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Inserted the 23/11/2005

Gattini born July 2005 - black cape - male and female - it vaccinates to you, sverminati, it educates you to the cassette - only for responsible adoption - Busto Arsizio (Goes) - Laura 347 9715407 (compulsorily after h. 17)

Inserted the 22/11/2005

Amatoriale breeding gives fattrice to fine career Brown tabby of 9 referenziati years to. Visible on   to the page females with the name of Mashhad Zeta Silvia. Luisa

Inserted the 16/11/2005

Smarrito mine two fox terrier, Camilla female of 6 years and Needle, male of 2. Smarriti from the morning of the 14.11.05, the last time that l I have seen was in PUBLIC SQUARE Of the REPUBLIC To LOVADINA OF TREVISO. . Chi avesse informazioni utili pregato di contattarmi al 3491696262. . ricompensa prevista. . grazie Tullio

Inserted the 16/11/2005

Young anemone miciotta of approximately six months - R-bianco.e.nero and red cape - optimal character - vaccinateed, sverminata, educated in apartment, gia' sterilized - only for responsible adoption - Gallarate (Goes) - Marzia 334 9800284 (compulsorily after h. 19)


Inserted the 16/11/2005

Mylady, timid miciotta of approximately 7 months - black cape - vaccinateed, sverminata, educated to the cassette, gia' sterilized - only for responsible adoption - Busto Arsizio (compulsorily Goes) - Laura 347 9715407 (after h. 17)


Inserted the 16/11/2005

Born Gattina July 2005 - cape white man and blue - good character - vaccinateed, sverminata, educated to the cassette - only for responsible adoption - Busto Arsizio (Goes) - Laura 347 9715407 (compulsorily after h. 17)

Inserted the 16/11/2005

Brenda miciotta of approximately seven months - cape shells of turtle - sweetest - vaccinateed, sverminata, educated to the cassette, gia' sterilized - only for responsible adoption - Busto Arsizio (Goes) - Laura 347 9715407 (compulsorily after h. 17)


Inserted the 11/11/2005

Zone Busto Arsizio (Goes) - I call Ilda I have three months are a gattina female with the black cape and white man, is liveliest and affectionate, gia' accustomed living with small dogs, vaccinateed, sverminata, they are beautifulst also if to cause of a shape he turns them me e' remained the testolina a po' "storta" - In order to adopt Marzia to me - serali hours - 334 9800284

Inserted the 11/11/2005
. Cameri/Novara: Spenk & Pepe Cercano Casa

. Inserito il 10/11/2005
Hello to all,

as gi written in the forum I try friend or fiancče for my Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen of 1 year and 8 months of Vasco name, same race, Tuscany zone. Siccome creed that the nature of this race is devout only that rare I think necessary for its maximum satisfaction to meet dogs of the same crazy race with which running about in campaign; in verit they are much onlooker to see two petit entirety since much rare one to find some from mine you leave.
. Saluti a tutti.

. Chuchi

. Inserito il 07/11/2005

. Edizione Straodinaria!!!!!!!
. Mi rivolgo a tutti gli Amici dei nostri amici a 4 zampe:
. Questo uno . scambio . ....leggete bene .. Gift . due bellisimi Yorkshire Terrier di due e sei anni ( zona rivalta prov.Torino) solamente se voi . regalate . a loro . tanto tanto amore . . Insomma mica Micio..Micio..Bau..Bau
. Se sei serio e ami gli animali allora scrivimi per ulteriori informazioni all'indirizzo

. Inserito il 29/10/2005
. REGALO bellissimi puppys(padre incrocio Husky-Pastore tedesco, madre meticcia). . Per info 3282183023
Inserted the 27/10/2005

. A Bergamo regalo bellissimi gattini di 3 mesi, tigrati grigi, da vedere! . cell 339/1293403

Inserted the 27/10/2005

. Pallina: . sterilizzata e vaccinata, 5 mesi, molto timida e dolce, cerca un padrone e una casa! . per info 328/5646287

. Nuvola: fantastic gattadi 5 months, sterilized and vaccinateed, gatta one truly sweetest and affectionate, tries one family to which giving a lot amore!per info 328/5646287

. wasabi: beautifulst gattino of 2 months, all black, most affectionate and giocherellone, a master tries that takes cure of he!, for info 328/5646287

. Dalmatina: . bellissima gatta di 5 anni, vaccinata e sterilizzata, molto timida e dolce! . cerca padrone!

