FCI-Standard N° 193 / 22. 11. 2006 / GB
TRANSLATION : R.K.F., revised by U. Fischer, R. Triquet and J.Mulholland.
ORIGIN : Russia.
UTILIZATION : Hunting sighthound, racing and coursing hound.
CLASSIFICATION F.C.I. : Group 10 Sighthounds.
Section 1 Long-haired or fringed Sighthounds.
Without working trial.
No breeding to signal
if you want to know like signaling yours,
BRIEF HISTORICAL SUMMARY : The Russkaya Psovaya Borzaya has been an integral part of the national culture and Russian history for 9 centuries. The French Chronicle of the XIth century shows that three Borzois accompanied the daughter of the Grand Duke of Kiev, Anna Iaroslavna when she arrived in France to become the wife of Henri I. Among the owners and breeders there were many famous people including Tsars and poets : Ivan the Terrible, Peter the Great, Nicolas II, Pushkin, Turgenev. The creation of the famous kennel « Pershinskaya okhota » by the illustrious breeders the Grand Duke Nicolai Nicolaevitch and Dimitri Valtsev had great importance. From the end of the XIXth century, the Borzoi is seen in the biggest breeding kennels of Europe and America.
GENERAL APPEARANCE : Dog of aristocratic appearance, of large size, of lean and at the same time robust constitution, of a very slightly elongated construction. Females are generally longer than males. Strong bone structure but not massive. The bones are rather flat. Muscles lean, well developed, especially on the thighs, but not showing in relief. Harmony of form and movement is of prime importance.
- In males the height at the withers is equal or barely superior to that from the summit of the croup to the ground.
- In females these two heights are equal.
- The height at the withers must be slightly inferior to the length of the body.
- The depth of the chest is approximately equal to half the height at the withers.
- The length of the muzzle, from the stop to the tip of the nose, is equal or slightly superior to that of the skull, from the occiput to the stop.
BEHAVIOUR / TEMPERAMENT : In its everyday life the Borzoi has a quiet and balanced character. At the sight of game it gets suddenly excited. It has a piercing sight, capable of seeing very far. Its reaction is impetuous.
HEAD : Viewed from above as well as from the side, lean, long, narrow, aristocratic. Seen in profile, the lines of the skull and muzzle form a long, slightly convex line, the line of the sagittal crest being straight or slightly oblique towards the well marked occipital protuberance. The head is so elegant and lean that the principal veins show through the skin.
Skull : Narrow; seen from above : elongated into an oval shape; seen in profile, almost flat.
Stop : Only very slightly marked.
Nose : Large, mobile, considerably prominent in relation to the lower jaw.
Top of muzzle : Long, filled out in all its length, slightly arched near the nose.
Muzzle : The length of the muzzle from the stop to the tip of the nose is equal or slightly superior to that of the skull, from the occiput to the stop.
Lips : Fine, clean, well fitting. The eye-rims, the lips and the nose are black whatever the colour of the coat.
Jaws/Teeth : Strong underjaw. Teeth white, strong; scissor bite or pincer bite.
Eyes : Large, very slightly prominent, expressive, dark hazel or dark brown, almond-shaped, but not slit-eyed, set obliquely.
Ears : Small, thin, mobile, set on above the eye level and backwards, pointing almost towards the nape of the neck when not alert. The tips of the ears are situated near each other or directed downwards along the neck and close to it. When the dog is alert, the ears are carried higher and on the sides or forward; sometimes one or both ears are erect like horse ears.
NECK : Long, clean, flattened laterally, muscled, slightly arched, never carried high.
Withers : Not marked.
Back : Broad, muscled, elastic, forming with the loin and croup a curve which is more pronounced in the males. The highest point of this curve is situated ahead of the middle of the loin or in the region of the 1st or 2nd lumbar vertebra.
Loin : Long, prominent, muscled, moderately broad.
Croup : Long, broad, slightly sloping. The width of the croup measured between the two hip bones (iliac crests) must not be less than 8 cm.
Chest : Of oval cross-section, not narrow, yet not wider than the croup, deep, well developed in length, spacious, reaching down almost to elbow level. The region of the shoulder blades being flatter, the chest gets gradually wider towards the false ribs, which are short; seen in profile, it forms a change in slope. The ribs are long, slightly prominent. The forechest is slightly prominent in relation to the scapular-humeral articulation.
