The Trachemys, like pu noticing itself,
has very many variet and their distribution extends for all the
continent American from the regions of great lagos of Canada until
to the course dacqua dellArgentina. In the European markets they
arrive in kind only the species endemic of the United States
(Scripta Elegans, Scripta Scripta, Scripta Troostii), even if lately
they appear some subspecies of the Central.America (like the
Trachemys Adiutrix or Brasiliensis) from when the Scripta Elegans be
inserted in the list of protected turtles (CITES) that of it it
prohibits limportazione in Europe.
Behavior in the natural atmosphere
The trachemys they have been adapted
to multiple variet of habitat of cold climates of the America north
to the tropical forests of the Central.America, but in kind they
prefer course dacqua rich of vegetation with a muddy bottom and
waters tinning calm and. They pass great part of the time on
"crogiolandosi" the supported rivers or to log semisubmergeeed to
the sun. This type of behavior, typical of the rectums them, which
had to the fact that not having a system of regulations of the
corporea temperature, has need of the heat in order to activate
their metabolism and of the solar beams in order to synthetize the
D3 vitamin, indispensable for the bony increase. Very rarely they
are taken risks on the firm earth if in order not to place eggs.
Being timid animals much, lessened noise is thrown in the water
where, from skillful nuotatrici, dileguano fastly. To a smaller
temperature of 10 C stops to feed itself and passes letargo sott'
the water, hidden between the mud and sediments, in the beautiful
winter days, less rigid, not rare to see them to exit for esporsi to
the weak people beams of the sun. For the species Central American,
dates the constant temperatures nellarco dellanno, do not go in
letargo, but they remain always active.
No breeding to signal
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contacts: marketing@inseparabile.it
Feeding in nature
The Trachemys is onnivore and in nature
amphibious small, died fish, crickets, snails, worms, animals,
aquatic plants etc are fed of. From small they are mostly
carnivorous, in fact they remain in the less deep waters where the
bugs abound. From devout adults they preprefer a rich diet of
vegetables and stretch to occupy deep devout waters. They are fed in
deep waters until 3 meters and remain calmly in apnea also for
Like for the greater part of the rectums them,
for the attainment of the maturit sexual, the dimensions are devout
important that the years. Indicatively for, the males become mature
around to the 3-4 years, caught up i 15-19 cm, while the females
towards the 5 years, caught up the 15-20cm of carapace. The
riproduttiva season orientativamente, to second of the localit
geographic, varies from March to July. The male corteggia the female
putting themselves and making to vibrate the water ritmicamente.The
copula true and own hard approximately 15 minuteren. After
approximately 4-6 weeks the ready female in order to place eggs, cos
it tries a soft and humid land in the pressed ones of the water in
order to place. To the term the female covers the nest. The eggs are
ovoidali and flexible. During the incubation they absorb water
becoming devout large and devout rigid. The female, to second of the
dimensions, in a year pu to place until three times from 5 to 20
eggs, that they will employ 2 or 3 months for schiudersi. The baby
hardly been born they are many defenseless small and (2-3 cm) and
often they end in order to become prede.
Sexual Dimorfismo and
determination of the sex
The sex pu to settle down itself once that the
turtles catch up 6-7cm of carapace. The females are of greater
dimensions and have one small and stocky tail. The devout males
instead have one long and wide tail the many and nails of long legs
front until 3 cm. The piastrone it does not introduce concavit n in
the males and n in the females. Like for many families of resisted
them the determination of the sex tied to the temperature of
incubation of eggs. If the eggs are incubated under 27C avr a
prevalence of males and the times of incubation that vary from the
100 to the 120 days. While, to an incubation over the 30C, they will
be born mostly females and the times will vary from the 60 to the 70
days. To intermediate temperatures variable proportions of births
will be had, between males and females. In commerce devout easy to
find exemplary females in how much the breeders accelerate the
schiuse increasing the temperatures.
Breeding in cattivit
The "turtles from the red orecchie" have been
imported from the United States to ten of migliaia every year, but
the greater part still died before being sold, because of the
inadatte conditions in which they were held and once sold very many
they died before a ET year, for lack of cures adapted from part of
the owners, often parents, that these animals to the own sons
without an adapted information gave or unaware of of all of the
complessit that represents the breeding of these rectums them. Very
many, once grown, and become too much cumbersome they came freed in
several smalls lake or Italian rivers damaging the ecosystem and the
local fauna. Just for this from some time sale of the Trachemys
scripta elegans be restricted from an appropriate law that of it
prohibits the import in Italy (even if this prohibition be raggirato
from the importers who hour import other subspecies of Trachemys,
than to the end is adapted exactly to our climates like the
Trachemys scripta Elegans). They are turtles that, if attended to
adequately, live calmly also 30anni. The ideal dwelling would be
aghetto, deep at least a meter, encircled from a retrenchment in
order not to make them to scappare, supplied of some log
semisubmergeeed and one one dry zone for permettergli of crogiolarsi
to the sun and placing. In alternative to the small lake, the
represented better solution from a acquaterrario opportunely
equipped. One brace on i 10 cm pu living calmly in an atmosphere of
80 x 40 x 30 cm. Devout obviously large they will be the turtles and
devout large dovr to be the bathtub. The water must be of one
profondit such to allow the turtles to swim. Pu easy to be based
adding to us to the length of the carapace, 5 cm. We would have cos
for one turtle of 10cm of carapace, one profondit of the water of
15cm. In the acquaterrario dovr to be present one dry zone easy
raggiungibile from the turtles and heated from a faretto "spot" from
40 W or 60 W in such way to have the temperature of the air on the
30C. The temperature of the water must be of 24-26C. E' a lot
important to use as furnishings "stable" woods or cliffs that do not
risk to falling and catching the turtles sott' water drowning them.
