ORIGIN: Arabia
Height: from
1,45 m to 1,55 m.
CAPE: its cape pu to introduce
different colors: bay, gray, sauro and morello. Pu to introduce
signs in forehead and jumps some devout or less high.
Character: this horse concentrates in se' all the qualit
searched in every race and type of horse and for this reason comes
considered and used like miglioratore. Also the breeds devout
specialized that they differ very from the standards of the Arabic
Purosangue draw benefits and improvements from the contribution of
this blood, that it confers devout they fineness to the shapes, the
greater intelligence and nevrilit.
Physicist: it has a
head of unmistakable beauty, a profile camuso, the wide forehead and
bombata, eyes large and expressed to you, the orecchie very are
planted and distanced between they: appuntite small and in the male,
are instead a po' devout long in the female. The narici are large,
thin and very distinguished, with large capacit of expansion, always
in motion as of the rest it they are the eyes and the orecchie. The
small snout with labbra thin. The profile of the zone of the nose
and the labbra triangular in obvious and characteristic way: the
first angle formed from the tip of the hem of the nose, according to
from the tip of the tip of labbro advanced and the third party from
the tip of the mento. The labbro inferior devout short of that
advanced one. The ganasce, also not being heavy, they are sturdy,
above all many opening to leave space the respiration. The
incollatura, the throat, the neck, entirety forms an other much
typical one and of great beauty. The rather prominente garrese. The
sturdy and wide back, while the kidneys are short and muscolose, the
high, long and horizontal rump; the tail, rather short, high and far
capacity from the body with great elegance. The long shoulder and
very tilted. The long and vertical omero, very wrapped from powerful
muscles, the ginocchia wide and flat, the guns are strong and sturdy
with good circumference. The relatively short and elastic pastorale,
the large and round foot with one good nail. The posterior one very
conformed and constitutes a propeller of prim' order. The garretti
they are clean, of beautiful shape, large and low with tendini very
distaccati and solid legamenti.
No breeding to signal
if you want to know like signaling yours,
The origin of the ancient Arabic
horse, and pressoch impossible to reconstruct its history. Probably
it comes down from wild ancestors who lived in the Arabic peninsula
since it were glacial. Written the devout antichi in which they come
cited of the coming from horses from southern Arabia go back to the
400 a.C. In the course of the centuries the Arabs have perfected
this race, obtaining cos a horse a lot poured them. The climate, the
feeding and a hard selection (are natural that artificial), have
contributed to the creation of a horse from the exceptional dowries.
In fact only extremely frugali, resistant and fast horses, could
survive to the living conditions taxes from the climate and the
cohabitation with a feracious and aggressive man like the Bedouin
who inhabited these sconfinati spaces. These trib of Bedouins lived
in continuous state of war with others trib, therefore after violent
fights they followed hasty escapes. Inseparable companion of their
adventurous life was the horse, indeed the giumenta poich they
privileged the possession of the female to that one of the stalloni,
revealing it devout resistant and guarantor of possible descendancys
in a position to assuring the continuous possession of one
cavalcatura. All it determined a life to us to the limits of the
survival, in devout which only the strong ones can survive. The
living conditions of these horses could carry or to the extinction
of the species, or to a its continuous improvement. The fanatismo of
the Bedouins for the purity of their horses, them preserv from
contributions of foreign blood, producing the wonderful ones turns
out to you that today we can admire. The Arab the first miglioratore
of all breeds European and the determining state to the creation of
the purosangue English. Beyond that in the countries of the Middle
East, the best breedings find themselves in Polonia, Sweden, France,
England, Spain, United States.
This card be sended to us from Alfeo R.