For one greater understanding
Before what to clear : Italian the equiparabile German SV allENCI,
manages the race in private shape is from the cartaceo point of view
that gives that one proventi:quindi pockets moneies from affiliates
to you and on behalf of they it controls puppys and of it manages
it certifys and it turns out to you to you .
LENCI manages
the cartacea part and the proceeds of all Italian breeders,
SAS not specialized other that a societ
of race with charter just, that it comes maintained with one own
corresponded social quota from associates (c.a 7000 active).
LENCI, obviously, manages List of dog breeds in uniform way in the
same way regolamentando them, therefore to decisional level the Puli
and the Shepherdesses German have same rights and duties. Without
wanting to remove nothing to the others, it is not thought justified
this behavior. On the base of this for a long time that several
shapes of independence from part of societ of race the specialistic
ones have been demanded that have interests of collaboration with
foreign Agencies and that they can demonstrate valid and functional
qualified statutos.
According to point :se we estimate
the number of holders of affisso that they raise the Shepherdesses
German, in Italy, task or creed would have to be gone around between
250 or 300, and estimates the number of verifications dysplasia , to which subject subordinates come
assign to you, then, to the selection, par to approximately 3000
verifications, we transport all to the number of German Shepherds
enrolled allENCI, every year, par to approximately 24000-25000,
jumps allocchio that the numbers hang from the part of one
deviance delbreeders action devout to the production of
puppys in any case trades them or of insufficient zootecnico value
that not to one selection of race .
This translate in values
door to one devaluation of the product towards the bottom, forcing
lallevatore to the mentioned result dallamico Mauro Zanzi ( you see interview ).
Result? to verify the
dogs tatua you with affisso and the dogs tatua you with numeration
The third party point introduces, just, like managing this
phenomenon. To one your precise question made to Mauro and just "She
is engaged to collaborate with who has taken to its cucciolo in the
future" the answer be practically inequivocabile "always to
Us that I want to say reassuming that I do not
think valid loperato of unexpected who producer making to couple its
female with the dog of the neighbor... cos a lot in order to see
what then succeeds... creando those "dogs lupo", than you mentions,
with R-bianco.e.nero hair, head from collie, even speronati, much
beautiful not to have market and in any case svenduti to the forty
days for space lack. I do not find just that lallevatore selection
is forced to produce below cost puppys for being able to face a
inflazionato market nellintento to recover the necessary sums alla
subject own goddesses. I do not think just that the traders
speculate on the national production dealing it to stregua of the
that dimportazione masking thing like indispensable data landamento
of the same market.
This however a great problem difficult to
define for entire and passibile of various interpretations,
ribadisco are only my conjectures.
we omit the healthy maintenance doctor-nutrizionale of the fattrice, leave from one cucciola svezzata to 45gg and fed with mangime of average qualit 350-400 gr/g for an equal period to approximately 180gg, double sverminazione and complete cycle vaccinazioni. To the 180 days preventive slab for the verification of the dysplasia. The healthy subject (I leave you the destiny of that sick even if solution of selection a single one) comes carried allanno of specific ET with mangime of average qualit 400-460 gg/g. To a year definitive slab of the dysplasia to also and the elbows with search of the DNA.
Beginning phase of training c/o specialistic center: attainment licences, morphologic judgment in official manifestation, test of resistance, tries of selezione(nel case of makes from you the costs of not always realizes comes reduced in how much the necessary time allottenimento of turns out to you pu to be quantified in same modo).La the female to this point in rule with all documents and can couple it with a male to the relative cost to the value of the same one: previewed possibilit pregnant bitch, fertile empty bitch, sterile empty bitch.
Therefore if, if, if, and still if all it goes well it recommences with some other son. We multiply the all for the subject presents nelbreeders and made here: getlteman to raise that "passion".
The Liras mettetele you to brought back how much over, then add to travels in car, engaged days, several dissatisfactions, rages, litigi familiar, and you will have completed the picture.
The situation of the societ specialized
SAS resembles allandamento of the government, the charges ambite are
for prestige that for interest, every governing then from one its
print to the management and this not always comes shared. For this
for I suggest to participate you to Venerd the 09/03/04 to the
reunion c/o SAS headquarters them of Modena where they will have of
the clarifications from part of the CDN the associates.
