the pulce
Afanittera Order
They are olometaboli, wingless Bugs (secondary atterismo); they have larva apodal and pupa free. Ladulto specialized to living ectoparassita on animals (in hot blood Mammalian and Birds); action to the jump for the shape and the robustness of legs especially dellultimo pair.
Masticatore boccale Lapparato in the larva, nelladulto instead succhiatore pungitore in it lacks the jaws, the jaws has become stiliformi like also lepifaringe, such boccali pieces loading itself mutual forms the suzione channel. The eggs placed between the dellospite hair, end for falling in the lair, cuccia, etc. After little days, to second of the ambient temperature, vermiforme and blind white woman sguscia one larva who nutre of organic detritus; at the moment of impuparsi she covers herself of powder and detritus several and in devout she produces a thin cocoon with the secreto of labiali glands sericigene. The pupa, at first incolore, she becomes dark like ladulto; finished the metamorphosis ladulto she remains within the pupale cocoon and when she perceives the heat of an animal in hot blood or sollicitations of mechanical type she exits from the cocoon; she happens to us to times with temporary for many pulci that they assault literally a host. The Afanitteri carriers of several pathogenic agents like to es can be. The Bacterium of the transmitted bubbonica plague, from the rat alluomo through the puncture of the pulci; also Cestodi (es. Diyvlidium. Iymenolepis they are transmitted from the pulci that of they are the intermediate hosts. The common devout shapes belong to 3 families: the Sarcopsillidi (Sarcopsyllidae) with the species Sarcopsylla penetrans whose female penetrates itself in the human skin above all the feet and becomes spherical because of its full egg abdomen which comes placed in the cavit of the skin where soggiorna the female (Africa, America of the south); the Ceratopsillidi (Waxed psyllidae) ectoparassiti of bats; I Pulicidi (Pulicidae) with the common one Z. I rritans delluomo and of other Mammals, with the pulce of the dogs and the cats (Ctenocephalides canis and C. felis) with several species of the sort Ceraphillus that they attack the gallinacei and others Birds and finally with the pulce of the rats (Xenopsylla cheopis) that it diffuses the plague.