

ITALIAN ROUGH-HAIRED SEGUGIO (Segugio Italiano a Pelo Forte)

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FCI-Standard N° 198  / 09. 08. 1999 / GB


TRANSLATION : Mrs Peggy Davis.

ORIGIN : Italy.


UTILIZATION : Dog for hunting especially the hare and the wild boar.

CLASSIFICATION F.C.I. :Group     6   Scenthounds and related breeds.            
                                             Section 1.2   Medium-sized Hounds.        
                                             With working trial.       


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BRIEF HISTORICAL SUMMARY : The origin of the Segugio loses itself in the passing of times.  Dogs of the same type and stature as the present Segugio adorn the statutes of « Diane the Huntress » (Naples Museum) and that of Diana with Bow and Arrow (Vatican Museum).  In a Lombard necropolis of the province of Verona, there have recently been discovered two skeletons in perfect state of conservation, of which the conformation is identical to that of the modern Segugio.  At the castle of Borso d’Este (1600), one can see a painting which gives an excellent representation of the present Segugio.

GENERAL APPEARANCE : Dog of general medium proportions, the body fitting into a square; harmonious as to size (heterometric = normal proportions between the size and the different parts of the body) and unharmonic in proportion to the profiles (alloidism = concordance between the profiles of the head and body).  Its construction is well balanced, perfectly symmetrical, well built, with lean shapes, well muscled and without trace of fat, making him capable of following game from dawn to dusk.



IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS : Height from ground to withers is equal to the length of the body measured from the scapular-humeral articulation to the point of the ischium (from point of shoulder to point of buttock).  The withers must not be too prominent, but they should be slightly above the level of the croup.  The length of the muzzle must reach half the length of the head.  The depth of the chest is slightly less than half the height at the withers.

BEHAVIOUR / TEMPERAMENT : The Segugio is perfectly adapted to the most difficult terrains and can be used as well in the mountains as on level ground.  Very resistant and fast, he works with ardour and passion, alone or in a pack.  Compared with the short-haired subjects, he is more reserved, less exuberant, wise, calm and poised for the job.  His expression is friendly, soft and proud, yet veiled by a melancholic reflection.  His voice is resonant and very harmonious.

HEAD : Of longish shape.  Its length reaches the 4/10ths of the height at the withers.

Skull : Seen from above the skull presents itself in elongated ellipsis shape; in profile, its upper longitudinal axis is moderately divergent in relation ot the longitudinal axis of the muzzle; the profile of the skull is slightly convex; the bi-zygomatic width must be inferior to half the length of the head; the superciliary arches are only slightly developed; frontal furrow not pronounced; the occipital protuberance should be distinct, but slightly recessed, therefore only slightly visible, perceptible only by touch; it must be short.
Stop : Very slightly marked; from the muzzle, the upper profile must ascend in a soft slope towards the skull.

Nose : Large; seen in profile protudes beyond the forward vertical line of the lips; fresh and moist, with well opened and mobile nostrils.  Always black.


Muzzle : The muzzle measures half the length of the head; its depth exceeds just slightly half its length; its width reaches the 17% of the length of the head; the upper profile is slightly convex; the lateral sides of the muzzle converge, but not to the point of making the muzzle pointed.  In their entire length, the branches of the lower jaw are almost in a straight line; they are slightly developed in their fore part.  The sub-orbital region is chiselled, but a little less than in the short-haired Segugio.
Jaws/Teeth : Jaws strong in appearance, normally developed; the dental arches of the incisors perfectly adapted.  Teeth white, regulary aligned and of normal size; complete dentition; scissor bite is correct, pincer bite is acceptable.
Cheeks : Not too marked.
Eyes : Large, luminous eyes of dark ochre colour; in semi-lateral position, the inner corner of the eyelids must be at equal distance from the forward edge of the nose and the external point of the occipital crest; fascinating expression, a look soft and proud with a veil of sadness; eye opening almond-shaped with perfectly close fitting eyelids.  The rim of the eyelids must be black.
Ears : Their inset, of moderate width, is at the level of the zygomatic arches; they are hanging, of triangular shape, flat in almost their entire length (66 - 70 % of the length of the head) and very broad.  The ear ends in a sharp point.  Although thin, the ear cartilage must be rather rigid in its entirety; its insertion, very rigid, is characterized by a torsion which draws the ear forward without allowing it to relax nor to fold over on itself, nor to curl.  The point is turned slightly inwards.  The ear is covered with hair of moderate length, shorter than that of the body, less harsh, and without any fringing.

NECK : The topline of the neck is slightly arched, the lower part absolutely without dewlap.
Length : The length of the neck corresponds to the length of the head and thus reaches 4/10 of the height at the withers.
Shape : It is that of a truncated cone attached to the head by a well defined nape; also the neck must connect with the body by blending harmoniously with the shoulders; very lean and light, it must give the impression of not being very muscular.

BODY : Its length, measured from the point of the shoulder to the point of the buttock, is equal to the height at the withers.
Topline : Seen in profile, from the withers to the croup, the topline is straight.  Just slightly convex at loin level.
Withers : Only slightly raised over the backline and narrow because of closeness of the points of the shoulder blades; blends harmoniously with the neck.
Back : Upper profile of back is straight, well muscled, even if not very apparent.  The ratio between the thoracic length and that of the lumbar region is of 3 to 1.
Loin : The length of the loin is a little inferior to the fifth of the height at the withers; its width is a little inferior to its length; muscles well developed.
Croup : Upper profile of the croup is slightly convex.  The croup is considered to be horizontal, because its obliqueness from the haunch to the tail set is between 15 and 20 degrees; its length is about 1/3 of the height at the withers, and its width the 2/3 of its length; powerful musculature.
Chest : Its length reaches about half the height at the withers; its width is about 1/3 of the height at the withers; its depth must be about 48% of the height at the withers; the lateral sides show a slight convexity.  The upper rib arches, however, must be well sprung.  Chest of moderate width; the manubrium of the sternum must be at the level of the points of the shoulders.
Underline : The lower profile is determined by a straight line which rises gradually towards a lean abdomen (belly), never tucked up.  The flanks are slender, never fleshy.
TAIL : Set high, on the line of the croup, thicker at its base than that of the short-haired Segugio, it is covered with hair in its entire length, but without any fringing.  At rest, it hangs sabre fashion.  In action, it rises at the level of the topline and wags from left to right, while just touching the flanks lightly, or sometimes goes round in rotating movements.  The tail is considered to be long although its tip ends just close to the the point of hock.


