



FCI-Standard N° 196   / 20.04.1998 / GB


TRANSLATION : Mrs. Peggy Davis.

ORIGIN : Italy.


UTILIZATION :                        Companion dog.

CLASSIFICATION F.C.I. :      Group      9     Companion and Toy Dogs.
                                                    Section    1      Bichons and related  breeds.
                                                    Without working trial.

BRIEF HISTORICAL SUMMARY : Its origins are confused with those of the Maltese, because its distant ancestors are the same little dogs mentioned in Latin by Aristotle (384-322 BC) under the denomination of « canes melitenses ».  Already known in the Roman era, the Bolognese appears most especially among the very appreciated gifts which were made during a whole era by the powerful of that world.  Cosimo de Medici (1389-1464) brought no less than eight to Brussels as gifts to as many Belgian noblemen.  Philipe II, king of Spain from 1556 to 1598, after having received two as a gift from the Duke d’Este, thanks the donor in writing saying « that these two little dogs are the most royal gifts one can make to an emperor ».  Bolognese are represented in paintings of Titian, of Pierre Breughel called le Vieux and Goya.

GENERAL APPEARANCE : Small size, stocky and compact, covered with a pure white coat, long and fluffy.

IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS :  Square built, the length of the body being equal to the height at the withers.

BEHAVIOUR / TEMPERAMENT : Very serious, generally not very active.  Enterprising, docile, very much attached to his master and his entourage.

HEAD : Of medium length reaching 1/3 of the height at the withers.  Its width, measured at the level of the zygomatic arches is the same as its length.

Skull : Of slightly ovoid (egg-shaped) shape in the sagittal direction and rather flat in its upper part, has rather convex sides; the protuberances of the frontal bones are well developed - The longitudinal axes of the skull and muzzle are parallel; the frontal furrow is only slightly accentuated and the occipital protuberance only slightly marked.  The length of the skull is slightly more than that of the muzzle.
Stop : Rather accentuated.

Nose : On the same line as the topline of the muzzle; seen in profile, its front side is on the vertical.  Is large and must be black.
Muzzle : Its length is equal to 2/5 of the length of the head; the topline of the muzzle is straight and the sides of the muzzle are paralell, so that the forepart of the muzzle is almost square.  The lower orbital region is well chiselled.
Lips : Upper lips being hardly developed in depth, they do not cover the bottom lips, and the lower profile of the muzzle is determined by the lower jaw.
Jaws/Teeth : Jaws normally developed, with top and bottom arches perfectly adapted.  Teeth white, evenly aligned, with strong and complete dentition.  Articulation of incisors as scissor bite; pincer bite tolerated.
Eyes : Set on an almost frontal plan; well opened, of superior to normal in size.  Eyelid opening is round; the eyeball must not be prominent; the white of the eye is not visible.  The rims of the eyelids must be black, and the iris of a dark ochre colour.
Ears : High set, they are long and hanging, but rather rigid at their base, so that the upper part of the external ear is detached from the skull, giving thus the impression of the head being larger than it really is.

NECK : Without dewlap; its length is equal to the length of the head.

BODY : The dog being of a square construction, the length of the body, measured from the point of the shoulder to the point of the buttock bone is equal to that of the height at the withers.
Withers : Only slightly prominent from the top line.
Top line : The straight profile of the back, and that of the loin, slightly convex, merge harmoniously in the line of the croup.
Croup : Very slightly sloping; is very wide.
Brisket : Point of the sternum (manubrium) only slightly prominent.
Chest : Ample, let down to level of elbows, with well sprung ribs, the height reaching almost half of the height at the withers.
Underline : Following the profile of the sternum, then rises slightly towards the belly.

TAIL : Set in the line of the croup, carried curved over the back.


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FOREQUARTERS : Considered on the whole, they are perfectly straight and parallel in relation to the median plane of the body.
Shoulders : The length of the shoulder blades is equal to 1/4 of the height of the withers; in relation to the horizontal, they are slanting and are near the vertical in relation to the median plane of the body.  They are well free in their movements.
Upper arm : Well joined to the body, of an almost equal length to that of the shoulder, but less slanting.
Elbows : They are on a parallel plane to the median plane of the body.
Forearm : Its length is equal to that of the upper arm; follows a perfect vertical direction.
Pastern joint and Pastern : See from the front, they continue the vertical line of the forearm. Seen in profile, the pastern is a little bit slanting.
Forefeet : Oval shaped, with well cushioned dark pads and very hard black nails.

