




A small dog, but much sturdy one was found many remote, mysterious centuries ago on and the greens hills of the Cardiganshire in Wales. It was the "Corgi": Cor from the Welshman "cur", "dwarf" or "gnomo" and "gi" (with the g hard like ghi) for dog. Literally Corgi means "dog dwarf". The race is believed that it existed gia to the times of the devout guerrieri Celti of 3000 years ago and were they to carry it in Wales when these migrarono from Europe center them.

This small dog a fantastic companion, infinitely becomes attached to the house and the persons of the family. From centuries be used like collaborating faithful for the jobs of the small farm, guardiano dog of court and therefore of the house, guides and "tallonatore" of the herds. To those times it was in fact the Crown to possess the greater part of the earth that encircled the house of the agriculturist and to these it was only allowed to make to graze the single herd in the necessary area to such scope. Competition was therefore between the agriculturists one strongly and "the tallonatori" dogs to the contrary of those from flock were train to disperse to the herd biting the garretti to you of the beasts; their task was to push the herd in always devout spaces extended in how much this gave to the agriculturist greater legal force in order to expect devout pasture.

Devout late divenne true and just a dog bovaro guiding the herd from the small farms of Wales until the English markets. Its task was also that one to precede the mandriano in finding the area for the pasture and to inform it of it upgrades them enemy for the cattle.
Ancient Welsh laws of the tenth century punished who strictly annoyed or maltrattava the small "corgi" in how much its talent could truly contribute to the economy of the family. Although of frequent it comes exchanged for the much devout common Pembroke (that it does not have the tail), the Cardigan a being race to s of ancient lineage that comes down directly from the family of the Teckel or the Dachshund.

The first Cardigan was stocky, with the cape golden or blue merle (obtained from the crossing with the Welsh Collie and subsequently with the Scottish Collie) and perhaps with the orecchie folded. As a result of careful selections with red elements and brindle (black tigrato) joints to standard is put into effect them that of it has esaltaltato the better characteristics. In that period there were two type of Welsh Corgi: the Brindle in the south of the Cardiganshire and the diffuse Red a p ovunque in Wales centers them until the border with England. The two type little deferred for nature and attitudes; from the crossing of these derives puts into effect they them Cardigan. The Village of Bronant in famous Wales as that country where the only dogs were Cardigan until 1865. The Cardigan di Bronant was much similar one to puts into effect them but some subject not portave the straight orecchie.

To the end of the 800, with the beginning of the first canine exposures some breeders began to select the race in order to reach the characteristics put into effect them. To the beginning of the century the Corgi term only came to being used with regolarit and the race beginnings to being documented.

Although that the first Cardigan Welsh Corgi was introduced to an exposure in England in 1919, in 1926 the "English Cardigan Welsh Corgi Association" was only founded. Initially it was not made distinction between the Cardigan and the Pembroke and were records like one single race to you. This allowed to the two breeds of being intercrossed creating conflicts between the breeders. 1934 had to be attended in order to make up for the error and to obtain the separation of race with the Pembroke from part del "English Kennel Club".

A red male of name Bob Llwyd was the used champion devout in the second one met of anni' the 20 and the first standards of race seem that they are bases to you on he. E' the ancestors of the first champion of race Ch Golden Arrow that nacque in the 1928 and end the championship in 1931.

The first brace of Cardigan was imported in America in the 1931 from Mrs. Benjamin P. Boli; the first female to arrive in this country was the famous Cassie that gi had produced Cardigan of good qualit in England. The first American Champion was Ch Megan one red female and white woman; in 1935 the Cardigan Welsh Corgi was founded Club of America. In Italy the race be introduced from the Giulio Baron Hills Bankers in years ' 70.

Physical Aspect

The Cardigan Welsh Corgi a dog of small ransom, heavy, strong skeleton of aspect with great orecchie that it holds erected, large and dark eyes, folta and lowland tail similar to that one of the vixen, front legs leggermente arch around to the deep chest. Although it has the short legs much fast and resistant one.