FOREQUARTERS : On the whole, the forequarters, seen in profile, follow a vertical line which, from the scapular-humeral articulation, must reach the ground while touching the point of  the toes, whereas a lowered vertical from the elbow point must divide in two almost equal parts, (the large being the front part), the forearm and the carpus, coming out at mid length on the back of the pastern.  The height of the frontleg from the ground to the elbow is equal to half the height at the withers.
Shoulders : The shoulder is lean, long, very free in its movement; the points of the shoulder blades are very close to each other.  The obliqueness below the horizontal goes from 45° to 55°.
Upper arm : Well jointed to the body; like the shoulder, endowed with long and lean muscles; set parallel to the median plane of the body.  The scapular-humeral angle is of 110°, with an obliqueness of the shoulder blade of 45°.
Elbows : Equidistant from the median plane of the body; they must neither turn in or out.  Humeral-radial angle of 135° to 145°.
Forearm : Its length reaches 1/3 of the height at the withers; the forearm is vertical, the cubital-carpal groove is well visible.  It must give the impression of a lean (dry) and very thin limb.
Carpal joint : Lean (dry), covered with a fine and thin skin.  Seen from the front, it extends the vertical line of the forearm.
Pastern : Its length is at least 1/6 of the length of the foreleg measured from the ground to the elbow; in profile somewhat slanting towards the front.
Forefoot : Oval shaped (hare foot), well knit, arched toes, covered with dense hair; digital pads not very fleshy; pads dry, hard, leathery, always black.  Strong nails, curved and always black.  The presence of some white nails (not pink) is not a fault.

HINDQUARTERS : On the whole, a lowered vertical from the point of the buttock touches or almost falls on the tips of the toes.  Seen from GO BACK TO LIST, a lowered vertical from the point of the buttock divides in two equal parts the point of the hock-joint, the hock and the hindfoot.  The total length of the hindlimb is about 90% of the height at the withers.
Upper thigh : It is long and wide.  Its length reaches at least a third of the height at the withers.  Its lower edge is slightly convex; the point of the buttock is very visible.  The bulging muscles are clearly divided one from the other.  The upper thigh is slightly oblique from top to bottom and from back to front.  The angle of the coxal-femural articulation varies between 90° and 95°.

Stifle : In a vertical line with the limb; neither turned in or out.  The stifle joint angle varies between 110° and 120°.
Lower thigh : Its length is just slightly inferior to that of the upper thigh, and its obliqueness below the horizontal is of 40°.  Covered with lean muscles; the groove between the Achilles tendon and the bone is well defined and evident, with the outer saphenous vein quite prominent.
Hock joint : Seen laterally, its sides are very wide; it is considered to be low because the distance from the ground to the hock point does not exceed 27% of the height at the withers.  The tibial-tarsal angle, closed because of the accentuated obliqueness of the tibia, oscillates between 115° and 125°.
Hock : Its length is defined by the height of the hock-joint; strong and lean, perpendicular to the ground.  No dewclaws.
Hind foot : Less oval than the forefoot, has all the same characteristics.

GAIT / MOVEMENT  : Preferred gait of the Segugio is the gallop, but the hunting action forces him equally to walk and trot.

SKIN : Close fitting all over the body, somewhat thick.  The pigmentation of the mucous membranes, third eyelids, nails, central and digital pads is exclusively black.  The dark pigmentation of the palate is not required, but is highly desirable.


HAIR : On the body the length of the hair should not be more than 5 cm. 

The hair is definitely rough, except on the head, on the ears, the legs, the tail and the muzzle, where the hair is usually less rough than on the body and the lips; under the lips, the hair, although of moderate length, forms the so-called beard.  The hair on the superciliary arches is of limited length so as not to fall over the eyes or hide them.

COLOUR : The permissible colours are the whole range of solid fawn, shading from the dark red fawn with black overlay to light fawn, and black and tan.
The fawn may have white on the muzzle and the skull (symmetrical mask or not), a white star on the chest, white on the neck, on the pastern and hocks, on the feet and the tip of the tail.  However white is not desirable, and the less there is, the better.  The black and tan may have only the white star on the chest; in that case, the Segugio is called tricolour.

Height at withers : Males        from 52 cm to 60 cm,
                            Females     from 50 cm to 58 cm.
Weight :                Males    between   20 kg and 28 kg,
                             Females between   18 kg and 26 kg.
A tolerance of + 2 cm is allowed for excellent dogs.

FAULTS : Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree.
These conditions apply also to dogs who place constantly.


  • Head : Cranial-facial axes convergent.
  • Size : Over or under the margins indicated by the standard.


  • Aggresive or overly shy.
  • Concave muzzle.
  • Total depigmentation or depigmentation of the greater part of the nose or the rims of the eyelids.
  • Wall eye.
  • Overshot mouth.
  • Tailless or short tail, whether congenital or acquired.
  • Slate or lead colour; brindle coat; coffee, brown or liver colour, or white colour predominant.

Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified.

N.B. : Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

(Segugio italiano a pelo raso)

FCI -Standard N° 337 / 11. 05.1993/ GB.


TRANSLATION : Mrs. Peggy Davis.

