




FCI-Standard N° 270/ 24. 01. 2000 / GB




UTILIZATION : Sledge dog.

CLASSIFICATION F.C.I. :            Group     5          Spitz and primitive types.           Section 1          Nordic Sledge Dogs.
                                             Without working trial.           


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GENERAL APPEARANCE : The Siberian Husky is a medium-sized working dog, quick and light on his feet and free and graceful in action.  His moderately compact and well furred body, erect ears and brush tail suggest his Northern heritage.  His characteristic gait is smooth and seemingly effortless.  He performs his original function in harness most capably, carrying a light load at a moderate speed over great distances.  His body proportions and form reflect this basic balance of power, speed and endurance.  The males of the Siberian Husky breed are masculine but never coarse; the bitches are feminine but without weakness of structure.  In proper condition, with muscle firm and well developed, the Siberian Husky does not carry excess weight.

- In profile, the length of the body from the point of the shoulder to the rear point of the croup is slightly longer than the height of the body from the ground to the top of the withers.
- The distance from the tip of the nose to the stop is equal to the distance from the stop to the occiput.

BEHAVIOUR / TEMPERAMENT : The characteristic temperament of the Siberian Husky is friendly and gentle, but also alert and outgoing.  He does not display the possessive qualities of the guard dog, nor is he overly suspicious of strangers or aggressive with other dogs. 
Some measure of reserve and dignity may be expected in the mature dog.  His intelligence, tractability, and eager disposition make him an agreeable companion and willing worker.


Skull : Of medium size and in proportion to the body; sligthly rounded on top and tapering from the widest point to the eyes.
Stop : Well defined.

Nose : Black in gray, tan or black dogs; liver in copper dogs; may be flesh-coloured in pure white dogs.  The pink-streaked « snow nose » is acceptable.
Muzzle : Of medium length and of medium width, tapering gradually to the nose, with the tip neither pointed nor square.  The bridge of the nose is straight from the stop to the tip.
Lips : Well pigmented and close fitting.
Jaws/Teeth : Closing in a scissor bite.
Eyes : Almond shaped, moderately spaced and set a trifle obliquely.  Eyes may be brown or blue in colour; one of each or particoloured are acceptable.
Expression : Keen, but friendly, interested and even mischievous.
Ears : Of medium size, triangular in shape, close fitting and set high on the head.  They are thick, well furred, slightly arched at the back, and strongly erect, with slightly rounded tips pointing straight up.

NECK : Medium in length, arched and carried proudly erect when dog is standing.  When moving at a trot, the neck is extended so that the head is carried slightly forward.

Back : Straight and strong, with a level topline from withers to croup.  Of medium length, neither cobby nor slack from excessive length.
Loin :  Taut and lean, narrower than the rib cage, and with a slight tuck-up.
Croup : Slopes away from the spine at an angle, but never so steeply as to restrict the rearward thrust of the hind legs.
Chest : Deep and strong, but not too broad, with the deepest point being just GO BACK TO LIST and level with the elbows.  The ribs are well sprung from the spine but flattened on the sides to allow for freedom of action.

TAIL : The well furred tail of fox-brush shape is set on just below the level of the topline, and is usually carried over the back in a graceful sickle curve when the dog is at attention.  When carried up, the tail does not curl to either side of the body, nor does it snap flat against the back.  A trailing tail is normal for the dog when in repose.  Hair on the tail is of medium length and approximately the same length on top, sides and bottom, giving the appearance of a round brush.


FOREQUARTERS : When standing and viewed from the front, the legs are moderately spaced, parallel and straight.  Bone is substantial but never heavy.   Length of the leg from the elbow to ground is slightly more than the distance from the elbow to the top of withers.  Dewclaws on forelegs may be removed. 
Shoulders and arm : The shoulder blade is well laid back.  The upper arm angles slightly backward from point of shoulder to elbow, and is never perpendicular to the ground.  The muscles and ligaments holding the shoulder to the rib cage are firm and well developed.
Elbows : Close to the body and turned neither in nor out.
Pastern joint : Strong, but flexible.
Pasterns : Viewed from the side, pasterns are slightly slanted.

