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Cats & Plants


I pray, you read WARNINGS

Innocuous plants [ CLICK! ] [ CLICK! ] [ CLICK! ] [ CLICK! ] [ CLICK! ] [ CLICK! ] [ CLICK! ] Plants sospette [ CLICK! ]
We find in campaign, garden, house... Many we use to them in kitchen, others in erboristeria. Some you leave - NOT necessarily all are TOXIC: click on link for toxins and the parts to avoid. Arranged those chemical pesticidi/fertilizzanti velenose or containing outside from the capacity of the puppys.....e of the small children!
And of the mici that they adore to mordicchiare the leaves and to rovistare in the earth like mine! :)

to Abro, liquirizia Indiana, tree of the rosary, jequirity
Acacia (mimosa)
Yarrow, millefoglio
Aconito napello
Actea, grass of S.Cristoforo
Garlic - Onion - Porro - Scalogno [ raw ]
Agutoli, spinacristi
Tree of the Lord's prayers
Tree of the soap
Apricot tree [ kernels ]
Alchechengio, chichinger
. Aloe vera
True aloe or vulgaris
Amanita [ fungus ]
Arisaema triphyllum Arisaema triphyllum
Asparagine ornaments them
Falling back asparagine
Azalea, rododendro
B Beautiful-of-night
Crataegus oxycantha
Rampicante Bignonia
C Caladio
Calancoe ( daigremontiana )
Calmia ornaments them
Swampy marigold, farferugine
Rampicante little bell
Greater Cicuta
Ciliegio [ kernels ]
Ciliegio of winter
Clivia Miniata Clivia
Colchico, bastard saffron, croco (improper)
Colocasia, taro
Cotton Egyptian
Crisantemo, margherito some Chrysanthemum mortiforium, morifolium
D Daphne, mezereo
Dahlia, giorgina
Datura, stramonio
Delfinio, speronella
Delphinium spp
Buccinatoria Dictictis Buccinatoria Dictictis
Purpurea digitalis
Dragon tree of the Canarian
and Ivy
Land ivy
Medical grass, Spain grass
Sudanese grass, I rise kind
Euforbia (also cactiformi)
Eupatorium rugosum Eupatorium rugosum
Japanese Evonimo
F Fava
Aquiline fern, greater fern
Fico ornaments them
G Garofano
Giglio (all)
Rampicante Giglio
Juniper (common)
H Heteromeles arbutifolia   Halogeton Halogeton glomeratus, sativus
I Iperico
Ippocastano, chestnut tree of India
J - -
K - -
L Lantana
Linen [ from fiber you weave them
Lobelia (cardinal)
Rampicante Lonicera
M Maggiociondolo, laburno
Almond tree
Melo [ seeds ]
Rampicante Menispermo
Rampicante Momordica
Monstera, filodendro perforated
Mughetto, giglio-della-valley
N Narcissus (trombone)
Black walnut American
Moscata walnut
Vmica walnut
or Oleandro
Ornitogalo, latte-of-hen
Sericea Oxytropis Sericea Oxytropis
P Poppy of Islanda
I fish [ seeds ]
Peyote [ cactus ]
Phoradendron flavescens
Pea ornaments them
Pistia stratiotes [ from Aquarius ]
Poinsettia, Star of Been born them
Tomato [ parts greens ]
Pothos, scindapsus
Q - -
r Rhubarb
Robinia, false acacia
Rododendro, azalea
Laciniata Rudbeckia Laciniata Rudbeckia
S Sambuco
Bloody-thirsty (Canadian)
Schefflera, brassaia
Senecio succulento
Sofora (robinia Japanese)
Buckthorn, spino oak
Japanese Susino
Symplocarpus foetidus Symplocarpus foetidus
T Tobacco ornaments them
. Tasso
Tossicodendro, rhus
Maritime Triglochin Maritime Triglochin
U Bird of the Paradise . Strelitzia reginae -
V Screw vergine, Canadian screw Screw American
w - -
X - -
y - -
Z Zygadenus venenosus -

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INNOCUOUS PLANTS: episodes of tossicit are not known. If the micio - otherwise in full health it had vomitare, no worry!