ORIGIN : Italy.


UTILIZATION : Dog for hunting especially the hare and the wild boar.

FCI CLASSIFICATION :   Group 6      Scenthounds and related breeds.
                                             Section 1.2 Medium sized Hounds.
                                             With working trial.

BRIEF HISTORICAL SUMMARY : The origins of the Segugio go back to the highest antiquity. These dogs are certainly descendants from the primitive hounds of ancient Egypt, used for hunting game. They were subsequently introduced along the Mediterranean coast by Phoenician merchants and finally arrived in Italy. Numerous drawings executed under divers dynasties of Egyptian Pharaohs bear witness to the presence in Egypt of dogs very much resembling the present Segugio.  Lets point out in particular the presence of hanging ears, indubitable sign of an advanced domestication. We may therefore deduce that the ancient dog for the scent-hunting game, which should not be confused with the sight-huntinghounds, landed in Italy and gave birth to the present Segugio, whose general anatomical particularities have been maintained practically without change through the centuries. Dogs of the same type and stature as the present Segugio figure on statues of "Diane the huntress" (Diane chasseresse) in the Naples Museum and that of "Diane with bow and arrow” (Diane tirant à l'arc) in the Vatican Museum. In the castle of Borso d’Este (1600)  we can see a painting which represents the ideal type of the present Segugio.

GENERAL APPEARANCE : Dog of generally medium proportions, the body of which fits into a square; of robust construction, well balanced, with well developed bones, lean shapes, provided with good muscles without the least trace of fat; longish head of which the upper longitudinal cranial-facial axes are divergent; short hair coat.


  • The length of the body is equal to the height at the withers (fits into a square).
  • The height (or depth) of the chest is equal to half of the height of the forequarters measured from the ground to the elbow.
  • The length of the muzzle is equal to half the length of the head.

BEHAVIOUR / TEMPERAMENT : Scenthound well adapted to the most varied terrains; endowed with a great resistance and good speed, is extremely eager, whether working alone or in a pack; of a hardy temperament but not very effusive, has a soft expression and a resonant very pleasant voice.


Skull : Seen from above, the shape of the skull is nearly oval. In profile, the axes of the skull and the muzzle are divergent; the upper profile of the skull is slightly convex; the bi-zygomatic width is inferior to half of the length of the head; the superciliary arches are barely developed; the frontal furrow is only slightly marked; the occipital crest, neat and prominent without exaggeration, is short. Stop : Degree of accentuation of about 140°.

Nose : Nearing the shape of  a polyhedron of six faces, sufficiently large, mobile with well opened nostrils; the openings are slightly lateral; always black.
Muzzle : The length of the muzzle is equal to half the length of the head; its depth must exceed by a little half its length; the width of the muzzle, measured at mid-length, must be a bit inferior to the fifth of the length of the head; the upper profile of the muzzle is slight1y convex (Roman nose), the lateral faces of the muzzle converge towards the front; the branches of the lower jaw are almost straight in their entire length and the body of the jaw is only slightly developed in front; the lower lateral profile of the muzzle is defined by the upper lip.
Lips : They are fine and thin; seen from the front as well as in profile, they are not greatly developed in height (taut); in profile the upper lips show at their lower edge a slight curve. The rims of the lips are always black.
Jaws/ Teeth : The shape of the jaws is like that of a truncated cone; the position of the incisors in relation to the jaws is at right angle, with scissor bite. Teeth complete and white, regularly aligned and normally developed; scissor bite is correct, pincer bite is permitted.
Cheeks : Flat and lean.
Eyes  : Almond shaped, large, luminous, of a dark ochre colour, in semi-lateral position, with soft expression; the rims of the eyelids are always black.
Leathers : Set at the level of the zygomatic arch or slightly lower; the leather must be hanging and shows a torsion which draws the entire leather forward, not allowing it to fold over, or to curl.  The leather is of triangular shape, flat in its entire length and very wide; the point of the leather must end in a narrow point; it is never widely rounded; tip with a very slight internal volute.  The length of the leather must reach about 70% of the length of the head, and its width, at the broadest point, measures a little more than half its length.

Profile : Upper profile slightly arched, therefore slightly convex.
Length : Its length corresponds or is almost equal to the length of the head, therefore must reach the 4/l0ths of the height at the withers.
Shape : The neck has the shape of a truncated cone; appears very lean and light, giving the impression of not being very muscular (long muscles).
Skin : Fine, close fitting, without folds or dewlap; short hair.

Topline : Straight topline which from the withers descends harmoniously towards the croup with a modest convexity at the level of the lumbar region.
Withers : Only slightly raised over the topline and narrow due to the closeness of the shoulder blade points ; fusing harmoniously into the base of the neck.
Back  : Upper profile of the back straight  with muscles not very apparent; the length of the back is in relation of 3 to 1 with the length of the loin.
Loin : The length of the loin measures a bit less than the fifth of the height at the withers; the width of the loin is close to its length; muscles of the lumbar region are well developed in length and in width.
Croup : Upper profile of the croup shows a slight convexity; its direction shows an inclination below the horizontal of about 10°; its length reaches about one third of the height at the withers and its width measures about half its length; muscles are well developed.
Chest : The height of the chest or ribcage is equal or slightly less than half the height at the withers, and its width (transversal diameter), measured at mid-height, is equal to about 1/3 of the height at the withers; the chest must go down to, or nearly, the elbows.  The ribs are not greatly sprung, so slightly convex; the circumference of the chest being superior to the height at the withers by a quarter, the chest is of moderate width.
Underline : The profile of the underline is typical in the way that it presents itself in a straight line in its entire length, which, from the sternum, ascends to the belly; belly very lean, even if not greatly tucked up.

