FCI-Standard N° 188 / 27. 04. 1998 / GB
TRANSLATION : Mrs. Moreau-Sipiere and Prof. R. Triquet, brought up to date by Dr. Paschoud.
ORIGIN : Morocco.
UTILIZATION : Sighthound.
CLASSIFICATION F.C.I. : Group 10 Sighthounds.
Section 3 Short-haired Sighthounds.
Without working trial, racing licence.
No breeding to signal
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BRIEF HISTORICAL SUMMARY : The Sloughi has existed for many centuries in North Africa. Nowadays most Sloughis are to be found in Morocco which is responsible for the standard. The Sloughi exists only in a single short-haired variety.
GENERAL APPEARANCE : By demeanour, by delicacy of tissue and by muscular leanness, his general appearance is that of a very racy and elegant dog.
IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS : For a male with an ideal size of 27, 5 inches (70 cm), the length of the body from point of shoulders to point of buttock should be 26-27 inches (67-68 cm). For a female with an ideal size of 26 inches (65 cm), the length of the body from point of shoulders to point of buttock should be 24-25 inches (62-63 cm).
The ratio between length of body (from point of shoulder to point of buttock) and height at withers should be 0,96 (9,6 : 10).
The ratio between depth of chest and height at withers should be 0,4 (4 : 10).
The ratio between length of foreface and total length of head should be 0,5 (1 : 2)
BEHAVIOUR / TEMPERAMENT : Although noble and haughty, he is very attached to his master and defends him in case of need. With an instinct of hunter, capable of sustained effort, he also appreciates the home conforts.
HEAD : Seen from the side, the head is longish, refined, delicate but rather strong. Seen from above, it has the shape of a very long wedge, the skull being the widest part, tapering to the tip of the nose.
Skull : Rather broad, seen from aside flat; from one ear to the other the skull measures 4-6 inches (12 to 14 cm). The skull is distinctly rounded at the back and curving harmoniously on the sides. The superciliary ridges are scarcely projecting, the frontal groove hardly marked and the occipital crest and protuberance barely visible.
Stop : Hardly pronounced.
Nose : Black. Strong enough to avoid being pinched. Nostrils well opened. The nose leather not being held up by a skeletal structure is very slightly inclined.
Muzzle : It has the shape of a, without exaggeration, elongated wedge and is perceptibly as long as the skull. The bridge of the nose is straight from its root.
Lips : Thin and supple, just covering the lower jaw; the corner of the mouth must be as little visible as possible.
Jaws/Teeth : Teeth normal, jaws strong and regular. Scissor bite.
Eyes : Large, dark, well-set in their sockets, sometimes just covered by a slight obliquity of the eyelids. The expression is gentle, a little sad, the look like nostalgic. With a light coat, the eye can be amber-coloured. The eye rims are pigmented.
Ears : Set high slightly above the eye line, drooping, close to the head, not too large, triangular and slightly rounded at the tips.
NECK : Long, well set off from the shoulders and with the topline (crest) slightly arched. The length is perceptibly equal to the length of the head. The skin is fine, tight, without any dewlap; the hair is very smooth.
Topline : Gently and harmoniously curved with prominent haunch bones equal in height or slightly higher than the withers.
Withers : Well projecting.
Back : Short, almost horizontal.
Loin : Short, lean, wide and slightly arched.
Croup : Bony, wide and oblique, but not falling strongly away.
Chest : Not too wide; in depth it hardly reaches the level of the elbow. Well developed in length. The ribs are flat.
Underline and Belly : Sternum long and raised, belly and flanks well tucked up. The underline is evenly curved, neither abruptly cut up nor whippety.
TAIL : Thin, lean, set-on in line with the croup and carried below the line of the back. It should be, at least, long enough to reach the point of hocks. At rest, the tip is forming an accentuated curve.
Generally: Forelegs vertical and parallel.
Shoulder : Long and oblique.
Upper arm : Strong.
Forearm : Bony and muscular.
Pastern joint and pastern : Supple and strong.
