion and divertente.E' equipped of
large sensibilit, a moreover much docile one, even if a p
monello.Spesso in fact it betrays its origin of dog from hunting,
manifesting its qualit venatorie in ours casa.Non rare to see our
small " WATER POINTER "(original name of race) to run us
triumphant encounter with a sock or a slipper in bocca.Purtroppo
this its characteristic, joined to its qualit of intelligence and
docilit, be often taken advantage of from the man in offensive way
for the dignit of the poor one animale.Come looked at in the
equestri circuses small FRENCH WATER DOG (Barbet) s dressed in such way to arouse ilarit
in the spectator, to walk on two legs, to run, to dance.
If true that the FRENCH WATER DOG (Barbet) has the largest one
capacit of adaptation, also true however that she has its tastes,
its preferenze.Una of these is just the children.
Moving E' to see a child that it plays with a
FRENCH WATER DOG (Barbet) , in realt not understands who of the two is amused of pi.Non
us must be some fear who the dog can make of the evil the child,
easy E' happens contrario.Il the child more rather must understand
endured that the dog goes respected, does not have to be considered
like a giocattolo.
Its look
says to us that it comprises our sadness, its restlessness its
participation at our moments of irritation, to the agitation of sure
momenti.Insomma a friend who always feels our states of mind and
from our part.
It does not
have to be believed for that the FRENCH WATER DOG (Barbet) is only a small seats that
its day passes softly carefullied lay down on a mountain of
cuscini.In realt very well has a greatest sense of adaptation and
trover also in a modest cascinale of campaign or a great shed
lacking in confort.Sar happy for having many affectionate masters
and sar able to exchange again all how many with likeable joy, as
great family of other times was nipotino devout the small of one.
Its patience making sopportare
and to love with stoicism also... the devout masters borings.
Critical Lunica that pu to move (and that many it move
alone perch not knows it) that one of being well a lezioso dog but
it not it affatto.Lui remained a peasant dog, without crickets for
the head, with uninnata and immutata passion for lacqua and
riporto.Le the toelettature from ring does not have to carry road
outside to us, perch is work of the not sure master and of cane.Il
the FRENCH WATER DOG (Barbet) a true dog, not one doll or a giocattolo, true large
pregio of the this race character, and its acute intelligence be
judged devout and the lively one.
Under those its riccioli, insomma, c a great cervello.Ed
this that we must learn to discover, perch to make to innamorare us
of the FRENCH WATER DOG (Barbet) to of l of every aesthetic consideration.
Unamico has written on this race: The FRENCH WATER DOG (Barbet) an
exceptional dog. That he is toy, dwarf, mean or giant, draft of an
animal with one extremely fresh and reactive intelligence. To say
that the FRENCH WATER DOG (Barbet) speaks and writes not a flight pindarico.. to its way
the FRENCH WATER DOG (Barbet) speaks and writes indeed.
And a
complete dog. Therefore attention. beautiful small and white man (or
of the color that devout it appeals to to you) but does not go well
if tried one doll. For that one there are the peluche.. or even the
cats, than, from instinctive devout animals much, will know give to
you what you only want if and when they will have some wants.
The FRENCH WATER DOG (Barbet) ve you must deserve. You must be to
its height, to have its same one vivacit and wants of living.
otherwise you will make it alone to suffer.
Words have never been devout exact of queste.Il FRENCH WATER DOG (Barbet) all
this and a lot other anchor.
its hair grows very fastly, therefore it needs of a frequent
tosatura, rather at least once every the two mesi.Mentre bath pu to
make also two times the month, this race lacking in sottopelo, perci
does not lose any during the year.
: It has the most fine hearing and it possesses one detached
sense of the guideline.
CHARACTER : Intelligent, affectionate,
sensitive E' much and brave one, moreover establish an optimal
relationship with the children and the old ones.
living from the 12 to the 20 years.
FEEDING : The ransom dwarf needs of 100
gr of meat tritata to the day, that average of approximately 200 gr,
while that giant of 300 gr, with the added one for, in proportion to
the size of the animal, of verdure and rice very cooked.
