


announcements 2

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Inserted the 19/07/2007

Rocky a maschietto of approximately 1 year, does not arrive to 6 kg, has the saddest look and tries someone urgently that it can love it.
For adoptions in all Italy to contact    3355670234 3473538275

Inserted the 19/07/2007

E' one femminuccia of approximately 1 year, hung approximately 5 chili, too much sweet in order remaining single...
For adoptions in all Italy to contact    3355670234 3473538275

Inserted the 19/07/2007

The poor Terry in order to catch up the master who had unloaded it with one banal excuse, invested state. A heart person has made it to operate and to recover perfectly but... in the eyes of Terry only the terror and the sadness... to succeed there never to forget? 3355670234 3473538275

Inserted the 04/07/2007


Franky a sweet and old vecchietto withdrawn from a canile orrendo, of it has passages many, has not never had the joy of one family; but the volunteers who love it to the madness cure it with infinite affection. It has of the most serious problems to the vertebral column, puo' not to make alone pipi', must itself be compressed the blister manually 3 times to day and from little the diagnosed state an inoperable mammary carcinoma, poich would risk the paralysis. In order to satisfy all this the fisioterapista it has agreed of the cycles of magnetoterapia and acupuncture that would help it to alleviate the strong pains.
The medicinal ones that to he they are necessary in order not to make it to soffire call CONTRAMAL and Valium.
For info Ilaria 347/9617405  

Inserted the 29/06/2007

Smarrito Yorkshire old and sick male of Leishmania in Favorite zone, the dog has the microchip with 0977200001509337Necessita number of urgent cures because of its malattia.Chiunque had sighted it or found pu to contact the 3405512698.

Inserted the 25/06/2007

Name: GERRY ET: 4 years
ROME. Gerry e' dogtto a much ill-fated one, collected from cuccioloinsierme to the fratellini e' be adopted and given back after ca. 1 year, by now too much great perche' someone could still be interested to he: they are passes three years to you and from then e' remained always locked up in cage in pessimo a canile Roman. Nevertheless Gerry e' delicious, best, affectionate and obedient, indeed wasted the small dog in order to pass all the rest of its existence in buia the cell of a canile. To contact Paola 333-8728615.

Inserted the 25/06/2007

Name: TIGRA ET: 3 ROME years.
Tigra, delicious racially mixed tg. average (ca. 18 kg), sterilized, it tries house. Saved with to the sorellina from one situation of imprisonment and ill-treatment, Tigra e' hour locked up in squallida the cage of one pension. It has 3 years, all passed in the prison, e' best but still timid and afraid in the comparisons of the men. To contact Paola 333-8728615

Inserted the 21/06/2007

Rome-Franceschino gattino a tigrato gray male, of 1 month... its fratellini gi has been adopts and remained he only unfortunately to you!! We try for he one sweet and loving family that the aids to exceed all its fears! Adoptable in all Italy!
For info: 338/9880018 Sandra or Barge 339/4749539

Inserted the 21/06/2007  

2 Roma-Questi cucciolotti German crossing shepherdesses males, of 4 months, future cuts large, tries house urgently. Gi sverminati and vaccinateed. Adoptable in all Italy!
. Per info: Annamaria 348/0009575

Inserted the 21/06/2007  

Rome-Ringo a sweet simil-volpino male of 2 years, accustomed living in house, bond and giocherellone... hunted state of house and hour st suffering a lot... has lived months for road and hour st in a pension... We try for he a good family that make it to exceed the abandonment! Adoptable in all Italy! For info: 339/4749539 or 333/8728615

Inserted the 20/06/2007  


Sterilized female - medium ransom (10/15 kg) - 4 years

We had gone to take to the canile Star that they had to us marked, we were going via, when without warning the put down look on Lillith... God mine! "as we can leave it them? as we can allow that it does not know something of beautiful various from that net "
Cos we have gone via with two of they Star and LILLITH ... LILLITH one dog of medium ransom, the not indicative weight hour... approximately 4 years from always in canile, cos always lean... perhaps it did not succeed in nutrisi well perch the others did not allow them to arrive to the ciotola? It does not need to make x-rays, the ribs are available to eye knot... it must be cured, mistress and must know that a heart exists also that potr to strike for she.

For adoptions in all Italy to contact Alessandra 347-3538275 Anna 335-5670234


Inserted the 20/06/2007  


It calls Pheebe, cucciola hardly 10 months or less... it still does not know "the aggressive" word, she one of those dogs that consider "dangerous" and this solo she perch not that it writes ma..noi human.
God mine, how much was beautiful when he was cucciola! Nobody had fear of she, all caress it, played... then it has begun to grow, it has begun to having that aspect of "pitt" and no child approached itself she and when it it ran encounter carrying that ball that continues to hold in mouth in the hope that someone launch it and played with she... all scappavano... not, she a dangerous dog, she could not be in that park where the children ran and schiamazzavano..lei... lei had to only be in a place where nobody saw it but... the destiny of Pheebe was various, it has met one voluntary that has saved it from those dead women sure and it has it capacity in its office but... non pu to remain devout, risks to volunteer.

