It makes it alone you



BARF it means Bones and Raw Food-Ossa and Cibo Appropriate Crudo or Biologically Raw Food- Raw Food Biologically appropriated.

Chinook had diarrhoea problems and made soft, after to have eliminated doubts approximately eventual parasitic problems thanks to examinations veterinaries, c come the doubt that the problem could depend dallalimentazione. Chinook ate crocchette dalta qualit, and after to have read of this diet completely alternative to the mangime they trades, we have begun to document, to read books to us, to place questions to breeders of Malamute who followed this type dalimentazione, finch, not with little normal fears allinizio, have begun to nourish it with this type dalimentazione. The problems that it had are talk nonsense to you dalloggi to tomorrow, and today we are happy for having chosen this method for feeding our dogs. Chinook has begun to Barfare to 3 months and means, our Paky to 7 weeks, in the same moment in which arrived with we.


Not nientaltro that an attempt of giving to eat to our dogs that one of which they would be nourished if they lived to the state brado. And a composed diet exclusively from raw food, that it consists dossa polpose, RMB Raw Meaty Bones in the common language to the Barfers, muscle and organs, verdure and yields raw frullate.

Diet BARF be illustrated from the Australian veterinary Dr.. Ian Billinghurst in the books Give your Dog To Bone, Grow Your Pup with Bone, and from the Dr.. Tom Lonsdale with the book Raw Meaty Bones between the others.

Us ignited the light bulb: perch not to give to eat to our dog fresh food, not cooked, not tried, when the nutrizionisti doctors of all the world repeat we, humans, that we would have to follow one simple diet devout, made up of fresh food and with little conserving for our well-being?

Lobbiettivo that is wanted to be caught up that one to reply a preda, therefore we will try to nourish our dog with one raw majority dossa and meats, inner organs and frullate verdure so as to to simulate the present verdure allinterno of the stomach of the preda.

The dog, as its ancestors lupo have canines and molars many forts and develop to you that they are made on purpose in order to break and to crush boneses and meat.

The digestive feature of the dog much various one from ours or that one of a erbivoro: much devout short and to its inside there are digestive enzymes that allow it to dissolve and to digest meat, boneses and the verdure pre-digested from the prede.

As you will have been able to notice, the cereals, the granaglie and the flours in kind arenot absolutely present in this diet. If we watch the next cousinses of our dogs, in other words the lupi, the coyote, the dingo, the vixens, etc, we will see that they do not eat maize, rice or bran. This perch they not damage substantial a nourishing contribution to our dog, to the maximum can serve for riempirgli the stomach. The dog takes lenergia from proteins and the fat presents in the food. An optimal test in order to estimate the veridicit of this to observe I made produced them from your dog. Generally the dogs with rich unalimentazione of carbohydrates produce made blow and voluminose to us, nauseous and pungente dallodore. I made produced from the dogs that eat little carbohydrates are small, hard and odorless. In order to explain to us better, the cereali/grani/farine are expelled from the dog nearly entire perch simply of it do not have need.

In this table you will be able to see that the nutrizionali elements of which they have need your dog are present in tantissimi feed


Nutritivi/Vitamine/Minerali principles


Present in:

Vitamin To (Retinolo)

75 IU

Pollo, pig, eggs, salmone, ippoglosso, eglefino, sardina, liver, rognone, cervella.

Vitamin B1 (Tiamina)

20 UG

Rabbit, pollo, turkey, pig, lamb, kidskin, ostrich, bufalo, eggs, salmone,



Ippoglosso, eglefino, sardina

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavina)

50 UG

Rabbit, pollo, turkey, pig, lamb, kidskin, ostrich, bufalo, eggs, salmone,



Ippoglosso, eglefino, sardina

Vitamin B3 (Niacina)

225 UG

Rabbit, pollo, turkey, pig, lamb, kidskin, ostrich, bufalo, eggs, salmone,



Ippoglosso, eglefino, sardina

B5 vitamin (Pantothenic acid)

200 UG

Rabbit, pollo, turkey, pig, lamb, kidskin, ostrich, bufalo, eggs, salmone,



Ippoglosso, eglefino, sardina

Vitamin B6 (Pirodissina)

22 UG

Rabbit, pollo, turkey, pig, lamb, kidskin, ostrich, bufalo, eggs, salmone,



Ippoglosso, eglefino, sardina

B9 vitamin (Folic acid)

4 UG

Rabbit, pollo, turkey, pig, lamb, kidskin, ostrich, bufalo, eggs, salmone,



Ippoglosso, eglefino, sardina

B12 Vitamin (Cobalt)

0,5 UG

Rabbit, pollo, turkey, pig, lamb, kidskin, ostrich, bufalo, eggs, salmone,



Ippoglosso, eglefino, sardina

Vitamin C


Pig, liver, rognoni

D Vitamin

8 IU

Eggs, sardine; liver, rognoni

Vitamin And

0,5 IU

Ostrich, bufalo, eggs, ippoglosso, eglefino, sardina, rognone, liver, cervella.

