

BLUE GASCONY GRIFFON (Griffon Bleu de Gascogne

In the photo MORA, Griffon Bleu of 4 years. of Paul from the province of Cagliari (Sestu).

FCI-Standard N° 32 / 25. 11. 1996 /GB


TRANSLATION : Mrs. Peggy Davis.

ORIGIN : France.


UTILIZATION : Multipurpose hound used for hunting the hare with the gun.  His keenness and fine nose make of him also a precious assistant in the tracking of the wild boar.

CLASSIFICATION F.C.I. :   Group    6     Scenthounds.
                                                 Section 1.2   Medium sized hounds.
                                                With working trial.                     

BRIEF HISTORICAL SUMMARY : Of very ancient Pyrenean origin, he is the offspring of the crossing of a medium sized Gascony Blue with a Griffon.  After having practically disappeared from the official dog fancy, the breed is actually experiencing an important revival.

GENERAL APPEARANCE :  Griffon of rustic appearance, solidly built, being halfway between the two breeds from which he is issued.

BEHAVIOUR / TEMPERAMENT : Fine nose, good voice, intent in his way of hunting, but also full of keenness and enterprise.  Temperament alert, even overwhelmingly agitated but yet affectionate.


Skull : Seen from the front, slightly domed and not too broad; the occipital protuberance is lightly marked.  Seen from above, the back of the skull is ogival in shape.  The forehead is full.
Stop : Not very accentuated.


Nose : Black, large, nostrils well open.
Muzzle : Practically the same length as that of the skull.  Nasal bridge straight or slightly arched.
Lips : Lightly developed but covering the lower jaw.
Jaws/Teeth : Scissor bite.  Incisors set square to the jaws.
Cheeks : Lean.
Eyes : Oval shape; dark chestnut.  Very expressive and lively.
Leathers : Supple, curled in without excess, very slightly pointed; must reach the beginning of the nose without going beyond its extremity.  Set just below the eyeline.

NECK : Rather slender, with a little dewlap.

Back : Well supported, firm; short.
Loin : Muscled, slightly arched.
Croup : Very slightly oblique.
Chest : Well developed.  Ribs rounded without exaggeration.
Flank : Full; underline slightly tucked up towards the back.
TAIL : Quite hairy; just reaching the point of the hock; well set; carried gaily sabre fashion.



No breeding to signal
if you want to know like signaling yours, contacts:

View of the ensemble : Strong and vertical legs, the whole without heaviness.
Shoulders : Quite oblique and muscled.
Elbow: Close to body.
Forearm : Strong.

View of the ensemble : Vertical and parallel legs.  Hindquarters well developed.
Thigh : Well muscled.
Hock : Well let down.

FEET : Oval shape, toes lean and tight.  Pads and nails black.

GAIT / MOVEMENT  : Supple and lively.

SKIN : Quite thick, supple.  Black or strongly marbled with black patches, never entirely white.  Mucous membranes (hairless zones) black.


HAIR : Hard, rough and shaggy.  A little shorter on the head where the eyebrows, quite bushy, do not cover the eyes.  Much shorter and flat on the leathers.

COLOUR : Entirely mottled (black and white) giving a slate blue effect; marked or not with more or less extended black patches.  Two black patches are generally placed at either side of the head, covering the leathers, surrounding the eyes and stopping at the cheeks.  They do not meet on top of the skull, they leave a white interval in the middle of which is frequently found a little black oval shaped spot, typical of the breed.  There are two more or less bright tan markings above the superciliary arches giving a “quatroeuillé” effect to the eyes.  Equally one finds traces of tan on the cheeks, the lips, the inner face of the leathers, on the legs and under the tail.

SIZE   :
Height at the withers :   Males :        50 to 57 cm.
                                    Females :     48 to 55 cm.                     

FAULTS : Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree.

Head :

  • Head too short.
  • Skull too broad.
  • Muzzle snipey.
  • Leathers too long, too hairy.
  • Eye light brown.
  • Conjunctiva visible.

Body :

  • Long; soft topline.
  • Croup falling away.

Tail :

  • Deviated or too short.

Limbs :

  • Cowhocks seen from GO BACK TO LIST.
  • Splayed feet.

Behaviour :

  • Timid subject.


  • Frightened or aggressive subject.
  • Lack of type.
  • Serious anatomical malformation.
  • Visibling disabling defect.
  • Over- or undershot mouth.
  • Light eye.
  • Wolly or curly coat.
  • Any other coat than that indicated in the standard.

Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified.

