ORIGIN: France (Camargue)
Height: From 1,37 m to 1,47 m.
CAPE: Gray.
Character: Brave one has a character much, an untiring and lively worker. Moreover a loyal subject in the comparisons of the man.
Physicist: It has a type head orients them, with along profile and a wide forehead. The straight shoulder, but the wide chest. The short log and has the tendency to having one spiovente rump. The kidneys are spioventi. The limbs are thin and with one good skeleton. The feet are wide and large. The abundant criniera and tail are a lot.
No breeding to signal
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Probably this race has descendancys much ancient one and deriving from blood breaking in it orients them. According to the opinion of some, the pony of the Camargue it has origins from the preistorico horse of Solutr near Lione. Just to Lione, in fact, they came finds again many equine rests to you. From these ritrovamenti pu to explain itself as the men primiti to you hunted. The branches came scare and pushes to you towards a ravine, from which they fell. In this way they made sure the maintenance. To the time of Giulio Cesar they were intercrosses to you with stalloni orients them. Even if be recognized like race solo from little, pony the Camargue seems to have all the characteristics of one race much pure one. Currently it lives still to the state brado, dividend the territory with the branches of black Tauruses of the place.
This card be sended to us from Alfeo R.