TITO AN EXAMPLE FOR ALL "I and my moglie we loved it as a son and today we would want ringraziar it for what it has made for we". Paul Ambrosino, a conductor cinofilo of the Police of State, speaks about its dog and connects devout Tito that today not c, but that for he be an inseparable companion of job and life. The dog, been born in Hungary, comes in Italy to single 7 months for being enlisted. After to have last the selections he prepares himself for the first course of judiciary police knowing its first and only conductor Paul. To tell its history for we unoccasione in order ringraziare, with to he, also all the others 243 dogs cinofili policeman of the Unit of the Police of State for limportante job that they carry out beside theirs friend-connect. The disease
The HERO After the training course where to the final examination first qualification, to equal merit with an other unit cinofila, Tito comes assigned with to cinofili Paolino to the Detachment of Genoa. Here one specializes in the search of persons passings. After numerous services of public order to disposition of the main police headquarters of the North and the Center a day door a.termine with succeeding the search of a old dispersed in the forests of the entroterra from Liguria. Its ritrovamento, to which press and televisions they gave wide prominence, the door to obtain the international prize "Fedelt of dog" 1997. . Grazie al suo fiuto fu selezionato, in seguito, per la ricerca di sostanze stupefacenti e psicotrope. It allowed in the course of the years to complete numerous drug seizures and its job port a prestigious acknowledgment: it was elect "Unit cinofila of 2000". Tito thanks to its sympathy participates also to numerous television transmissions between which the Good Sunday, Sunday in, One Morning and the directed life in. Its beauty and its sweet character unnoticed neanche to some directors who allow it to begin also one actor career: it takes part to some heading of District of Police and to other police films. In spite of everything, it continues to being the beautiful moment devout for the children in sight to the center of Police of Neptune who also put themselves in row of having one photo with he. Meant of that encounter they testify it numerous designs made from the children and sendes you to the Center perch were delivered to the dog: Tito often was represented like a super-hero. |