HINDQUARTERS : When standing and viewed from the rear, the hind legs are moderately spaced and parallel.  Dewclaws, if any, are to be removed.
Upper thigh : Well muscled and powerful.
Stifle : Well bent.
Hock joint : Well defined and set low to ground.

FEET : Oval in shape but not long.  The paws are medium in size, compact and well furred between the toes and pads.  The pads are tough and thickly cushioned.  The paws neither turn in nor out when the dog is in natural stance.

GAIT / MOVEMENT  : The Siberian Husky’s characteristic gait is smooth and seemingly effortless.  He is quick and light on his feet, and when in the show ring should be gaited on a loose lead at a moderately fast trot, exhibiting good reach in the forequarters and good drive in the hindquarters.  When viewed from the front to rear while moving at a walk the Siberian Husky does not single-track, but as the speed increases the legs gradually angle inward until the pads are falling on a line directly under the longitudinal center of the body.  As the pad marks converge, the forelegs and hind legs are carried straightforward, with neither elbows nor stifles turned in or out.  Each’hind leg moves in the path of the foreleg on the same side.  While the dog is gaiting, the topline remains firm and level.


HAIR : The coat of the Siberian Husky is double and medium in length, giving a well furred appearance, but is never so long as to obscure the cleancut outline of the dog.  The undercoat is soft and dense and of sufficient length to support the outer coat.  The guard hairs of the outer coat are straight and somewhat smooth lying, never harsh nor standing straight off from the body.  It should be noted that the absence of the undercoat during the shedding season is normal.  Trimming of whiskers and fur between the toes and around the feet to present a neater appearance is permissible.  Trimming the fur on any other part of the dog is not to be condoned and should be severely penalized.

COLOUR :  All colours from black to pure white are allowed.  A variety of markings on the head is common, including many striking patterns not found in other breeds.

Height at withers : Dogs:         21 to 23, 5 inches  (53,5 - 60 cm).
                            Females :   20 to 22     inches  (50,5 - 56 cm).
Weight :                Dogs :       45 to 60    pounds (20,5 - 28 kg).
                            Females :   35 to 50     pounds (15,5 - 23 kg).
Weight is in proportion to height.  The measurements mentioned above represent the extreme height and weight limits with no preference given to either extreme.  Any appearance of excessive bone or weight should be penalized.

SUMMARY : The most important breed characteristics of the Siberian Husky are medium size, moderate bone, well balanced proportions, ease and freedom of movement, proper coat, pleasing head and ears, correct tail, and good disposition.  Any appearance of excessive bone or weight, constricted or clumsy gait, or long, rough coat should be penalized.  The Siberian Husky never appears so heavy or coarse as to suggest a freighting animal; nor is he so light and fragile as to suggest a sprint-racing animal.  In both sexes the Siberian Husky gives the appearance of being capable of great endurance.  In addition to the faults already noted, the obvious structural faults common to all breeds are as undesirable in the Siberian Husky as in any other breed, even though they are not specifically mentioned herein.
FAULTS : Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree.

  • Skull : Head clumsy or heavy; head too finely chiseled.
  • Stop : Insufficient.
  • Muzzle : Either too snipy or too coarse; too short or too long.
  • Jaws/Teeth : Any bite other than scissor bite.
  • Eyes : Set too obliquely; set too close together.
  • Ears : Too large in proportion to the head; too wide set; not strongly erect.
  • Neck : Too short and thick; too long.
  • Back : Weak or slack back; roached back; sloping topline.
  • Chest : Too broad; « barrel ribs »; ribs too flat or weak.
  • Tail : A snapped or tightly curled tail; highly plumed tail; tail set too low or too high.
  • Shoulders : Straight shoulders; loose shoulders.
  • Forequarters : Weak pasterns; too heavy bone; too narrow or too wide in the front; out at the elbows.
  • Hindquarters : Straight stifles, cow-hocks, too narrow or too wide in the rear.
  • Feet : Soft or splayed toes; paws too large and clumsy; paws too small and delicate; toeing in or out.
  • Gait/Movement : Short, prancing or choppy gait, lumbering or rolling gait; crossing or crabbing.
  • Hair : Long, rough, or shaggy coat; texture too harsh or too silky; trimming of the coat, except as permitted above.


