The beautifulst subjects of the photos are of the breeding Dogo of the White man Mantle
FCI-Standard N° 292 / 29. 01. 1999/ GB
TRANSLATION : Club del Dogo Argentino « Dr Antonio Nores Martinez », Federación Cinológica Argentina and Mrs R. Binder.
ORIGIN : Argentina.
UTILIZATION : Big-game hunting dog.
CLASSIFICATION F.C.I. : Group 2 Schnauzer and Pinscher, Molossians and Swiss Mountain- and Cattledogs.
Section 2.1 Molossian type, Mastiff type.
Without working trial.
BRIEF HISTORICAL SUMMARY : This breed has its origin in the province of Cordoba, in the central (Mediterranean) region of the Republic of Argentina.
Its creator was Dr. Antonio Nores Martinez, a (renowned) doctor and member of a traditional local family. In 1928, his passion for dogs, perhaps a family legacy, led him to set the bases and a standard for a new dog breed which he named : Dogo Argentino. His work was based upon the methodical crossbreeding of several pure breeds with the « old fighting dog from Cordoba », a dog which was very strong and vigorous but lacked psychic and genetic stability. This local breed had been the product of the crossbreeding among Mastiffs, Bulldogs and Bull Terriers and was widely known and appreciated by fervent dog-fight fans, a very popular activity at the time which embraced all social classes.
After a thorough and minute character study and selection, through different generations, Dr. Nores Martinez accomplished his purpose, obtaining the first « family ». At the beginning it was generally considered a dog for fighting but Dr. Nores Martinez’s liking for hunting led him to take the dog to one of his habitual hunting trips, where the new breed demonstrated its skills, thus becoming a key figure in all his trips. Thus it became quickly an excellent « big-game hunting dog ».
With the passing of time, this adaptating capacity has made this dog very versatile as regards functions; it has proved to be a noble companion and a loyal and insurmountable protector of those it loves. Its strength, tenacity, sharp sense of smell and bravery make it the best dog among those used for hunting wild boars, peccaries, pumas and other country predators which can be found in the vast and heterogeneous areas of the Argentinean territory. Its harmony, balance and its excellent athletic muscles are ideal characteristics for enduring long trips in any weather conditions and then fighting fiercely with the pursued prey.
On May 21st 1964, this breed was acknowledged by the Federación Cinológica Argentina and by the Argentinean Rural Society, which opened their studbook to initiate registry.
It was not until July 31st 1973 that the breed was accepted by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale as the first and only Argentinean breed, thanks to the great passion, work and effort of Dr. Augustin Nores Martinez, its creator’s brother and successor.
GENERAL APPEARANCE : Molossian normal type, mesomorphic and macrothalic, within the desirable proportions without gigantic dimensions. Its aspect is harmonic and vigorous due to its powerful muscles which stand out under the consistent and elastic skin adhered to the body through a not very lax subcutaneous tissue. It walks quietly but firmly, showing its intelligence and quick responsiveness and revealing by means of his movement his permanent happy natural disposition. Of a kind and loving nature, of a striking whiteness, its physical virtues turn it into a real athlete.
IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS : As a mesomorphic animal, no part stands out from the whole body which is harmonic and balanced. Mesocephalic, its muzzle should be as long as its skull.
The height at the withers is equal to the height at the croup.
The depth of the thorax equals 50% of the height at the withers.
The length of the body exceeds the height at the withers by 10%.
BEHAVIOUR AND TEMPERAMENT : It is cheerful, frank, humble, friendly, and not a hard barker, always conscious of its power. It should never be aggressive, a trait that should be severely observed. Its domineering attitude makes it continuously compete for territory with specimens of the same sex, most noticeable behaviour in males. As a hunter, it is smart, silent, courageous and brave.
HEAD : Of mesocephalic type, it looks strong and powerful, without abrupt angles or distinct chiselling. Its profile shows an upper line which is concave - convex : convex at the skull because of the prominence of its masticatory muscles and its nape; and slightly concave at the foreface. The head joins the neck forming a strong muscular arch.