Who pu to help Patrizia? 346/5265079

Inserted the 15/06/2007  

Busto Arsizio (GOES) Beautifulst pure Husky, sweet Azzura one sensitive and special the pure, sweetest Husky. It has unimaginable a damore full heart and affection, much good one; its melodiosa nature ago of she a particularly intense small dog and affettuosa.Va daccordo is some with the femminucce that with the maschietti, giocherellona, gi accustomed in family. For info and adoptions Ilaria 347/9617405  

Inserted the 15/06/2007

These funny and softest cucciolone (max 2 years) medium ransom small state captured for one demanded of adoption from a orrendo canile of the Lazio. When we have gone to take it was hidden under one bench in cage with other large dogs piu of he. Once outside from the box demonstrated sweetest and remissivo, giocherellone insomma a new dog!! The adoptive family was happy of he but hour something does not go: Rex alive in a campaign house, with the rain the land landslide and he succeeds to exit from the recinzione when the masters (a lot often) is not present. The neighbors are themselves gia complain to you, Rex annoy the cats. We try for the small a family that loves it that it dedicates time to it, Rex socevolissimo with the dogs and the children, adapted also to living in house. It risks to return in orrendo the place from which be saved. Hour is found close Rome but we can carry it to the north.
Stefania 339-3764205  

Inserted the 30/05/2007

"Hello we are Kim and Ola, I shepherdesses maremmano of 3 years while She shepherdesses German of 7 years

Our masters go to live in an apartment (within the 10 July 2007) and not being able to accommodate we are trying one to us new urgently and wonderful family that he wants to adopt to us and to love like lattuale.

We are disposed to separate to us but we would prefer to remain entirety in order to play and to do good the guard.

We are much intelligent and coccoloni, but at the just moment we know to make ours it must.

If us you want to only adopt together or to one of we two it calls us to the nr. 349.52.53.508 and you ask for Simone.

Soon it calls to us perch does not lack very!!!
Sure that you will want to us we wait for you well to open legs.

With affection Kim & Ola."


Inserted the 24/05/2007

It ran in tries of its landladies, ran in tries of that machine that
it had launch... but... it did not know to defend itself, he did not know
to proteggersi from those cars that slid fast and cos Vicky be
invested Barbarian, nobody it had harvest, nobody has carried it from
ended veterinary and cos in canile.
Noticed from some volunteers who prodigate to make to visit it and even
to operate but... Vicky pu not to be operated, for he devout not there null gives
to make... paralyzed to the posterior limbs and forced to be on one
carrellino in order every year of its life perch... we have arrived too much
Thanks to the aid of many volunteers and thanks to the sensibilit of many
persons, Vicky avr carrellino all its and potr to catch up its
game companions, but its continuous look to being sad, he... lui
he does not know to cry but he has not never cancelled that moment that "DID NOT SERVE
PIU' ".
  Hour we ask ourselves, us sar never someone that potr to love it? Us sar never
someone that the potr to attend to and ragalargli a little felicit?

Anna 3355670234  
Alessandra 3473538275  
Inserted the 24/05/2007

Not wonderful? Laura, the volunteer of Brescia that the st holding to house, deprived of hope perch does not succeed in trovargli an adoption... WE GIVE THEM ONE HAND Please? THANKS!!

This its tel: Laura 333/6184636

Inserted the 20/05/2007

I would have need of a passage for Bologna for 1 or 2 doberman adult, but for gioved 24 (the mrs. who of Padova and would come to Bologna, pu only the thursday perch has a restaurant and that closed day.)  

Grazie.Lucina tel. 3934451909.

Inserted the 20/05/2007

Boys, arrived to the canile of Castelvetrano a rottwailer wonderful of the best nature. He goes of agreement with the other dogs.
E' a male of c.a. 3 years.
We try a family that it has a garden in house.
I pray to pass you voice
Thanks thousands

Anna Cauldron. cell. 347/4710215
Inserted the 11/05/2007

And state found to NAPLES ... terrorizzato and hardly we have asked to it to go up on the small engine, it did not seem true, it has thought to it... carry to me from my mother... ma be cos. .....
ra it waits for a master who...... .. it does not forget it for the road... (????) .
it has approximately 6 months
    of ransom - small kg.7/8 , of affectionate an immense one, and accustomed to make its needs outside

we carry ovunque.