TAIL : Set on high on the line of the croup.  Thin at the base, and uniform throughout its length, resembling a “grissino” (small bread stick) except for the tip which is very fine.The length of the tail is so that the extremity touches or almost reaches the point of the hock.  Covered with short hair in its entire length. At rest, the tail just hangs; when the dog is in action, it is raised above the back line.


FOREQUARTERS : On the whole, seen in profile, the perpendicularity must correspond to an imaginary vertical line drawn from the scapulo-humeral articulation down to the ground, which just touches the tip of the toes, and to another imaginary vertical line, going from the humero-radial articulation, which divides the forearm and the carpal joint in two almost equal parts, and ends at mid-length of the pastern, Seen from the front, the foreleg must correspond to a vertical line which goes down from the point of the shoulder and divides the forearm, the carpal joint, the pastern and the foot in two more or less equal parts, The height from the ground to the elbow is equal to half the height at the withers.
Shoulders : The length of the shoulder blades reaches the third of the height at the withers; their slope below the horizontal is of 45° to 55°; the muscles are long and lean, apparent and well distinct; , opening of the angle of the scapulo-humeral articulation is of about 110°.
Upper Arm : Its length corresponds to about half ; the height from the ground to elbow; in relation to the vertical, it is situated in a plane more or less parallel to the medial plane of the body.  Arm muscles are long and lean.
Elbow : Placed at level or slightly below the sternal line and parallel to the medial plane of the body; the point of the elbow must be on the descending vertical from the point of the shoulder blade. The humero-radial angle measures from 135° to 145°.
Forearm :  Its length measures about a third of the height at the withers; is perpendicular to the ground and shows a well visible carpo-cubital groove, which gives the impression of a lean leg, fleshless and not heavily boned.
Carpal Joint : Lean, extends the straight line of the forearm.
Pastern : Its length must not be inferior to the sixth of that of the foreleg from the ground to elbow; wider than the carpal joint, but flat and lean; seen in profile, the pastern is slightly oblique from back to front.
Forefeet : Oval shaped (hare foot) , toes tightly closed and arched; digital pads not very fleshy; communal pad lean, hard, tough (leathery) and black. Nails strong, curved and always black. The presence of some white (not pink) nails is not a fault.

HINDQUARTERS : Seen in profile, the perpendicularity must correspond to an imaginary vertical, which goes from the point of the buttock to the ground, touching or almost touching the tip of the toes.
The limb, seen from the back, must correspond to an imaginary vertical which, from the point of the buttock, descends to the ground while dividing in two equal parts the point of the hock joint, the hock and the foot. The length of the hindleg reaches about the 93% of the height at the withers.
Upper thigh : Long and wide, its length is not inferior to a third of the height at the withers. Its width (external face) is almost equal to 3/4 of its length; muscles are prominent, but clearly separated; the back edge of the thigh is a little convex. The angle of the coxo-femoral articulation measures 90° to 95°.
Stifle : The stifle must be on a vertical with the hindleg, therefore should not turn either out or in; the angle of the tibio-femoral articulation is of about 115°.
Lower thigh : The length of the lower thigh is slightly less than that of the upper thigh; its slant below the horizontal is about 40°. The lower thigh shows lean muscles even in its upper part, firm and clearly distinct one from the other; the leg groove is well marked and apparent; the outer saphenous vein is visible; bone structure rather light but very solid.
Hock Joint : Its width is more or less equivalent to the tenth part of the height at the withers; the distance from the ground to the point of the hock must not exceed the 27% of the height at the withers (low hock); the bone structure is solid with the bony outline clearly visible, which underlines the leanness of the leg; the opening of the tibio-femoral angle is of about 135°.
Hock : Its length is inferior to half the length of the foreleg measured from the ground to the elbow; less wide than the hock, set in a vertical position, i.e. perpendicular to the ground. No dewclaws.
Hind Feet : Less oval than the front feet of which they have all the characteristics.

GAIT/MOVEMENT : When hunting, the dog gallops.

SKIN : Fine and thin, close fitting all over the body. Pigmentation of the mucous membranes, third eyelids, nails, communal and digital pads must be absolutely black. A black pigmentation of the palate is not essential, but highly desirable.


HAIR : Short hair all over the body; straight horse hair texture, dense, close and uniformly smooth; there may be a few scattered coarse hairs on the body, on the muzzle, also on the legs which does not constitute a fault.

COLOUR : The permissible colours are: solid fawn in all of its graduations from intense red fawn to the faded (washed out) fawn, and the black and tan. The tan markings, as in all black and tan dogs, should be on the muzzle, eyebrows, the chest, on the legs, from carpus to foot and tarsal to foot, also on the perineum. The fawn dogs may have white on the muzzle and the skull, (symmetrical mask or not), a white star on the chest, white on the neck, the pastern, hocks, on the feet and the tip of the tail. The white however is not desirable and the less there is of it the better. The black and tan may show a white star on the chest; in that case the Segugio is called tricolour. The chestnut brown colour including liver is not acceptable.

Height at the withers :    Males               from 52 to 58 cm,
                                    females             from 48 to 56 cm.
Tolerance : ± 2 cm, only for excellent subjects.
Weight :                                                from 18 to 28 kg.


FAULTS : Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree.
These conditions apply also who pace continuously.


  • Aggresive or overly shy.
  • Cranial-facial axes convergent.
  • Depigmentation total or of the major part of the nose.
  • Concave muzzle.
  • Overshot mouth.
  • Wall eye; depigmentatiom total or of the major part of the border of the eyelids.
  • Lack of tail or short tail, whether congenital or artificial.
  • Slate or lead colour; brindle dog; coffee, chest-nut brown, liver or when whits predominates.
  • Sizes exceeding the indicated margins of tolerance.


Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified.


NB : Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.