ATTENTION : During the connections, to
avoid the crossings between consanguinei exemplary in how much the
puppys would be predisposed to the epilepsy or the nevrosi
toelettatura of the FRENCH WATER DOG (Barbet) from extremely complex exposure and
demands much time, is that features of a great size, are that one
features miniatura.
Several the types of toelettatura that can
be seen in the exposures are:
. La Continental toelettatura the dog comes
sheared on the posterior train until cosce.Vengono also tosati:il
the snout, front cheeks, legs and posteriori(a exception of the
muffs or bracialetti and some optional reasons you on the train
posteriore)e the tail, to which it comes left a pompon round or oval
to estremit.Sulla the head the hair comes collected and legacy in
order to form a top-knot.
. La
English toelettatura characterized from the hair devout short
on the posterior part of the log and from the three muffs "to
anello"sulle posterior legs.
. La
toelettatura Puppy Clip to the day today the devout ones
diffused, and interesser the cut to scissor in ordine:il the chest,
I detach it of the tail, the rump, the buttocks, the foot dev' to be
rounded off, the shoulder, of which it must be evidenced the
angolatura, the fold of the grassella and, in order to end the tail
to form pompon round or an oval.
The FRENCH WATER DOG (Barbet) does not have
sottopelo perci not trover hair in turn for house, but in order to
maintain a beautiful soft hair and without nodes, you d some
It is necessary to hold our always free dog
from you adorned external and inner (this to you maintains the hair
healthy and I polish)
cucciolo important to accustom it to being combed and being brushed
and to remain immovable while we clean up it orecchie, eyes and
teeth, this the abituera' from adult not to rebel itself in long the
sitting of toelettatura.
Enough to comb and to brush the hair of your
dog for 5 minuteren to the day in order to avoid that the unpleasant
nodes are formed.
lacking in sottopelo and this allow it to be washed devout often of
others breeds therefore do not allow that the dirt gives pruritus to
it and blots it pelo.In the summer pu fargli the bath two times to
the month, in winter enough once, and attention to the airflows.
After the bath it is necessary
to accurately dry it a lot with of the towels before taking part
with the phon and while he dries up himself it is necessary to brush
it in order vaporizzare the hair. E' important to hold very clean
the orecchie, to tear the hair that is hidden in the external
pavilion of the ear and to control after the race in the Prato that
the long orecchie have not collected thorns or other.
The eyes go cleaned up with
boric water, or in the way housewife with camomile at least once to
One corrected feeding
manterr your FRENCH WATER DOG (Barbet) in splendid shape, with hair and skin perfectly
you heal.
I personally council to feed
it with a good dry food, however if preferred somministrare to your
dog "humid" meal I recommend to you well of pulirgli the snout to
fine meal in order to prevent to the food dregses of macchiargli the
hair, or still better than tenergli the snout very sheared.
The thing devout important to
hold always present that the FRENCH WATER DOG (Barbet) a dog much sensitive one and
therefore has need much affection and you sapr wide to exchange
. Maschio o femmina
. Sul problema del sesso si sprecano dicerie e
credenze infondate.Prima di scegliere,ricordate
. che:
True E' that the generally devout female and
docile cake and of the male but the differences often characterizes
refutes them statistiche.In the all cases dolcezza, docilit and
obedience in the case of the FRENCH WATER DOG (Barbet) is characteristic of race, and
often they depend devout on the abilit of the master that the innate
dowries of cane;il the sex give pu to influence to the maximum for a
. Non vero che la
femmina debba avere almeno una cucciolata.
Not true, in the case of the FRENCH WATER DOG (Barbet) , than the
differences of size and substance they are cos influential to
justify the choice of one or of the other sesso:se we have space
problems we can choose between four various ransoms, therefore
absurd to go to watch i little cm that divide the male from the
True E' that
female v in heat two times to the year and that it generally loses a
sure one quantit of blood (minimal in the small, devout dogs
consisting in the great means and) also the true one that in the
period of estro attirer the several dogs from all the
circondario.Non difficult for, to check the ardor of spasimanti:nel
the case of the FRENCH WATER DOG (Barbet) s medium, dwarf and miniatura, enough to take
in arm the cagnetta and allontanarsi!Se we have a female great size,
enough, a sgridata.Se was not sufficient, we return to house and we
bring back it outside in a moment of devout it calm.