Us that
to me spiace for in greater way that 20 years ago to contests SAS,
Seziona them, Regional etc. the participation was much numerous one,
is of contenders who of public, the manifestations were a valid
stage on one side in order to measure the own subjects with the
others and dallaltro side in order to carry linteresse towards a
sure type of subject also who had to operate a purchase. To the
shoulders lagonismo it was in any case high but wax perhaps devout
sportivit and of the factor interests was still in an acceptable
phase, hour all marks a step worse, has devout affluence in one
extension market that in one official exposure.
All these that
seem farneticazioni them you can find hidden between the answers
dellamico Zanzi, or around to the tables of the sections.
Clearly that the Shepherdesses German deserve much devout of
what today we can offrirgli and perch to Rex gliela pu not not only
make oneself.
In the recent reunion of the 09 u.s. kept
to Modena c/o the center Walter Gorrieri, to the presence of i,
center SAS has cleared some regarding situations centers them
(corridor voices spoke about a its possible transfer in other
national center) that rimarr to Modena, and has spoken about the
suspension dellex problematic Roman president nonch of some inherent
ones to the new charter in ottemperanza to dispositions ENCI.
The important things are reassumed substantially in two
programs: the first one previews the a lot yearned for
differentiation of certifys you of puppys obtained from dogs
supplies of the single LOI and of those supplies of selection ;
it seems that lENCI the verification of the puppys from race
experts has accepted the program concurring.
The second speaks
about one new electoral system , for the specialized charges
of the societ: the voting could not devout be operated for mail, but
andr to the urns in center only and every associate potr to enclose
one single delegation. The thing porter senzaltro a reduction of
voting in how much the center assumed sar presumablly in the Italy
center for to be equidistant from North and South, the costs for of
transfer will turn out forbidden you for that the urns diserteranno.
To think that every region has a its president and an own regional
management, than every region constituted from Sections car managed
with own presidents etc...., task that the methods in order to allow
the several one associates to you to vote, sure within a center
debitamente prepared, but comfortable to "all" are easy
individualistic draft only of having a po of good sense.
also about the Sirchia decree and the future of the breeds from
utilit and defense, of their training and how much potr to make
oneself in order to verify of the characterial dowries. To such
purpose what marks you it one: you have noticed that from september
2003, period in which recommenced the championship of soccer and all
the winter manifestations, period in which they have been reopened
you debate yourself political, period in which Parmalat it has
absorbed linteresse public dellopinione, from that moment the dogs
have stopped to bite! Of blow they are becomes to you all good ones
and mansueti, the news of aggressions and misfatti, until to that
moment allordine of the day, of blow are disappeared. Probably the
cold of it has cooled the comprised bollori and the istinti(tutti,
dogs, sanit, average, men with dogs, dogs with men).
cinofila however continues and the efforts in order to bring back it
allantica mere passion alone scevra, even if inconfutabili, economic
interests are not little and recall to the memory examples of other
analogous situations where for that one works in good faith you who
think to manage being seated it on one chair.
In any case I
augur how much before seeing the two small in photo to turn in the
ring, with just baby to the leash, and like first actors to listen
to the judgment of the judge as one listens to the opinion of a
father who to the own conscience dovr then to only render account of
what it has said.
Bocchetta Maximum
Here under, we publish the letter to the
SAS sended from Maximum to the Roman president, published also in n
the 123 of the review Shepherdesses German year 2003, with annexed
answer of
president, in the letter comes strongly esternata one
worry that regards many breeders, which feels itself little
protected in their job and they do not see recognized and valued the
substantial existing between who it mainly raises
and it selects for passion and who above all for lucro.
The not
lorrore problem of the gain, like someone, sprovvedutamente pu to
obbiettare, but draft to acknowledge the just compensation
exclusively in function of the seriet and the capacit of a breeder.
Relation S.A.S.
Saturday 11/01/2003
In the day odierna I have assisted to the
reunion for responsibles field breeding and technician indetta
dallattuale presidency.
Not re-entering in the cerchia of having
straight to the word, in how much single associate breeder but
without obligation of "responsabilit" of field, they are allowed to
analyze how much to me exposed from the Sig.Presidente Roman and
above all to draw of the conclusions based on its explicit answers
to formulated questions.