Automatic translate from

In a generalized manner

Mesomorfo, muscoloso and dry Braccoide, strongly the simmetria, never fat, galoppatore most resistant, the Italian Segugio is introduced in two variet of hair that constitutes two breeds distinguished, even if runica difference just the shaved, of webbing vitrea, dense hair cape, and smooth, l.altro to rough hair,
along not beyond i 5 cm on the body.


The dry and muscoloso body, enrolled in the square. the head characterized from a convex nasal cane that finishes in a tartufo always black. The stop little marked. The orecchie are pendants, of triangular shape, wide flat and much. The eyes are large and luminous, color ocher dark, with palpebral rhymes to almond.

Ransom: the high male from 52 to 58 cm, the female from 48 to 56 cm.

He falls: he dictates "grissino.., and Inserted high and he loses weight himself remarkablly in tip.

Colors: fulvo unicolore in all the gradazioni or black focato.  

To avoid

. . Concave nasal cane

. . Convergent aces skull-facciali

Occhio gazuolo

. . . Monorchidismo, criptorchidismo

. . Color slate or lead, tigrato, caff brown or liver or white man in prevalence

. . depigmentation of the tartufo and the palpebral margins

Official standard ENCI

The strong hair

Short historical signals:

The origin of the segugio Italian gets lost in the night of the times. Dogs of the same type and the same stature of Museum of Naples) and "scoccante Diana puts into effect them segugi is found effigiati in the two statues of" Diana huntress "(the arc" (Museum Vatican). Two skeletons, in perfect state of conservation, have been recently necropoli discoveries in one longobarda in identical province of Verona to those of the segugi Italian. In the castle of Borso d' Este (1600) a painting of a dog is found that represents to the perfection the segugio.

  1. General aspect of the dog

    The morphologic structure that one of a mesomorfo, whose log is in the square; harmonic regarding the format (eterometria) and disarmonico regarding the profiles (alloidismo). Its construction, balanced well, of perfect simmetria, well developed skeleton with dry shapes supplied of good muscles and with absolute absence of fat person, renders it able to follow the game from the dawn to the sunset.

  2. Important proportions

    The Height from equal earth to the length of the log, measured from the bachelor-humeral articulation to the extreme tip of the ischio. A high garrese is not demanded, must be little advanced to the level of the rump. The length of the snout must catch up met of the total length of the head. The height of the little advanced thorax to 50% of the Height.

  3. Behavior and character

    Used E' and corresponds perfectly is to the mount that to the plan and in sour devout lands. Supplied E' of resistance, beyond that of good velocit and works with engagement and passion is isolated that in dumb. Regarding the subjects to shaved hair, devout classified, except esuberante, test, calm and weighted in the job. Kind, gentle, but fierce and veiled look from a melancholy halo. The squillante and most pleasant voice.

  4. head

    Dolicocefala, its total length catches up the 4/10 of the Height.

    1. Cranial region

      Approval from the high the skull is introduced to shape of ellipses lengthened; its moderately divergent advanced longitudinal axis in connection with the longitudinal axis of the snout; its advanced profile introduces one light arcuatura: the bizigomatica width of the skull must be inferior to met of the total length of the head; the little developed sopracciliari arched ones; I furrow little marked facade, the clean, but rear swell occipita them, devout that visible, sensitive only to the tact, in longitudinal sense must be short. The marked least Stop; from the advanced profile of the snout it must rimontare to the skull in sweet slope.

    2. Region makes them

      Tartufo: large, sporgente on the front vertical line of the labbra, humid coolness and, with narici very opened and you furnish. Always black pigment.


      The length of the snout 50% of the total length of the head: little advanced its profondit to the met of the length of the snout; its width catches up 17% of the total length of the head; the profile of leggermente convex the nasal cane; the lateral faces of the snout are between convergent they, but in such measure not to determine a snout to tip. The gills of the jaw stretch to the straight line in all their length and little are developed front. The region sottorbita them cesellata, but leggermente devout charge of that one of the segugio to shaved hair.


      In sturdy appearance, with normal development, arched dental perfectly combaciantesi front.


      Not too much evidenced.


      Teeth white men, regularly align, complete for development and number to you; closing of the same ones: corrected to tenaglia, admitted the scissor.


      Large and luminous eyes, of dark ocher color, in semilateral position the inner angle of the eyelids must be found to equal distance between the front margin of tartufo and the external tip of the crest occipita them; magnetic expression, sweet and fierce look with a sadness veil; palpebral rhymes to almond with well adherent eyelids to the bulb. The pigment of the palpebral margins must be black.


      Their insertion to level of the zigomatica and moderately wide arched one; they are pendants, of triangular shape, flat in nearly all their length (66-70% of the total length of the head) and much wide. The apex of the ear must finish in one heads tight. Its cartilage must be, bench thin, rather rigid in all its extension, and its insertion that much rigid one, introduces one torsion that door ahead all the ear, not permettendogli of rilassarsi, to refold itself some on if same rolling up itself some. The tip of the ear torchs leggermente towards the inside. The covered of hair moderately along, devout short of that one of log and less rough ear with absolute absence of frange.

  5. Neck

    Profile the advanced profile of the neck introduces one light arcuatura, that absolutely free inferior from giogaia.

    Length the length of the equal neck to the length of the head, catches up cio the 4/10 of the Height.

    Form the shape of the neck to cone log that becomes part to the head with a separation of the very marked nape; parimenti must join to the log in harmonic fusion with the shoulders. The neck is introduced very dry and light and must give the impression of a little muscoloso neck.

    Skin Much stiff one with absolute absence of giogaia.

  6. Log

    The length of the log, measured from the tip of the shoulder to the tip of the buttock, par to the Height.

    Advanced line

    The rectilinear from the garrese towards rump, somewhat convex advanced line to the region of the kidney, sight of profile.


    Little elevated on the line of the tightened back and for the ravvicinamento of the tip of the bachelor between of they: harmonica the fusion with the neck.


