FCI-Standard N° 43 / 24. 01. 2000 / GB
ORIGIN : Central Africa.
PATRONAGE : Great Britain.
UTILIZATION : Hunting dog, companion.
CLASSIFICATION F.C.I. Group 5 Spitz and primitive types.
Section 6 Primitive type.
Without working trial.
GENERAL APPEARANCE : Lightly built, finely boned aristocratic looking animal, high on legs compared with its length, always poised, alert and intelligent. Wrinkled head, with pricked ears, proudly carried on a well arched neck. Deep brisket runs up into a definite waist, tail tightly curled presenting a picture of a well balanced dog of gazelle-like grace.
IMPORTANT PROPORTION : Distance from top of head to stop slightly more than from stop to tip of nose.
BEHAVIOUR / TEMPERAMENT : Barkless but not mute, its own special noise a mixture of a chortle and a yodel. Remarkable for its cleanliness in every way. An intelligent, independent, but affectionate and alert breed. Can be aloof with strangers.
HEAD : Fine and profuse wrinkles appearing on forehead when ears pricked; side wrinkles desirable but not exaggerated into dewlap; wrinkles more noticeable in puppies, but because of lack of shadowing, not as noticeable in tricolours.
Skull : Flat, well-chiselled and medium width, tapering towards the nose. Side lines of skull taper gradually towards mouth, giving a clean-cheeked appearance.
Stop : Slight.
Nose : Black nose desirable.
Jaws/Teeth : Jaws strong with a perfect, regular and complete scissor bite, i.e. the upper teeth closely overlapping the lower teeth and set square in the jaws.
Eyes : Dark, almond-shaped; obliquely set, far-seeing and rather inscrutable in expression.
Ears : Small, pointed, erect and slightly hooded, of fine texture, set well forward on top of head, tip of ear nearer centre of skull than outside base.
NECK : Strong and of good length, without thickness, well crested and slightly full at base of throat with a graceful curve accentuating crest. Well set into shoulders giving head a « lofty » carriage.
BODY : Balanced.
Back : Short, level.
Loin : Short-coupled.
Chest : Deep brisket. Ribs well sprung, deep and oval.
Underline : Running up into a definite waist.
TAIL : High set, with posterior curve of buttock extending beyond root of tail giving a reachy appearance to hindquarters. Curls tightly over spine and lies closely to thigh with a single or double curl.
FOREQUARTERS : Forelegs straight with fine bone. Legs in a straight line to ground giving a medium front.
Shoulders : Well laid back, muscular, not loaded.
Elbows : Tucked in against brisket. When viewed from front, elbows in line with ribs.
Forearm : Very long.
Pasterns : Good length, straight and flexible.
HINDQUARTERS : Strong and muscular.
Stifle : Moderately bent.
Second thigh : Long.
Hock : Well let down, turned neither in nor out.
Feet : Small, narrow and compact, with deep pads, well arched toes and short nails.
GAIT / MOVEMENT : Legs carried straight forward with a swift, long, tireless, swinging stride.
SKIN : Very pliant.
HAIR : Short, sleek and close, very fine.
COLOUR : Pure black and white; red and white; black and tan, and white with melon pips and tan markings on muzzle and cheeks; black; tan and white; brindle : red background with black stripes, the more clearly defined the stripes the better. The white should be on the feet, chest and tail tip. White legs, blaze and white collar optional.
Ideal height : dogs 43 cm (17 ins) at withers,
bitches 40 cm (16 ins) at withers.
Ideal weight : dogs 11 kg (24 lbs),
bitches 9 1/2 kg (21 lbs).
FAULTS : Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog.
Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified.
N.B. : Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.
Automatic translate from
They come accumunati to the single Spitz perch, in the time, like these, have endured minimal variations. The zoologo Alfred and. Brehm gave to the name of CANIS LUPUS SIMENSIS to their prototype finding some the origin in the Kordofan to the west of the Nilo White man. From the progenitore they are differentiates the BASENJI to you (in the zone of the pyramids and the Congo-Zambia) and CANAAN DOG (Israel). A aura mystery remains however on the origins and the long history of the such Basenji to render them, if possible, still devout fascinating.
in the Jason photos in second
with its friend tom both of Paola
General aspect
in the aspect, the Basenji a dog of light structure, agile, from the
thin, high skeleton on the limbs regarding the length of the body,
lively and intelligent. The amazing thing devout that never does not
bark, but emits a particular outcry similar to one risata. The
rugosa head, sormontata from supported straight orecchie from a neck
very tornito.
DIMENSION, WEIGHT from 40 to 43 cm; until 12 kg.
HAIR And COLOR short and sericeo, sauro with spots white women and estremit of the tail white woman: they can be found also subject white man-black and white man-black focati. From little time in Europe be introduced also the tigrato cape (brindle): greater definition has the better tigrato effect verr judged the subject.
ASPECT molleggiato step, forehead that is wrinkled for curiosit or interest, small and erected orecchie, eyes "makes up to you to rimmel", tail rolled up to ring on the back. Amazing the likeness with the dogs ritratti from the egizi antichi.
ADAPTED FOR those who loves the particular one and that they appreciate the intelligent and cleanest dog.
NOT ADAPTED FOR those who prefers to pass unnoticed and that they cannot dedicargli time. For those who they expect a obedient, ready dog to portargli the slippers.
Requirements it has need of space, movement and company, loves to be to the sun, does not love to be single.
CURE this clean race much and igienista one do not demand particular cures. Normal vaccinazioni make part of the base attentions that must be turned to any race.
Characteristics if a large apartment is had an ideal dog for the house: it does not smell, one cleans up alone like a cat, does not bark like the other dogs, but ago particular backs, a lot originates them and amusing how much insufficient; for devout the much silent one and it reserves this its language at special moments. E' much friendly allegro and.
CHARACTERS OF THE RACE intelligent, sociable, affectionate, comunicativo. Not always obedient.
DEFECTS he knows like makes yourself to be worth and not with the testardaggine but with the gentility. Sopporta the solitudine and pu to be revenged.
TYPICAL DISEASES those common ones to all the dogs. This race pu to suffer from the problems deriving from the consanguineit because of the reduced number of origin exemplary. It is advised lend particular attention to the origins of the dog (pedigree) and to the place of origin.
LIFE EXPECTATION approximately 12 years.
The puppys as all the dogs are full of life and a lot giocherelloni.
in the Biagio photos of Eva_basenji
EVERY DAY ALIMENTARY REQUIREMENTSES for a subject of 10 kg. 740 calories. It eats truly of all, much less regarding various dogs than breeds but of equal ransom. Pu to eat with indifference young sparrows, merlons, lucertole and quant' other goes it to eat. It succeeds to crush boneses of any type, also the ill-famed rabbit and boneses pollo.
we thank Warmly for the photos and the precious collaboration in the realization of the card