FCI-Standard N° 149 / 16. 04. 2004 / GB
ORIGIN : Great-Britain.
UTILIZATION : Dissuasion and Companion Dog.
CLASSIFICATION F.C.I. : Group 2 Pinscher and Schnauzer-Molossoid breeds-Swiss Mountain and Cattle Dogs and other breeds.
Section 2.1 Molossoid breeds,
Mastiff Type.
Without working trial.
GENERAL APPEARANCE : Smooth-coated, thick set, rather low in stature, broad, powerful and compact. Head fairly large in proportion to size, but no point so much in excess of others as to destroy the general symmetry, or make the dog appear deformed, or interfere with its powers of motion. Face short, muzzle broad, blunt and inclined upwards. Dogs showing respiratory distress highly undesirable. Body short, well knit, with no tendency towards obesity. Limbs stout, well muscled and in hard condition. Hindquarters high and strong but somewhat lighter in comparison with heavy foreparts. Bitches not so grand or well-developed as dogs.
BEHAVIOUR / TEMPERAMENT : Conveys impression of determination, strength and activity. Alert, bold, loyal, dependable, courageous, fierce in appearance, but possessed of affectionate nature.
HEAD : Viewed from side, head appears very high and short from back to point of nose. Forehead flat with skin upon and about head, loose and finely wrinkled, neither prominent nor overhanging face. Projections of frontal bones prominent, broad, square and high. From stop, a furrow, both broad and deep extending to middle of skull being traceable to apex. Face from front of cheek-bone to nose, short, skin wrinkled.
Distance from inner corner of eye (or from centre of stop between eyes) to extreme tip of nose not exceeding length from tip of nose to edge of underlip.
Skull : Skull large in circumference. Viewed from front appears very high from corner of lower jaw to apex of skull; also very broad and square.
Stop : Deep, wide indentation between eyes.
FACIAL REGION : Viewed from front, the various properties of the face must be equally balanced on either side of an imaginary line down centre.
Nose : Nose and nostrils large, broad and black, under no circumstances liver colour, red or brown; top set back towards eyes. Nostrils large wide and open, with well-defined vertical straight line between.
Muzzle : Muzzle short, broad, turned upwards and very deep from corner of eye to corner of mouth. Nose roll must not interfere with the line of layback.
Lips : Flews (chops) thick, broad, pendant and very deep, hanging completely over lower jaws at sides, not in front, joining underlip in front and quite covering teeth.
Jaws/Teeth : Jaws broad, massive and square, lower jaw projecting in front of upper and turning up. Jaws broad and square with six small front teeth between canines in an even row. Canines wide apart. Teeth large and strong not seen when mouth closed. When viewed from front under jaw directly under upper jaw and parallel.
Cheeks : Cheeks well-rounded and extended sideways beyond eyes.
Eyes : Seen from front, situated low down in skull, well away from ears. Eyes and stop in same straight line, at right angles to furrow. Wide apart, but outer corners within the outline of cheeks. Round in shape, of moderate size, neither sunken nor prominent, in colour very dark- almost black- showing no white when looking directly forward. Free from obvious eye problems.
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Ears : Set high-i.e. front edge of each ear (as viewed from front) joins outline of skull at top corner of such outline, so as to place them as wide apart, as high and as far from eyes as possible. Small and thin. “Rose ear” correct, i.e. folding inwards back, upper or front inner edge curving outwards and backwards, showing part of inside of burr.
NECK : Moderate in length, very thick, deep and strong. Well-arched at back, with much loose, thick and wrinkled skin about throat, forming dewlap on each side, from lower jaw to chest.
Topline : Slight fall to back close GO BACK TO LIST shoulders (lowest part) whence spine should rise to loins (top higher than top of shoulder), curving again more suddenly to tail, forming arch (termed roach back)-a distinctive characteristic of breed.
Back : Back short, strong, broad at shoulders, comparatively narrower at loins.