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Skull : Compact, convex in the front to back and transverse direction. Its zygomatic arches are far apart from the skull, forming a large temporal cavity which enables the large development of the temporal muscle. Its occipital bone is not very prominent due to the strong muscles of the nape. The central depression of the skull is slightly noticeable.
Stop : Slightly defined, as a transition from the convex skull region to the slightly concave foreface. From the side, it shows a definite profile due to the prominence of the superciliary ridges.
FACIAL REGION : As long as the skull.
Nose : Ample nostrils. Black pigmentation. It is slightly elevated forwards, finishing off the concave profile of the muzzle. From the side, the front line is perpendicular and straight, coinciding with the maxillary edge or slightly projected forward.
Muzzle : Strong, a bit longer than deep, well developed in width, with sides slightly converging. The upper line is slightly concave, an almost exclusive trait of the Argentinean Dogo.
Lips : Moderately thick, short and tight. With free edges, preferably with black pigmentation.
Jaws/Teeth : Jaws strong and well adapted; no under-or overshot mouth. The jaws should be slightly and homogeneously convergent. They ensure maximum bite capacity. Teeth big, well developed, firmly implanted in line, looking clean without caries. A complete dentition is recommended, priority being given to the homogeneous dental arches. Pincer bite, though scissor bite is accepted.
Cheeks : Large and relatively flat, free from folds, bulges or chiselling, covered by strong skin.
Eyes : Dark or hazel coloured, protected by lids preferably with black pigmentation though the lack of pigmentation is not considered a fault. Almond-shaped, set at medium height, the distance between them must be wide. As a whole, the expression should be alert and lively, but at the same time remarkably firm, particularly in males.
Ears : High and laterally inserted, set well apart due to the width of the skull. Functionally, they should be cropped and erect, in triangular shape and with a length which does not exceed 50% of the front edge of the auricle of the natural ear. Without being cropped, they are of mid-length, broad, thick, flat and rounded at the tip. Covered with smooth hair which is a bit shorter than on the rest of the body; they may show small spots, not to be penalized. In natural position they hang down covering the back of the cheeks. When the dog is alert they may be half-erect.
NECK : Of medium length, strong and erect, well muscled, with a slightly convex upper line. Truncated cone-shaped, it joins the head in a muscular arch which hides all bony prominences in this part, and fits to the thorax in a large base. It is covered by a thick and elastic skin that freely slips over the subcutaneous tissue which is a bit laxer than on the rest of the body. It has non-pendent smooth folds at the height of the throat, a fundamental trait for the function of the animal. The coat in this part is slightly longer than on the rest of the body.
BODY : The length of the body (from the point of the shoulder to the point of the buttock) exceeds the height at the withers by 10%.
Upper line : Level; the withers and the pin bones of the croup are at the same height, constituting the highest points.
Withers : Large and high.
Back : Large and strong, with fully developed muscles forming a slight slope towards the loins.
Loins : Strong and hidden by the developed lumbar muscles which form a median furrow along the spine. Slightly shorter than the dorsal region, rising very slightly to the top of the croup. The development of muscles in the parts of the upper line causes the dogs to show a slightly depressed profile without being actually so, which is enhanced in adults due to the fully developed dorsal and spinal muscles.
Croup : Of medium length, large and muscular; slightly showing the tips of both ilium and ischium. Its width is equal or a bit less than that of the thorax; the angle to the horizontal is of about 30°, thus the upper line falling in a slightly convex slope towards the insertion of the tail.
Chest : Broad and deep. The tip of the breastbone is level with the tip of the shoulder joint (scapulo-humeral joint) and the sternal line of the thorax is level with the elbow line. Large thorax providing maximum respiratory capacity, with long and moderately curved ribs which join the breastbone at the height of the elbow line.
Abdomen : Slightly tucked up beyond the bottom line of the thorax, but never greyhound-like. Strong with good muscular tension as well as in the flanks and loins.
TAIL : Set medium high, with 45° angle to the upper line. Sabre- shaped, thick and long, reaching to the hocks but not further down. At rest it hangs down naturally; when the dog is in action, it is slightly raised over the upper line and constantly moving sidewards. When trotting, it is carried level with the upper line or slightly above.