HINDQUARTERS : Considered on the whole and viewed from the back, they must follow from the point of the buttock bone to the ground a perfectly vertical line - they are parallel to each other.
Upper thighs : Their length is equal to 1/3 of the height of the withers.  They are slanting from top to bottom and back to front and perfectly parallel to the median plane of the body.
Lower thigh : Is longer than the upper thigh.
Hock joint : The tibia-tarsal angle is not very closed.
Hocks : The distance from the point of the hock to the ground is slightly less than a third of the height at the withers.
Hindfeet : Same characteristics as the front feet, but less oval.


GAIT / MOVEMENT : Free, energetic, with a noble and distinguished head carriage.

SKIN :  Well taut and welded to the body all over, the visible mucuous membranes and the third eyelids strictly pigmented black.


HAIR : Long all over the body, from head to tail, from the top line to the feet.  It is shorter on the muzzle.  Rather fluffy, thus not lying flat, but in flocks; never forms fringes.

COLOUR : Pure white, without any patches nor any shades of white.

Height at the withers :            Males               27  to 30 cm.
                                            Females            25  to 28 cm.
Weight : from 2,5 to 4 kg.

FAULTS : Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree.

  • Strabismus (Squinting).


  • Accentuated convergence or divergence of the upper longitudinal axes.
  • Convex muzzle (Roman nose).
  • Prognathism, if it alters the outer look of the muzzle.
  • Size under 25 cm and more than 33 cm in the males and under       22 cm or more than 32 cm in females.


  • Aggresive or overly shy.
  • Depigmentation of the nose.
  • Nose of any other colour than black.
  • Undershot mouth.
  • Bilateral depigmentation of the eyelids.
  • Wall-eyed.
  • Tail less.
  • Shortened tail whether natural or artificial.
  • Any other colour than white.
  • Patches and flecks.

Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified.

N.B. : Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

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The history

  Its ancient origins seem to go back to a small dog from company to long hair, described from Aristotle, than gi it cheered the rich days of matrone the roman one. Nell.XI century was thought large pregio and worthy dog of living single in patrizi atmospheres. Its history goes of equal step with that one of emperors, checkerses and princes. It was gift within between exponents of the nobilt. Insomma, not never be a popular dog But, with the decline of nobilt the risks to even extinguish itself. After the second world war only   l.impegno of a fist of it gets passionate breeders to you riusc to save the race dall.oblio.

In detail

Small, with a collected and compact log, this small dog from company covered from one fur color pure white man, the long and soft hair. constructed in the square, of way that the length of the body is equal all.altezza to the garrese. Much serious, in a generalized manner not turbulent one, From Bologna however enterprising, the docile one and strongly attacked to the master and the family.

The head of medium length and catches up nearly a third dell.altezza to the garrese. Its width, measured to level of the zigomatiche arched ones, equal to its length. The stop rather emphasized, skull of the ovoidale and rather flat shape in the advanced part. The aces skull-facciali are parallels and
the tartufo voluminoso, always black. The ears are inserted high, long and pendants, but with rather rigid base. The eyes are of advanced largeness to the norm, in subfrontale position. The wide thorax, come down until the level of the elbows, with ribs very you try. The rectilinear, leggermente convex back

Lumbar profile; little slanted rump and much wide one. The hair on all the long body, unless the snout, where devout Short.


Ransom: a male measure between 27 and 30 cm to the garrese, one female from 25 to 28. The weight comprised between 2,5 and 4 kilograms.

Colors: pure white man without some spot n shading.
Tail: inserted in the line of the rump, ricurva on the back.

To avoid

. . Convergence or divergence of the aces skull-facciali

. . Nasal cane montonina

. . Prognatismo, enognatismo

. . Various color from the white man. Depigmentation of the tartufo Or the eyelids. Iride gazzuolo

. . Anurismo, brachiurismo


Official standard ENC I

  1. General aspect of the dog

    Of small formed, with collected and compact log, covered from hair pure white man, along raised.

  2. Important proportions

    Dog constructed in the square, for which the height to the equal garrese to the length of the log. The rather short head regarding the log.

  3. Behavior and character

    Much serious, apparently little lively one. Creative, docile, attacked to its companions until to the abnegation.

  4. head

    Mesocefala, its total length catches up 1/3 of the Height. Rather wide, to the zigomatiche arched ones.

    1. Cranial region

      The skull of little ovoidale shape in sagittale sense, rather flat in the advanced part, has the rather convex walls and the frontal breasts very develop to you. The aces skull-facciali are between of they parallels, sutura it metopica little emphasized, little marked the apophysis occipita them. The length of the leggermente advanced skull to that one of the snout, the width, measured to the zigomatiche arched ones equal to its length.