K Vitamin


Eggs, ippoglosso, eglefino, sardina, liver.


119 MG

Rabbit, pollo, turkey, pig, lamb, kidskin, ostrich, bufalo, eggs, salmone,



Ippoglosso, eglefino, sardina


0,6 MG

Pollo, turkey, pig, lamb salmone, ippoglosso, eglefino, sardina, liver, rognone, cervella.


8,2 MG

Rabbit, pollo, turkey, pig, kidskin, ostrich, bufalo, eggs, salmone, ippoglosso, eglefino.





0,10 MG

Rabbit, pollo, turkey, pig, kidskin, ostrich, bufalo, eggs, manzo, salmone, ippoglosso,



Eglefino, sardina


89 MG

rabbit, turkey, pig, lamb, kidskin, ostrich, bufalo, eggs, manzo, salmone, ippoglosso,



Eglefino, sardina


89 MG

Rabbit, pollo, turkey, pig, lamb, kidskin, ostrich, bufalo, eggs, manzo, salmone, ippoglosso,



Eglefino, sardina


2,2 MG

Rabbit, pollo, turkey, pig, lamb, kidskin, ostrich, bufalo, eggs, manzo, salmone, ippoglosso,



Eglefino, sardina


0,72 MG

Rabbit, pollo, turkey, pig, lamb, kidskin, ostrich, bufalo, eggs, manzo, salmone, ippoglosso,



Eglefino, sardina



The verdure to green leaf represent the majority in the mix of the frullato one. You can sbizzarrirvi using swiss chards, spinaci, insalata roman, leaves of sedano, prezzemolo. In total the verdure to green leaf would have to represent the 50-60% of the frullato one. For the rest you can add whichever type of verdura of season: zucchine, carrots, finocchi, cetrioli, sedano, zucca, string beans. Used verze, cauliflowers and broccoli in moderation in how much being part of the family of the crocifere, can limit the function of the tiroide if elevated dates in quantit. He would be preferibile to avoid instead the verdure of the family of the solanacee which eggplants, tomatoes, capsicum, potatoes in how much can aggravate linfiammazione especially in arthritic dogs. The fruit would go used with moderation in the mix to quantitative sugar cause dellalto: you can use whichever fruit, in kind I prefer fruits many succosi as the oranges or the peaches perch help me with the mixer.  


They are a fundamental part of the BARF. To the beginnings we had noticed that if we gave to eat the organs in a single meal the dogs produced made much soft. We have resolved the problem frullando frattaglie- the liver, rognoni, durelli- and mischiandoli with the frullato one of verdura. The proportions are 2 teaspoons of frullate frattaglie for 4 spoons of verdura.


In kind if the dog has unalimentazione of varied base a lot or if it does not have specific problems, not necessary to give too many supplements.

Those that for they are advise to you they are:  

- Oil of fish: unimportante resource dacidi fat essential things, in particular dOmega 3, that it helps to balance Omega 6 that find in abundance in the fat people animals of the raw meat. Pu to use also lolio or linen seeds like source dOmega 3, but to some dogs pu to provoke pruritus.  

- Vitamin And: lunica vitamin that is dispersed with the recognized congelazione and like optimal an anti-oxidant.  

- Zinc: the Nordic dogs can have difficolt to absorb present zinc in the alimony. Pu to be useful for dogs with problems to the hair.


The general rule that the dog would have to be fed with a food portion that does not exceed the 2-3% of its ideal corporeo weight from adult. Therefore a dog of 35 kg would have to eat from the 7 etti to 1 kg of food to the day. This rule in order for only gives you unidea of base, in how much the effective food requirementses sar to rapportare allattivit physical of the dog and to the type of metabolism. The rule of the Barfisti one single: The lean dog? From a po of devout. The fat dog? From a po less.  


The fundamental tools in order to leave with the BARF are:  

-1 capiente Freezer. And fundamental for who it wants to nourish the own friends with the BARF. Unfortunately the greater part of we pu to dedicate only to a day the week for the expense, therefore beautiful freezer capiente a necessary one in order to freeze acquired boneses and the meat. We have equipped of a freezer to trap, 62 cm x 62 cm x 82 cm. When full pu to contain food necessary to nourish our dogs for two months.  

