You adorned to you are local undesired and harmful hosts who live to expenses of the organism and often provoke serious alterations generate them and.
Scabies or rogna
due to a parasite that localizes itself in the thickness of the cute and provokes intense prurito.Il a hair fades and dirada, on the skin notices small inflamed areas at first, crusts diffuse.Il cat, then grattando, pu to provoke itself of the wounds. If the parasatisms neglected deperimento of animale.La the therapy is diffused on all i1 body provoking consists in an taken care of detersione of the crusts with antiseptic solutions, continuations from applications of appropriate antiparasitic substances.
In Italy devout the common ones are dermatomicosi the cutaneous shapes or. Much species of pathogenic fungi of is responsible. The lesions are represented from loss of hair, for the devout ones to specks, cute inflamed and scagliosa.L ' animal often mycosis tries grattare the part colpita.Le can be transmitted to the man; in manipulating the hit animals go adopted scrupulous norms igieniche.La diagnosis of these morbose shapes take advantage of laboratory surveyings accurate.La therapy are local are general allow to obtain good turn out to you; naturally necessary to avoid of having excessive confidenza with the animals also during the period of treatment.
the tenie
The tenie of the cat are of varied type: Taenia taeniaeformis, . Il Diphilidium caninum, . La Taenia pisiformis, . La Taenia idatigena. All need of an intermediate host on which they complete some is made of their maturation: devout the common ones are pulci and the roditori. In tenie presence the cat pu to accuse disturbs of varied kind, visceral pains, anorexia, diarrhoea, loss of hair.
veterinary of the sufficient phenomenon to clear the diagnostic problem.
Parasitic Otite
provoked from an acarus that it is localized in orecchio.Contrariamente to the not transmissible scabies to the uomo.I symptoms they are represents you from pruritus and cerumen appearance nerastro or crusts to the inside of the pavilion auricolare.Talora can be noticed lesions to the external posterior part of the ear; they are due to the continuous grattamento put into effect with legs posteriori.La therapy consist at first in the removal of the cerumen, subsequently in the application of substances acaricide.