Belly : Well tucked up, the underline rises abruptly towards the abdomen.
TAIL : In shape of sickle or sabre, low set, thin, long. Passed between the hindlegs, it must reach up to the hip bone (iliac crest), furnished with abundant feathering. When the dog is standing naturally, the tail hangs downwards. In action, it is raised, but not above the level of the back.
Forelegs clean, muscled, seen from the front perfectly straight and parallel. The height of the forelegs from the elbow to the ground is equal or a little superior to half the height at the withers.
Shoulders : Shoulder blades are long and oblique.
Upper arm : Moderately oblique; its length is barely superior to the length of the shoulder blade. Angle of the scapular-humeral articulation well pronounced.
Elbows : In parallel planes to the median plane of the body.
Forearm : Clean, long, of oval cross-section; seen from the front, narrow, seen in profile, broad.
Metacarpus (pastern) : Slightly oblique in relation to the ground.
HINDQUARTERS : Seen from GO BACK TO LIST : straight, parallel, set slightly wider than the forequarters. When the dog is standing naturallly, the vertical line dropping from the ischiatic tuberosity (point of buttocks) must pass in front of the centre of the hock joint and of the metatarsals.
Upper thigh : Well muscled, long, placed obliquely.
Lower thigh : Long, muscled, placed obliquely. The femoro-tibial and the tibio-tarsal articulations well developed, broad, clean; the angles must be well marked.
Metatarsus (rear pastern) : Not long, placed almost vertically.
All the articulations are well angulated.
FEET : Lean, narrow, of elongated oval shape (called « harefeet »); toes arched, tight; nails long, strong, touching the ground.
GAIT / MOVEMENT : When not hunting, the typical gait of the Borzoi is the extended trot, effortless, very supple and lifting; when hunting the charging gallop is extremely fast, with leaps of great length.
SKIN : Supple, elastic.
HAIR : Silky, soft and supple, wavy or forming short curls, but never small tight curls. On the head, the ears and the limbs, the hair is satiny (silky but heavier), short, close lying. On the body, the hair is quite long, wavy; on the regions of the shoulder blades and the croup, the hair forms finer curls; on the ribs and thighs, the hair is shorter; the hair which forms the fringes, the « breeches » and the feathering of the tail is longer. The coat on the neck is dense and abundant.
COLOUR : All colour combinations, but never with blue, brown (chocolate) and any derivatives of these colours.
All the colours may be solid or pied. The fringes, « breeches », featherings of the tail are considerably lighter than the ground colour. For the overlaid colours a black mask is typical.
Desirable height at the withers : dogs : 75 - 85 cm,
bitches : 68 - 78 cm.
In males, the height at the withers is equal or barely superior to that from the summit of the croup to the ground. In females, these heights are equal. Subjects exceeding the maximum height are acceptable provided the typical morphology is preserved.
FAULTS : Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree, especially:
- Teeth :
- Small, abnormally worn teeth. Absence of one PM2.
- PM1s and M3s are not taken into account.
Colour :
- Flecks of the same shade as the ground colour.
General appearance :
- Stocky appearance ; short trunk.
- Heavy, round bone.
Head :
- Soft tissues.
- Blunt muzzle.
- Very pronounced stop.
- Very pronounced zygomatic arches.
- Occiput not pronounced.
Teeth :
- Lack of one PM3, one PM4 (lower jaw), one M1 (upper jaw), one M2.
Eyes :
- Deep set; yellow or light; slit eyes (too narrow palpebral aperture); showing haw.
Ears :
- Thick, coarse, with rounded tips.
Neck :
- Presence of dewlap.
Back :
- Sagging; straight back in males.
Croup :
- Goose rump.
Belly :
- Pendulous, insufficiently tucked up.
Tail :
- Coarse; in action, falling downwards.
Forequarters :
- Scapular-humeral angle too open (straight shoulder)
- In or out at elbows.
- Forearm : Of round cross-section. Any deviation of the forearm.
- Knuckling over.
- Weak in pasterns.
Hindquarters :
- Over angulated or too straight angulation.
- Close GO BACK TO LIST or spread hocks.
Feet :
- Tendency to broad, round, thick feet; cat feet, flat feet; spread toes.
Coat :
- Colour : Flecks on the body of another shade than the ground colour.
Behaviour / Temperament :
- Aggressive or overly shy.
Teeth :
- Overshot or undershot mouth.
- Wry mouth.
