in the photo a vixen that turns out to be the main
carrier of the silvestre anger.
an infectious disease that interests
cos the central nervous system seriously them is of the domestic
mammals that selvati to us beyond that delluomo (zoonosi) carrying
them a.morte. Linfezione transmitted with the bite, with the
lambimento of the mucosae or the solutions continually from animals
infects. They can be dogs, cats, lupi, vixens, roditori, etc. The
wild animals constitute us the natural tank of the anger (silvestre
anger) and the dog pu to act as from unificatore between silvestre
anger and city anger. According to some authors the virus in the
point of penetration, muscular fibers and the connecting woven one,
it remains a po of time and it is multiplied in order to catch up
then, through the assoni nervous, the central nervous system them.
According to other authors in the morsicatura center replication
does not turn them to you, but endured migration of the virus
towards the central nervous system they, caught up which the virus
she invades it, she multiplies herself and she distributes herself
along the nerves, this time in centripetal way. In this period
leliminazione of the virus is had through the salivari glands which
constitute a point of understanding multiplication turn them. . Il
700% of the hit dogs it has in the salivari glands high
titles them from virus. The possibilit of an animal I infect to
diffuse the anger, through salted it, to other animals elevated in
how much turns out infecting until five days before the appearance
of i symptoms IMICI. Lincubazione pu to vary from a minimum of five
days to massimodi a 10-14 months but of norm comprised between the
two and eight weeks.
Examinations of
laboratory - the not easy clinical diagnosis in the subject
while still alive, is therefore necessary examinations of
laboratory. Made istologico Lesame on the cerebral material not
always reliable. Limmunofluorescenza that methodical one of
laboratory that reveals the presence of the virus from the very
first that this invades the central nervous system them, therefore
it considered unottima laboratory surveying.
Diagnosis differentiates them
- the state of eccitamento pu to escape to the owner, date the
brevit of its duration, for which possibilit that a dog is affection
from anger when has the changes of character accompanies progressive
paralysis to you always must be considered. necessary therefore to
take in consideration those diseases that can be involved the
central nervous system them like cimurro, cerebral pseudoanger,
toxoplasmoses, epi!essia, tumors, traumatic facts us, poisonings,
bodies strangers in cavit orofaringea, calcioprive tetanies,
You outlined - time to
prevent linfezione nelluomo. The dog anger suspicion does not come
soppresso but isolated in box sure in order at least ten days and
controlled it is from a sintomatico point of view that with
laboratory examinations. The very rarely alive dog affection from
anger beyond five days from the appearance of the nervous symptoms.
The vaccine currently to disposition is sufficient to stimulate
lorganismo, to produce to antibodies in the comparisons
dellinfezione rabida. The vaccine today commonly used constituted
from virus alive, attenuated Flury stock.
The anger
In this first phase pu to be observed a modest strabismus,
oscillating and sometimes rotatori movements of ocular globes. On
the cute, in the point of the wound or the bite pu to appear intense
pruritus. Such symptom, not always present, pu cos to be emphasized
to carry the dog to procurarsi serious lesions. The dog introduces
an excessive need to eat whichever thing because of the lack of the
sense of the sazieta and the taste, reaching to ingurgitare
whichever object (knows itself, nail, glass, wood, paper, etc). You
silks then intense but for the lanimale paralysis of the laringe
incapable to swallow. You abundant production of salted and loss of
the same one. Because of the faringo-laringea paralysis the voice
always endures of the modifications and labbaiare becomes latrato
rauco, and protratto howl. In 25% of the cases of dogs rabidi they
are manifested be of remarkable eccitamento that can be of short
duration but 5 hours can last also and to repeat itself after
moments of tranquillit. In this phase the dog introduces a
arrruffato aspect, bites any thing places itself and covers, if not
stopped, long distances (40-50 km). It follows a generalized paresis
subsequently that it is evidenced with weakness of legs and the
tail, ptosis of the eyelids, sometimes of the language beyond that
of the persistent jaw and difficolt to the swallowing. The eyes
introduce expansion of the pupille, strabismus, procidenza of the
third eyelid. As final fact the breath is made difficult and taken
part the paresis of respiratory muscles, the passed one of the
difficultly advanced disease to the two weeks, of norm the dead
women happens five days after the appearance of the nervous