  • Aggresive or overly shy.
  • Dogs over 23,5 inches (60 cm) and bitches over 22 inches (56 cm).

Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified.

N.B. : Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

Automatic translate from


The siberian huskY they are of the dogs strong, sturdy and worked to you. They look at in all the colors from the black one the pure white man devout. They have of the particular striature on the head that they are not present in others breeds. The color choices include black and the white man that vanish from the luminosity to the dark one, the red color and white man who vanishes from the luminosity (peach or orange) to dark (color chocolate or the brown), gray and white man whom silver) to dark (the gray vanishes from the luminosity (lupo), to sand and white man (red-orange with the black tips). All the types of striature of the cape are accepted, being devout famous the those compounds. These striature of the hair are similar to those of a pezzato horse. The mask of the snout and under of the body usually is of color white man while remaining of the colorful cape. The eyes are to almond shape, moderately it spaces to you and leggermente oblique. Common Unidea absolutely mistaken that one that it supports that all the Husky have the blue eyes. The eyes in fact can be of the following colors: blueta, browns, amber or one combination of all these colors comprised the blue eyes met and met browns. Its shoes from snow (that is the legs) have of the forelocks of hair between the devout fingers so as to to have taken on the ghiacciato land. Its orecchie are posizionate high and erected. The Siberian Husky has sottopelo lanoso and a hair of soft cover. Resistant to temperatures many lowlands, until 50C 60 C.


these dogs are sweet and giocherelloni but equally it is obstinate to you and unforeseeable. They are lives to us much affectionate with their family. And a sociable, docile, intelligent dog. It has much energy. It goes daccordo with the children and friendly with the disowned ones. Not a dog from guard inasmuch as it barks little and it loves all. The Husky is much intelligent but they maintain always own independence and they obey to the orders if of it they see the scope. During laddestramento much patience must be had and to be coherent and to hold in consideration the Arctic character of the dog. In fact tenter to demonstrate to its superiorit and independence hardly of avr way. The Husky is of the excellent companions of jogging finch not making too much warm. For these dogs pu to turn out difficult to be in apartment without to make damages. In fact this race is bored easy. This dog sopporta of being left alone, cos if this the race for you, you hold in consideration the possibilit to take two. It must remember itself that lHusky a dog with the passion for slips it present in its heart and its spirit. They are good with the other since puppys grown domestic animals if with they. The Husky is economic from the point of view dellalimentazione and needs less to eat than how much you could not think. To these dogs it appeals to to move and to take a walk. They are of the wonderful companions for who knows what to expect from one intelligent and beautiful race cos.

Height and weight:

height: males 53-60 cm; females 51-56 cm

weight: males 20 kg 27; females 16-22 kg.

Problems of health:

The Husky is relatively free from specific problems of the race, beyond to the dysplasia dellanca and to occasional problems to the eyes (like the juvenile cataracts, PRA, the corneale dystrophy, opacit corneali and the movement delluretra). To times they have also of the sensitive dermatitises you to zinc.

Living conditions:

They are not dogs adapted to the life in apartment but they can be become accustomed to live to us if it educates to you and it exercises to you correctly. Many assets are dogs also living in apartment and for this they would be better in a great fencing. Because of theirs folto and heavy coat preprefer the cold climate. And therefore advisable if the dog alive in apartment, not to force it to excessive temperatures.


The Husky needs much exercise but it would be opportune not to exaggerate with lattivit physical in the warm devout periods. Being dogs many assets, live to us and free they need of a great garden where to be able to run and to move in libert. And necessary for for their excess it wants of independence, to recintare all the perimeter of the garden with a protection much high one and very fixed in profondit, in how much they could dig one devout hole and elude also the high fencing.


12-15 years


The mantle dell Husky does not need of excessive cures except two times allanno, during the dumb one: in these periods sufficient to constantly brush it with one metal brush.