- Lack of one incisor, one canine, one carnassial tooth (PM4-upper jaw – M1-lower jaw), lack of more than 4 teeth (any four teeth).
- Faulty position of one or both canines of the lower jaw which, when the mouth is shut, can damage the upper gums or the palate.
Eye :
- Wall eye.
Tail :
- Corkscrew tail, broken tail (fused vertebrae), docked, even partially.
Hindquarters :
- Presence of dewclaws.
Colour :
- Brown (chocolate), Blue.
Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified.
N.B. : Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.
Automatic translate from
its line, its fineness and its elegance, the Borzoi evokes endured
the image of the levriero. The great ransom, the wealth of the fur,
the beauty of the colors, the proportions, the harmony of the shapes
and the amplitude of the movements make of he one of the
distinguished devout dogs of the cinofilia. Under its placid air
they hide one rare determination and a courage in its group.
cesellata the tight elunga, dry head and, with long, dry snout,
strait, hardly arch. The orecchie small and are attacked high. The
back, in particular way in the male, forms a great lowered arc. In
the complex, the body has the shape of a rectangle leggermente
the Height goes from 70 to 82 cm for the male; the
small female devout of 5 cm. Colors: white man, all the shadings of
the gold, silverplated gold, ombreggiato, focato gold ombreggiato of
black, with dark snout and limbs, gray in various varying, tigrato
gold, focato or gray with devout extend tigrature of dark ink,
focato, black and all the intermediate shadings of these colors
falls: attacked low, to scythe or scimitarra, with abundant hair,
devout possible the long one.
Defects to
. .
Color fire too much approached
. .
Clear Tartufo, snout too much appuntito, stop emphasized
date of publication of the standard
originates them enforced: 13.03.2001
Classification F.C.I. : Group 10 Levrieri Section 1 To long or frangiato hair without job test.
Short historical panorama . . The Russkaya Psovaya Borzaya an integral part of the national culture and the Russian history from nine centuries. The French Chronicle of XI the century demonstrates that three Borzoi accompanied the daughter of the Granduca di Kiev, Anna Jaroslavna, when arriv in France in order to become the moglie of Henri I. Between the owners and the breeders cerano many famous persons, comprised of the Zar and the poets: Ivan the Terrible one, Peter the Large one, Nicholas II, Pushkia, Turgenev. The creation of the famous canile Pershinskaya ohhota of the illustrious breeders the Granduca Nicolai Nicolaievitch and Dimitri Valtgev had great importance. From the end of XIX the century, the present Borzoi in devout the great and important breedings dellEuropa and dellAmerica.
General aspect
. Dog of aristocratic aspect, great
ransom, lean and at the same time sturdy constitution, construction
leggermente lengthened. The females are generally devout long of the
males. The muscles are lean, very develop to you, especially in
thighs but they are not looked at in relief.
Larmonia of the
shape and the movement of primary importance.
In the males laltezza to the equal garrese or hardly advanced
allaltezza from the top of the rump to the earth.
- In the
females these two heights are equal.
- Laltezza to the garrese
must leggermente be inferior to the length of the body.
- the
profondit of the approximately equal thorax to met dellaltezza to
the garrese.
- the length of the snout, from the stop to the tip
of the nose, equal or leggermente advanced to that one of the skull,
dalloccipite to the stop.
: In its life of every day the Borzoi has a quiet
and balanced character. of the game is excited without
warning. It has one seen acute, able to see a lot far away. Its
impetuous reaction.
HEAD: Lean, long, grip, aristocrat. Approval
of profile, the lines of the skull and snout form one long
leggermente convex line, the line of the straight and leggermente
oblique sagittale crest towards the swell occipita them very marked.
The elegant and dry head cos that the main veins are looked at
through the skin.
SKULL: Approval dallalto, strait, lengthened
to form an oval; approval of nearly flat profile.
STOP: Marked a
lot leggermente
Region makes them
NOSE: Wide, mobile,
considerable prominente in relation to the inferior jaw.
Along, full load in all its length, inarcato close to the nose. The
length of the snout from the stop to the tip of the equal or
leggermente advanced nose to that one of the skull, dalloccipite to
the stop.
LABBRA: Fine (thin), cleaned up, adapted well. The
hems of the eyes, labbra and the nose are black, any are the color
of the mantle.
MASCELLE/DENTI: Teeth white men, forts; closing
to scissor or clamp.