Anna 3355670234

Inserted the 09/05/2007


It Masks, in canile from too many years!  
The canile hour under eviction and he one of the many that need has to find again a roof where to cover itself, enough with paste remainders, enough to forget itself to fill up that ciotola with a p of water.
The only companions of Mask have been alone the sun and the rain but, that net... quella net that divided it from the world, he not it dimenticher never.
we want to try to trovargli one house?
It waits for to you....
we come to receive to you....

Anna 33555670234
Alessandra 3473538275

Inserted the 09/05/2007


Cesar, in chained canile... "was months that this appeal turned and every it turns all are remained indifferent.
But some of we have thought "perch not regalargli a p about libert, a libert that it knew and that without warning with the dead women of its landladies has lost.
We have tried a pension that it held it free, without cage, we have tried for he that one libert that the eredi they had removed to it.
"Cesar", nobody never to perhaps ask for he, perhaps nobody fermer for dargli that caress that it knew, but if you can take it with you sapr gives much love to you.

Anna 3355670234

Inserted the 09/05/2007


Mag be saved from a sink in which they had it jetty.

And of and sterilized small (6 kg), healthiest ransom, a lot but much cake. It goes daccordo with dogs, cats and children.

Anna 3355670234

Inserted the 09/05/2007

He a small gnomo of 6/7 months, of approximately 4/5 kg, we have called it Forelock, state launch from the window of the machine after to have it seviziato.
Various days are intentional in order to recover it and to make to buy back it a p of confidence for the human but, perfect hour.
E' be castrated, spulciato, sverminato and vaccinateing.
hour only attends of the arms to which debit its heat.
It is found to adoptable Naples but in all Italy.

Anna 3355670234

Inserted the 08/05/2007

Gioved 3 May in loc. rimale to Fidenza scomparso a dog lupo Czechoslovakian female of 2 years. regularly chippata and it answers to the name of Heroin.

Anyone had found it or also only seen me pu to contact num 3473500171. Previewed one ricompensa. I pray to you, you help me!


Inserted the 23/04/2007

Rotweiler male of two years, most sociable and affettuoso(with cut tail).
Maremmanina of two years, calm and remissiva.
Other Rot male with long tail also sweetest he and cucciolone (1 year)
Lupetta of two years, sociable with all the dogs and persons.
The dogs are to Brace (Rome) but they can be capacities in tutt' Italy.
For adoptions tel Lucina to the 3337521945. thanks.

Inserted the 16/04/2007

Rome - Francisco a sweet cucciolone male of 1 year approximately, simil labrador, of optimal character, that it tries house urgently!! E' be abandoned in road with the brother that be invested... calm Hour and to the sure one, but needs having one family all its!!

Adoptable in all Italy!

For info: 06/9041448 or 339/4749539

Inserted the 16/04/2007

Ardea(Rm) - Sweetest lupoide mother and its 8 puppys try adoption urgently or attended temporary stall in of adoption!! They are 3 males and 5 females and gi are sverminati and vaccinates to you!

Adoptable in all Italy!!

For info: Paola 333/8728615

Inserted the 16/04/2007

Campagnano(Rm) - Sweetest lupetta blond female, of 2 years approximately, tries house! E' be found to Formello while it rambled to the deprived of hope food search efaceva zig-zag in means to blots some, risking devout times to being invested! Vaccinateed and sterilized E'. Adoptable in all Italy!

For info: 06/9041448 or 339/4749539

Inserted the 16/04/2007

Roma-Splendido black Alan male, pure, of 2 years approximately, tries house urgently!! Optimal character! Adoptable in all Italy!

For info: 06/9041448 or 339/4749539


Inserted the 14/04/2007

Still nothing for the cucciola rimasta.Sta becoming grande..aiuto!!!

Lucina tel. 3337521945

Inserted the 11/04/2007

Ardea(Roma) - These two amaze, labrador nearly a pure male, color chocolate, and shepherdesses German pure male, both young people and of optimal character, try house urgently!! Every day they go to eat to the cassonetti of the immondizia crossing the most dangerous roads!! You please help to trovargli one good adoption us! THANKS!!

For info: Paola 333/8728615

Inserted the 11/04/2007

Roma-Questi 2 sweetest dogs lives close from months on ciglio of one the road a lot sold near Rome to the way tiburtina. She one cagnetta crossing to staffordshire, fulva to hair shaved, of approximately 1 year, gi sterilized. He, instead, splendid simil-labrador black to hair shaved, always of 1 year... We try someone that it adopts them, possibly entirety, perch morirebbero one without the other!!

