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FCI-Standard N° 48 / 12. 03. 1999 / GB


TRANSLATION : Finnish Kennel Club.

ORIGIN : Finland.


UTILIZATION : A dog mainly for elk and bear hunting, holds the game at bay.  Eager hunter; very independent, yet works cooperatively to game, marking game by barking.  The senses, especially of scent, are keen, thus the breed is suitable for big game hunting.  Very good sense of direction.

CLASSIFICATION F.C.I. :            Group     5          Spitz and primitive types.
                                             Section 2     Nordic Hunting Dogs.
                                             Working trial only for the nordic              countries (Sweden, Norway, Finland).


No breeding to signal
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BRIEF HISTORICAL SUMMARY : The Komi dog, also called the dog of Zyrians, is considered to be the origin of the breed.  However, the basic stock dogs originated from the Ladoga’s Karelia, Olonets and Russian Karelia , where they were used for all different types of game hunting.  The breeding was started in 1936 with the goal to create a sturdy dog which barks at big game.  The first standard was established in 1945.  The first dogs were registred in 1946.  Today the breed is common in Finland.

GENERAL APPEARANCE : Medium sized, robust conformation, strong, only slightly longer than the height at the withers, with dense coat and pricked ears.

IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS : The length of the body is only slightly longer than the height at the withers.  The depth of the body is about the half of the height at the withers.  The ratio between muzzle and skull is approximately 2 : 3.  The length of the skull is about the same as its breadth and depth.

BEHAVIOUR / TEMPERAMENT : Balanced, slightly reserved, courageous and persistent.  Very self-confident, may be aggressive towards other dogs, but never towards people.  Highly developed fighting spirit.

HEAD : Viewed from the front triangular in shape.

Skull : Broad; viewed from the front and in profile slightly convex.  Broadest between the ears.  The frontal furrow is barely visible.  The superciliary ridges are only slightly developed.
Stop : Not very pronounced, rather long, arched gradually towards the skull.

Nose : Large, black in colour.
Muzzle : Deep, tapering only slightly towards the nose.  The nasal bridge is straight.
Lips : Rather thin and tight.
Jaws/Teeth : The jaws are very strong. The teeth are well developed and symmetrical; normal dentition.  Tight scissor bite.
Cheeks : The zygomatic arches are strong.
Eyes : Rathers small, slightly oval.  Brown of different shades, never yellow.  The expression is alert and fiery.
Ears : Erect, set rather high, medium sized with slightly rounded tips.

NECK : Muscular; of medium length, arched and covered with profuse hair.  Without dewlap.

Withers : Clearly defined, especially in males, less defined in bitches.
Back : Straight and muscular.
Loin : Short and muscular.
Croup : Broad, strong and slightly sloping.
Chest : Spacious, not very broad, rather long, reaching approximately to the elbows.  The ribs are slightly arched; the forechest clearly visible, yet not very broad.
Lower line : Slightly tucked up.

TAIL : High set, of medium length, curved over the back, the tip of the tail touching the body on either side or on the back. A  natural bobtail is permitted.


General appearance : Strong with strong bone.  Viewed from the front straight and parallel.  The upper arm and the shoulder blade are equal in length, the forearm is slightly longer.
Shoulders : Relatively oblique, muscular.
Upper arm : Slightly oblique and strong.
Elbows : Pointing straight backwards, placed on the vertical line drawn from the highest point of the shoulder blade.
Forearm : Strong and vertical.
Metacarpus(Pastern) : Of medium length, slightly oblique. 
Fore feet : Tight, well arched, roundish and pointing forward.  Pads springy, the sides covered with dense hair.

General appearance : Strong and muscular, viewed from GO BACK TO LIST straight and parallel. The front line of the hind limb is evenly arched.
Upper thigh : Broad and long with strong muscles.
Stifle : Pointing forward, medium angulation. 
Second thigh : Long and muscular.
Hock : Low; angulation clearly visible.
Metatarsus : Short, strong and vertical.
Hindfeet : Tight, slightly longer and less arched than the front feet.  Pads springy, the sides covered with dense hair.

GAIT/MOVEMENT : Light, ground covering and effortless.  Changes easily from trot to gallop, which is the most natural style of movement.  The legs move parallel.

SKIN : Tight overall without wrinkles.


HAIR : Outer coat harsh and straight.  On the neck, back and backside of the upper thighs longer than elsewhere.  The undercoat is soft and dense.

COLOUR : Black, may be dull or shaded with brown.  Most individuals have clearly defined white markings on the head, neck, chest, belly and the legs.

Height at withers : Ideal height for    males    57 cm,
                            Ideal height for    females 52 cm.
                            With a tolerance of ± 3 cm.
Weight :                                          Males   25 - 28 kg,
                                                      Bitches 17 - 20 kg.

FAULTS : Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree.

  • Light in bone.
  • Narrow skull.
  • Strongly bulging forehead.
  • Snipey muzzle.
  • Yellow eyes.
  • Soft or bat ears.
  • Dewlap.
  • Too deep or barrel shaped ribcage.
  • Straight or insufficiently curved tail.
  • Straight shoulders.
  • Straight hocks and flat feet.
  • Dewclaws on hindlegs.
  • Wavy coat.
  • Predominantly white colour with black markings or some so called wolf hair.