Native of the Siberia lHusky be carried in Alaska in 1909. They have been uses you for centuries from Chukchi people in Siberia in order to haul the slitte, like dog from flock in the breedings of reindeers and like dog from guard. They were perfect dogs in order to resist to the hard climatic conditions and acclimatizes them of the Siberia. Siberian LHusky a dog from slips much light and with one remarkable physical resistance. And state carried from the traders of the pellicce of Malamute in America North, for the race Arctic seen its large one velocit. In 1925 in citt of the Ninth nellArtico, c be one serious epidemic of diphtheria: seen the zone much disagiata and difficult to catch up also to cause delle adverse climatic conditions, thought well to use one square of these fantastic dogs in order to carry medicines garlics inhabitants of Ninth, vanquishing cos that terrible epidemic. Leroe of the "serum run" was Togo that to the age it had approximately 16 years!! And the better dog of Alaska was he true... and not Balto (than then erroneously be carried to the ribalta) that it was "a nullit" to said of the same owner.
to this last one for they have been dedicates you of films and animated cardboards. This event has concentrated national lattenzione sull Siberian Husky and has contributed to diffuse always devout this race. Siberian LHusky be used moreover for the Arctic shipments dellammiraglio Byrd. Usually they stretch to form a branco. Hour a race much popular one and comes considered a good dog from company, from towing from it slips and race.

Group: 5 section 1 (Nordic dogs from slips)





Classification the ICF: Group 5 Dogs of the Spitz type and primitivo
Section 1 Nordic Dogs from slips
N 142
Without job test
Origin: USA
Date of Publication of the Standard originates them in vigor: 28/11/1990
Use: Dog from slips

The Siberian Husky a dog from job of medium ransom from the light sailing point and lives. melted and elegant in its portamento. Its body, moderately compact, covered from folta a fur, its straight orecchie and its tail folta evokes its Nordic nature. Its characteristic behavior renders it a dog from the strong apparently docile constitution and. With great competence adempie to the own functions like dog from towing succeeding to transport light cargos to one velocit moderated along considerable distances. The proportions and the constitution of its body denote this fundamental equilibrium of power, rapidit and resistance. The males are turn them constitutionally but never gross; the females devout are aggraziate, structurally not gracili. The Siberian Husky, in good conditions of health, possesses one compact musculature and very developed not having superfluous weight.

Height to garrese males 21-23,5 inches (53,5-60 cm)
females 20-22 inches (50,5-56 cm)

Weight males 45-60 English pounds (20,5-28 kg)
females 35-50 English pounds (15,5-23 kg)
The weight proporziona them to the ransom. The above-mentioned ransoms represent the extreme limits of the ransom and the weight without preference for one or the other in the ends. The skeleton or weight excess must be penalized. Approval of profile, the body from the apex of the shoulder to the extreme point of the buttock, has one leggermente advanced length to the height of the garrese.
Eliminatorio defect: males whose ransom exceeds the 23 inches (60 cm) and females whose ransom exceeds 22 inches (56 cm).

- the expression alive, friendly and malicious.
. - Gli occhi sono a mandorla mediamente intervallati e disposti molto leggermente in diagonale. . Possono essere di colore castano o azzurro. . Viene accettato con occhi di diverso colore oppure con occhio eterocromatico.
. Difetti: Occhi disposti troppo diagonalmente, occhi troppo ravvicinati.
. - Le orecchie sono di grandezza media, di forma triangolare, ravvicinate e con attaccatura alta sulla testa. . Molto spesso sono ricoperte da un folto pelo, leggermente inarcate nella loro parte posteriore, e portate ben diritte. . L'estremit, leggermente arrotondate, punta dritto verso l'alto.
. Difetti: orecchie troppo grandi rispetto alla testa, troppo allargate, non diritte.
. - Il cranio di taglia media, ben proporzionato al corpo. . La sommit del cranio leggermente arrotondata e si stringe gradualmente dal punto di massima ampiezza fino agli occhi.
. Difetti: testa pesante o sgraziata, testa troppo finemente cesellata.
. - Lo stop ben marcato e la fronte, dallo stop all'estremit del muso, diritta.
. Difetto: stop insufficiente.
. - Il muso ha una lunghezza media. . La distanza dal naso allo stop uguale alla distanza dallo stop all'occipite. . di larghezza media e va diminuendo gradualmente verso il naso, la punta del muso non n aguzza n quadrata;
. Difetti: muso troppo filiforme o troppo pronunciato, muso troppo corto o troppo lungo.
. - Il naso nero per cani grigi, fulvi o neri; rossastro per i cani del mantello ramato, pu essere di colore chiaro per i cani completamente bianchi. . accettato il naso dalle striature rosa, detto "naso da neve".
. - Le labbra sono ben pigmentate e si adattano completamente.
. - I denti presentano un articolato a forbice.
. Difetti: tutto ci che non articolato a forbice.

