



ORIGIN: United States
Height: From 1,40 m to 1,50 m.
CAPE: It is found in every variet, with all the shadings.
Character: E' a brave, independent subject and therefore difficult to tame.
Physicist: It has a short head, with small orecchie, that capacity from a short and equally muscolosa incollatura comes. The rounded off, and short resistant body. It has one good skeleton with short limbs and solid feet much. E' a horse from not distinguished and not even elegant saddleback, indeed, nearly sgraziato. Extremely frugale and resistant E' also.


No breeding to signal
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It has origins from the horses that the Spanish freed when they had to leave the America of the North for having to return in native land. Gathered in wild branches us liberations went to riprodursi or in the Indian reservoirs, following the natural selection where the devout ones strongly win on devout the weak person. Also being a horse much resistant one today several exemplary are not present (little migliaia).
Of rebellious and wild nature, the Mustang has found in the rodeo the imporsi way taking part to the classic one mounts of the wild horse. the cape pu to be of any tonalit with frequent appearance of the Isabella, the Falbo and the Sorcino. Particularly diffused E' in Mexico and California.
Currently we assist to its decline, and must its survival to the governmental laws that assure it protection, with pastures in which only lives in flood libert. In the farms be replaced from better horses and hour only raised for the rodei comes. Particolarit that the Mustang name comes given to the devout subjects devout rebels and selvati to us.

This card be sended to us from Alfeo R.