ORIGIN: France
Height: From
1,60 m to 1,64 m.
CAPE: The common cape devout the gray,
but finds also sauro and bay.
Character: E' a energetic
horse much and intelligent one. It possesses a physicist who
supports it during the job and an exceptional calm.
Physicist: E' a horse from shooting much elegant one, has
lines similar to the Percheron. It has a thin, noble head, with a
profile that pu leggermente concave rectilinear being or, remembers
that one of the Arab vaguely, with small and alert orecchie. The
powerful incollatura, the strong and deep body. The back is
introduced insellata and finished with a posterior train much fort.
The limbs are short and muscolosi, and they are not adorns you from
forelocks, to the contrary are introduced with little hairs. The
criniera, instead, abundant and the serico cape. The harmonious and
elegant sailing point.
No breeding to signal
if you want to know like signaling yours,
The origin of the Boulonnais orients
them. This ancestry explains its noble sailing point, also perch be
joined to blood Andalusian in the Middle Ages. Until met century the
Boulonnais it was famous perch transported the fresh fish from
Boulognesur-Mer until Paris, with colorful carts. To these they came
attacked the cavalle of small ransom devout. The physical
conformation, its power and its ransom derive from the antichi
horses of Europe of the North. E' a horse to admire, not only for
its nobilt, but also for the precious ones servigi that it offers to
the inside of the small farm in which comes impigato. The pure
subjects, than today live thanks to some get passionate to you,
introduce, on the left side of the neck, one marchiatura to fire to
shape still, posizionata to 15 cm from the ear and devout the
possible one close to the criniera.
This card be sended to us from Alfeo R.