. - Il collo di lunghezza media, tornito e portato fermamente ritto quando il cane si trova in posizione eretta. . Durante la corsa si stende in modo tale che la testa sia portata leggermente in avanti.
. Difetti: attaccatura del collo troppo corta o spessa; collo troppo lungo.
. - Il petto alto e possente ma non eccessivamente ampio, il limite inferiore si trova appena dietro il livello dei gomiti. . Le costole sono ben incurvate a partire dalla colonna vertebrale, ma appiattite ai fianchi per consentire libert di movimento.
. Difetti: petto troppo ampio: costole a forma di botte, costole troppo piatte o troppo abbassate;
. - La schiena diritta e solida; il dorso orizzontale dal garrese al posteriore. . di lunghezza media, n breve come un cane da compagnia, n eccessivamente lungo.
. Il rene teso e secco, pi stretto della gabbia toracica e leggermente rialzato. . La groppa inclinata rispetto la colonna vertebrale ma mai atto ad impacciare la spinta degli arti posteriori.
. Difetti: schiena poco sostenuta o debole; piano superiore inclinato.
. - La coda ben formata, simile alla coda a spazzola di una volpe. . Attaccata proprio sotto il dorso. . Generalmente, quando il cane rivolge l'attenzione, viene portata sopra la schiena assumendo una curva aggraziata simile ad una falce, quando rivolta verso l'alto non deve avvolgersi di lato e non deve appiattirsi sulla schiena. . La coda rivolta all'indietro normale per un cane a riposo. . Il pelo della coda di lunghezza media, proporzionata in alto, di fianco e di sotto, dando cos l'idea approssimativa di una spazzola rotonda.
. Difetti: coda rivolta alla schiena o molto arrotolata, coda a pennacchio, coda con attaccatura troppo bassa o troppo alta.

. La spalla ben obliqua. . L'arto leggermente obliquo e rivolto all'indietro, dal punto pi estremo della spalla fino al gomito; non mai perpendicolare al suolo. . I muscoli ed i legamenti che uniscono la spalla alla gabbia toracica sono robusti e ben sviluppati.
. Difetti: spalla diritta, spalla con attaccatura non appropriata.
. Arti anteriori: quando il cane in posizione frontale gli arti anteriori sono moderatamente intervallati, paralleli e ben costituiti, i gomiti sono aderenti al corpo senza essere sproporzionati. . Visti di profilo gli stinchi metacarpiali sono leggermente obliqui essendo le articolazioni del corpo forti ma flessibili. . L'ossatura massiccia senza mai essere pesante. . La lunghezza dell'arto anteriore dal gomito al suolo leggermente superiore alla distanza dal gomito all'apice del garrese. . ammessa pure l'obliquit degli speroni agli arti anteriori.
. Difetti: abbassamento degli stinchi metacarpiali, ossatura troppo pesante, frontale troppo largo o troppo stretto, gomiti sporgenti.
. I piedi sono di forma ovale ma non allungati. . Sono di grandezza media, compatti e pelosi tra le dita ed i cuscinetti plantari. . I cuscinetti sono duri e di uno spessore consistente. . I piedi non sono arcuati all'interno ma all'esterno quando il cane rimane in posizione naturale.
. Difetti: dita flaccide o abbassate, piedi troppo grandi o graziati, piedi troppo piccoli o delicati, piedi arcuati verso l'interno o verso l'esterno.