to Fir gray (Picea pungens)
Chinese acacia, gaggia arboreal (Albizzia)
Maple tree (Acer spp)
Tree of Giuda, siliquastro (Cercis siliquastrum)
Piumoso amaranth (plumosa silver Celosia)
Anemone (Anemone spp)
The most elegant Aralia (the most elegant Dizygotheca)
Aralia, fatsia (japonica Fatsia)
Aspidistra (Aspidistra spp)
Piumosa asparagine (Asparagus plumosus) [ to. sprengeri TOXIC ]
Asplenio nest-of bird (Asplenium nidus)
Astilbe (Astilbe spp)
Star (Aster spp)
Star of China (Callistephus chinensis)
Astroelmeria (Astroelmeria spp)
Aucuba (japonica Aucuba)
Abies You see Pseudotsuga
Aprenia cordifolia You see Lampranthus
Aralia You see Japonica Fatsia
Azzeruolo You see lazzeruolo
B Bamb (gold Phyllostachys)
Basil (Ocimum basilicum)
Begonia from flower (Begonia semperflorens)
Beloperone (guttata Beloperone)
Bergenia (Bergenia cordifolia)
Mouth-of-lion ( Antirrhinum spp)
Buddleia (Buddleia davidii)
Bugola, Lorenza grass (Ajuga Reptans)
C Cactacee [ NOT the fat plants with LATEX ]
Calancoa (Kalanchoe spp) [ Daigremontiana Kalanchoe TOXIC ]
Calatea (Calathea zebrina)
Calendola, fiorrancio (Calendula officinalis)
Callistemo (Callistemon spp)
Camelia (japonica Camellia)
Little bell (glomerata Bellflower)
Fiorifera dog (dog generalis)
Carob tree (Ceratonia siliqua)
Castalda (podagraria Aegopodium)
Catalpa (speciosa Catalpa)
Piumata Celosia (plumosa silver Celosia) [ Crest-of-rooster Cristata ergentea Celosia pu to be TOXIC ]
Ceropegia (Ceropegia woodii)
Ciclamino (Cyclamen persicum) [ the TOXIC bulb ]
Cinquefoglio (Potentilla reptans)
Clarchia (Clarkia amoena)
Coleo (Coleus spp)
Coreosside (Coreopsis spp)
Cordilina (Cordyline terminalis)
Corbezzolo (Arbutus unedo)
Cotogno (Cydonia oblonga)
Cotogno of Japan (speciosa Chaenomeles)
Cosmea (Cosmos spp)
Crassula (silver Crassula)
Crescione-of water (officinale Nasturtium)
Criptanto (Cryptanthus zonatus)
D Dragon tree ( Dracaena spp) [ Dragon tree of the Canarian D. Draco TOXIC ] -
and Echeveria (Echeveria spp)
Echinacea (Echinacea angustifolia)
Enotera (Oenothera spp)
Episcia (cupreata Episcia)
Erantemo (Hypoestes spp)
Erba-gatta . Nepeta Cataria [... the only legal drug for cats! :)]
Essaco (analogous Exacum)
Escallonia (Escallonia spp)
Eschinanto (Aeschynanthus lobbianus)
Euchera (sanguinea Heuchera)
F Falangio ( Chlorophytum comosum)
Falso-gelsomino (Trachelospermum jasminoides)
Flame, flox (Phlox spp)
Filadelfo (Philadelphus spp)
Fiordaliso (Centaurea cyanus)
Flower-of-wax (carnosa Hoya)
Flower-of-glass (Impatiens spp)
Fittonia (Fittonia vershaffeltii)
Fotinia (Photinia glabra/fraseri)
Forsizia (Forsythia spp)
Strawberry ornaments them (Duchesnea indicates or Fragaria indicates)
Fresia (Freesia spp)
Fucsia (Fuchsia spp)
G Gardenia ( Gardenia jasminoides)
Gelso (Morus nigra)
Gerbera, daisy-del-Transvaal (Gerbera jamesonii)
Glediccia, spino-of-Giuda (Gleditschia triacanthos)
Glossinia (speciosa Gloxinia or sinningia)
Giacinto (Hyacinthus spp)
Ginura (Gynura aurantiaca)
Gissofila (paniculata Gypsophila)
Godezia (Godetia spp)
Grevillea (Grevillea spp)
H - -