Like advisable bottom to not too much use some until in order not
risking that it is swallowed, provoking to the turtles an internal
block. Most important to equip the acquaterrario with one
fluorescent lamp with emission of essential beams UVB-UVA for the
synthesis of the D3 vitamin. This lamp does not have to be mail to a
glass or to of the plastic in how much the beams they would be
shielded and therefore its turns out useless uses. The lamp must
remain second ignited for 12-14 hours to the day and replaced
written how much regularly on the confection (in every kind 6-12
months). In the beautiful days always better to expose the turtles
to the direct light of the sun, being well attention to avoid
overheating problems, above all for the small devout exemplary,
fornendogli the possibilit to repair itself to the shadow if the
temperature increases too much. One of the main problems represented
from the hygiene of the water, that it must be maintained devout
cleaned up possible if health problems are wanted to be avoided, for
this advisable one to install a filter from Aquarius (in order to
agree, a filter are mechanic who biological; the better choice
consists in a filter of external type, to whose inside we can then
insert a first filtering to sponges according to wool stage many
cannolicchi ceramic for last the biological filtering and in a
sanitary napkin for ammoniacal substances). Also with the use of a
good system of filtering, the water must in any case be periodically
changed partially (a fifth of the water total to week). For the
great slag production, the dimensioning of the filter must be 4-5
times greater of the volume total of the bathtub, as an example,
with 50 l totals, would have to at least acquire a filter for
Aquarius from 200 liters.
Feeding in
The small turtles must every day be fed; as they
grow the frequency of the meal goes diminished, until arriving to
2-3 times to the week in the adult individuals. The ideal of feeding
the turtles in a separate bathtub in order to maintain the main
Aquarius clean, or putting the food in a dry zone, even if the
Trachemys prefers to feed itself in water. The bathtub used for the
feeding goes washed and disinfected after the use. If the possibilit
is not had to feed them in a second bathtub not to insert much food
to the time in order not to create remainders that decomposing
itself would pollute the water. The feeding in cattivit must be
devout varied possible and composed it is from alimony of animal
origin that vegetable. Optimal they are sweet water fish, molluschi,
lombrichi, snails, pellet integrated with vitamins, carrots, lattuga
roman, string beans, tarassaco, spinaci, alfalfa etc. It eats to me
gi manifactures you that they find in commerce must constitute to
the maximum 25% of the diet while they are strongly advices against
to you as food the simple ones gamberetti essicca you in how much is
completely cants to you and lacking in indispensable vitamins. These
must exclusively be somministrati irregularly being single and
leccornia. Turtles fed for along single time with gamberetti, end
unavoidablly in order to develop serious vitaminiche deficiencies
that can carry also the dead women. Also the red meat not a balanced
food in how much poor one of rich soccer but of fat people. E' good
norm "to dust" once to the week of the bone of small cuttlefish over
to foods and once every 2 weeks to integrate with a little vitamins,
remembering itself that a soccer excess does not involve particular
problems while an excess of vitamins pu to cause serious problems.
Many turtles refuse to assume vegetables. A trick in order to
accustom them that one to stir of the vegetables to a food to they a
lot appreciate, like pu being of the milled meat. With passing of
the time, the quantit is reduced of the food to devout they
appreciate and the quantit is increased of the vegetables.
For the health of the Trachemys the letargo not
indispensable, even if strongly advised in order to respect their
natural cycles for the subspecies of the America north, and a lot
important if wants itself to be made to reproduce they. If they are
found in a terrario to the inside, the temperature goes gradually
lowered in the course of some weeks until catching up the 4C. During
this period they do not have devout to be fed in order to premise to
their intestine to empty itself completely. The letargo, to second
of ET of the subjects, pu to vary from the 6 to the 12 weeks.
Fundamental E' that the temperature during the letargo, is comprised
between the 10 and the 4. A advanced temperature to i 10 C does not
allow the metabolism to slow down in way consona, making to too much
consume in a hurry corporee reservoirs that do not come newly stored
in how much the turtles are not fed; while temperatures under the 4C
could create damages from freezing. As far as the letargo to the
open, it must follow little but fundamental rules. The small lake
goes constructed of a profondit minimal of 1 meter, in as far as 4C
(minimal temperature that concurs with the turtles to exceed the
winter) the temperature of the water has its maximum specific weight
and comes down consequently on the bottom. Here perch on the bottom
there are 4 C, even if to the outside the temperature comes down a
lot under - 0 C and the surface freeze. According to some experts
the surface does not have to be left ghiacciata for devout of two
weeks. Turtles many small, sick or however in not optimal physical
conditions, do not have to be sent in letargo and must pass the
winter in a terracquario heated to 24-26C, illuminated for 12-14
hours to the day with one lamp to solar phantom. For the species
caraibiche and Brazilian adviced against to carry them to low
temperatures for which it is advised, in the case they live
allesterno in a small lake, to prepare an Aquarius for the winter
Paul Donates To You
we thank the
situated one TARTAPORTAL http://www.tartaportal.it For
the realization of this card.