For info: 333/8728615 Paola or Elisabetta 339/4749539

Inserted the 05/04/2007

E' to Rome in Via Ardeatina but we can carry it. Lucina tel. 3337521945

Inserted the 05/04/2007

These puppys will weigh from large from the 15 to the 18 kg.Sono to Rome but we can portarli.per adoption tel.Lucina to the 3337521945


Inserted the 02/04/2007

beloveds friends
we have as soon as arranged pony and a some ready horse and eccone an other.
when ce we make it alone I try not to be involved... sono many to you the spirits (animals) needy... but hour we are in front of a case a p particular and without yours aiuto..non we will be able to resolve
not draft of moneies
to those we are supplying of our pocket
but of adequate sistemazione
as you see from the draft of one beautifulst and sweetest ponina of approximately 6 years
obedient, adapted also to children and principianti, and also suitable to the gig
in good general health
it has for a problem
it has taken a soccer while it was to the Prato in an eye
healed hour and they do not give suffering opportunely in order being be cured the laceration has not left the sign and the eye not aesthetically perfect
for this if we did not pay the riscatto(malgrado all of 500 euro!!)la ponina it would go to the slaughter house
been calm as far as I redeem gi I have given my word as usual
for reliable person must find one distant possibly not too much genova(vorrei to hold it under control) or near known and ultrasure person.
the ponina hour to genova/mignanego near... un commerciante/macellaio that it wants to be gotten rid some soon to the devout ones
passages word please
Maria grace barbieri//cell. 3355454609

Inserted the 30/03/2007

BRESCIA And LIMITROFI: COCCOLINO, a young person and very small mestizo spaniel, much terrorizzato cake but. When we have carried it to I take a walk made the pip I lean myself and in order to calm it we have coccolato for a po'. It has only need of a calm atmosphere and a po' of love, with these ingredients will be enough 24 hours in order to recover the lost confidence.

3381713874 or 3289199310

Inserted the 28/03/2007

Roma-Dolcissimo cucciolo male simil labrador of 2 months and means tries house... Sar one future medium-small ransom (max 15 kg) and gi be sverminato. . Di buon carattere, anche se molto vivace!

Adoptable in all Italy! . Per info: Annamaria 348/0009575


  Inserted the 28/03/2007

. Ardea(RM) - Dolcissima femmina di pastore belga di 3 anni circa, nera a pelo raso, sterilizzata, cerca urgentemente casa!! . E' molto buona ed obbediente, abituata in casa ed al guinzaglio, sembra sia stata addestrata.. . E' stata sverminata e vaccinata, cerca una casa, magari con giardino, dove poter essere, finalmente, felice!! Adoptable in all Italy!

. Per info: Paola: 333/8728615

  . Inserito il 22/03/2007

. Emergenza puppys! . Sette puppys di 25 giorni
. cercano disperatamente uno stallo temporaneo
. poich sono al freddo in mezzo ad un prato. . La
. mamma non ha pi latte e sta' male. . Non hanno un
. riparo e rischiano di morire di fame. . Aiuto!

Hour the 7 puppys are to the sure one and the sterilized mother sar to the devout ones soon, for we soon must trovargli devout one house... She one maremmana sweet of 2 years, while the pap it was a German crossing shepherdesses... Were dogs of shepherdesses, but hour tries a family that it always adopts them in order!!
. Per info: Annamaria 348/0009575 oppure 339/4749539

. Inserito il 20/03/2007

From when be locked up in box a poverino it does not live devout, guaisce deprived of hope for good part of the day, it is eating little and become thin.
. Questo cagnolino stato ritrovato che vagava impaurito e spaesato su una strada provinciale.
. E' stato notato da una signora che preoccupata che potesse essere investito, l'ha fatto portare in canile.
E' a small dog male, of approximately 2 years, in good health, type lupetto, of tg small (4/5 kg), be found again with a woven red collar of to the neck.
. Aiutiamolo a stare bene, adottiamolo.

Adoptable in all Italy
. per contatti 333/4940000 - 333/8079363
mail: . alessissi@yahoo . .it  

. Inserito il 20/03/2007

. Bellissima spinoncina (guardate che occhi belli) con la sua deliziosa cucciolata, cerca una felice adozione. E' be capacity in canile from some "large one signore/a" that before it has made it to give birth and then has abandoned it with its puppys
. I puppys hanno circa 2 mesi, maschi e femmine, di tg piccola.
. Ce n' uno nero, un marroncino, uno color miele ed un nero focato. . Sono piccoli e deliziosi.
. Lei una dolcezza di un paio di anni, affettuosa e socievole.
. La mammina, per non lasciare solo i puppys cerchiamo di affidarla dopo aver fatto adottare i suoi piccini.

Adoptable in all Italy
. per contatti 333/8079363 -
. 347/7819982

Inserted the 16/03/2007



For info: Elisabetta 339/4749539 or 338/6773144