Chest : Chest wide, laterally round, prominent and deep. Body well-ribbed up GO BACK TO LIST. Brisket capacious, round and very deep from top of shoulders to lowest part where it joins chest. Well let down between forelegs. Large in diameter, round GO BACK TO LIST forelegs (not flat-sided, ribs well-rounded).
Belly : Belly tucked up and not pendulous.
TAIL : Set on low, jutting out rather straight and then turning downwards. Round, smooth and devoid of fringe or coarse hair. Moderate in length-rather short than long-thick at root, tapering quickly to a fine point. Downward carriage (not having a decided upward curve at end) and never carried above back.
FOREQUARTERS : Forelegs very stout and strong, well-developed, set wide apart, thick, muscular and straight, presenting rather bowed outline, but bones of legs large and straight, not bandy nor curved and short in proportion to hindlegs, but not so short as to make back appear long, or detract from dog’s activity and so cripple him.
Shoulders : Shoulders broad, sloping and deep, very powerful and muscular giving appearance of being “tacked on” body.
Elbows : Elbows low and standing well away from ribs.
Pasterns : Pasterns short, straight and strong.
HINDQUARTERS : Legs large and muscular, longer in proportion than forelegs, so as to elevate loins.
Legs long and muscular from loins to hock; short, straight, strong lower part.
Stifles : Stifles round and turned slightly outwards away from body.
Hocks : Hocks thereby made to approach each other and hind feet to turn outwards. Hocks slightly bent, well let down.
FEET : Fore, straight and turning very slightly outward; of medium size and moderately round. Hind, round and compact. Toes compact and thick, well split up, making knuckles prominent and high.
GAIT / MOVEMENT : Peculiarly heavy and constrained, appearing to walk with short, quick steps on tips of toes, hind feet not lifted high, appearing to skim ground, running with one or other shoulder rather advanced. Soundness of movement of the utmost importance.
HAIR : Fine texture, short, close and smooth (hard only from shortness and closeness, not wiry).
COLOUR : Whole or smut, (i.e. whole colour with black mask or muzzle). Only whole colours (which should be brilliant and pure of their sort). viz., brindles, reds with their various shades, fawns, fallows etc., white and pied (i.e. combination of white with any of the foregoing colours). Dudley, black and black with tan highly undesirable.
Dogs : 25 kgs (55 lbs).
Bitches : 23 kgs (50 lbs).
FAULTS : Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog.
Judges are required to strictly adhere to this standard and take the following faults into consideration :
- Nose roll overhanging or partly covering the nose.
- Aggressive or overly shy.
- Dogs showing respiratory distress.
- Ingrown tail.
Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified.
N.B. : Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.
Automatic Translate from inseparabile.comThe history
This ancient molosso English one was opposed effectively to the legions roman and came later on selected in order to fight against the Tauruses in the arenas; not for nothing be called Bulldog (bull=toro). Its ferocity so was feared that still in 1 870 it existed to Rome a decree that it rigorously prohibited of circular in road with similar animals, also to catena.Vietati for law the combats, the breeders were engaged to improve of the character, until rendering it an authentic dog from company, beyond that from defense.
General aspect
From when it fought against the Tauruses, age in which was much devout high on legs and devout light, the Bulldog be morphologically transformed from the selection.
If the volume of the impressive head, profile sight it appears much high and short one from the occipite ones to the tartufo. All tipicit of the subject the glare of the proportions and the details of the head. Also the body does not give little, with a chest much wide one, strong but proportionally long devout shoulders oblique and muscolose and posterior regarding the front ones, so as to to raise the lombi. In the devout complex, front train massive poderoso and.
. Colori: unicolore o suie, cio fuliggine (tinta unita con maschera 0 muso nero). They exist two sun uniform inks: the red one in its varied tonalit with tigrato mantle; the white man and white man screziato (cio arranged with one of the aforesaid colors).
. Coda: attaccata bassa, parte piuttosto diritta per poi inclinarsi verso il basso. . tonda, liscia e priva di frange o di peli ruvidi.