N.B. : Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

automatic translate from

Standard the ICF n 32/02/02/1998/I

  • Name of the race :
    Blue Griffone of the Gascogna (Griffon Bleu de Gascogne).
  • Country of origin :
  • Date of publication of the Standard in vigor : 24/01/1996.
  • Use :
    Polyvalent Segugio.

Classification the ICF:

  • Group 6 :
    Segugi and dogs for assimilated track of blood and breeds.
  • Section 1.2 :
    Segugi of medium ransom.
  • With job test.


Segugio much polyvalent one, used for the hunting to shooting of the lepre. Its ardor and its fineness of nose of it make a precious one to help also in the hunting of the wild boar.


Of pirenaica origin much ancient one, the fruit of the crossing between a Blue dog of Gascogna of medium ransom and a Griffone. After to be nearly passing from the cinofilia official, the race today lives one riscoperta important.

General aspect

Griffone from the peasant appearance, solidly constructed, that it re-unites the best ones qualit of the two breeds from which draws the origin.


Fine of nose, classic in its style of job, full load of ardor and initiative. Of lively character, even mental patient, affectionate.



  • Skull
    Approval of forehead, bombato and leggermente not too much wide; leggermente marked the swell occipita them. Approval gives over, the posterior part of the skull of pointed and little pronounced shape. The full forehead.
  • Stop
    Little emphasized.

Region makes them

  • Tartufo
    Black, wide, narici very opened.
  • snout
    Straight or leggermente montonino, practically of equal length to that one of the skull.
  • Jaw/teeth
    Scissor articulation. I recorded are implants to you to angle resisted in relation to the jaws.
  • Labbra
    Little developed, but cover the inferior jaw.
  • Cheeks
  • Eyes
    Of shape oval, of dark brown color, many expressing to you and you live.
  • Orecchie
    Thin, rolled up without excess, little appuntite, must catch up the base of the tartufo without to exceed of the estremit. Insertion right under the line of the eyes.


Rather light, with po' of giogaia..


  • Back
    A lot supported, short.
  • Kidney
    Muscoloso, leggermente arch.
  • Rump
    A lot leggermente oblique.
  • Chest
    A lot evoluto.
  • . Costole
    Rounded off, without esagerazione.
  • Flanks
    Full loads, line of the disotto leggermente raised towards the posterior part.


Enough hairy, it hardly catches up the tip of the garretti, attacked strongly, capacity gladly to sabre.



  • Vision of together
    Strong limbs and well in perpendicularly, without gravity.
  • shoulders
    Enough oblique and muscolose.
  • Elbows
    Supporters with the body.
  • Forearms


  • Vision of together
    Appiombi regular. Posterior train a lot evoluto.
  • Thighs
    Many muscolose.
    Very reductions.



Of shape oval, lean and joined fingers. Bearings and black nails.

Sailing points

Agile and it lives.


Enough thick, flessuosa. Black or strongly marmorizzata of black spots, never entire white woman. Mucosae (zones glabre) black.



Hard, rough and irsuto. A po' devout short on the head, where the sopracciglia, supplied enough, do not cover the eyes. Much devout and short extended one on the orecchie.


Entire picchiettato of black and white man, giving a blue glare slate; marked or they do not give extended devout black spots less or. Two black spots are placed generally on every side of the head, having covered the orecchie, wrapping the eyes and stopping themselves on cheeks.

They are not combined on the top of the skull; they leave an interval white man in the means of which one is found frequently small black spot, of shape oval, typical of the race.

Two devout focate Marches or less live placed over the sopracciliari arched ones confer to the eyes an effect of "quatrocchi". Focature devout or less emphasized is found also on cheeks, on the labbra, in the inner part of the orecchie, on the limbs and under the tail.



Males: from 50 to 57 cm, Females: from 48 to 55 cm.


Every scostamento regarding how much said state previously must be considered like defect, than sar penalized in function of its gravit.


  • Too much short head.
  • Too much wide skull.
  • Thin nasal cane.
  • Brown eye clearly.
  • Visible Congiuntiva.
  • Orecchie long or too much too much hairy.


  • Along, back weak person.
  • Lowered rump.
  • Which had or too much short tail.


  • Garretti seen sluices gives GO BACK TO LIST.
  • Feet plates.


  • Lack of type.
  • Prognatismo.
  • Clear eyes.
  • Lanoso or curly hair.
  • Any other color of the mantle not established from the standard.
  • Serious anatomical malformation.
  • Invalidating tares visible.
  • Frightening or aggressive dog.


The males must have two testicoli of normal aspect, very reductions in the scroto.

For the realization of this card we thank the situated one