When my dog dies poisoned the suspiciones are pined immediately on a sheep carcass that lies from some day in the forest. The autorit they come informed and comes repeatedly asked the alert ones for Barberino Valdelsa (FI) to remove it and to seize it. The carcass does not happen us and finally to scompare and with it the tests dellavvelenamento. Here the cronistoria.
Sunday 15 January hours 10,30 Walking in the forest of Poppiano, pressed of the sterrata road that door to a forest of mine propriet. I discover to the corpse of one sheep. The carcass is introduced integral and signs of aggression from part of predators are not noticed type dogs. Famous a hole on the belly, nearly perfectly round, of approximately 15 cm of diameter in correspondence of which the interiora they have been apparently eaten from animals. To least centimeters from carcass c agnellino hardly a NATO, anchesso died. Task that probably the sheep dead woman of delivery in that place and that later on some animal has begun to feed itself of the interiora.
Luned 16 January 11,00 hours Lamico Luciano, coming to catch up me to the forest, it sees a Panda of the parked Municipal Police on the road sterrata in the pressed ones of the place where yesterday I have seen the carcass of the sheep. It sees also an alert one outside the machine to walk along the ciglio of the road. I presume that it has been to see the body of the sheep.
16,00 hours I meet Me in that zone with a friend and the port to see the carcass of the sheep that, nelloccasione photographer. The body be by now in great part divorato from predators, lacks lagnellino and also a leg, than for it lies little distant.
Marted 17 January hours 11,00 While job in the forest my dog is absented. When me I notice some I go to try it towards the road, distant little hundreds of meters and I call it. It arrives endured proveniendo from the direction where it was the sheep. It seems to have something in throat that annoys it and that it tries to expel repeatedly.
11,30 hours the dog seems to shake and appears a po strange. I make a stroll with he in order to see as it is. The reactions are enough normal, but the movements are not cos sure. I put the tools on the van and decide to return to house.
hours 12,15 Arrived to house I see that the behavior of the strange dog and its movements always devout imprecisi. I consult myself with my moglie and I decide to go from a veterinary.
12,45 hours Delivery for Poggibonsi in order to try a veterinary.
_ hour 15,15 After very 2 hour and mean of search final the my dog visit from a veterinary. that it finds symptoms of serious poisoning and it applies the therapy of the case.
17,00 hours the veterinary sends back me to devout house not being to us nothing that he pu to make. They do not give many hopes to me. The dog is much evil and it does not walk devout. Within in house carrying it in arm and I feel that my moglie to the telephone with the alert ones that it had informed of the concrete one possibilit that lavvelenamento of the dog was from being connected with the corpse of the sheep. It was nearly buio and delivery immediately towards the forest in order to facilitate the alert ones in the search. Encounter on the place the alert Dainelli. Sheep c anchor, but not devout in the same place and turns out moved of fifteen or so meters. I have asked with insistence the alert one to seize the body of the sheep. It has answered to me with several motivations not to be able to make it. Then I have said to it that any was the destiny of the carcass I asked that it was analyzed for the strong suspicion that could have been poisoned. To this it has answered that if had turned out that my dog had been poisoned sure would have happened us.
18,30 hours Return to house. The still aware dog, but is always worse
22,30 hours the dog begins one slow, spasmodic agony
Mercoled 18 January
hours 4,50 Attended to from me until the heartbreaking aim, my dog dies.
6,45 hours Sound the alarm clock for the day of school and my moglie and the two children comes informs to you. We find again all to cry in the stay in front of the corpse of Rasta covered from a cloth.
hours 9,45 Loaded the body in van and cleaned up all with laiuto of a friend, we call a veterinary for knowing the procedure to follow in order to make to execute lautopsia. The veterinary says that informer and to make itself to know us
11,45 hours the veterinary ritelefona informing me of the procedure. . Parto per Poggibonsi, passo dal veterinario per riempire un modulo e firmare. The veterinary stamps and controfirma and finally port the body to Siena all Zooprofilattico Institute Experiences them of the Regions Lazio and Tuscany for lautopsia. I explain my doubts to the Perfect doctor Gabriella Maria and during the conversation it says to me that if I have of the doubts on the fact that the sheep has been poisoned you searched on it the presence of small letters blue bullets.
hours 13,45 To the return from Siena, with my moglie we return to see the corpse of the sheep and of fact we discover on the opened carcass, in the zone of the dorsal, unarea thorn very covered of small letters blue grains, of which we succeed to capture, with a fazzolettino, a small champion.
. ore 16,00 circa. . Mia moglie chiama i vigili e racconta del consiglio del veterinario di Siena e del nostro ritrovamento dei granuli blu. It asks that the body of the sheep comes removed, but the alert one answers that they task and of not to have informed the ASL.
. ore 16,45 Mia moglie chiama i Carabinieri e racconta anche a loro. . Essi rispondono che compito dei vigili intervenire
. ore 17.00 Decido allora di prendere io la pecora per portarla a Siena il giorno dopo a farla analizzare. . Poco dopo mia moglie telefona ai vigili per comunicare la mia intenzione. . I vigili le dicono che la cosa assolutamente vietata e che vado incontro a problemi legali se procedo.
. ore 17,15 Mia moglie mi chiama sul telefonino e mi riferisce la conversazione coi vigili. . Ero gi sul posto e la pecora era ancora l. . Sono combattuto, oltre che affranto dal dolore e confuso per la stanchezza. I feel that if not to take to the carcass this to disappear and with she the tests that someone lha poisoned and daltro song me I do not feel to go against the insistences of my moglie. . Decido infine di desistere e non tocco nulla.
. Gioved 19 gennaio
. ore 8,30 Mia moglie avvisa dellaccaduto la Polizia Provinciale. . Si dimostrano interessati al caso e ci dicono di attendere le analisi e poi sporgere denuncia presso di loro.
9,30 hours Torno on the place where the sheep lies in order to capture a new champion of the blue substance, but the carcass, as presentivo, disappeared and quite be collection in order well also the wool, than before was scattered for many meters allintorno.
. ore 11,00 circa Lamico Luciano chiama per me i vigili per avere notizie sulla segnalazione alla ASL. The alert one with which it speaks to the current about the case and says that the sheep be removed from the owner, informed from they, as it demands the law. During the conversation it says also that being practically impossible to go back to the poisoners, they do not try to us not even, n collections come and archiviate the tests of the poisonings. In the same morning my moglie calls the ASL and they say that their technician to them be on the place, but it has not found the carcass, whose it puts into effect them location ignota.
14,30 hours Delivery for Siena in order to together carry the blue grain champion collected to my moglie from the carcass, allIstituto Zooprofilattico Experiences them of the Regions Lazio and Tuscany. . DallIstituto, il campione sar spedito a Firenze per essere analizzato assieme al contenuto dello stomaco del dog.
In conclusion, a sheep dead woman remained for days to lie in also after that easy cerano a raggiungibile place optimal reasons in order to think that the carcass had been poisoned. When the reasonable doubt still becomes one certainty is not made null, until that the tests dellavvenuto poisoning of the carcass scompaiono with the same one. In spite of our insistences that lanimale came seized, loperato of the alert ones it has ended in order to facilitate the disappearance of the tests favoring therefore the possibilit for lavvelenatore to make it frank.
. Charlie Holmes, Vico d' Elsa 2003 gennaio 2005
. www.bocconiavvelenati.it/