FOREQUARTERS : As a whole, they form a sturdy and solid structure of bones and muscles, proportionate to the size of the animal. Forelegs straight and vertical, seen from the front or in profile.
Shoulders : High and proportioned. Very strong, with great muscular contours without exaggeration. Slanting of 45° to the horizontal.
Upper arm : Of medium length, proportionate to the whole. Strong and very muscular, with an 45° angle to the horizontal.
Elbows : Sturdy, covered with a thicker and more elastic skin, without folds or wrinkles. Naturally situated against the chest wall of which they seem to be part.
Forearm : As long as the upper arm, perpendicular to the horizontal, straight with strong bone and muscles.
Pastern joint : Broad and in line with the forearm, without bony prominences or skin folds.
Pastern : Slightly flat, well boned, slanting of 70 to 75° to the horizontal plane.
Front feet : Rounded; with short, sturdy, very tight toes. Fleshy, hard pads, covered by black and rough-to-the-touch skin.
HINDQUARTERS : With medium angulation. As a whole, they are strong, sturdy and parallel, creating the image of the great power their function requires. They ensure the proper impulsion and determine the dog’s characteristic gait.
Upper thigh : Length proportionate to the whole. Strong and with fully developed and visible muscles. Coxo-femoral angle close to 100 °.
Stifles : Set in the same axis as the limb. Femoral-tibial angle close to 110 °.
Lower thigh : Slightly shorter than the upper thigh, strong and with similarly developed muscles.
Hock joint / Hock : The tarsus-metatarsus section is short, strong and firm, ensuring powerful propelling of the hind limb. Sturdy hock joint with a noticeable calcaneus (tip of hock). The angle at the hock joint is close to 140°. Sturdy hock, almost cylindrical and at 90° angle to the horizontal. If present, dewclaws should be removed.
Hind feet : Similar to forefeet, though slightly smaller and broader, but with the same characteristics.
GAIT / MOVEMENT : Agile and firm; with noticeable modification when showing interest in something, changing into an erect attitude and responding to reflexes quickly, typical for this breed. Calm walk, extended trot, with a good front suspension and a powerful rear propelling. At gallop, the dog shows all of its energy displaying its power fully. The four feet leave simple, parallel traces. Ambling (pacing) is not accepted and is considered a serious fault.
SKIN : Homogeneous, slightly thick, but smooth and elastic. Adhering to the body through a semilax subcutaneous tissue which ensures free movement without forming relevant folds, except for the neck area where the subcutaneous tissue is laxer. With as little pigmentation as possible, through this increases with the years. An excessive pigmentation of the skin is not accepted. Preference should be given to dogs with black pigmentation of the rims of labial and palpebral mucous membranes.
HAIR : Uniform, short, plain and smooth to the touch, with an average length of 1,5 to 2 cm. Variable density and thickness according to different climates. In tropical climates the coat is sparse and thin (letting the skin shine though and making pigmented regions visible which is not a cause of penalty). In a cold climate it is thicker and denser and may present an undercoat.
COLOUR : Completely white; only one black or dark coloured patch around the eye may be admitted, provided that it does not cover more than 10% of the head. Between two dogs of equal conformation, the judge should always choose the whiter one.
Height at the withers : Dogs : 62 to 68 cm.
Bitches : 60 to 65 cm.
FAULTS : Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree.
- Poor bone and muscle development (weakness).
- Nose with little pigmentation.
- Pendulous lips.
- Small, weak or decayed teeth. Incomplete dentition.
- Eyes excessively light; entropion, ectropion.
- Barrel chest; keel chest.
- Flat ribs.
- Excessive angulations of the hindquarters.
- Hock too long.
- Untypical movement.
- Excessive skin pigmentation in young dogs.
- Appearance of small areas with coloured hairs.
- Unsteady temperament.
- Aggressiveness.
- Nose without pigmentation.
- Over-or undershot mouth.
- Light blue eyes; eyes of different colour (heterochromia).
- Deafness.
- Long coat.
- Patches in the body coat. More than one patch on the head.
- Height under 60 cm and over 68 cm.
Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified.
N.B. : Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.
Automatic translate from inseparabile.comIn a generalized manner
The Dogo a dog from taken destined to the big game hunting, and therefore is attempted to select the subjects to the maximum limits of the ransom, in how much an inferior mass would diminish I' effectiveness in action. Its sport and muscoloso aspect, and its candid cape, exclusively white man, is by now perfectly fixed elements. With its look from guard of the body, he remains however elegant in linens and very proporzionato.
The massive skull, of length equivalent to that one of the snout. The head that classic one of a taken dog from, is for its power from all the points of view, it is for strong mascella.Gli the eyes are dark or color nocciola. The nose pigmented of black, the orecchie are high on the head, erected or seed-erected of triangular shape. The large and very arched neck, the wide and deep chest the legs many muscolose.
Ransom: the standard indicates a height from 60 to 65 cm to the garrese, even if some subjects, above all in the Low Countries and and the countries of the east, catch up i easy 70 cm.
Colors: completely white man.
Tail: wide and large, it does not exceed garretto and the hanging capacity.
To avoid
. . Tartufo white man or much macchiettato of white man
. . Inferior ransom to i 60 cm to the garrese
. . Eyes of various or blue color
. . Prognatismo
. . Cape not white man or with spots
ORIGIN: Argentine Republic.Date of publication of the standard of origin in vigor: 29.01.1999.
I use: Dog from big game hunting.
Classification F.C.I. : | Group 2 | Dogs of Pinscher type and Schnauzer Molossoidi, dogs give mountain and Bovari Swisses. |
Sections 2.1 | Molossoidi, type dogo. | |
Without tests from job. |

Molossoide of normal, mesomorfo type, from the long limbs; also not being a giant, its good ransom remains medium in the wished proportions. Its harmonious aspect; sturdy thanks to the powerful musculature that to traspare through closely adherent the solid and elastic skin to the body woven thanks to of subcutaneous the not too much lassi. The calm but sure sailing point; intelligent and the fast and agile reactions emphasize the joyful character of bottom. Faithful and affectionate E'; the color remarkable white man; the physical attitudes of it make a true athlete.
Being an animal of medium dimensions, nobody of the features goes away from the general picture that harmonious and very balanced. The head equally of medium proportions and the length of the identical snout to that one of the skull. The Height corresponds to that one of the rump. The height of the thorax catches up 50% of the Height. The length bachelor-ischiatica exceeds of 10% the Height.
Joyful, frank, amiable, not mistrustful, it barks little perch very aware of its force. It does not have to never be aggressive, feature of the character who must carefully be held under control. The natural predisposition to dominate, in particolar marked way in the males, is involved it continuously in territorial fights with dogs of the same sex. In the clever and silent hunting, brave and much agguerrito.
Of medium proportions, the head from a force impression and power, without angles bruschi n fine cesellature. Leggermente concave-convex the advanced line: for the relief of masticatory muscles and the nape, the profile of the convex cranial region and the leggermente concave snout. The strong musculature from a shape arch to the junction of the head to the neck.
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Skull: Massive, convex in the front-posterior and cross-sectional sense. The arched ones of the zigomi are many sporgenti and form wide fossa a temporal one that marked development of the temporal muscle allows one. The swell occipita them vanishes of forehead to the great development of muscles of the nape. I furrow centers them leggermente marked. Stop: Medium marked, finding itself in the place of transition between light concavit of the snout and the convessit of the skull. Approval of profile it very defined thanks to the prominenza of the sopracciliari arched ones. |
Of the same length of the skull.