Defects to avoid
. . . Tartufo color fegato, rosso o bruno
. . . Occhi infossati o prominenti
. . . Arti anteriori talmente corti da nuocere all’attivit del cane
. . . Mantello color fegato o nero focato
General aspect
. L'aspetto generale di un bulldog quello a pelo liscio, tarchiato, piuttosto basso sugli arti, ma largo, possente e compatto.
. La testa massiccia piuttosto larga in rapporto alla taglia del cane. No characteristic must be a lot exaggerated in connection with the others to destroy the general simmetria or to make to appear the deformed dog or still to interfere with its capacit of movement.
. Il muso corto, largo, smussato e rivolto verso l'alto.
. Il corpo corto e ben saldo, le membra forti e muscolose. . Sul di dietro alto e forte ma comunque leggero in rapporto alla pesante parte anteriore.
. Le femmine non sono cos imponenti e ben sviluppate come gli esemplari maschili.
. Il bulldog deve dare l'impressione di determinazione, forza ed attivit.
. Vivace, coraggioso, leale, affidabile e audace. . All'apparenza fiero, dotato in realt di una natura affettuosa.
Head and skull
. La testa grande: il suo perimetro (misurato davanti alle orecchie) deve uguagliare almeno l'altezza del cane al garrese.
Sight of forehead, it must seem much high one from the commessura of the inferior to the sommit of skull and equally wide and squared jaw.
. Le guance arrotondate devono estendersi lateralmente oltre gli occhi. . Vista di profilo la testa deve sembrare molto alta e corta dall'occipite alla punta del naso.
. La fronte deve essere piatta con pelle cascante e rugosa sopra ed intorno alla testa, n prominente n sporgente. . Le proiezioni frontali delle ossa prominenti, ampie, squadrate e alte; ampio solco fra gli occhi.
. Dallo stop un solco largo e profondo si estende fino a met del cranio agli occhi.
The front part of the face, from the zigomi to the tartufo must be short and to have some wrinkles; the short, wide snout and rincagnato, a lot often from the commessura of the eye to the commessura of the mouth.
Tartufo and the narici must absolutely be large, wide and of black color: for no reason of dark red color (liver), red or brown; the sommit of the tartufo it must be turned to GO BACK TO LIST towards the eyes.
The distance between the inner angle of the eye (or from the center of the stop to the eyes) to the external tip of the tartufo does not have to exceed the distance between the tip of tartufo and the edge of the labbro inferior.
. Le narici larghe ed ampie devono presentare tra loro unalinea dritta, verticale e ben definita. The labbra they must be thick, wide, hanging and a lot reductions: they must completely cover the inferior jaw on sides but not on and covering the teeth entire. . Le mascelle devono essere larghe, massicce e quadrate: quella inferiore deve sopravanzare considerevolmente quella superiore e curvarsi verso l'alto.
Approval gives of forehead the various ones propriet of the face must be balanced in equal way from both sides of an imaginary line that divides in two the head of the dog.
. Visti di fronte, gli occhi devono essere situati bassi nel cranio e molto lontani dalle orecchie.
. Gli occhi e lo stop devono trovarsi sulla stessa linea retta, perpendicolare rispetto al solco frontale.
. Devono essere molto lontani fra di loro ma la loro commessura esterna deve essere all'interno del contorno delle guance. Of round shape, of prominenti infossati medium dimensions n n, of color much dark one (for devout the black one) does not have to introduce some part white woman when the dog watches straight.
They must be inserted high cio the front edge of every ear (watches of forehead) must be joined to the line of the skull to its advanced angle, so as to to posizionare devout the possible between of they, devout high and far away possible distant from the eyes. . Di piccole dimensioni, sottili.
The devout ones corrected "to rose" when cio the ear expedient towards the inside in its posterior part, the anteriore/superiore edge ricurva towards the outside and to GO BACK TO LIST, partially discovering the inside of the external culvert of the ear.
. Le mascelle devono essere ampie e quadrate con sei piccoli incisivi collocati tra i canini in una fila regolare. . I canini devono essere ben distanziati.