    The advanced profile of the rectilinear back with supported even if little striking musculature; the length of the thoracic region is to the length of the lumbar region in relationship 3 to 1. The length of lombo a po' less of fifth of the Height; the width of the lumbar region a po' less of the length; its much developed musculature.


    The advanced profile of the sweetly convex rump. The considered rump horizontal since its inclination, from the hip to the insertion of the tail, oscillates between the 15 and the 20 degrees; the length of the rump approximately 1/3 of the Height and its width 2/3 of its length; poderosa the musculature.


    The length of the thorax approximately the met of the Height; its width of approximately 1/3 of the Height; its height must be to incirca 48% of the Height, but the coasts introduce insufficient convessit. It arches costs them instead must well be opened. Moderately wide chest: the handle-bar of the sterno must be situated to the level of the tip of the shoulders.

    Inferior line

    The inferior profile determined from one straight line that rimonta sweetly towards the abdomen, than dry and never retratto; the flanks are snelli with normal school grassella, never abundant.


    The inserted tail up on the line of the rump; it is introduced devout substantial to the root regarding that one of the segugio to shaved hair, covered of hair in all its length, but with absolute absence of fringe. The portamento of the tail, R-retired, to scimitarra, in action oscillates from the right to the left on the direction of the dorsal line until grazing the flanks, in alternation to rotatori movements. The considered tail long bench its tip is a lot drawn near to the tip of the garretto.

  7. LIMBS

    1. Front limbs

      In with the appiombi, seen of profile, they follow the vertical line that gives the humeral bachelor articulation must fall to earth touching the tip of the fingers, while the vertical one, lowered from the omero-radial articulation, must divide in two nearly equal parts (greater the that front) forearm and the carpo, exiting outside posteriorly to level of met the length of the metacarpo. The height of the front limb until the equal elbow to met of the Height.


      The dry, long shoulder very free in the movements: the tip of the bachelor a lot drawn near between they. Its inclination on the horizon from 45 to 55.


      Very knit to the log, like the shoulder, supplied of long, dry muscles and parallels to the median plan of the log. The bachelor-humeral angle of 110 if the bachelor with inclination of 45 is considered.


      The elbows are equidistant, in equal parts, to the median plan of the log, perci do not have to be turn aside some to you in outside of in within. Omero-radial angle from 135 to 145.


      Its next length to 1/3 of the Height; the perpendicular direction to the land; very obvious rabbet carpio-cubita them. The forearm must give to the impression of a dry limb and much dry ground.


      The carpi are buckets, covered of fine and thin skin. Approvals of forehead follow the vertical straight line of the forearm.


      The not inferior length to sixth of all the front limb to the elbow; profile approvals somewhat are spread.

      . Piede

      E' of shape oval (foot of lepre) to fingers joined between of they and arch, covered from driven in hair; digital bearings little carnosi them; it uses dry and hard, coriacee and pigmented in black. Strong, ricurve and always black nails. Some nail white woman (not rose) not defect.

    2. Posterior limbs

      In with the vertical one lowered from the tip of the buttock it touches or nearly the tip of the fingers. Posteriorly the vertical one lowered from the tip of the buttock divides in two equal parts the tip of the garretti, metatarso and the foot. The total length of the posterior limb of approximately 90% of the Height.


      Long and wide E'. Its not inferior length to the third party of the Height. Its little convex inferior margin; the tip of buttocks much obvious one. The salienti muscles are clearly uniforms the uni from the others. The direction of the somewhat oblique thigh from the high low and GO BACK TO LIST in ahead. The angle of the coxo-femoral articulation oscillates between the 90 and the 95.


      Its little inferior length to that one of the thigh and its inclination of 40, on the horizon. E' covered from dry muscles, the very marked and obvious gambale rabbet, the safena external very obvious.


      The ginocchio it must be found perpendicularly in perfect with the limb, not had any towards the inside of towards the outside. The femoro-tibiale angle oscillates between the 110 and the 120.


      The many wide its faces; considered low in that the distance from the tip to earth does not exceed 27% of the Height. The closed tibio-tarsiale angle, given the emphasized inclination of the tibia: its opening oscillates between the 115 and the 125.

      . Piede

      E' little oval of the front one and with all requirement of this.

  8. Sailing points

    The vocation of segugio the gallop, but the venatoria action imposes it also the step and the trot.

  9. Skin

    Very adherent to the every its E region somewhat thick body in. the pigment of the mucosae, the sclerose, nails and of uses of the digital bearings plantari them and, absolutely black. The pigment on the palate not prescribed, but constitutes always one qualit.

  10. Cape


    The length of the hair on the log would not have to exceed the five centimeters. The decidedly rough hair, made exception on the head on the orecchie, the limbs and the tail. The hairs on the head, the orecchie and the snout are in a generalized manner less rough that on the log and the labbra; its length, than for limited, constitutes the so-called beard. The hairs on the sopracciliari arched ones have one limited length not to cover or to fall on the eyes.


    The admitted colors are: fulvo unicolore in all the its gradazioni, from red fulvo loaded and focato carbonate to the fulvo faded and the black one. The fulvo pu to have white man on the snout and the skull (symmetrical mask or not); the star white woman to the chest, on the neck, the metacarpi, and to metatarsi, on the feet to the tip of the tail. For the not desirable white man and less ve n' better. The black one focato pu to have only the star white woman to the chest, and in the such case the segugio comes said tricolour.


    Height: Males from cm. 52 to cm. 60. Females: from cm. 50 to cm. 58.
    Weight: males from 20 to 28 Kg. Females: from 18 to 26 Kg.

    The males must very have two testicoli of normal aspect and reductions in the scroto.


    Every shunting line from the characteristics indicated in the description of the several regions constitutes a defect, that it must be penalized in the judgment in connection with its gravit and to its spread, cos like continued Ambio. They are tolerates 2 to you cm. in devout or less when draft than an excellent subject.


