


geochelone pardalis tartarughe tartaruga rettili anfibi sauri testudo

Order: Testudines
Sottordine: Cryptodira
Family: Testudinidae
Kind: Geochelone


It comes dallAfrica and diffused from the south of the Sudan and dellEtiopia until the Sudafrica (Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia, Angola, Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Zimbabwe).

geochelone pardalis tartarughe tartaruga sauri serpenti testudo iguana


The Geochelone pardalis characterized from a design much beautiful one of the carapace similar to the spots of the leopardo, from which it draws its name, with which seems to camouflage itself in the savana.
Carapace the much convex and its coloration pu to vary very, from a light brown to the yellow with devout irregular dark brown spots or, to the contrary, with a background dark brown and spots in Association of Bologna devout clear. It has a piastrone yellow in which the pu to be present characteristic macchiettatura and the skin pu to assume various brown shadings.
The testuggine leopardo catches up one remarkable length and one long average life, of approximately 75 years.
Medium its dimensions are gone around around to i 35/40 cm for 15/20 kg but exceptionally pu arriving to beyond 60 cm for 40 kg of weight.
Like every pertaining to the Geochelone kind lacking in nucale shield.

Lhabitat of this testuggine much varied one. Predilige the seed-desert zones and the tree-lined savane but adapted easy also to the forests and mountains, passing cos from situated atmospheres at sea level until catching up i 2,900 m. of altitude. Dadattamento to long alternated periods of siccit introduces therefore one remarkable capacit to long periods of rains.
Much hermit in nature, difficultly aggressive has a character (unless in the rituali daccoppiamento) and adaptable allambiente. Of day much assets with exception for the warm devout hours in which it tries shelter in ombrose zones.

Two subspecies know themselves:
Geochelone pardalis pardalis (Bell, 1928) that he finds himself in the State of the Sudafrica;
Geochelone pardalis babcocki (Loveridge, 1935) widelydiffused in the zone south orients them dellAfrica.

The two subspecies introduce various differences:

. La G. p. pardalis it catches up greater dimensions, it has a carapace less convex and remarkablly lengthened and one coloration much devout dark one with irregular and extended devout specks. Over every shield two dark spots are very distinguibili, calls twin spots. These in nature go disappearing because of the increase and dellusura. The degree of the twin spots differs from individual to individual and also allinterno of a same one brooded some testuggini others introduce this particular design of are completely lacking. If the turtle does not possess the two twin spots it does not want to say that it is not a Geochelone pardalis pardalis but if they are present on the armor indicate uninconfutabile belongings to this subspecies.
Devout the young devout exemplary are luminosity. Their maculata skin anchessa and such pigmentazione pu to disappear of all in the testuggini adult.
The dimensions that catch up the males are greater regarding those of the females.
And single present in the State of the Sudafrica.

. La G. pardalis babcocki , beyond to being remarkablly devout small regarding the streamlined G.p.pardalis and less in the shape, it has one convessit of the carapace much devout emphasized, one coloration of the livery much devout lively date from the clear contrasts between dark luminosity and with less diffuse spots and nearly nonexistent black pigmentazione or of the all absent on the piastrone. The immediately found difference regarding the testuggine leopardo South African date from ununica black spot over every shield and dallassenza of the spots leopardate on the skin. Moreover the dimensions of the females are devout large regarding those of the males.
Its areale of distribution much immense one and comprises all lAfrica south orients them, dallEtiopia to the Mozambique.

Other present subspecies nellAfrica Southeasterner, crossing of the first two, are in phase of study.

Sexual Dimorfismo


No breeding to signal
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The males have a carapace devout thin and lengthened, the piastrone devout concave and finish with a spigolosa shape to V with the exception of that one of the clearly flat female that end with a sweet socket devout and to U.
The female, moreover, devout distinguibile perch has the carapace devout bombato and a short and stocky tail regarding the male whom long and appuntita tail has instead one and the sopracaudali many sporgenti and arch plates.