. I denti larghi e forti non devono essere ben distanziati. . I denti larghi e forti non si devono vedere quando la bocca chiusa. . Quando li si guarda da di fronte la mascella inferiore deve essere centrata sotto quella superiore alla quale parallela.
It must rather be of moderate length (short that along), a lot often, powerful and forte.Ben arch in the posterior part, in the zone of the throat introduces much skin lassa, thick and rugosa that forms one species of giogaia from every side, from the inferior jaw until the chest.
The shoulders must be wide, revolts towards the bottom, oblique, much powerful and muscolose and must give the impression to have been "fixed" to the body.
. Il petto deve essere ampio, rotondo e molto profondo, deve discendere bene fra gli arti anteriori. . Largo nel diametro gli arti anteriori (non deve avere i lati piatti, costole ben arrotondate).
. Gli arti anteriori devono essere solidi e forti, ben sviluppati, spessi, muscolosi e in perfetto appiombo, non arcuati o storti. They must be rather short regarding those posterior ones, but much not to make to appear along the back or to hinder the attivit of the dog. . I gomiti devono essere corti e ben distanti dalle costole. . I piedi devono essere corti, dritti e forti.
. Il petto deve essere largo, arrotondato lateralmente, prominente e ben disceso.
. Il dorso corto, largo alle spalle e relativamente stretto sulle reni. It must decline leggermente until GO BACK TO LIST the garrese (inferior part) and from the vertebral column it must here go back until kidneys (devout up regarding the garrese), then incurvar devout abruptly until the tail, forming an arc (chiamato"dorso of carpa") that one characteristic distintiva of the race. . Le costole sono ben cerchiate verso il dietro del torace. . Il ventre retratto e non pendente.
. Gli arti devono essere forti e muscolosi proporzionalmente pi lunghi di quelli anteriori tanto da rialzare i reni.
. I garretti sono leggermente inclinati e ben discesi. . Gli arti sono lunghi e muscolosi dai reni al garretto che nella sua parte inferiore corto, dritto e forte.
. Le grasselle devono essere rotonde e leggermente rivolte verso l'esterno, distanti dal corpo. . I garretti perci tendono ad avvicinarsi mentre gli arti posteriori a rivolgersi verso l'esterno.
. I piedi anteriori devono essere dritti e girati leggermente verso l'esterno; di dimensioni medie e moderatamente rotondi. . I piedi posteriori devono presentarsi rotondi e compatti.
. Le dita, compatte e spesse, sono ben separate con articolazioni prominenti e alte.
The tail
. La coda deve essere inserita bassa con uscita piuttosto dritta e deve poi inclinarsi verso il basso. . Rotonda, liscia e priva di frange o peli ruvidi. . Di lunghezza moderata, corta piuttosto che lunga, spessa alla radice essa si assottiglia fino a terminare in una punta sottile.
. Deve essere portata bassa (non deve avere curve brusche verso l'alto all'estremit) e mai portata al di sopra della schiena.
Particularly heavy sailing point and contracts, the dog seems to walk to small steps on the tip of the feet, the posterior feet seem nearly not to raise themselves and shave the ground.
. Quando il cane corre una o l'altra delle spalle gettata leggermente in avanti.
. Il pelo deve essere di tessitura fine, corto, fitto e liscio (duro solo perch corto e fitto, non ispido).
. Mantello a tinta unita o macchiata (cio colore uniforme con maschera o muso nero).
They are you concur single uniform colors (that they must be pure shining and), cio: tigrato, red in all its shadings, fulvo, fulvo clearly etc, white man and spotted white man (cio the combination of white man with one of the cited colors).
. Il naso depigmentato o color fegato, il colore nero, il nero focato sono altamente indesiderati.
. Maschi 25kg (55 libre)
. Femmine 22.7kg (50 libre)
. Tutte le discrepanze da quando descritto dallo Standard devono essere considerate difetti che saranno penalizzati in funzionedella loro gravit.
. I maschi devono avere due testicoli apparentemente normali e ben discesi nello scroto.
. Approvato dall'assemblea generale nei giorni 23 e 24 giugno 1987 a Gerusalemme