"small but sturdy and powerful, fast and infaticabile a dog" as between the other it recites the International Standard of race. From the nose to the end of the tail measure approximately one yarda (90 cm). The medium height of approximately 30 cm to the garrese with an ideal weight that for the subject males varied from 15 to 19 Kg while for the females from 13 to 17 kg.
The driven in sturdy cape folto and with sottopelo a resistant one to the inclemencies. One veriet of colors and combinations: brindle (black with effects of tigrature tending to red), red (Brown or golden), sand (with black striature), blue merle (black and marmorizzato), black gray and tricolor (black with spots browns). Spots of white man can be introduced on the neck (like a collar parzialmenet or of all), chest, feet, snout, sottopancia and head of the tail.


One of the best characteristics of the Cardigan its personalit. "a great dog in a small body", its formed temperament as a result of centuries of life like faithful and agricultural and guardiano collaborating valoroso, characteristic these that do good it to adapt to the role are of dog from job that gives company. Its nature of dog from shepherdesses and dog of court the door also to defend its propriet and therefore also an optimal dog from guard.
The Cardigan Welsh Corgi a dog that it seriously wants to be been involved in the life of its family. Its family must want to render it partecipe of the life in common. Full it sar of enthusiasm and considerer its family with inestimabili devozione and affection although some Cardigan maintains to a mistrustful corportamento and refusals compliments from the disowned ones.
Extremely affectionate Premuroso and with its relatives (in particular way with the children, of which a most valid companion of games) however an intelligent and reliable dog. Just for its sensibilit and ammaestrabilit the Cardigan Welsh appeared Corgi of recent in various television commedie and some films


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Group: dogs from shepherdesses and bovari

Height : medium Height for both seies: 30 cm. The just relationship between length and height must be 1.8:1 measuring the length between sterno and the junction of the tail and the Height.

Weight: ideal males between 15 and 19 kg, females between 13 e17 kg.

Head: similar to that one of one vixen. Black Tartufo (except that in the subjects "bleu-merle"), leggermente found, with moderately large narici. Snout devout short of the skull (proportion 3 to 5) and that it is sharpenned towards the tip. Obvious and strong jaws, but without shelf. Enough wide and flat skull between the orecchie leggermente to cupola over the eyes.

Eyes: of medium largeness, rather it detaches to you between they and with angle very marked. Of generally dark color, unless in the subjects "bleu-merle", in which they can be gazzuoli.

ORECCHIE: proporzionate to the ransom of the dog, moderately wide prominenti and to the base, straight capacities and well to GO BACK TO LIST, on the line of the neck. An ideal line that the nose and steps to level of the eyes leave from the tip of, would have to reach the tip of the orecchia, or at least much neighbor to it.

. Mascelle: strong teeth, scissor articulation.

Neck : muscoloso and very developed, proporzionato to the width of the shoulders, with which it is melted harmonically.

Body : enough along and strongly. Moderately wide chest, with sterno prominente. Deep thorax, with ribs very you try.

Posterior limbs: leggermente bent in ahead, with strong skeleton. Muscolose shoulders. Short and strong legs.

Front limbs: courts, with muscolose thighs. Short and sturdy Metatarso.

FEET: round, rather large, with it uses sturdy. Possibilit of spurs, that they go amputates to you.

TAIL: similar to that one of the vixen; attacked to level of the line of the back, of medium length (it touches or it grazes the ground). Low capacity in erected station, but, in action, pu to raise itself a little over of the line of the back. Never ricurvata on the back.

MANTLE: short hair or of medium length, resistant hard webbing to the inclemencies with good sottopelo. Admitted all the colors except the uniform white man.

Sailing point: melted and active, the always adherent elbows to the body, not opened n too much sluices. The front ones ahead carry a lot in without raising itself too much from the ground, in harmony with the push of the posterior ones.

For the photos and the contents of this card we thank the breeding Poggiobellino