      Head: Convergent aces skull-facciali. When the heights are advanced or inferior to the tolerance margins.

    2. Defects from disqualification

      Enognatismo, concave nasal cane, monorchidismo, criptorchidismo, incomplete development of one or all and the two testicoli, anurismo or artificial brachiurismo much congenital that, color slate or lead, tigrato, caff, brown or liver or white man, if in prevalence, depigmentation total or of the greater part of the tartufo or the palpebral margins, eye gazzuolo


The shaved hair

The origins of the segugio Italian are ancient and sure it must then be led back ours segugio to the primiti to you dogs from race of ancient Egypt capacities on the Mediterranean coasts from the fenici traders. Cos these antichi dogs from race have reached also in Italy. Had way to state from the examination of numerous egizi designs of the faraoniche ages the presence of dogs in ancient Egypt many rassomiglianti to the segugio put into effect them. In fact in they famous also the particolarit of the hanging orecchie, certain sign of the been left over one domesticit. Pu to conclude itself therefore that the ancient dog from race, not to confuse with the levrieri, approd in Italy being given origin to ours puts into effect them segugio, than conserved pressoch immutato in its anatomical lines one generates them. Dogs of the same type and stature of ours segugi Museum of Naples puts into effect them is found effigiati in the two statues of "Diana huntress" (). and of "Diana scoccando the arc" (Museum Vatican). In the castle of Borso d' Este (1600) the painting of a dog is found representative the perfection of ours segugio Italian.

  1. General aspect of the dog

    The conformation generated that one of a mesomorfo whose log is in the strongly constructed square, of perfect simmetria, skeleton very developed with dry shapes, supplied of good muscles but with absolute absence of fat person, head dolicocefala to divergent advanced longitudinal aces skull-facciali, shaved hair mantle.

  2. Important proportions

    Length of the equal log to the Height (is in the square); the height of the equal thorax to met of the Height that is the height of the equal thorax to the height of the front limb from earth to the elbow. The length of the equal nasal cane to met of the total length of the head.

  3. Behavior and character

    Dog from hunting, continuation, than adapted well to the devout ones disparati lands - supplied of good resistance and velocit, it works full of ardor is isolated that in dumb - dared temperament but little expansive character, sweet look, the squillante and most pleasant voice.

  4. head

    1. Cranial region

      The shape of the skull, seen from the high, ovaleggiante. The directions of the aces of the skull and the nasal cane are between of divergent they - advanced profile of the leggermente convex skull - bizigomatica width of the inferior skull to met of the total length of the head - arched sopracciliari little developed - furrow little marked facade - clean, prominente crust occipita them but without esagerazione, short in longitudinal sense.


      Degrees of accentuation to incirca the 140

    2. Region makes them


      Pressappoco to shape of parallelepipedo, sufficiently great, narici very open and you furnish but with somewhat lateral openings, always of black color.


      The length of the equal snout to met of the total length of the head, its height or profondit must little exceed the met of the length of the same snout, the width of the snout measured to the met of its length must little be under fifth of its total length of the head, the profile of leggermente convex the nasal cane (montonino), the lateral faces of the snout are between of convergent they, the branches of the jaw front stretch to the straight line in all their length and the body of the little developed same jaw. The inferior lateral profile of the snout given from the labbro advanced.


      Labbra they are fine and thin, little developed in height as well as of forehead how much of profile (stiff), seen of profile introduce to their inferior margin the design of I point out of semicircle to rope much wide one, labiali margins always of black pigmentazione.


      The shape of the troncoconica jaw, vertical position of I recorded to you regarding the same jaws with closing to scissor of I recorded to you.


      Dry flat and


      Teeth white men, regularly align, complete for development and number, closing to you of the same ones corrected to tenaglia, admitted the scissor.


      Large and luminous eyes of dark ocher color and in semilateral position, sweet expression, palpebral rhymes to almond and always pigmented of black.


      The insertion of the ear to level of the arched one zigomatica or leggermente under, must be pendant and introduces one torsion that door ahead all the ear not permettendogli of rilassarsi some to roll up itself. Ear of the triangular, flat shape in nearly all its length and much wide one, the apex must finish in one aims grip, never widely rounded off, said apex or tip, torchs leggermente for the inside. The long ear to incirca 70% of the total length of the head and its width in the little devout point of maximum width of the met of its length.

  5. Neck


    The advanced profile of the neck introduces one light arcuatura; cio, leggermente convex.


    Its equal length or nearly to the total length of the head, cio must catch up the 4/10 of the height to the garrese.


    The shape neck you cut conic section, the neck is introduced very dry and light to the point of giving to the impression of a little muscoloso neck (long muscles).


    Aim, stiff, does not introduce, folds of giogaia, hair shaved.

  6. Log

    Advanced line

    Rectilinear line advanced that gives the garrese comes down harmonically until to the rump, introducing one modest convessit to the lumbar region.


    Elevated on the dorsal line, the little tightened garrese for the ravvicinamento of the tips of the bachelor, in harmonious fusion with the attack of the neck.


    II advanced profile of the rectilinear back, little striking muscles, the length of the thoracic part is to the length of the lumbar part like 3 to 1, the length of the lumbar part a po' less of fifth of the Height, the width of the lumbar part is approached its length, the musculature of the lumbar part very developed in length and width.


    The advanced profile of the rump points out to a light one convessit, the direction of the rump introduces an inclination on the horizontal of approximately 10 degrees, the length of the rump catches up to incirca a third party of the Height and its width to incirca the met of its length; good the muscular masses.


    The length of the thorax or cost the met or little less, of the Height and its width (cross-sectional diameter) measured to met of its height to incirca a third party of the Height, the thorax must come down until to the elbow or nearly, the coasts is not a lot tries therefore little convex, the thoracic circumference of a fourth advanced one to the Height, moderately wide chest.