. Il cane in posizione eretta visto dalla parte posteriore possiede gli arti posteriori moderatamente intervallati e paralleli. . Le cosce sono ben robuste e potenti; le grasselle ben angolate, il garretto ben disegnato e scosceso. . In caso si verificasse la presenza di speroni bisogna procedere alla loro ablazione.
. Difetti: angolo della grassella troppo aperto, garretti vaccini, posteriore troppo stretto o troppo largo.

. Il mantello del Siberian Husky doppio e di lunghezza media, dando un aspetto di foltezza; tuttavia non mai lungo al punto da nuocere al profilo nettamente delineato del cane. . Il sottopelo morbido e fitto, di una lunghezza sufficiente per sostenere il pelo sovrastante che diritto leggermente inclinato, ma mai duro n diritto sul corpo. . Bisogna notare che normale l'assenza del sottopelo durante la muta. . Viene concesso di pareggiare il pelo in eccesso che cresce intorno al piede e tra le dita per dare al cane un aspetto pi curato. . imperdonabile e deve essere severamente penalizzato, la toelettatura del pelo su tutte le parti del corpo.
. Difetti: pelo lungo, ruvido o ispido, struttura troppo dura o troppo setosa, tutta la toelettatura non di competenza.
. Colore, sono ammessi tutti i colori, dal nero al bianco puro, si riscontrano comunemente diversi segni sulla testa che caratterizzano numerosi tipici motivi non riscontrabili in altre breeds.

. L'andatura caratteristica del Siberian Husky regolare ed apparentemente disinvolta. . rapido e leggero nel suo passo; in sede di esposizione bisogna condurlo senza tendere il guinzaglio ad un passo moderatamente rapido in modo che presenti una buona estensione degli arti anteriori ed una buona propulsione di quelli posteriori. . Visto di fronte, al passo, il Siberian husky non segue una linea uniforme, ma quando la velocit aumenta gli arti si inclinano gradatamente verso l'interno in modo tale che le impronte anteriori e posteriori si portino uniformemente in avanti, i gomiti e le grasselle non roteano n all'interno n all'esterno. . Ciascun arto posteriore si sposta verso l'orma di quella anteriore nello stesso lato. . In azione, il dorso rimane fermo ed orizontale.
. Difetti: andatura lenta, scomposta, saltellante, passo pesante come se stesse deambulando, ed incrociando le zampe come un granchio.

. Il Siberian Husky si caratterizza per la sua gentilezza e per il suo temperamento mite, sveglio e socievole. . Non aggressivo come un cane da guardia, non ha diffidenza nei confronti degli sconosciuti e non aggressivo nei confronti degli altri cani. . Da adulto si comporta in modo riservato e dignitoso. . La sua intelligenza, la sua mansuetudine ed il suo desiderio di affetto, fanno di lui un compagno gradevole ed un lavoratore pieno di buona volont;

. Le caratteristiche pi importanti del Siberian Husky sono la sua taglia media, la sua ossatura moderatamente sviluppata, le sue armoniche proporzioni, la scioltezza e la libert di movimento, il suo mantello elegante, la sua testa e le belle orecchie; la sua sontuosa coda e il suo carattere. . Devono essere penalizzati l'eccesso di peso, l'andatura costretta o impacciata ed il pelo lungo o ruvido. . Il Siberian Husky non ha un aspetto severo e volgare al punto da evocare un animale dai tratti possenti. . Non neanche leggero e fragile al punto di evocare un animale concepito per le corse di velocit su piccole distanze. . Ambo i sessi danno l'impressione della resistenza. . Oltre ai difetti precedentemente segnalati, quelli strutturalmente comuni a tutte le breeds sono da evitare nel Siberian Husky come del resto in qualsiasi altra razza, anche se non specificatamente menzionati nello standard.

. Maschi di taglia superiore ai 13 pollici (60 cm) e femmine di taglia superiore ai 22 pollici (56 cm).
. N. . B. . I maschi devono avere due testicoli di aspetto normale completamente discesi nello scroto.