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EGYPTIAN MAU.JPG (23621 byte)

GENERAL: the Egyptian Mau is the only natural domesticated breed of spotted cat. The Egyptian's impression should be one of an active, colorful cat of medium size with well developed muscles. Perfect physical condition with an alert appearance. Well balanced physically and temperamentally. Males tend to be larger than females.


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HEAD: a slightly rounded wedge without flat planes, medium in length. Not full-cheeked. Profile showing a gentle contour with slight rise from the bridge of the nose to the forehead. Entire length of nose even in width when viewed from the front. Allowance must be made for jowls in adult males.

MUZZLE: should flow into existing wedge of the head. It should be neither short nor pointed. The chin should be firm, not receding or protruding.

EARS: medium to large, alert and moderately pointed, continuing the planes of the head. Broad at base. Slightly flared with ample width between the ears. Hair on ears short and close lying. Inner ear a delicate, almost transparent, shell pink. May be tufted.

EYES: large and alert, almond shaped, with a slight slant towards the ears. Skull apertures neither round nor oriental.

BODY: medium long and graceful, showing well developed muscular strength. Loose skin flap extending from flank to hind leg knee. General balance is more to be desired than size alone. Allowance to be made for muscular necks and shoulders in adult males.

LEGS and FEET: in proportion to body. Hind legs proportionately longer, giving the appearance of being on tip-toe when standing upright. Feet small and dainty, slightly oval, almost round in shape. Toes: five in front and four GO BACK TO LIST.

TAIL: medium long, thick at base, with slight taper.

COAT: hair is medium in length with a lustrous sheen. In the smoke color the hair is silky and fine in texture. In the silver and bronze colors, the hair is dense and resilient in texture and accommodates two or more bands of ticking separated by lighter bands

PENALIZE: short or round head. Pointed muzzle. Small, round or oriental eyes. Cobby or oriental body. Short or whip tail. If no broken necklaces. Pencillings in spotting pattern on torso. Solid stripes on underside of body instead of "vest button" spots. Poor condition. Amber cast in eye color in cats over the age of 1 1/2 years.

DISQUALIFY: lack of spots. Blue eyes. Kinked or abnormal tail. Incorrect number of toes. White locket or button distinctive from other acceptable white-colored areas in color sections of standard.


(Common to all colors)
PATTERN: markings on torso are to be randomly spotted with variance in size and shape. The spots can be small or large, round, oblong, or irregular shaped. Any of these are of equal merit but the spots, however shaped or whatever size, shall be distinct. Good contrast between pale ground color and deeper markings. Forehead barred with characteristic "M" and frown marks, forming lines between the ears which continue down the back of the neck, ideally breaking into elongated spots, along the spine. As the spinal lines reach the rear haunches, they meld together to form a dorsal stripe which continues along the top of the tail to its tip. The tail is heavily banded and has a dark tip. The cheeks are barred with "mascara" lines; the first starts at the outer corner of the eye and continues along the contour of the cheek, with a second line, which starts at the center of the cheek and curves upwards, almost meeting below the base of the ear. On the upper chest there are one or more broken necklaces. The shoulder markings are a transition between stripes and spots. The upper front legs are heavily barred but do not necessarily match. Spotting pattern on each side of the torso need not match. Haunches and upper hind legs to be a transition between stripes and spots, breaking into bars on the lower leg. Underside of body to have "vest buttons" spots; dark in color against the correspondingly pale ground color.


EYE COLOR: light green "gooseberry green." Amber cast is acceptable only in young adults up to 11/2 years of age.

SILVER: pale silver ground color across the head, shoulders, outer legs, back, and tail. Underside fades to a brilliant pale silver. All markings charcoal color with a white to pale silver undercoat, showing good contrast against lighter ground colors. Back of ears grayish-pink and tipped in black. Nose, lips, and eyes outlined in black. Upper throat area, chin, and around nostrils pale clear silver, appearing white. Nose leather: brick red. Paw pads: black with black between the toes and extending beyond the paws of the hind legs.

BRONZE: warm bronze ground color across head, shoulders, outer legs, back, and tail, being darkest on the saddle and lightening to a tawny-buff on the sides. Underside fades to a creamy ivory. All markings dark brown-black with a warm brown undercoat, showing good contrast against the lighter ground color. Back of ears tawny-pink and tipped in dark brown-black. Nose, lips, and eyes outlined in dark brown, with bridge of nose brown. Upper throat area, chin, and around nostrils pale creamy white. Nose leather: brick red. Paw pads: black or dark brown, with same color between toes and extending beyond the paws of the hind legs.

SMOKE: pale silver ground color across head, shoulders, legs, tail, and underside, with all hairs to be tipped in black. All markings jet black with a white to pale silver undercoat, with sufficient contrast against ground color for pattern to be plainly visible. Nose, lips, and eyes outlined in jet black. Upper throat area, chin, and around nostrils lightest in color. Nose leather: black. Paw pads: black with black between the toes and extending beyond the paws of the hind legs. Whiskers: black.

above the CFA Breed Standards

after automatic translate from


the egyptian mau, second the experts, the cat represented with the Abyssinian on the papyruses and paintings walls them of ancient Egypt. And together to the Abyssinian it shares the devout supremacy of being considered one of the breeds ancient, comprising those cats that around to the 1400 aC. to the time of the Pharaohs, they came loved and venera you to the stregua of the divinit The mau today it comes down from a brace of cats gives you from the Italian ambassador to the Cairo to   one Russian prince in exile to Rome. Baba, one of the first cucciole been born from this connection, came shown to the exposure of Rome in 1955 and suscit endured a great interest. The prince in the 1956 trasfer with ITS cats in the United States where, after the first exposures and i first successes, undertaken along way towards the official acknowledgment a race were accepted in 1978; in Italy the first subjects have been only import to you in 1990 directly from the United States.


one of the only ones of domestic cat to possess a naturally maculato cape. Moreover it comes considered a natural cat to all the effects, is worth to say one of the little breeds in which the hand of the taken part man not to modify of the characteristics. And just in order to conserve its extraordinary characteristics it originates them attended not to intercross it with some other race.

Councils and cures  

a cat enough easy to attend to. Its short and setoso cape and has an elastic resistance will be therefore sufficient only some brushed and eventually one smoothed down with the aid of one inumidita skin fallow deer. It has large capacit of adaptation, living to the open amuses it a lot but housewife adapts itself also to the life perfectly, purch also to the closed one the females come respect you its spaces are of the optimal fattrici and a lot spold the males participates actively to the breeding of the gattini. a cat much equipped assets and of an optimal appetite and does not need of a particular feeding Of first acchito pu to seem an aggressive cat but in realt only a po' timid, it does not love to be manipulated from strangers, it at the same time dislikes excessive noises and too much high tones of voice, for a cat much bond, sensitive cake and that demonstrates to attachment towards all the members of the family. It loves its space and the libert of movement, it defends just the territory, for which it is suited who it has the same requirements and it wants that these are respected.