Not true that the house
female scappa when in calore:non of it it has some need, inasmuch as
always the mountain to go to true Maometto.E' instead
contrario:talora a male pu to scappare of house if it feels the
odore of a female in estro (and succeeds to feel it to distance
Not true that
the males represents a sure true investment economico.E' that some
pluripremiati riproduttori cover (to pagamento)un great number of
females, and that to the master of it derives good guadagno:ma a
number of these subject lucky people limitatissimo.Di usual the
masters of males must pray friends, relatives and knowing in order
to succeed to make to make one at least mounts in the life to their
dog: to the contrary, also a mediocre female potr to produce honest
a cucciolata one to the year, and if the master pleases itself of a
fair figure potra to sell it without large problemi.Con the female
not to become rich to us, but potr to be available on an entrance to
sicura:guadagnare with the mount of a male, instead, easy like
winning to the lotteria.
Standard the ICF n.172/f
. Il presente standard valido per tutte le
variet di barboni, con le dovute differenziazioni per le taglie. .
Apparenza generale e attitudini Caratteri definenti la razza - Posto
nella classificazione utilitaria. . Cane di tipo armonico,
mediolineo, dal caratteristico pelo ricciuto o cordato. . Aspetto
d'animale intelligente, costantemente all'erta, attivo, costruito
armonicamente; d l'impressione di eleganza e fierezza. . Il Barbone
ha l'andatura saltellante e leggera. . Esso non deve mai camminare
con passo allungato e scivolante. Famous dog for its proverbiale
fedelt, adapted to learn some and to being trained, us that ago a
dog from particularly pleasant company.
Distinguished, rectilinear, proporzionata to
the log; of leggermente advanced length to the 2/5 of the Height; it does not have to be heavy n massiccia, but neanche
excessive fine. . La scultura ossea deve trasparire chiaramente
sotto la pelle che la ricopre.
Tartufo . - Pronunciato e ben
sviluppato, con profilo verticale; narici aperte. . Nero nei
soggetti neri, bianchi e grigi; marrone nei soggetti marroni. In the
subjects apricot, pu to have all the range of the shadings from the
dark brown to the black one; to the black one it does not come given
the preference, but accepted in order to avoid one possible
snout .
- Profilo superiore rettilineo. . La sua lunghezza pari a circa 9/10
della lunghezza del cranio. . Le due branche mandibolari sono quasi
parallele fra loro. . L'aspetto del muso solido, elegante, ma non
appuntito. . Il suo profilo inferiore dato dalla mandibola e non dal
bordo del labbro superiore.
Labbra . - Leggermente sviluppate,
piuttosto asciutte, di spessore medio; il labbro superiore poggia su
quello inferiore senza essere pendente. . Le labbra sono nere nei
soggetti neri, bianchi e grigi; pigmentate nei soggetti marroni. In
the subjects apricot, the range of the shadings from the dark brown
to the black one can have all; black the not preferred one, but
comes accepted. . La commessura labiale non deve essere accentuata.
Jaws . - Normalmente
chiuse, denti solidi. . La mancanza di un molare non penalizzata in
giudizio o in occasione di una selezione.
Cheeks . - Non prominenti, ma modellate
sulle ossa. . Le regioni sottorbitali sono cesellate e poco piene. .
I masseteri, base anatomica delle guance, poco sviluppati, le arcate
zigomatiche poco sporgenti.
Stop . - Poco marcato.
Skull . - Ben modellato. Its smaller
width of met of the length of the head (the direction of the aces
forms a assio-facciale angle of 16-19 degrees). . L'insieme del
cranio, visto dall'alto, appare ovale nel senso longitudinale,
leggermente convesso di profilo. . Gli assi longitudinali sono
leggermente divergenti.
Arcate sopraccigliari . - Moderatamente sporgenti, coperte da
lunghi peli. . Solco frontale - Largo fra gli occhi, va diminuendo
verso l'occipite, che molto accentuato. . (Nei Barboni nani pu
essere meno accentuato).
Eyes . - Hanno espressione ardente;
piazzati all'altezza dello stop e leggermente obliqui. . Il disegno
delle rime palpebrali a mandorla. Of black or tawny color much dark
one in the black subjects, white men, grays and apricot; they can be
dark amber in the subjects browns.
