
The action of
improvement of the bovine race Piemontese regards precocit the
understanding like anticipated attainment of slaughtering ET, the
velocit of increase, the efficiency of conversion of the alimony,
the yield to the slaughter house, the characteristics of the carcass
and qualit of the delivery meat nonch facilit and the fertilit, also
not neglecting the lattea production. The action of improvement
regards moreover the elimination of eventual defects.
Race to detached
attitude to the production of the meat, characterized from adapted
somatico development, bonds you increase every day in alive weight,
and good adaptation to several atmospheres also in modest conditions
of latte good feeding nonch capacit of production of for the
breeding of the year-old calf. Wide and muscoloso, garrese chest
wide, lombi muscolosi, long log, rump and thigh of good muscular
development. Carcass with little fat and of excellent qualit of meat
with low percentage of bone. |
No breeding to signal
if you want to know like signaling yours,
contacts: marketing@inseparabile.it
Cape : in
the Tauruses the cape gray or fromentino clearly with sensitive
accentuation of the black hairs on the head (species around to the
orbits), on the neck, the shoulders and the regions tos be distant
them of the limbs; talora also in the lateral faces of the log and
on the posterior limbs with formation of spots or dark specks; in
vacche the cape white man or fromentino clearly with shadings until
the gray or to the fromentino; the year-old calves to the birth have
the loaded cape fromentino.
: the following parts are black: the musello, the labbra, the
oral mucosae (language, palate and cheeks), the eyelash, the margins
of the eyelids and the ear, the ribbon of the prepuce, the inferior
part of the scroto, the nappa of the tail, the anale opening and the
labbra of the vulva, the unghioni and the unghielli. The corna,
black sin towards the 20 months of ET, they are introduced in the
yellowish adults to the base, devout clear in the third mean and
black to the apex. The partial depigmentation of the foretold parts
does not constitute reason of disqualification.
: soft, elastic, thin.
: compact, wide, muscolose, well adherent to the log and
in just direction.
Neck :
wide, muscoloso and with gibbosit somewhat pronounced in the
Taurus, relatively along and little muscoloso in the females,
giogaia light and of medium development. |
head : expressive, devout short
and wide in the Taurus, devout long and fine in the vacca, sincipite
covered from a small forelock, sovente of color fromentino clearly,
light depressed flat forehead and between arched the orbital
prominenti; large ear of medium development, eyes with lively
expression (the color of the iride black); the wide, straight nose,
with narici wide, musello wide, wide mouth with labbra very
Garrese : wide and
muscoloso, joined with continuit to the neck.
Back : wide and
Lombi : muscolosi
and full loads.
Chest : wide and
Thorax : deep.
Cost : very arch,
along, deep.
VENTRE : wide and
Flanks : full
loads, rather long.
Tail : long, with
abundant ribbon. |
Rump : in the wide
Taurus and of good muscular development, in the vacca wide, long and
Thigh : in the Tauruses
wide and very muscolosa, in the vacche full and very developed.
Buttocks :
in the wide Tauruses and of emphasized muscular development, long,
in vacche wide and very the reductions.
Front limbs
: I know L idi, rather short arm, long
and muscoloso, ginocchio and often wide forearm, stinco of medium
solid length and, nodello sturdy, short fetter, sturdy and locked
limbs : very directed free from tares, leg muscolosa, garretto
wide and solid, not straight and not cut with a scythe, nodello
sturdy, short fetter, sturdy and locked unghioni. |
sailing point : to regulate. Mammella : of regulating conformation, with regular and capezzoli quarters very arranged, very vascolarizzata. Testicoli : harmonically it develops and reductions to you in the scroto. |
The following defects, of which
first the only three they are object of relief to the birth, involve
the exclusion from the Genealogico Book:
: a manifest phenomenon that in the first days of life and that
subsequently to scompare. E' characterized from a ingrossamento of
the language that often fuoriesce from the labiale rhyme. Normally
it involves to us difficolt in the suzione of the latte ones from
the consequent mother and therefore necessit of attendance from part
of the breeder;
: one manifestation, to cargo of the limbs, of congenital nature
characterized from arcatura accompanied from arrembatura and
rampinismo. The limbs are introduced arch to you and stretch to fold
themselves less in emphasized way devout or; the year-old calf has
difficolt is in walking that in remaining "in feet" (in station).
Depigmentation : total
of one mucosa (in particular that one of the language and/or palate)
Atypical cape : with
colors, pezzature, length and anomalous aspect of the hair;
Brachignatismo : it is
introduced like excessive length ofthe jaw regarding the jaw;
Prognatismo : with
excessive development of the jaw regarding that one of the jaw;
Criptorchidismo : lacked
come down the testicoli in the scroto;
Monorchidismo : a come
down solo testicolo in the scroto. |
Outline of the measurements |
Height : from the sommit of the garrese to the ground (to).
Length of the
log : from the tip of the shoulder to the tip of the ischio (b).
of the thorax : measured endured GO BACK TO LIST the articulations of
elbow (c).
of the stinco : measured in the mediale part of the stinco (d).
Width iliaca
of the rump : between the two tips of ilei (1);
Width to
bisarticolare of the rump : between the two trocanteri (reliefs
of coxo-femoral articulations (2);
width of the rump : between the two tips of ischi (the 3);
Length of the
rump : between the tip of the ileus and that one of ischio (the
4). |
MALES to ET of |
11 months |
2 years |
4 years and beyond
Height |
115 |
125 |
135 |
Length you cut |
135 |
150 |
165 |
Circumference of the thorax |
165 |
185 |
205 |
Weight (kg) |
350 |
650 |
850 |
FEMALES to ET of |
30 months |
6 years and beyond |
Height |
120 |
125 |
Length of the log |
140 |
145 |
Circumference of the thorax |
165 |
175 |
Weight (kg) |
430 |
500 |
data measured in the Genetic
Center to ET of |
11 months |
Height |
119 |
Length you cut |
145 |
Circumference of the thorax |
181 |
Circumference stinco |
18.5 |
Width rump bisiliaca |
43.6 |
Width bisischiatica rump |
39.2 |
Length rump |
52 |
Weight (kg) |
438 |
data estimate you from model 6
to ET of |
42 months |
6 years and beyond
131 |
132 |
Length of the log |
160 |
163 |
Weight (kg) |
522 |
552 |
1 Sincipite |
2 Forehead |
.3 Corna |
4 Nose |
5 Narici |
6 Musello |
7 Labbra
8 Mento
9 Eye
10 Ear
11 Cheek
12 Temple
13 Neck
14 Giogaia
15 Garrese |

.. .. .
16 Back |
17 Lombi |
18 Rump |
19 Chest |
20 Cost |
21 Flank |
.22 Sterno |
23 Abdomen |
24 Prepuce . |
25 Scroto |
26 Tail |
27 Shoulder |
.28 Arm |
29 Elbow
| . ..
... . ...... . . .
.. |
30 Forearm
31 Ginocchio
32 Stinco anter.
33 Nodello
34 Pastorale
35 Crown
36 . Piede
37 Thigh
38 Buttock .
39 Grassella |
Leg |
Garretto |
.42 Stinco poster |
Mammella |
| | |
we thank the Mr. Giampaolo Munari
for the realization of this card |