The G. pardalisthey have need of wide spaces and being accommodated allaperto when the time allows it. A too much small fencing pu to cause they muscular problems. They are solitary animals and in cattivit necessary to guarantee they it sufficient space for being able itself to isolate from the other exemplary when of it they feel the need or of being able themselves to hide and to rest.
For an adult turtle leopardo lhabitat it must be at least 120 cm for 240 cm. And necessary that in a zone they are dug of the holes for being able to predispose of the shelters that are easy accessible from the turtles. Allinterno of the fencing must arrange a comfortable bathtub for lacqua that it allows they of drink and to bathe itself but that al same time is not too much deep for proteggerle dallannegamento.
And preferibile to predispose a barren zone, very sunned but with wild grass and plants succulente a lot appreciate from the devout Geochelone pardalis and one zone sand bank with a mixture substrate of land and dry sand or corteccia of cypress.
This species extension one marked sensibilit allumidit. Umidit relative over 70% can cause respiratory problems and important to dedicate particular attention to the temperatures and allumidit is in outside that in confined atmosphere, affinch can be supplied they a habitat that is uniform dry is naturally or with means it crafts them.
In cattivit dinverno necessary to guarantee they one temperature of 25 C during the night and 30C of day.

The G. pardalis pardalis much devout difficult one to reproduce in cattivit regarding the common turtle leopardo devout. Difficultly the eggs schiudono in incubatrice. Many devout successes obtain when the eggs are left in the land and the climate similar to that one of their natural habitat.

Other speech for the G. pardalis babcocki that much devout adaptable one to the temperatures and seems to be devout tolerant allumidit relative dellambiente.
. La natalit di questa sottospecie in cattivit notevolmente pi alta rispetto alla G. p. . pardalis ed allevata con successo per il suo carattere docile e socievole anche con lallevatore.


In nature lalimentazione of this testuggine essentially erbivora and with a preference for the essences succulente and it yields mature but poor of proteins animals.
In cattivit an error to nourish them with food much humid one, like lattughe, yields or cooked foods perch favor the formation of adorned to you internal, diarrhoea, coliche and anomalies in the increase, being animals accustom to you to generally barren lands and therefore with insufficient possibilit nourishing itself with proteins and yield. Because of their slow digestion needs of advisable the richest fiber diet and to nourish them with least fruit (or to avoid it of all) perch beyond to the proliferation of you adorned to you raises the levels of lactic acid remarkablly nellintestino. And advisable therefore to very vary their diet with wild grass, avoiding the verdura of the supermarket that contains an inadequate level of fibers, excessive a residual one of pesticidi and a high level of sugars. The soccer question much high one in this species for via of their extraordinary increase; pu to be integrated in their diet under shape back of small cuttlefish or soccer pure carbonate.
. Essendo una tartaruga esotica questa specie non va in letargo.

. Maturit sessuale

The Geochelone Pardalis in nature catches up the maturit sexual allet of 12/15 years but in cattivit this time it generally loses weight and it caught up towards the 5/ 6 years from the individuals males and towards the 8 years from the females.

During laccoppiamento, to lesemplare male loses its habitual mitezza and chases the female to along, giving them bites to legs and the head and hitting it with the armor for bloccarla and forcing it allaccoppiamento.
After a pair of weeks from the fecondazione, before placing eggs, the female urine on the chosen land for the deposition so as to to facilitate loperazione and deep hole at least 30 cm digs one, placing from the 5 to 30 eggs.
The depositions arrive until six in a year at a distance of some week moon dallaltra and a longest period or period dincubazione of approximately 180 days to one temperature of 28C comprised between the 130 and 150 days for temperatures of 30C is had with umidit of 70%.
The threatened testuggine leopardo in all larea of distribution for the capture to alimentary scope and because of the multiple predators.

. E inserita in Appendice II della normativa C.I.T.I.E.S.

. Poison

we thank the situated one TARTAPORTAL For the realization of this card.