



ORIGIN: England (Devon and Somerset)
Height: It is gone around around to 1,25 m, as far as the females, while for the males, also castroni, around to 1,40 m.
CAPE: It is found in the colors morello, sauro burnt and gray rat. All the subjects have narici color cream and, to times, also belly and the inside of thighs. Not there are other signs present white men on the body.
Character: E' an intelligent subject, but also rather lunatico. If it comes trained sin from young person, pu to become a reliable companion, lively, sociable and a lot adapted the devout young people.
Physicist: It has one elegant head with narici widths, one wide forehead, eyes many sporgenti and small, thick and appuntite orecchie. The short incollatura and massiccia, the wide thorax. The limbs are thin and sturdy, with small and hard feet. The hair has one particular weft, in fact with hard and soft. In summer I shave and I polish, of winter does not become lanuginoso. The sailing points are straight and with one great resistance.


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Pony the Exmoor is the devout antichi of England, but, from the moment that are not original of Great Britain, there are arrives to you before still that this became a island. It lives in immense plains of the Exmoor, than they are found in the south-west of England, and one moves from Devon until Somerset. Its sturdy constitution allows it to resist to the rigid ones inverni, facing the snow without shelter and alimentary aids from part of the man. In the 1820 William Youatt it wrote cos: "pony the Exmoor, although generally ugly, is useful and sturdy. One sport much famous one tells to have some mounted one for 10 kilometers and not to never have found a lot vivacit and resistance before. Peer to give an idea of its performances, you know that super a barrier whose height exceeds the back of 20 centimeters and that port its landladies, than hung nearly 90 kilograms, from Bristol to South Moulton, covering one distance of 140 kilometers in minor time of one carrozza ". During the same period the reverend John Russel thought that no other horse from hunting was a good subject without of the blood of Exmoor. Its predelights were horses for three quart purosangue and for a quarter exmoor and cos it wrote: "the blood pony assures to this race the robustness and intelligence of a dog, and the horse resists devout to along, approximately vent' years in reason of two huntings the week". Currently the maximum height approximately 1,42 m for stalloni and 1,40 m for the females.

This card be sended to us from Alfeo R.