I Ibisco (Hibiscus syriacus) -
J - -
K - -
L Lagerstremia (Lagerstroemia indicates)
Lampranto, mesembriantemo (Lampranthus spp)
Lavender (Lavandula officinalis)
lazzeruolo (Crataegus azarolus) [ Hawthorn C. oxycantha TOXIC ]
Lea (coccinea Leea)
Liatride (Liatris odoratissma)
Common Lill, serenella (Syringa vulgaris)
Limonio, lavender-of-sea (Limonium spp)
Lincnide, agrostemma (coronary Lynchnis)
Liquidambur (Liquidambur spp)
Loosestrife (nummularia Lysimachia)
M Magnolia (stellata Magnolia)
Malvone, malvarosa (rose-colored Althaea)
Maonia (Mahonia aquifolium)
Maranta, calatea (Maranta leuconeura)
Melo ( Malus spp) [ the seeds are TOXIC ]
Monarda (Monarda didyma)
N Nasturzio (Tropaeolum majus)
Natalina, zigocactus (Zygocatus truncatus or Schlumbergera bridgesii)
Nefrolepide (exaltata Nephrolepsis)
Neoregelia (Neoregelia spp)
Not-you-scordar-of-me ( Myosotis spp)
or Ottinia (cordata Houttuynia) Orchidea (oncidio) (Oncidium spp)
P Pachisandra (Pachysandra terminalis)
Palms [ in a generalized manner ]
Pan-del-cucco (Muscari spp)
Peperomia (caperata Peperomia)
Petunia ( Petunia spp)
Pilea (Pilea cadierei/microphylla)
Pistachio nut (Pistacia chinensis)
Pittosporo (Pittosporum tobira)
Platano (Platanus occidentalis)
Platicodon (Platycodon grandiflorum)
Plectranto (Plectranthus australis)
Portulaca ( Portulaca grandiflora)
Protea (Protea spp)
Pseudotsuga (Pseudotsuga taxifolia or menziesii)
Pulmonaria (Pulmonaria officinalis)
Q - -
r Radermachera (Radermachera pentandra)
Rafiolepide (Raphiolepsis indicates)
Recsteineria (Rechsteineria cardinalis)
Romneia (Romneya coulteri)
. Rosa (Rose spp)
Alpine Rossello, corbezzolo alpine (alpine Arctostaphylos)
S Salice (Salix spp)
Salvia (Salvia officinalis)
Santolina (Santolina spp)
Sedum (Gratopetalum paraguayense)
Falling back Sedum (Sedum morganianum)
Semprevivo (Sempervivum tectorum, Helichrysum bracteatum)
Sensitiva (pudica Mimosa)
Sfagno (Sphagnum)
Sinningia (speciosa Sinningia)
Soleirolia (Helxine soleirolii)
Sorbo-degli-uccellatori (aucuparia Sorbus)
Sparaxis (Sparaxis tricolor)
Spirea, filipendula (Spiraea spp)
Stapelia (Stapelia spp)
Odorosa Stellina (smelled Asperula)
You see Zygocatus truncatus
T Tarassaco (officinale Taraxacum)
Thymus, thyme (Thymus vulgaris, serpyllum)
Tolmiea (Tolmiea menziesii)
Townsandia (sericea Townsandia)
Tritoma (Kniphofia spp)
Tsuga (Tsuga spp)
U - -
V Veronica (Veronica spp)
Viburno (Viburnum spp)
Violetta African (Saintpaulia spp)
w Watsonia (Watsonia spp) Weigelia (Weigelia or Diervilla spp)
X - -
y Yucca (Yucca spp) -
Z Zinnia (Zinnia spp)) Zebrina, tradescanzia (Zebrina pendula)

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Index to alphabetical

TOXIC PLANTS: they contain annoying substances blandamente: many cats do not show some symptomatology.
PLANTS VELENOSE : they cause vomito, diarrhoea, cramps. Linfa and latex produce painful swellings up to the mouth and dermati to you.
LETHAL PLANTS: they cause to serious or irreversible damages to the greater vital organs (liver, heart or kidneys). Some can be lethal.