Orecchie - Enough long, hanging along
the cheeks, they are attacked on the extension of the line that
leave from over of the tartufo and passes under the external tip of
the eye. . Piatte, si allargano dopo l'attaccatura e si arrotondano
all'estremit; sono coperte da peli ondulati e molto lunghi. . I
soggetti le cui orecchie non raggiungono la commessura labiale non
potranno ottenere la qualifica "eccellente".
Neck .
Solido, leggermente arcuato dopo la nuca, di lunghezza media, ben
proporzionato, porta la testa alta e fiera. . Non presenta giogaia.
. Ha una sezione ovale e la sua lunghezza inferiore a quella della
Front limbs
. Spalla e braccio
. - Garrese moderatamente sviluppato. . Spalla obliqua,
muscolosa. . La scapola e l'omero formano un angolo compreso fra i
90 e i 110 gradi. . La lunghezza dell'omero corrisponde a quella
della scapola.
. - Arti anteriori perfettamente diritti e paralleli, eleganti,
muscolosi e con buona ossatura. . L'altezza dal gomito al suolo i
5/9 dell'altezza dal garrese al suolo.
Carpo . - Continua la linea superiore
. - Solido ma non massiccio, quasi diritto visto di profilo.
. Piede . - Piuttosto
piccolo, solido, ovale non allungato. . Le dita sono ben arcuate,
nervose, compatte, palmate; poggiano a piombo sulla pianta dura e
spessa. . Le unghie sono nere nei soggetti neri e grigi; nero o
marrone nei soggetti marroni. . Nei soggetti bianchi, possono avere
tutte le sfumature della gamma dal corno al nero e devono
corrispondere alla pigmentazione. . Le unghie bianche sono un
difetto. . Nei soggetti albicocca, possono avere tutte le sfumature
dal marrone scuro al nero; il nero non preferito, ma viene
. Deve essere ben
proporzionato. . La sua lunghezza generalmente superiore all'altezza
al garrese.
Chest -
Normal for a mediolineo dog; the tip of the sterno must leggermente
be sporgente and to be situated rather up for giving devout high,
devout natural and devout to the head a portamento fierce.
Thorax - Come down
until the elbow; its equal length to the 2/3 of its height (from the
vertebral column to the sterno); its circumference measured GO BACK TO LIST
the shoulders must be advanced to the height to garrese at least 10
. Costole . -
Ovali, pi larghe nella parte dorsale.
Back . - Corto, ha una linea armoniosa.
. Non deve essere n inarcato n insellato. . L'altezza dal suolo al
garrese pari a quella dal suolo alla groppa.
. Reni . - Solide e muscolose.
Ventre and flanks . -
Rilevati senza essere retratti come quelli del Levriere.
Rump . - Arrotondata ma
non spiovente.
Tail . -
Attaccata abbastanza alta, sulla linea delle reni. . Deve essere
accorciata a un terzo della lunghezza naturale, o della met, nei
Barboni a pelo riccio. . Tuttavia, la coda lunga non un difetto se
ben portata. . Pu essere lasciata lunga nei Barboni cordati. .
Durante l'azione, la coda portata rialzata obliquamente.
Posterior limbs
Thighs . -
Muscolose e robuste.
Gambe . - Visti da dietro, gli arti posteriori sono paralleli;
hanno muscolatura sviluppata e molto visibile. . L'articolazione con
il garretto abbastanza flessa. The angles coxo-femoral,
tibio-femoral and tibio-tarsico must enough be emphasize to you in
order to avoid an entirety too much straight that it has to times
like consequence the inclination not wished of the rump. . Tarso
e metatarso . - Hanno direzione verticale. . Il Barbone deve
nascere senza speroni sugli arti posteriori.
feet . - Come quelli anteriori
. Colore - Sia per i Barboni a pelo riccio che
cordato, nero, bianco, marrone, grigio e albicocca.