Generally : Viewed from GO BACK TO LIST, hindlegs vertical and parallel; muscles flat, tendons well chiselled.
Upper thigh : Flat and muscular.
Second thigh : Long and well muscled.
Hock : Strong, well bent.
Rear pastern : Strong, without dewclaws.
FEET : Lean, in the shape of an elongated oval. In many lightly built Sloughis the foot assumes the shape of a harefoot. The two middle toes are distinctly longer than the others. The nails are black or coloured.
GAIT / MOVEMENT : Walk, trot, gallop. Gait supple, smooth and with long strides, covering plenty of ground.
SKIN : Very fine, close fitting to the body, without folds or dewlap.
HAIR : Very short, dense, fine.
COLOUR : The colour reaches from light sand through all possible different shades to red sand (fawn), with or without black mask, with or without black mantle, with or without black brindling, with or without black overlay.
Height at the withers : for males 26-29 inches (66-72 cm),
for females 24-27 inches (61-68 cm).
FAULTS : Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree.
- Bad ratio between length of body and height at withers.
- Head and body slightly too heavy.
- Stop too much or insufficiently pronounced.
- Too light coloured eyes.
- Top line not horizontal.
- Croup narrow, too or insufficiently oblique.
- Belly not enough tucked up.
- Rounded ribs.
- Chest not long enough, seen from the side cut up or very arched.
- Tail too short, with too much hair, badly carried.
- Muscles round and protruding.
- Hair hard and coarse.
- Small white mark on the chest.
- Aggresive or overly shy.
- Body clearly longer than high, haunch bones lower than withers.
- Depigmented areas on the mucous membranes.
- Over-or undershot mouth.
- Ears erect, or raised with tips drooping, too long, folding backwards (rose ear).
- Hair semi-long.
- Fringes on legs or tail.
- White stockings, larger white markings.
- Colour not in accordance with the standard.
Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified
N.B. : Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.
Automatic translate from inseparabile.comORIGINS OF THE RACE
The Sloughi an ancient levriero orients them. Its origins can be made to go back to the first trib nomadic ones of the desert of Ethiopia, of the Nubia and Egypt, where its first apparitions are dated 1500 years before the birth of Christ. The Sloughi be the similar nobleman of hunting of the Bedouins. It was dealt with great cure, poich, from the moment that to those times crews from fire did not exist, the Sloughi supplied hunting, to the feeding of the families. Arranged on the front part of the saddleback of the horse, often accompanied from a hawk hunter, the Sloughi came made to come down once sighted the preda. These did not try to seize it immediately, running the risk to lose it, but it often covered long distances near this last one, pushing it towards the other hunters that is. Moreover, eccezion made for lepri and jackal, to the Sloughi it was not concurred to kill own prede (the Gazzelle): these landladies had to withhold them finch its had them victims of a murder, in compliance with the religious tradition.
A Sloughi that was not reliable as hunter came quickly eliminated. To the Sloughi it was allowed to sleep in stretches to flank of its landladies, covered give
coltri for proteggerlo from the cold nights of the desert; it came equipped of talismans that the proteggessero ones from the misfortune, its puppys came attended to from the women, if necessary, and its dead women came plant from the families. The Sloughi a silent hunter, than adapted perfectly to the land, and such characteristic concurs it to approach itself the preda without being noticed. The various colorations and the morphologic structure of the Sloughi depend on the landscape. The Sloughi from the sturdy corporatura devout and the dark devout capes is found in the northeast of the Magreb and the devout zones to north of the Atlas; the Sloughi devout light and from the cape devout clearly is rintracciabili in the devout areas to south; to limiting of the Sahara.