to Abrus precatorius: seeds {tossialbumina=abrina ( jequiritina ), glucoside=acido abrico} [ action inactivating on the ribosomi. In the ore/giorni succeeded nausea to you, vomito, strong abdominal pains and diarrhoea. Later on, ulcerose lesions to the mouth and the FAMOUS esophagus ]: Pu to be fatal. The abrina alkaloid a much toxic, in past used in the cure of the trachoma (like eyedrop). Leaves and roots supply an extract similar to the liquirizia.
Acacia berlandieri {}
Yarrow millefolium: Leaves, flowers {alcaloide=achilleina, aconitico or achilleico acid} [ photosensitization, exanthema, dermatitis ] NOTES: low lowland tossicitmolto tossicit.
Aconitum napellus: All {alcaloidi=aconitina ( picroaconitina, pseudoaconitine, aconina, atisina ), benzaconina} [ bruciori to the labbra and the language, intorpidimento of the throat; vomito imposing and diarrhoea, muscular weakness and spasmi, pulsations weak people, FAMOUS respiratory paralysis, convulsions ]: Pu to be fatal for cardiac or respiratory paralysis. The aconitine a powerful poison (from 1 to 4mg): cause paraesthesias and anesthesias on the peripheral nervous system and centers them.
Actaea: All, species berries and rizomi {essential glycosides, oils, protoanemonina} (Bruciori to the mouth and the throat, salivation, forts cramps to the stomach, FAMOUS diarrhoea ]: Detached purgativa action: a time employed against pidocchi and scabies in the domestic animals.
Aesculus glabra/hippocastanum: Flowers, leaves, yield mature ( ghiande or chestnuts of India ), resin {saponina, glucosidi cumarinici=aesculina, alkaloid, tannin, flavonoidi} [ disturbs gastrointestinal: imposing salivation, vomito, abdominal pains, diarrhoea. It disturbs neurological: staggering, tremorri, difficolt respiratory, pupille expanded, collapse, paralysis, possible coma ] FAMOUS: the ghiande pigs and goats are eaten from. The eatable flour opportunely dealt for the human beings.
Agapanthus orientalis: Linfa {} [ ocular irritations, ulcerose lesions of mouth ]
Agave: Linfa [ strongly cutaneous irritation, dermatitis ]
Aglaonema modestum: Roots, leaves, ossalati steles {of soccer, enzymes istamino-proteoliti to us} [ irritation to the mouth and the throat, salivation, possible disturbs of stomach ]
Allium: Bulbs {disolfuro and trisolfuro of allile, allicina with eritrocitaria depression} [ dark coloration of urines. Muscular weakness, gasping breath and accelerated cardiac heartbeat if the imposing haemolysis. Possible jaundice, characteristic breath, loss of appetite and/or FAMOUS weight ]: the effects are all correlate you to the haemolysis (destruction of red globules). Softly diuretic effect (inactivated from the baking).
. Aloe vera: Juice {essential oils, I rendered some, glicosidi=antraquinone, aloina} [ abdominal Cramps, diarrhoea, cutaneous irritation. Iperdosi provokes intense iperema (afflusso of blood) to the abdominal and pelvic organs ] FAMOUS: lowland tossicit. Moderate doses use in veterinary like laxatives and eupeptiche.
Muscaria amanita: Fruitful bodies {muscarina} (be allucinato, torpore, vomito, nausea, pains of stomach, diarrhoea, spasmi muscular, low pressure, hepatic necrosis, died ] FAMOUS: lethal in minimal doses.
Amaranthus retroflexus: Leaves, steles, roots {nefrotossine, ossalati, nitrates} [ respiratory problems, tremors, weakness, possible abortion, coma ] FAMOUS: Pu to be lethal.
. Amaryllis: Bulbs, rizomi {alcaloidi=licorina} [ Nausea, vomito, salivation, possible diarrhoea ]
Ampelopsis quinquefolia: Berries {} [ possible FAMOUS nausea ]: tossicit lowest
Anagallis arvensis: All {triterpenoidi, saponina in the aerial parts; glicoside=ciclamina in the roots, acres oils flown them. The hairy parts contain primina} [ ]
Anthurium: All {ossalati of soccer, enzymes istamino-proteoliti to us} [ Irritation to the mouth and the throat, salivation, possible gastric irritations ].
Araucaria heterophylla: [ exanthema, irritation ].