Tartufo: Black with the narici very opened. It leggermente proteso in ahead seen the light one concavit of the snout. Sight of profile, the straight and perpendicular front marking out of the tartufo regarding the front edge of the maxillary one; it pu however being posizionato devout ahead of this last one. Snout: Powerful, a po' devout along that high, very developed in width. The lateral faces are leggermente convergent. The leggermente concave snout, one characteristic nearly exclusive of the Argentine Dogo. Labbra: Moderately thick, short and very applied. The edges of the labbra are of preference pigment you of black. Mascelle/denti: Strong and very stiff jaws, without advanced or inferior prognatismo. The mandibolari branches converge leggermente and regularly. The force of the taken one of the jaws maximum. The teeth are large, very develop to you, align to you in regular way, saldamente it implants to you and of an immaculate white man without decay. One is searched complete set of teeth. The regolarit of the dental arched ones of fundamental importance. Closing to tenaglia, closing to admitted scissor. Cheeks: Wide, leggermente flattened, free from folds, rigonfiamenti and cesellature; covered from one thick skin. Eyes: From dark tawny color to nocciola, protect from the eyelids whose edges are preferibilmente pigment you of black, without that a partial depigmentation comes considered a penalizzabile defect. They are very separate to you. To almond, they are posizionati to medium height. In with their careful expression and it lives, but pu often to become hard and implacable, especially in the males. Orecchie: Attacked high on the head, they very are separated one from the other because of the width of the skull. Seen the function of the dog to its origins, they would have to be cut and straight capacities, of triangular shape and a length that 50% of the length of the front edge of the pavilion of the natural ear do not exceed. If they are not cut, they are of length medium, wide, thick, flat and rounded off to the estremit. The hair a po' devout short that on the rest of the body. They can introduce small spots that are not penalizzabili. The natural ear carried falling and very applied against the posterior part of cheeks. To the erta elevated capacities can be. |
Of medium length, strong and straight, it has a good musculature and it introduces of profile one leggermente convex advanced line. It has the shape of a cone you cut. To the junction with the head, the musculature forms a bending that hides all the bony shelves of this region; one joins harmoniously with the thorax forming wide escape of incollatura. covered from an elastic and thick skin that pu to slip liberations on the subcutaneous woven ones that are po' a devout lassi that in the rest of the body. To the throat it introduces of the not hanging and smooth folds; this fundamental characteristic in sight of the attitudes works them of the dog. The hair of this region a po' devout along regarding the rest of the body.
The length of the body, measured from the tip of the shoulder to the tip of the buttock, exceeds of approximately 10% the Height.
Advanced line: . orizzontale. The garrese and the tip of the hip are to the same height; they are the two devout points find to you. Garrese: Wide and very found. Back: Wide and vigorous, with an important muscular development that light inclination in direction of the lumbar region creates one. Lumbar region: Solid and disguised from the development of the lumbar musculature that form I furrow median along the vertebral column. It a po' devout short of the back and laughed them leggermente towards the rump. The muscular development in with of the regions that form the advanced line designs a profile that appears sometimes lowered, but a false impression, and the complete development of the dorsal and vertebral musculature in the adult dogs creates the same effect. Rump: Of medium length, wide and muscolosa, the estremit of the hip and the tuberosit of the ischio they are hardly visible. Its equal width or a po' under that one of the thoracic cage. It forms in connection with the horizontal an angle of approximately 30, that it leggermente determines a advanced one tilted until the junction of the tail. Chest: Wide and very come down; the tip of the sterno finds to the same height of the tip of the shoulder (articulation bachelor-humeral) and the inferior line of the thorax to level of the elbows. The spazioso chest in order to offer wide space to lungs. The ribs long are moderately bent and they are combined with the sterno to the level of the line of the elbow. Ventre: A p risen in connection with the inferior line of the thorax, but never levrettato; vigorous; the muscles of the flanks and the ventre introduce the same good tone. Tail: Attacked to medium height, it forms an angle of 45 with the advanced line. To shape of sabre, thick and long, it catches up the garretti without to exceed them. C$r-retired falling it naturally. In action, capacity a po' piu high of the advanced line and strikes continuously from left to right. To the trot, capacity to the same height or a po' devout high. |
Front limbs: In the entirety they introduce an all muscoloso and bony vigorous balance and very proporzionato to the ransom of the subject. Approvals of forehead and profile, the front ones are straight and parallels. Shoulders: High and very proporzionate. They are much sturdy, with one good musculature in relief, but without esagerazione. The obliquit of the bachelor regarding the horizontal of 45. Arm: Of medium length and very proporzionato to together. vigorous, equipped of one important musculature and form an angle of 45 regarding the horizontal. Elbows: Sturdy, covered from one thick and elastic skin po' devout that not shape n folds n wrinkles. Posizionati naturally against the thoracic wall to which they seem to belong. Avanbraccio: Of the same length of the arm and perpendicular regarding the horizontal; its boneses are sturdy and straight and the musculature very developed. Carpo: Wide, situated in the extension of the avanbraccio free from bony escrescenze or cutaneous folds. Metacarpo: Flattened, equipped Leggermente of a good skeleton and introduces one obliquit of 70-75 regarding the horizontal. Front feet: It rounds off to you, with short fingers, solid and very tightened. The hard and carnosi bearings are covered from one black and rugosa skin to the tact. |
The angles-shot are medium. In theirs entirety, the posterior ones are strong, solid and parallels; it gives the impression of high power that their function demands, poich the posterior limbs must assure a sufficient impulse and determine the typical portamento of the dog.