. a) Marrone: deciso, abbastanza scuro,
uniforme e caldo. It does not have to be n as well as luminosity to
approach itself the beige or to its it derives to you, n of other
part to stretch to the black one, like the head of Moor or the
. b) Grigio: deve
essere uniforme e non tendere n al bianco n al nero.
c) Apricot: it must be
uniform; it does not have to stretch n to the beige or to the cream,
n to the red one or the tawny one rossiccio, n to the brown or to
its it derives to you.
Toelettatura "alla leoncino" - Il Barbone, sia a pelo riccio che
cordato, viene tosato sul treno posteriore fino alle costole. They
are shears to you also: the snout, over and under leaving from the
inferior eyelids; the cheeks; the front and posterior legs, to
exception of the muffs or bracelets and the optional reasons you on
the posterior train; the tail, but pompon round or an oval to the
estremit. . I baffi sono indicati per tutti i soggetti. . _ ammesso
lasciare del pelo sugli arti anteriori, detto "a pantalone".
. Toelettatura "moderna" - E'
ammesso il mantenimento del pelo sui quattro arti, a condizione che
vengano rispettate le seguenti norme:
. 1 - tosatura di:
to) inferior part of the front limbs, from
nails until to the tip of the spur; inferior part of the posterior
limbs, until to an equivalent height. . E' ammesso l'impiego della
tosatrice limitatamente alle dita.
. b) testa e coda come precedentemente
descritto. . In questa toelettatura saranno eccezionalmente ammesse:
- the presence, under the
maxillary inferior, of vello short not devout ones often of 1 cm and
whose inferior line runs parallel to the maxillary one. . La barba
detta "di capra" non tollerata.
. - l'eliminazione del pompon della coda (ma
questo fatto diminuisce leggermente il coefficiente relativo alla
tessitura del pelo).
. 2 -
peli accorciati: sul tronco, per presentare sulla linea dorsale una
marezzatura pi o meno lunga (almeno 1 cm). . La lunghezza del
mantello aumenter progressivamente intorno alle costole e sulla
parte alta degli arti.
. 3 -
Mantello regolato:
to) on the
head that introduces a helmet of reasonable height and on the neck,
coming down GO BACK TO LIST until the garrese and without discontinuit until
the rasata part of the foot, second a leggermente oblique line, that
it begins from the high part of the chest. On the high part of the
orecchie and to the maximum for a third party of their length; the
hair pu to be shortened with the scissors or to be sheared in the
sense of the hair. The inferior part comes left covered from hairs
of progressively increasing length, from the high one towards the
bottom, until the frange that they can be pareggiate.
. b) sugli arti; i 'pantaloni'
presentano unanetta transizione con la tosatura dei piedi. The
length of the hairs increases progressively towards the high in
order to introduce on the shoulder (or the thigh) one length from 4
to 7 cm (to stiff hair), second the ransom, waves to avoid a
sbuffante effect. . Il pantalone posteriore non deve nascondere
l'angolazione tipica del Barbone. . Ogni motivo non previsto da
queste norme standard eliminatorio. . Qualunque sia la silhouette
ottenuta con la toelettatura, questa non deve assolutamente
influenzare la classificazione nelle esposizioni. . Tutti i soggetti
della stessa classe devono essere giudicati insieme.
. Toelettatura all'inglese -
Aggiungere alla toelettatura "alla leoncino" dei motivi (cio
braccialetti o manicotti) sul treno posteriore; sulla testa:
"top-knot". . In questa toelettatura i baffi sono facoltativi.
. Barbone a pelo riccio - Pelo abbondante di
tessitura fine, lanosa, ben riccio, elastico e resistente alla
pressione della mano. . Spesso, fitto, di lunghezza uniforme, forma
riccioli uguali e generalmente pettinati. . Il pelo duro al tatto,
simile a crine, indesiderabile e gli sar preferito il pelo di
consistenza regolamentare.
FRENCH WATER DOG (Barbet) to cordato hair - abundant Hair, of,
driven in fine and lanosa webbing, shape of the cordelline very
characterized, all of the same length. Devout they are long, better;
20 cm must however always exceed i. To two sides of the head, the
cordelline can be withheld from a lace over the orecchie; those of
the body go shared from one scriminatura in order to avoid a
disordinato effect.
