Gray, bay, sauro, morello,
bay and roano, this last devout rare one.
STANDARD OF RACE: The aspect of the only Arab between the breeds equine. The feature devout symbol, to part the shape, the beautiful and small head, "dry", with the very visible venature. The remarkablly concave profile (camuso); the convex forehead and forms one said shield jibbah. The so small snout from being able to enter in a folded hand, while the narici cone amplissime and can be dilated remarkablly. The eyes large, are expressed to you and luminous; a famous expert wrote that in with the cape dev ' being much dark one, giumenta full of feeling and the stallone most agile, with one large dignit that trabocca challenge. The orecchie are short and furnish, ricurve inner. The inside of the mouth decidedly rounded off. An other drawn symbol mitbah that is the point in which the head one joins to the neck. Devout this rounded off arc, devout easy the head moves in all the directions. The Arabs have 17 ribs, 5 vertebre lumbar and 16 tail ones, while the other horses have respective 18,6,18. To this bony conformation he must to the typical shape of the back and the quarters and the high portamento of the tail. The Arabs have a fluctuating movement, like if they proceeded on invisibili motivatings force. 152 cm can catch up i but the height in kind 150 cm. In spite of the considered height horse and not pony.
HISTORY: The origin laughed them, second emiro the Abd - El - Kader, to God: < < When God determined to create the horse, said to the Wind of the South: "I want makes you to become one Creature. It condenses "and the Wind to you condens. The archangel Gabriel appeared immediately, taken one manciata of that matter and the present to God, that it made a bay dark saying: "you chiamer horse; to make Arab you and to give the color to you of the ant; I have hung the felicit on the forelock that falls back to you on the eyes. You will be the Getlteman of the animals, the men will follow to you ovunque you will go; you will be skillful in the pursuit and the escape; on your back there will be riches and for your mediation arriver the fortune ". Then It put on the horse the sign of the Gloria and the felicit: a sign white man in means to the forehead. > >
No breeding to signal
if you want to know like signaling yours,
ATTITUDES: Purosangue Arabic without doubt devout the versatile one between the horses. Pu to be employed for race, jump to obstacles, mounts western and English, but the maximum expresses it in the endurance where other race does not fear comparisons with no.
This card be realized from inseparable FLORIANA and advises you to visit its situated one in order to know the wonderful world of the horses