-1 Mixer from kitchen. Necessary in order to prepare the frullato one of verdure. Whichever robottino from kitchen goes very well for luso.  

- Bags for the surgelazione. When we buy the meat we subdivide it and impacchettiamo in every day portions.  

- plastic Drinks from caff. They contain 4 spoons of frullato of verdure. Once it deeps freeze to you puttinges in a bag and puttinges in the freezer can come easy main.  


This a diet example weekly magazine, pu to vary to leggermente second of the type of meat or fish that we succeed to recover at the moment dellacquisto. Devout that other pu to give unidea to you approximately the variet of the alimony.  

                                    MORNING EVENING


MONDAY 1 natural spoon of yogurt 1 back of pollo
With 2 spoons of frullate verdure


TUESDAY Half back of pollo 300 gr of pig shoulder


WEDNESDAY 3 sardine with 2 spoons of 1 back of pollo

Verdure frullate


THURSDAY 100 gr of meat of manzo 1 back of pollo  


FRIDAY 2 spoons of frullate verdure 300 gr of rabbit
With 2 entire eggs


SATURDAY 3 biancostato sardine 300 gr of of manzo     


SUNDAY Half back of pollo 300 gr of pig shoulder



EVERY DAY SUPPLEMENTS: 1 cap from 1000 MG of oil of fish, 1 cap from 400 I.U. of Vitamin and, 25 MG of zinc.  

These portions supply allincirca 400 gr. of food to the day: the Malamute a lot little has need food respect to other dogs of the same size. Obviously if the dog makes unintensa attivit physical avr devout need of food. Speaking with various breeders who follow diet BARF, for the Malamute the 600 gr would not have however to be exceeded. to the day.  


If felt ready to change lalimentazione, these are some councils. The better thing to change lalimentazione than point in.bianco, without mischiare the dry one with the coolness.

Begun slowly: when you begin, dates to your dog an ONLY FOOD for the minimal period of 1 week until to a maximum of 10-15 days. You choose one proteica source, as an example the pollo, and dates to only eat POLLO for this period. Dopodich you will be able to begin with the verdure mischiate to the frattaglie, that you will serve they to the pollo together like if were a contour. After approximately 5 days begun introducing unaltra proteica source, as an example the manzo. For a week they only pollo, manzo and verdure served. And cos via, introducing of week in week a new food. After approximately 1 month and means dallinizio you can begin with the supplements. Allinizio us can be some problems: Chinook as an example vomitava pezzettini of bone, Paky instead has had the diarrhoea for 5 days. And a normal phase, their body must be accustomed to the coolness, fatevi not to take GO BACK TO LIST from the panic and above all not returned.

You will have of the dogs extremely happy for eating, their ballet when you prepare the ciotola with the baby food ve the dimostrer.  

The Barf for the Cats

Possible in the same way alimentary our cats with some modifications various due to necessit the dellanimale.

Here of continuation one synthesis of the diet for dogs and cats:


Dogs                                                                    Cats  

60%   meat and boneses in proportion of 1/1             75% in proportion 2/1

20% frullate verdure                                             10% frullate verdure

10% frattaglie                                                      10% frattaglie

  5% yield                                                               for the cats not necessary

  5% integrators                                                      5% integrators


This my personal synthesis for adult animals but that they can go well also for the puppys holding account   that for the puppys in food increase the quantit of 10% of the weight   real dellanimale   until the 5 month det.

Council for the puppys to divide the portion in three meal, From the sixth month in then is passed to the dose from adult of the 2-3% of the weight that must have lanimale from adult.

These are the advantages that I have found following this type of diet:

highest level of digeribilit lanomale assimilates 90% of what it eats ago little consequently I made solid and odorless nearly, also lodore dellurina less strongly.

Absence of Tartar in the teeth.

Lessening of the fat mass and increase in the muscular mass.

Improvement in qualit of nails (the Increase and robustness)

Improvement in the hair like lucentezza and resistance.

The hair nearly becomes odorless.

Passing of dermati and allergies to you of the skin.

If compared to the crocchette of optimal level it is saved not little.

They have been finds also improvements to you to behavioural level.

And hour you areready in order to leave with the Barf your animal you ringrazier.

And we of Inseparable we thank Flavio ( Pak Quannik ) for the realizzazzione of this most useful article