Thigh: Of length very proporzionata to the entirety, vigorous, with visible muscles totally it develops to you. The articulation of the hip forms an angle of 100. Ginocchio: Situated on the same axis of the limb. The femoro-tibiale angle of approximately 110. Leg: Short Leggermente piu of the thigh, sturdy, extends the good muscular development of the limb. Articulation of the garretto and garretto: The entirety short, sturdy and solid footstep-metatarso; it assures the force of propulsion of the posterior train. The articulation of the garretto solid and forms an angle of approximately 140; the tip of the garretto very visible. Garretto the balance, nearly cylindrical and forms an angle of 90 regarding the horizontal. If the spurs exist, they must be eliminates to you. Posterior feet: Similar to the front feet; bench they are p devout small and devout leggermente long, of it they have the same conformation. |
Agile and melted. Not hardly the interest of the dog comes risvegliato, the sailing point changes character remarkablly; it is raised and the reactions become fast, that the typical one of the race. The calm step; the trot lengthened with one good extension of front and one pushed powerful of the posterior ones; to the gallop, the dog extension all its energy and develops to all its power. The prints of the four feet are parallels. The dogs that walk to Ambio are admitted; this considered sailing point a serious defect.
SKIN: Homogenous, a po' thick, but it smooths down and elastic. Applied to the body, enough mobile thanks to the seed-stiff structure of the subcutaneous woven ones well; not shape remarkable folds, but in the region of the neck where the subcutaneous woven ones are piu discs of a valve. It must less be pigmented possible, even if with the years the pigmentazione increases. One not admitted skin esageratamente pigmented. The subjects in which are preferred the edges of the labiali mucosae and palpebral they are pigments you of black.
Hair: , smooth, and uniform short pleasant to the tact, of one approximate length from 1,5 to 2 cm. Densit and the thickness varies according to the climate. In a tropical climate, the hair, piu thin and rarefied, leaves to be transparent the pigmented regions, that not a penalization reason. In a climate cold, the hair piu and often driven in; the presence of sottopelo then possible. Color: Of a pure white man. Around the eyes chip ax one black spot or of dark color; this spot does not have to exceed 10% of the superficial ones of the head. Between the subjects of par qualit, the judge dovr to opt for that one the whose pure white man devout. |
Height: For the males: from 62 to 68 cm. For the females: from 60 to 65 cm. |
- Insufficient bony and muscular development (weakness).
- Tartufo not sufficiently pigmented.
- Labbra pendule.
- Small teeth, badly develop to you or cariati. Incomplete set of teeth.
- Too much clear eyes. Entropion or ectropion.
- Careened thorax to botte or.
- Flat ribs.
- Exaggerated Angolatura of the posterior limb.
- Garretto too much along.
- Atypical sailing point.
- Exaggerated Pigmentazione of the skin in the young subjects.
- Presence of small zones of colorful hair.
- Nervousness, nervous imbalance.
- Depigmentato Tartufo.
- Advanced or inferior Prognatismo.
- Blue eyes or of various color (eterocromia).
- Sordit.
- Long hair.
- Piu of one spot of color on the head. Spots of color on the body.
- Inferior to cm and advanced 60 height to 68 cm.
- Aggressivit.