  • Aggressiveness towards people.
  • Overshot or undershot mouth.
  • Wall eye.
  • Ears hanging or with drooping tips.
  • Other colours than allowed in the standard.

Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified.

N.B. : Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

Automatic translate from

Nazionality Finland
Origin between Finland and Russia (Carelia)
Classification the ICF:
Group 5 Dogs of the Spitz type and primitivo
Section 2
Nordic dogs from hunting N 48
Without test of job (With test of single job in the Nordic countries Norway, Sweden, Finland)
Date of Publication of the Standard originates them in vigore:15/09/1989

Dog of medium ransom, sturdy conformation, solid, leggermente devout along that high, with a hair folto and erected orecchie.
The head to wedge shape, the convex forehead leggermente with stop light pointed out, the snout straight and finish to the estremit with tartufo black and very developed with olfatto formidable. The labbra they are thin and completely adherent to the snout.
The teeth with are taken to scissor, the relatively small eyes and browns, the erected orecchie, of medium largeness with a light rounding in tip, the neck strongly of medium length, arch and covered from one often hair.
Fourth front one: strongly slanted and rather muscolose shoulders.
The elbows are adherent to the thorax, the forearms come down straight with carpi elastic. The sturdy body with solid and elastic dorsal line. The wide chest extends approximately towards the bottom until the height of the wide rump and the ventre it re-enters leggermente regarding the dorsal line.
Fourth posterior one: and strongly muscoloso, seen they give GO BACK TO LIST wide right and parallelo.Coscia and moderated angle-shot of the garretto. The legs are rounded off with posterior leggermente devout lowlands regarding anteriori.La the attacked tail high, of rolled up medium length on the back, with tip the falling back on the rump or on lato.Il a devout hair of abundant hard and rough cover on the neck, rump and thighs while sottopelo soft and fitto.Unica admitted coloration the black-black one brunastro, with spots white women very defined that they are of rigor on head, limbs, neck, ventre and estremit dela tail.
The measures are 57 cm for the male, 52 cm for the females with one variabilit of 3 cm, in devout or less, for both seies.

Of balanced nature, classified, audacious, brave, leggermente affectionate with the master and giocherellone, difficultly attaccabrighe;i its acute senses, especially that olfattivo, allows it to be used for the struck ones of big game hunting.

Standard of the Dog from Bear of the Carelia


Classification the ICF:
Group 5 Dogs of the Spitz type and primitivo
Section 2
Nordic dogs from hunting N 48
Without job test
Origin: SF
Date of Publication of the Standard originates them in vigor:


Dog from hunting poured them for the large game like bears and lynxes but also for elk, red deers and wild boars

General aspect  

Dog of medium ransom, sturdy conformation, solid, leggermente devout along that high, with a hair folto and erected orecchie.


Of balanced nature, classified, audacious, brave, leggermente affectionate with the master and giocherellone, difficultly rowdy; its acute senses, especially that olfattivo, allows it to be used for the struck ones of big game hunting.


Watching it frontally to wedge shape, the relatively wide forehead and cheeks. The convex forehead leggermente with stop light pointed out, the snout straight and finish to the estremit to be distant them with tartufo black and very developed with olfatto formidable. The labbra they are thin and completely adherent to the snout.


Taken to scissor.


Relatively small and browns.


Erected, of medium largeness with a light rounding in tip.


Strongly of medium length, arch and covered from one often hair.


Strongly, slanted and rather muscolose shoulders. The elbows are adherent to the thorax, the forearms come down straight with carpi elastic.


Sturdy with solid and elastic dorsal line. The wide chest extends approximately towards the bottom until the height of the elbows. The wide rump and the ventre re-enter leggermente regarding the dorsal line.


And strongly muscoloso, seen they give GO BACK TO LIST right and parallel. Wide thigh and moderated angle-shot of the garretto.


Rounded off with posterior leggermente devout lowlands regarding the front ones.


Attacked high, of rolled up medium length on the back, with tip falling back on the rump or on a side.


The devout hair of abundant hard and rough cover on the neck, rump and thighs while the sottopelo soft and driven in.


Only black admitted coloration - the black one brunastro, with spots white women very defined that they are of rigor on head, limbs, neck, ventre and estremit of the tail.


57 cm for the male, 52 cm for the females with one variabilit of 3 cm, in devout or less, for both seies.


- cut Tail;
- Spurs;
- Mantle white man with black specks;
- Hairs mixed grays to black hairs that a grayish aspect gives to the dog.


- Skeleton weak person;
- tight Skull;
- appuntito Snout;
- Orecchie from bat;
- Forehead too much rounded off;
- clear and infossati Eyes;
- Giogaia;
- too much deep Chest;
- Ribs to botte;
- straight Shoulder;
- Garretto straight;
- flat Foot;
- waved Mandello;
- straight Tail to whip or scythe;
- Colors not admitted;
- Too much aggressivit towards the man.


Leggermente devout along that high (2-3 %) and given to us also from the long hairs of the extreme margin of the posterior limbs that emphasize the impression that the dog is devout along that high.

The males must completely have two testicoli of normal aspect reductions in the scroto.


For the realization of this card we thank the customers of our FORUM ( Wasim , Fabry )