EYES: Large, expressed, nocciola dark or
dark brown to you, a lot little prominenti, to almond shape, but not
to fissure shape, places to you oblique.
flexible, furnitures, placed over the level of the eyes and towards
GO BACK TO LIST, nearly towards the collottola, the tips of the orecchie are
situated near or allingi along the neck and neighbors to it. When
the alert dog, the orecchie are high devout capacities and on sides
or in ahead; some time or both the orecchie is erected like the
orecchie of the horses.
NECK: Along, cleaned up, flattened
laterally, muscoloso, leggermente inarcato, carrying rather low.
GARRESE: Not marked.
BACK: Wide,
muscolosa, elastic, forming with kidneys, lombi and rump one curve,
than devout pronounced in the males. The high point devout of this
curve situated in the region of the 1 and 2 vertebra lumbar.
LOMBO: Along, prominente, muscoloso, moderately wide.
Long, wide, leggermente tilted. The width of the rump, measured
between 2 boneses dellanca (crests iliache), does not have less to
be than 8 cm.
THORAX: of intercrossed section oval, not strait,
nevertheless not devout wide of the rump, deep, very developed in
length, spazioso, than nearly catches up the level of the elbow. The
region of the bachelor devout flat, the thorax is increased
gradually towards the false ribs, that they are short; profile
approval, forms a change in reduction. The ribs are long,
leggermente prominenti. Leggermente prominente in comparison
allarticolazione to scapolare humeral.
BELLY: Well collection,
is raised abruptly towards laddome.
TAIL: To shape of scythe or
sabre, attacked low, thin, long. Last between the posterior legs, it
must catch up losso dellanca (crest iliaca), supplied of abundant
piumaggio. When the dog in feet, the tail hangs allingi. In motion,
rising, but not over the level of the back.
FRONT QUARTERS: The front clean, muscolose
legs, perfectly straight sights of forehead and parallels. Laltezza
of the front legs from the elbow to the earth, equal or little
advanced to met dellaltezza to the garrese.
oblique bachelor.
ADVANCED LIMB: Moderately oblique; its
hardly advanced length to the length of the bachelor. Langolo
dellarticolazione to scapolare humeral very pronounced.
In flat parallel to the median plan of the body.
Cleaned up, along, of intercrossed section oval; tightened, seen
approval of forehead of profile, wide.
Leggermente in relation to the land.
Approvals give GO BACK TO LIST: straight, parallels, devout leggermente wide
that those front ones. When the dog in feet in corrected way, the
vertical line that leave from tuberosit ischiatica (the tip of
buttocks) must pass in front of the center of the joint of the
garretto and metatarsi.
ADVANCED THIGH: Good musculature, long,
posizionata oblique.
INFERIOR THIGH: Long, muscolosa,
posizionata oblique. . Le articolazioni femore-tibia e tibia-tarso
sono ben sviluppate, larghe, pulite; gli angoli devono essere ben
. METATARSI: Non lunghi, posizionati quasi
. Tutte le articolazioni sono ben angolate.
FEET: Lean, straits, of lengthened shape oval (called harefeet
feet of lepre) the fingers are arched, fixed; the nails are long,
strong and touch the land.
ANDATURA/MOVIMENTO: When not hunting,
the typical sailing point of the Borzoi the lengthened trot, without
effort, much flexible one and sinnalza; when hunting the gallop of
loads extremely fast, with long jolts.
Skin . :
Flessibile, elastica.
. PELO: Setoso, soffice e morbido, ondulato a corti ricci. .
Sulla testa, le orecchie e gli arti, il pelo satinato (setoso ma pi
pesante) corto, folto. On the body, the hair enough along,
undulated; on the bachelor and the rump, the hair forms fine devout
curly; on the ribs and thighs, the hair devout short; the hair that
form the frange, coulottes and the devout piumaggio of the tail
lungo.COLORE: All the combinations of colors, to part whichever
combination that includes the blue, brown (chocolate) and every
deriving of these colors.
. Tutti i colori sopra menzionati
possono essere uniti o pezzati.
. Le frange, coulottes,
piumaggio della coda sono considerevolmente pi chiare del colore di
. Per i colori sovrapposti tipica una maschera nera.
. Desiderabile altezza al garrese: maschi :
75-85 cm.
. femmine: 68-78 cm..