      Emphasized enough

    2. Region makes them


      On the same line of the nasal cane, profile approval its front face is found on the vertical one. Voluminoso E', absolutely of black color.


      Its equal length to the 2/5 of the total length of the head, the rectilinear nasal cane, the lateral faces are between of they parallels, for which the front face of the enough square snout. The region sottorbita them very cesellata.


      Those advanced ones little are developed in height, for which they do not cover the inferiors and the inferior profile of the snout given from the jaw.


      Of normal development, with arched that combaciano perfectly.


      White men, regularly align, complete fordevelopment and number to you. Closing of I recorded to scissor, tolerated that one to you to tenaglia.


      In subfrontale position, very open, of advanced largeness to the normal school. The round palpebral rhyme the ocular globe does not have to be prominente, of the visible sclerosa. Black the palpebral margins are of rigor and the ocher color of the iride dark.


      Inserted high, above arched zigomatica, long and the pendants, but with rather rigid base, as well as that the advanced part of the auricular pavilions borne away from the skull, giving cos the feeling that the head is devout wide of how much in effects is.

  5. Neck

    It does not have giogaia and it has one equal length to that total of the head.

  6. Log

    Square construction, the length of the log, measured from the tip of the shoulder to that one of the buttock, par to the Height.

    Advanced profile

    The profile of the rectilinear back, leggermente convex that one of the lombi, than is melted with harmony, to the line of the rump.


    Little elevated E' on the line of the back because of the distance between the tips of the bachelor.


    Wide, come down until to the level of the elbows, with coasts very you try, has a profondit, that it nearly catches up the met of the Height.


    The handle-bar of the sterno little obvious.


    The slanted least E' and much wide one.

    Inferior line

    The inferior profile of the ventre, after that one of the sterno, rimonta little up towards the abdomen.


    Inserted on the line of the rump, capacity ricurva on the back

  7. LIMBS

    1. Front limbs

      Approvals in the entirety perfectly in perpendicularly, are parallels between of they regarding the median plan of the log.


      They have an equal length to 1/4 of the Height, regarding the line of the horizon they are enough oblique and they stretch to the vertical one regarding the median plan of the log. Very they are melted in the movements.


      Very knit to the log, of nearly equal length to that one of the shoulder, but less tilted than this.


      They are found on a flat parallel to that median one of the log.


      It has an equal length to that one of the arm and follows one perfectly vertical line towards the land.

      Carpo and metacarpo

      Approvals of forehead, follow the vertical line of the forearm. Side approvals, the metacarpi are somewhat flessi.


      They are of shape oval, with nail and uses, a lot hard, of black color.

    2. Posterior limbs

      Approvals in the entirety watch give to you GO BACK TO LIST, must follow, from the tip of the buttock towards earth, one perfectly vertical line. They are between of they parallels.


      Its equal length to 1/3 of the Height. Oblique E' from the high low and GO BACK TO LIST in ahead; regarding the median plan of the log perfectly parallel.


      Devout long of the thigh.


      The tibio-tarsico angle not a lot closed.


      The distance between the tip of the tibio-tarsica articulation and the plant of the leggermente inferior foot to a third party of the Height.


      With the same characteristics of those front ones, but little ovals.

  8. Sailing points

    Melted. Vigorous with high portamento of the head.

  9. Skin

    Very stiff, and supporter with all the external mucosae, and the sclerose that rigorously are pigmented black.

  10. Cape


    Along on all the body, from the head to the tail, the dorsal line until to the feet. E' devout short on the nasal cane. Rather raised and, therefore not flat, but to flocks, not shape never frange. Pure white man, without some spot of shadings.


    Height: from 27 to 30 cm. in the males; from 25 to 28 cm. in the females. Weight: from 2,5 to 4 Kg. All the males must very have two testicoli of normal aspect and reductions in the scroto.


    Every shunting line from the description of the characteristics of ciascuna region constitutes a defect, than sar penalized from the judges to second of its gravit and its spread, cos like the strabismus.


      Convergence or divergence emphasized of the aces skull-facciali - nasal cane montonina - prognatismo if deturpa the outer aspect of the snout - inferior height to i 25 cm. and advanced to i 33 cm. in the males and inferior to the 22 and the 32 in the females.

    2. Defects from disqualification

      Enognatismo - depigmentation of the tartufo, nonch whichever other color that is various from the black one - bilateral depigmentation of the eyelids - iride gazzuolo - anurismo, brachiurismo much natural that artificial - whichever various color from the black one in the cape - spots and moschettature - monorchidismo - criptorchidismo - deficient development of one or of the two testicoli - one or two testicoli not very reductions in the scroto.