. Morbida, non staccata,
pigmentata. The black subjects, browns, grays and apricot have the
skin pigmented in harmony with the color of the cape, in the subject
white men searched the silverplated skin, but the pigmentazione does
not have to alter the color of the cape. FRENCH WATER DOG (Barbet) s not only exist also
white men whose clear skin introduces "a tartufata" effect, on the
inner parts, what that frequent, but also on the rest of the body;
this fact does not constitute a defect. . La pigmentazione generale
deve essere pi intensa su palpebre, tartufo, labbra, gengive,
palato, mucose, orifizi naturali, scroto, pianta dei piedi. This
must be black in the black subjects, white men, grays; tawny dark in
the subjects browns; in the subjects apricot, it must devout the
possible one be uniform and dark, second all the range from the dark
brown to the black one; black the not preferred one, comes accepted
in order to avoid one possible depigmentation.
. 1) Barboni di taglia grande: dai 45 ai 60 cm
(tolleranza in eccesso di 2 cm). . Il Barbone grande la versione
ingrandita e sviluppata del Barbone medio, di cui conserva le
. 2) Barboni
di taglia media: dai 35 ai 45 cm.
. 3) Barboni nani: dai 28 ai 35 cm. The FRENCH WATER DOG (Barbet)
dwarf must have the apetto of with of a reduced medium FRENCH WATER DOG (Barbet) , must
conserve of devout possible the proportions and not to introduce
nanismo characteristics.
. 4)
Barboni toy: sotto i cm 28 (altezza ideale 25 cm). The FRENCH WATER DOG (Barbet) toy
maintains the aspect of with of the FRENCH WATER DOG (Barbet) dwarf, with all the
proportions, and answers to all the requirements of the standard. .
Non deve presentare caratteristiche di nanismo. . Unica eccezione
che la cresta occipitale pu essere meno accentuata.
sailing point
. Vedi apparenze generali e attitudini.
. Anatomici e di tipo -
Muso troppo sottile o appuntito, naso arcuato. . Tartufo piccolo e
insufficientemente aperto, o troppo grande. . Mancanza di stop o
stop troppo accentuato. . Occhi troppo grandi o troppo piccoli, non
abbastanza scuri o con luce rossa. . Orecchie troppo corte, troppo
strette o portate ripiegate. . Il prognatismo un difetto che va
penalizzato secondo la gravit. . I denti gialli causati da cimurro
non costituiscono un difetto se sono correttamente allineati. The
defective alignment or the lack of teeth constitutes a defect that
goes penalized the gravit second; all I recorded to you, the canines
and the molars must be present; the lack of a premolar (1 P1) not
penalizzata;mancanza of two premolars (2 P1): "excellent"
qualification; lack of three premolars (3 P1 or 2 P1 and 1 P2):
qualification "much good one". . Groppa spiovente. . Arti posteriori
troppo diritti. . Arti troppo lunghi. . Coda curvata sul dorso,
troppo sottile o attaccata troppo bassa. . Andatura fluida o
allungata. . Tartufo decolorato o maculato. . Ladre. . Pigmentazione
generale insufficiente, depigmentazione delle palpebre, mancanza di
pelo intorno agli occhi. . Pelo rado o molle. . Colore indeciso o
non uniforme. . E' tollerato qualche pelo bianco sul petto. .
Soggetti di cattivo carattere, aggressivi o troppo nervosi. . I
soggetti con tracce di nanismo non possono ottenere la qualifica
'eccellente'. The obvious devout signs of the nanismo are: globoso
skull, lack of the crest occipita them, stop emphasized, prominenti
eyes, appuntito, too much short or convergent snout, jaw retratta,
absence of mento.
Eliminatori . - Macchie bianche. . Peli bianchi sulle zampe. .
Mantello non monocolore. . Monorchidismo, criptorchidismo. .
Soggetti anuri. . Speroni o tracce di speroni sugli arti posteriori.
. Enognatismo. . Soggetti pi alti di 62 cm. The subjects whose
toelettatura does not correspond to the standard could not be judge
in exposures and official manifestations to you (end a lot that will
remain cos) without for being disqualified for the reproduction.
. I maschi devono avere due testicoli daspetto
normale, ben scesi nello scroto.
Standard the ICF n.172/f
we thank Fabry
for the realization of this card