    Inferior line

    The typical inferior profile in how much data from a straight line in all its length, than from the sterno rimonta to ventre and the this last one introduces very dry even if not much retratto.


    The junction of the high tail on the line of the rump. One introduces small to the root and uniform in all its length, such to seem a grissino, ad.eccezione.della tip that much thin one. The length of the such tail that its tip catches up the tip of the garretto or nearly. Covered of hair shaved in all its length. In rest the tail hanging capacity, in action is raised until exceeding the dorsal line.

  7. LIMBS

    1. Front limbs

      In together: perpendicularly seen of profile it must evidence the imaginary line vertical that they give the bachelor-humeral articulation comes down until to earth touching the tip of the fingers, nonch the vertical imaginary line that leaving from the omero-radial articulation divides to the forearm and the carpo in two nearly equal parts exiting to met of the metacarpo. Perpendicularly, seen of forehead, it must show imaginary the vertical descent to earth from the tip of the shoulder and divides in two considerably equal parts the forearm, the carpo, the metacarpo, and the foot. The height of all the front limb until to the equal elbow to the met of the Height.


      The length of the shoulder catches up a third party of the Height, its inclination on the horizontal goes from the 45 to the 55, its muscles is long, dry, clean and very uniforms, angle of the bachelor-humeral articulation of 110 approximately.


      The length of the arm to incirca the met of the height of the front limb to the elbow, its direction in connection with vertical nearly the parallel to the median plan of the body. Long and the supplied dry muscle plan.


      Position to level of the sternale line or little under and parallel to the median plan of the body, its tip must be found on the perpendicular, that it comes down from the tip of the bachelor. Omero-radial angle from 135 to 145.


      Its length approximately a third party of the Height, in perpendicular direction to the land and introduces very obvious the rabbet carpio-cubita them giving to the impression of a dry limb and much dry ground and not of great skeleton.


      Dry, it follows the straight line of the forearm.


      The length of the metacarpo does not have to be inferior to sixth of all the front limb to the elbow, wide devout of the carpo but flat and dry. Approval of profile the metacarpo leggermente tilted from GO BACK TO LIST to ahead, black pigmentazione of the plantari bearings.

    2. Posterior limbs

      In together: perpendicularly seen of profile it must evidence vertical the imaginary one nearly that comes down from the tip of the buttock to the ground touching the tip of the fingers or. Perpendicularly, seen posteriorly, it must evidence vertical imaginary that they give the tip of the buttock comes down to earth cutting in a two equal parts the tip of the garretto, metatarso and foot. The total length of the posterior limb to incirca 93% of the Height.


      Long and wide. Its not inferior length to the third party of the height to, the garrese ones. The width of the thigh (little makes external) press' the three quarters of its length, the muscles are salienti but clearly uniforms and the posterior margin of the little convex same thigh. Angle of the coxo-femoral articulation from 90 to 95.


      The length of the little inferior leg to that one of the thigh, its inclination on the horizontal of approximately 40. Dry also in its advanced part, hard and the covered very clean muscle leg the uni of the others, very marked and obvious gambale rabbet, external vein safena very emerging, the light but rather most solid skeleton.


      The ginocchio it must be found well in perpendicularly with the posterior limb, the rotula cio does not have to too much move towards the inside or the outside, angle of the femoro-tibiale articulation of approximately 115.


      Its width to incirca the equivalent to the tenth part of the Height, the distance from the plant of the foot to the tip of the garretto does not have to low exceed 27% of the Height (garretto), the strong skeleton with very obvious bony salienze that denote the secchezza of the region, tibio-tarsico angle of approximately 135.


      Its length less of the met of the front to elbow, less wide limb of the garretto, in perpendicular vertical position cio to the land. Spurs absent.

      . Piede

      E' little oval of the front one and with all requirement of this last one.

  8. sailing point

    In hunting, to the gallop.

  9. Skin

    Fine and thin skin, very adherent to the body in every region, the pigment of the mucosae, the sclerose, nails, of uses of the plantari bearings and digita them it must be absolutely black. The black pigment on the prescribed palate but does not constitute one qualit.

  10. Cape


    Hair shaved on all the body, vitrea webbing, dense, uniform smooth; rare hard hairs scattered on the log and the snout and the limbs can in order to be found that do not constitute defect.


    The admitted colors are: fulvo unicolore in all the its gradazioni from red fulvo the loaded one to the fulvo slavato: the black one focato. The focature in the fixed centers and cio snout, sopracciglia, chest, limbs from the carpo to the foot and the footstep to the foot, nonch perineo. The fulvo pu to carry of the white man on the snout and the skull (symmetrical mask or not), star white woman to the chest, on the neck, the metacarpi, metatarsi, the feet, to the tip of the tail. For the not desirable white man and less ve n better. The black one focato pu to carry the star white woman to the chest and in such case the segugio Italian comes called tricolour. Not admitted the color brown. (caff, liver).



    Males from 52 to 58 cm. - Females from 48 to 56 cm.


    From 18 to 28 kg. The males must very have two testicoli of normal aspect and reductions in the scroto.


    Every shunting line of the characteristics indicated in the description of the several regions constitutes a defect, that it must be penalized in the judgment in connection with its gravit and to its spread, cos like continued Ambio. They are tolerates to you in height 2 cm in devout or less when draft than an excellent subject.



      Convergent aces skull-facciali. When the heights are advanced or inferior to the tolerance margins.

    2. Defects from disqualification

      Enognatismo, concave nasal cane, monorchidismo, criptorchidismo, incomplete development of one or all and the two testicoli, anurismo or brachiurismo much congenital that artificial, color slate or lead, tigrati, caff, brown or liver or white man in prevalence, depigmentation total or of the greater part of the tartufo and the palpebral margins, eye gazzuolo.