

  NOT COMMENT ( article drawn from panorama 25 January 2001)

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Every year in the world they come killed 2 million cats and dogs in order to make of pellicce. A cat is worth from 1 to 3 dollars. Shepherdesses German 9 dollars. In order to manifacture a fur they serve from the 18 the 24 cats. For those of dog
  she arrives to 12 animals. A societ Chinese she has admitted to have sold between January and March   of the ' 98 40 mila heads of dog and cat.


Lusso? Macche, pellicce from dogs They arrive from Asia and they come sold with equivocal labels. In realt they are skins German shepherds and alive scuoiati cats Italy? Not firm the import.

immagini orr.2.JPG (11898 byte). of STAR IT HANGS immagini orr.JPG (18804 byte)

immagini orr 1.JPG (28260 byte) shepherdesses German who disperatamente try to escape to a knife. But a hand holds it detention and the arm opens it one leg. the poor dog guaisce, tries to rebel itself but the knife sinks in the belly, crosses it all the body. The animal torchs in the agony, falls in a blood lago.
And in two minuteren, still alive, fur becomes one. A Chinese child holds in hand a soriano hanged person in its iron loop. He exhibits like a trophy. Sorride satisfied, it opens the near cage, alloy the rope to the neck of gattone red that it goes encounter with the up tail and soffoca also he. Then entrambi.Queste them scuoia and other images of the horror that cannot be told. Even a doubt: sar a cinemontaggio? all true instead. These filmati are today the testimony of devout vigliacco the secret one of the world-wide fashion: the pellicce of dog and cat. Like that dog and those cats, every year 10 million domestic animals they are kills to you from human beasts. Ce tells the men to it of the association Humane American society and those of the Lav, the Alloy Italian antivivisezione that invano from months fights this horror. The volunteers of
Societ American has crossed China, Thailandia, Filippine and Korea, where the animals come raise to you and killed. their travel begins from authentic slaughterings and ends within auctions of international skins.

Authenticslaughters, the animals come nearly always scuoiati live Rick Swain, one of the investigators, upset. dogs and cats are raise to you in small companies quite 0 in family. They make them living to the cold perch their fur grows better. , in spring, them then squartano. A cat skin is worth from 1 to 3 dollars, that one of your shepherdesses German pu to arrive also to 9 the words and the horror of Swain and its companions has folded the United States, than 13 October they have approved of a bill that prohibits the slaughter, therefore the import of cat and dog skins. Voragine remains opened one: that one of Europe. The great part of the skins arrives in Germany, France, Italy. The filmati ones speak. Rooms and rooms where migliaia of pel they swing them hung: red cats, devout the valuable ones, soriani cats, the devout dozzinali.
Swain Continues: once we have hoped that it was a hallucination. Unfortunately there are shrewed that it was all true: some cats in the laboratory muovevano anchor Cats without head perch one of devout blankets demanded to the foreign country just that one made of witness and orecchie of felinoDel rest for one cat fur
they serve from the 18 the 24 animals. For a hat four or six, the implication of piumino a nothing: the dog prefers itself. Killer, buyers, mediators interviewed from the Americans have been prodighi of details. Some have confessed to even have in warehouse 100 mila skins dogs and cats. the healthy commerce devout?


Above all with the large ones understood them of Europe. intercepted state a cargo directed towards the Czech Republic: 5.329 chili of jackets manifactured with domestic cat in order to resupply the army. One directed Chinese ship in Italy be put under seizure for lack of the necessary authorizations. Italy the ingiustificata shame devout.

Our law by now punishes and hits who maltratta or kills an animal. Sin that 1' 11 september the Ministry of Foreign Trade has answered cos to a interrogation of the green Anna Procacci Maria who asked the divie T or to acquire skins cats and dogs: to the point of view of the intrnazionali rules not there are dispositions that of it prohibit the imports moreover Support to find themselves of forehead to ennesima the campaign of animalisti movements against r Italian Association of the furriers. Of the rest, the document signed from the undersecretary Mauro Fabris continues (than interviewed it thinks not to have had sufficient documentation from the Lav, but that in compensation it must have some received many from the Italian Association furriers, cited in continuation in the document), l field imports from the Asian countries us skins felidi and canidi (and it is comprised that to call them dogs and cats ago impression a thread also to the undersecretary, ndr) that they live to the wild state Hour, than the emperors of the pellicce and their friends they do not know that the dogs and the cats of which they buy the skins are breeding animals seem strange indeed. But they are doubts that do not annoy in some way the conscience and the impeccable feature of Alessandra Dagnino, responsible external relations of the cited association. That sostiene.e a moral or heart issue is made, confesser that I do not even eat meat of cavalloPoi adds: er how much regards the dogs and the cats, finche sarlegale continuous addle to buy them. What we can make for the consumer and clearly say with labels and nameplates of that fur draft In order now, going around in the sport storees nails head are met easy sleeve and pointed hood, suspicion implication piumini, too much soriane jackets and pellicce Insomma, for anyone it buys lined heads or it adorns you of true fur (like written on the labels) today the legitimate doubt: the blood of a dog or a cat comprised in the price. The deceit for who buys hides also under names like: ountain cat sian wolf ogue du Chine But attention above all to the small lined animals-giocattolo of strange hair: that one of cucciolo of shepherdesses German. last succeeding commerce of large. Very many they are the names of the been involved Italian companies in the purchases and the sales of these pellicce. The Lav inquires from many months in Lombardy, Piemonte, Tuscany, Liguria, Veneto and Sicily with possibilit of difficult analyses much. Indeed impossible. That the furriers and their tagliole were much powerful knew themselves. Not until this point. Happening there be, one for all. In front of a parka bought in a roman market, the laboratory of analysis of the universit of Tor Vergata has established: it is be a matter of Canis familiaris Of the rest, between many lies someone that tells its found veritsi. Gerolamo Gropello, general executive manager of the Pellimport company, in fact has confessed calmly. or the dog skins I have always bought them. That badly they make It all there. The dog works itself to the table, attacks entirety piece for piece. Have present the floor tiles of the baths? Today in order I do not buy devout these skins. Too much unpopular Perche and perch does not serve a lot In front of sure storys arrived the idea to inquire in Chinatown the large new of citt European "the discovery be amazing: between of we there much people in order well that it wants to become part and to work honestly, but the Chinese Mafia gi has taken in hand the commerce of the pellicce of local animals and domesticiha told to Panorama the master of a famous roman Chinese restaurant. it would have to give a glance to our canili, where the large devout animals often disappear, and to the parks of the citt where the cats are by now unavailable "But where, GO BACK TO LIST to trees and bushes, not rare to see strange pools of sangueLasciato the ristoratore friend in the heart of Rome the mrs. much impellicciata crosses the road. The memory goes to Marguerite Yourcenar, than in its beautifulst book Blow of grace scriveva:quando I see one mrs. in fur always seems me to meet a dog without landladies .