Turin, 27 January 2006
The participations for lemergenza keratoconjunctivitis in the Park
After to have completed with succeeding the periodic census of the ungulati ones - that it had made to record an light resumption of the population of the stambecchi in the 2005 previous respect allanno, after some years of decrement - the attache's to the sanitary Service and of Surveillance of the National Park Great Paradise, with veterinaries ASL of Aosta and with the Center of Reference of the Diseases of the Wild Fauna of Aosta, the presence and spread of one are hour monitorando possible epidemic of keratoconjunctivitis between the population of the precious ones ungulati.
And a particularly dangerous pathology for chamois and stambecchi, in how much partial or the total cecit renders their rischiosi movements on cliff, putting them to fall risk.
Serious the devout cases that for the moment regard only the stambecchi- are verified in the areas to high densit of population and where the summery presence of crudes oil of sheep . it explains Tawny Bassano of the Sanitary Service and Scientific Search of the National Park Great Paradise. Thanks to recent specialistici studies carry out to you from Swiss investigators verified a particular incidence of the disease in wild animals us to contact with ovi-goat, that they could act from "healthy bearers". The bacterium ( Micoplasma conjuntivae ) in fact present in the secreto-congiuntivale of these last ones and it would come transmitted sharing the same pastures or places of I accumulate of knows them.
The keratoconjunctivitis, after lultima serious epidemic dellinizio of years 80, had manifested also other times in the Park but with cases it isolates to you to fast guarigione. The cases record to you until today from the Guardaparco would reveal an aggressive and resistant shape devout dellepidemia. They are gi reveals some cases to you of mortalit in quota, due above all to falls, but lintero body of the Guardaparco (unfortunately substructure for the cuts to the deep ones of the Park) today engaged in attivit of observation of stambecchi, above all of those marks to you, in order to establish the distribution of the disease, the prevalence of the infection, its evolution and leventuale spontaneous guarigione.
The Sanitary Service, directed from Bassano, is carrying out the necessary operations of monitoring of the hit animals, with periodic inspections and eventual capture finalized to the withdrawal of money of biological champions. Only in the case in which the ocular lesions they are irreversible, or they are present fractures, proceeds alleutanasia pharmacology. The discouragements arranged to us are not a measure of outlined to put into effect. Thanks to laboratory surveyings potr to be identified the responsible bacterium dellinfezione and stabilit with certainty the origin of the infection.
For information:
Responsible of the Scientific and Sanitary Service: Tawny Bassano
Tel 011,8606216/348,3009144 - fax 011,8121305 - email: scientifico@pngp.it
Inspector of the Services of Surveillance: Daniel Hosmer Zambelli
. Tel 011.8606215 /348.7625890 - fax 011.8121305 - e-mail: . sorveglianza@pngp.it
. Informazioni tratte dal sito www.oevr.org
Problematic sanitary of the populations of wild animals us to free life, in the last few decades they have assumed priority importance nellambito of the management processes and conservation of the faunistico patrimony.
In particular the health of the wild animals becomes us fundamental aspect when in the same geographic area they find to various living species of receptive animals for the same pathology and therefore with possibilit of interscambio of pathogenic agents. . Nei contesti alpini questa situazione piuttosto frequente con animali al pascolo in aree a elevata vocazione faunistica. If on one side the presence of animals to the pasture pu to involve realizes risks of transmission of pathogenic agents to wild animals us, with possible repercussions on population dynamics, dallaltro the monticazione with herds of bovines and crudes oil of ovines acquire a nellambito strategic role of the defense and of the conservation of the alpine ecosystems, contributing to the maintenance of the pastures with positive implications you in terms of stabilit of the territory, improvement of the qualit of the pasture and the biodiversit acclimatizes them, to galliformi and in particular ungulati favor of the alpine native fauna. The complex one is opened therefore delicate and understood it of the sanitary interactions between domestic animals and wild animals us, often bidirectional problem and source of conflittualit between the various been involved social parts. In passed attended little to this problem, it is for lesistenza of pressing sanitary problems much, is for the low number of ungulati selvati to us present on our mountains. . Oggi la situazione pare radicalmente cambiata: al notevole aumento della popolazione di ungulati selvatici (Pedrotti ET al., . 2001) si contrapposta la crisi della zootecnia di montagna sempre pi legata ai contributi elargiti dalla Comunit Europea. The necessit of having healthy animals in alpeggio twofold: on one side it guarantees a level of well-being to the same population that clearly ripercuote on unottimizzazione of the productions, dallaltro one fundamental condition in order to avoid the circulation and the spread of pathogenic agents nellambiente alpine with the relati to you risks of intertrasmissione of pathologies to animals of different species and in some cases, at least potentially also alluomo. . Gli isolamenti, di . Brucella abortus . nel camoscio, di . Brucella melitensis . da alcune colonie di stambecchi delle Alpi (Ferroglio ET al., . 1998), avvenuti negli ultimi anni dimostrano lattualit di queste tematiche.
The census of chamois and stambecchi comes carried out from the 57 assigned to the every Surveillance year during the July month on zones champion, and in september on all the territory of the Park.
The conteggio of september it comes carried out dallintero group of the Guardaparco covering in two consecutive days the 35 areas of surveillance in goes them . Orco, Soana, Cogne, Savarenche e Rhmes, . con un totale di pi di 1600 ore lavorative.
The animals sight to you come classify to you based on the sex and for groups of ET, contributing to modernize the data of the Park that give 1956 following same the methodical one - they constitute one precious source of information for the investigators of the field. . La serie temporale (1956-2005) infatti unica nel suo genere in Europa . ed la migliore espressione della specializzazione del Servizio di sorveglianza dellEnte, . deputato istituzionalmente al monitoraggio ed al controllo del territorio del Parco e del suo ambiente. . Questo servizio coordinato da un ispettore e da cinque responsabili (caposervizio) delle valli.