. Nei maschi, laltezza al
garrese uguale o appena superiore a quella dalla sommit della groppa
al terreno. . Nelle femmine, queste altezze sono uguali. . Gli
animali che superano laltezza massima sono accettabili a condizione
che la morfologia tipica sia preservata.
Whichever shunting line from the name points
over would have to be considered a defect and this would have to be
considered in proportion to its degree.
aspect :
. - Costruzione leggera o massiccia.
. -
Aspetto tozzo o alto sulle gambe.
. - Struttura ossea leggera.
. - Muscolatura insufficientemente sviluppata.
. -
Stop brusco.
. - Profilo della testa di evidente forma di cuneo
dovuto allaltezza esagerata del cranio.
. - Fronte larga.
- Archi zigomatici sviluppati.
. - Muso corto. . Ponte del naso
troppo stretto.
. - Archi sopracciliari prominenti.
. - Piccoli, consumati in modo abnorme. . Mancanza di un PM2.
. - PM1 e M3 non sono considerati.
. - Piccoli,
tondi, nocciola chiara, occhi a fessura (apertura della palpebra
troppo stretta.
. - Terza palpebra troppo sviluppata.
. - Posizionate basse, non allindietro.
. - Corto, portato alto.
. - Schiena: stretta con
un avvallamento al livello dellundicesima vertebra toracica; troppo
. - Lombo: corto, stretto, diritto.
. - Groppa:
stretta, corta, ripida.
. - Petto/torace: stretto, piatto, non
profondo; linea sternale molto pi alta del livello dei gomiti.
- pancia solo leggermente ritirata.CODA:
- high or too much low
Posizionata; high capacity; the tip of the tail of shape to ring
that falls of side; little developed piumaggio; short tail.
Front limbs:
. - Angolo scapola/omerale troppo aperto.
- Gomiti allinfuori o allinterno.
. - Avambraccio leggermente
storto, troppo corto, troppo obliquo o troppo dritto
. - Piedi
girati leggermente allinfuori o allinterno.
Posterior limbs:
. - Troppo angolati o angolazione troppo dritta.
. - Vicino
dietro o garretti aperti.
. - Piedi con le dita verso linterno.
. - Tendenza a essere un po troppo larghi, leggermente
tondi, carnosi (spessi) o piatti, dita aperte.
. -
Insufficientemente flessibile.
. - Opaco, arruffato;
frange, coulottes, piumaggio della coda sparso; pelo dritto, ricci
fini su tutto il corpo.
. - Macchie della stessa
tonalit del colore di sfondo.
. - Costituzione leggera, costituzione rozza.
. -
Tronco corto.
. - Struttura ossea pesante, rozza.
. - Ossa
. - Tessuti molli.
. - Muso tozzo.
. -
Denti: mancanza di un PM3, un PM4, (mascella inferiore), un M1
(mascella superiore), un M2.
. - Occhi: infossati; gialli.
- Orecchie: spesse, rozze, con le punte arrotondate.
. - Collo:
doppio mento o pelle molle al livello della gola; collo di sezione
trasversale rotondo.
. - Schiena: insellata; schiena
dritta nei maschi.
. - Groppa: molto stretta, molto corta,
eccessivamente ripida (ad oca).
. - Petto: incavato nella parte
anteriore, costole a botte.
. - Pancia: penzolante.
. - Rozza, che cade allingi in (azione) movimento.
. - Deviazioni gravi dai punti descritti; toccano sopra.
. - Arto anteriore: di sezione incrociata rotonda.
. - Larghi, rotondi; piedi da gatto, piatti; dita larghe.
. - Molle.
. - Pelo: duro, arruffato.
. - Colore: macchie di tonalit oltre a quello del colore di
. - Aggressivo verso le persone.
TEETH: mouth that closes
badly over or under, jaw storta, lack of an incisor, a canine, a
carnasciale tooth (PM4 advanced jaw M1 inferior jaw), lack of devout
of four teeth (whichever four teeth).
Wrong position of one or
devout canines of the inferior jaw that, when the mouth sluice, pu
to damage the advanced gums of the palate.
. - OCCHIO: cieco.
. - CODA: a spirale, rotta, (vertebre sfuse), mozzata, anche
. - Presenza di speroni.
. - COLORE: marrone,
cioccolato, blu
. N.B.: I soggetti maschi dovrebbero avere due
testicoli apparentemente normali completamente scesi nello scroto.