I think senzaltro right congratularmi
with Directive lattuale for carried out and operated how much in the
triennio.E insindacabile that every individual, group or institution
that operate and work in effective way and on the base of it reasons
programs to you, independently that these are in linea(impossible)
with the ideas of all, must be gratified of the maximum respect for
how much of positive has been able to make, and from how much
relazionato to us be a lot, and also nelleventualit of errors or
inadempienze, store clerks, than always contraddistinguono the human
labor; it does not have to forget that only who mistakes only works
and the mistakes possible to recognize the just distances to follow.
Right and felt preamble, I would want to subject allattenzione
of the Sig.Presidente Roman a large doubt that it harasses to me and
that it finds reply from sure situations that, by now, they are one
constant in our Societ:
I refer to the dellattuale fact
situation of stall in the certification of the puppys of
shepherdesses German and in the discordanza with lENCI for that it
would want and would have to be the rule demanded from the general
If I have very understood still up sea as far as
the differentiation of it certifys you of the coming from puppys
from riproduttori selects to you regarding those not.
On the
base of this I think is a large incongruenza between loperato of the
Directive one that, if from a part senzaltro it has crushed
sullacceleratore of the greater preparation of the dogs, in
training, having carried them to a degree of perfection
maggiore(clearly online with the directives doltralpe) but with
costs it adds them above all greater and rendering nearly the
preparation of a allallevatore subject impossible fan, but "not
assigned to the jobs", regarding the safeguard, then, of the
interests dellallevatore same that do not come secure in some way
regarding those who, online with dispositions ENCI, null they must
to the own subjects, null they must societ to the SAS, and no rule
they must follow in the production of puppys that in any case
please the demand for the market, and above all the profane
dellacquirente question, with productive costs ridottissimi and for
which "the certifyd" speech turns out one formalit tied to the
single cucciolate visual verification of the controller dellENCI.
How much exposed a simple and painful ascertainment that for
proposes a large dilemma:
to cure the sick one with a lethal
drug for the same one, for the effects collaterals undesired, better
or worse than to cure it with perhaps "devout drugs" indicates to
you then, and less harmful, even devout shrewedly chosen and
impiegati(even if with same final result but in long devout times)?
To propose subjects with not estremizzati degrees of
preparation, moreover obtainable what also a posteriori, on those
preplaces to be confronted with the subjects doltralpe, would allow
senzaltro to limit the "translate damages" in costs and without to
run the risks of material lost for the road, being given the
satisfaction to the breeders gets passionate you to prepare the own
subjects in house and of being able to mature "professionally" equal
step to the favorable maturation dellENCI with respect to the
problem to succitato(nota:allevare it does not want to say also to
know to train and viceversa).
In last analysis I only think the
super dog produced interesting in the exchanges between breeders
professionals,o in any case allinterno of the breeding circuit, with
one scarsit of the highest demand regarding the offered effective.
Devout president around to the ring does not breathe laria of
the sport passion, has seen the glances balefully, the arguments for
futili reasons, the malafede, linevitabile troublesome contestazione
but never constructive, he has inasmuch as private the onlookers the
lovers of the dog are themselves remove from our manifestations and
in their always devout comments you to you depreciation for our
methods and what represent.
Mr. Presidente we are considers
always devout cagnari and not cinofili, frequently dealing and not
producers you DOC, this an evil, above all for the respect that
deserves our Shepherdesses German, independently from the size of
exercises and the perfection of execution in which it succeeds to
make them.
This my reflection leaves the doubt me, on which I
would want its opinion, than to perhaps accept the soccer player
professional it does not want to say to prohibit or to eliminate
delloratorio soccer, from which then not said that disowned talents
cannot exit, that it comes practiced do not give the little elect
hundreds of but from all those that love also the single one pedato
some to the football. Perhaps the S.A.S must demonstrate of being
much large and far-sighted one not to have to depend on rules taxes
from others, in the respect of dogmas not always above the personal
interests, but that in a position to accepting the just maturation
of its it affiliates to you, in the respect of necessary the
technical times, proposing senzaltro the just roads to cover but
adapting themselves also to necessit of all the breeders sportswomen
who, not without economic efforts, allow to our large Societ of
being devout realt cinofila active the operating one on the national
Brocchetta Maximum
Bloomed All.Della Short
Novellara (King)