. Viola: gatta adult of 5 years, vaccinateed and sterilized, he has the particolarit of having the turned upside down ear, tries a family that he wants it also with this small difettuccio! info 328/5646287

. Nerone: . 4 mesi, bellissimo puppysno, vaccinato, inoltre abbiamo altri 3 gattini neri da far adottare, bellissimi! . cercano famiglia! info 328/5646287

. Michele: beautifulst adult cat, 7 years, male, vaccinateed and castrated, much cake with a beautifulst character, tries family that it wants to it well! info 328/5646287

. Leonardo e michelangelo: . sono 2 gatti uguali, 5 mesi, vaccinati, bellissimi! . cercano casa! info 328/5646287

. Romeo: . gatto maschio, 1 anno, castrato e vaccinato, giocherellone, con un bellissimo carattere dolce e tranquillo! . cerca padroni affidabili! info 328/5646287

. Pepe: . gatto maschio di 2 anni, castrato e vaccinato, bellissimo! . cerca una casa e una famiglia! info 328/5646287

. Gaiana: gatta the female of 4 years, vaccinateed and sterilized, very beautiful, a p mistrustful, a family tries that it knows to them to give again the confidence in the persons! info 328/5646287

. delia: beautifulst gatta of 3 years, sterilized and vaccinateed, a family tries that the gifts love and the face to understand that there are also of the masters who can love it! info 328/5646287

. Rosso: . bellissimo gatto rosso, stupendo davvero, 2 anni, maschio, castrato e vaccinato, dolce, cerca famiglia! info 328/5646287

. Annuncio generico: . al gattile di bergamo vi aspettano tanti gatti e gattini, tutti vaccinati, gli adulti anche sterilizzati, tutti bellissimi! . aspettano una casa e un padrone, vi sapranno ripagare con immenso amore! . x info 328/5646287  

 Inserted the 27/10/2005    





Inserted the 27/10/2005

. Regalo cucciola di 3 mesi di cocker colore beige, gia vacinata, ad amanti degli animali.
. E' molto dolce, giocherellona e vivace.
. Potete contattarmi allo 340 3645464 o all'indirizzo email .  

Inserted the 24/10/2005

Ren, in the photo, and Simon (photos) are not two gemelline, and live from some year to the Angels oasis, feline colony near Parma.
. Come tanti altri gatti dell'Oasi cercano casa, quale posto migliore se state cercando un gatto? . Fate un gesto meraviglioso verso questi
. pelosetti bisognosi di una casa.
Ren and Simon are young and know some, they do not wait for other that someone finally enters and ports to house also only one of they, will know to exchange again with much affection, perch they are loving and sweet gattine a lot much.

. Se volete saperne di pi mandatemi una mail a  
. Ciao Marta

Inserted the 24/10/2005

Hello! I am Muffy, one dolcissia gattina all grey with one steccata leg; this in order does not hinder mine wants of living!
Dress to the Angels oasis of Parma, and every time that I see to arrive someone I hope so much of being able to be adopted fin' hour for, the only cures I receive them the best volunteers of the oasis.
I am a gattina much affectionate one, and in a house I would know to give many satisfactions, and then hour begins the cold, and is tired to remain to the oasis, has just wants of a family that it gives love to me.
. Contatta Marta all'indirizzo e-mail . ti sapr dire di pi di Muffy!

. Ciao !! . A presto

Inserted the 24/10/2005

In the photo in Association of Bologna MUSCLE cat it cuts maxi, anyone comes to the oasis innamora of this gattone that as well as large how much cake.
It loves to pass its time is made to coccolare, he would be adoptable, but from whom house with garden only has one, inasmuch as Muscle orami accustomed to be to the open air; they are sure that a beautiful and large cat cos from many satisfactions.
. Gilda, in secondo piano nella foto, bianca e nera, un caso alquanto urgente. Insofferente it in fact to the life of the colony, by now is letting to go has urgent need to find a family that it adopts it, one gatta young and heals, but much sensitive one. Moreover indeed affectionate, indeed a gatta love of, to the oasis follows ovunque, knows them to you in arm and it does not want devout to come down, just like asking to carry it to house.
. Entrambi i gatti sono giovani e sani, aspettano solo di trovare una casa accogliente. . Marta