Pogona vitticeps

Common name:
Origin: Australia, Tasmania
Dimension: from 5 to 55 Cm
Reproduction: oviparo
onnivoro, the represented primary diet from crickets, tarme
of the flour, caymans, but to integrate well with verdure and
legumi. Fundamental moreover the salt and vitaminico contribution.
The young subjects ulteriorly need of a supplement made up of soccer
carbonate and D3 vitamin.
The terrario:
Temperature: 28-32C diurnal day, 20-22C nocturnal night.
Lighting system - Light: fundamental I use it of lamps with
emission of beams UV.
Substrate - substrate: sand of the desert
is known from Aquarius or.
Furnishing - accessories: many hollow
cliffs in order to assure devout hiding places, log for the exposure
to beams UV, one ciotola for the little deep and rather wide water.
I use of alive plants not fundamental.
No breeding to signal
if you want to know like signaling yours,
contacts: marketing@inseparabile.it
Notes :attenzione not to bathe
it with cold water poich in these rectums them accustoms you to the
warm climate and dry of Australia it centers them desert also little
cold water pu to turn out fatal.
The anfiboluro if accustomed
since small to being handled it becomes optimal petz and a a lot
difficultly to bite the person that it feeds it and indeed to its
way affezioner to this last one