The aspect of the still identical Sloughi: a gagliardo levriero that seems to have been modeled from Michelangelo, with one physical condition excellent, necessary in order to survive in extreme conditions. thanks to the reliable scattered breeders all over the world, not recorded up to now some typical problem of degeneration of the race. The feet are strong and sturdy, and still they allow the Sloughi to run and to be moderate itself to high velocit on lands brulli. Its intelligent physical way to hunt and its capacit are evidenced to the maximum when Sloghi attempts in the hunting simulated to the preda artificial, than the best rappresentazione of the true hunting. Although the Sloughi remains however much valid and fast one in the race on track, its natural attitude seems to be the Coursing, in the course of which it must turn the head, communicate with the other hunters in field and choose the better way in order to approach the preda using the minor quantit of necessary energy. Having divided to the own dwelling for cos many centuries with Arabic its landladies, the Sloughi extremely become attached to its owner ed' to its family (therefore, it would not have never it are held isolated in a cuccia to the house outside of it would suffer. The Sloughi still loves to sleep under one blanket, if possible as well as close to the master how much he allows Once concessagli the possibilit it to play and to run free or of trottare nearby to one bicycle or ad' a every horse day, the Sloughi a similar maxim silent, easy to hold also in a small apartment. Happy E', if pu to sit down in a comfortable seat or a sof, and when you of tracks for hours without to move you can forget to you that with you - but he not dimenticher never of you! E' a loyal friend towards the master and its family, patient with the children classified with the strangers, than moreover often seems to ignore. The Sloughi must be trained exclusively from its owner, with love, understanding, respect and self-control: any type of unjust punishment makes to lose to the Sloughi the respect of just padrone.Vivere entirety ad' a Sloughi in realt exactly does not mean to possess it: it wants to say rather, in a sure sense, living second one sure "philosophy".
For the males: Height from 66 to 72 cm. Ideal ransom: 70 cm. For the females: Height from 61 to 68 cm. Ideal ransom: 65 cm. For a male with an ideal ransom of 70 cm. For one female with an ideal ransom of 65 cm.. Of profile, long, elegant, fine but enough important the head (compared to the other levrieri). The skull clearly rounded off in the posterior part and incurva harmoniously on sides. I furrow facade as soon as marked. The stop hardly marked. The snout approximately has the shape of a cone affinato and lengthened and along how much the skull. The straight nasal cane. The black nose. Enough sturdy from not being able to be tight. Labbra fine and elastic, that they cover the inferior jaw hardly. The bite to scissor. The eyes are large, dark, sometimes a po' covered as a result of one light inclination of the eyelid; the sweet expression, po' sad and a nostalgic look. With the clear cape the color of the iride generally of color amber. The high, falling, adherent attacked orecchie to the head, not too much large, of triangular shape and leggermente round off you to the estremit. The long, very inserted neck and with the advanced profile leggermente arch. The cute thin, adherent, without giogaia. Shaved hair. The short and nearly horizontal back. Thorax not too much wide; very developed in profondit it catches up the height of the elbow. Cost the flat supporter to along sterno. Ventre and flanks very are retratti. Fine, thin the tail, attacked low and low capacity. It must arrive at least to the tip of the garretto.
Shaved, locked, fine hair. The color with or without black template, with or without black cape: sand - clear sand - fulvo (rossa).Nero sand on deep sand. The beauty of the only Sloughi its body the body of an athlete. Not being covered of hair folto, but exclusively from "a dry" skin, the Sloughi extension perfectly straight lines and its shapes they seem cesellate, with muscles and the veins in absolute evidence. Three main colorations of cape for the Sloughi exist: sand (from the tonalit devout tenuous to that devout rossastra, exactly like the sand of the desert) black with focature and/or striature and streaked. These colorations help the Sloughi to camouflage themselves in the landscape.
The general aspect that one of a dog of great race, for its portamento, the fineness of its woven and the secchezza of the musculature. Although noble and I alter, he much devout person to its landladies and it defends it if necessary. Hunter for instinct, able of efforts extends to you, he appreciates also the vellutato comfort of the house. Often he comes used for the hunting.
The short cape of the Sloughi easy to clean up. , if moreover dirty, the same Sloughi to supply to the own one pulizia with somiglianti ways to those of the cats. The Sloughi of the days today has a aitante aspect, door with s the eredit of the Arabic culture ed' joins still beauty, preroom, instinct and character.
This card be sended to us from Alfeo R.