Arisaema triphyllum: Bulbs, steles, perhaps ossalati leaves {of soccer, enzymes istamino-proteoliti to us} [ swellings up to the mouth and the throat, gastric irritation ]
Asclepias syriaca: Resinoidi latex, steles {, glycosides cardiaci} [ vomiti, spasmi ].
Asparagus myriocladus/sprengeri: Berries, linfa [ disturb gastrointestinal, cutaneous irritation, swellings up ]
Atropa belladonna: All, species the berries {alkaloid neurotossici=tropane, atropine, iosciamina} [ Fever, increase of the cardiac frequency, pupille expanded, be allucinato, convulsions ] FAMOUS: pu lethal being for paralysis of the parasimpatico nervous system.
Azalea you see Rododendro
Astragalus lentiginosus see Oxytropis
B Brassaia actinophylla: Leaves, linfa {ossalati} [ irritations of the labbra, language and throat ]
Buxus sempervirens: Alkaloid leaves {, steroids} [ Nausea, vomito, diarrhoea, vertigos, convulsions, disturbs respiratory ]
Brugmansia see Datura
C Caltha palustris: Seeds {glucosidi, erucico acid} [ immediate nausea ]
Caladium: Bulbs, leaves, ossalati steles {of soccer, enzymes istamino-proteoliti to us} [ Irritation of the mouth and the throat, salivation; they can be necessary also nausea, vomito, and diarrhoea ]
Campsis radicans: Leaves, flowers [ exanthema or irritation ]
Sativa cannabis: Leaves. steles, flowers, seeds {I rendered some tetraidrocannabinoliche, alkaloid, glucosidi} [ behavioural changes, tremor scoordinamento, disturb gastrointestinal ]
Celastrus scandens: All {peptides, glucosidi, alcaloidi=celastrina} [ vomito, FAMOUS diarrhoea ]: From seeds an oil constituted from gliceridi ell' acid linoleico, linolenico, palmitico and stearico is extracted
Cestrum: Entire berries {glicoalcaloidi=tipo solanina, alcaloidi=tipo atropine} [ nausea, vomito, streaked diarrhoea of blood, spasmi muscular, fever, salivation, sudorazione, paralysis and sometimes coma ]
Chrysanthemum: Annoying leaves, flowers {sesquiterpene lattonico=alantolattone, oils} [ exanthema, pu to cause dermatitis ]
Maculata Cicuta: All, species roots {cicutossine, resinoidi, alkaloid volatili=cicutina} [ salivation, difficolt respiratory, spasmi muscular, pupille expanded, collapse, violent convulsions, coma, died) FAMOUS: The dead women pu to sopravvenire 15 minuteren after.
Cinnamomum camphora: {FAMOUS camphor}: the acrid extract of camphor and in strong doses extremely toxic.
Clematis: All {cutaneous anemonina, clematina} [ strongly pain to the mouth with ulcere, reddenings and FAMOUS feeling of bruciore ]: The leaves and the flowers have an acrid sapore and burning.
Miniata Clivia: All {alkaloid} [ Salivation, nausea, vomito and FAMOUS diarrhoea ]: the ingestion of large quantit pu causing paralysis
Codieum variegatum: All {foreign diterpenici} [ nausea, vomito, diarrhoea ]
Autumnale Colchicum: All {alcaloidi=colchinina, colchicina} [ cramps, vomito, diarrhoea, high pressure, difficolt respiratory ] FAMOUS: High tossicit.
Coleus: Leaves {Diterpene coleonol, coleon Or} [ FAMOUS dermatitis ]: Extremely low Tossicit.
Colocasia esulenta: Roots, leaves, stami {ossalati of soccer, enzymes istamino-proteoliti to us} [ immediate nausea, irritation to the mouth and the throat, salivation, possible gastric irritation ]
Conium maculatum: All, alkaloid species young leaves and seeds {piperidin-niconinici=coniceina, coniina, N-metilconiina, conidrina, and pseudoconidrina, glucosinolati, erucico acid} [ agitation, tremors, incoordinazione, depression, coma, possbile dead women) FAMOUS: not cause convulsions.
Convallaria majalis: All, species bulbs, rizomi {glucosidi cardiotossici=convallatossina, convalloside, saponina} [ expansion to the pupille, pulsus alternans, convulsions ] FAMOUS: Pu to be fatal. It contains a substance that slows down is struck cardiaci and increases the yield blood.
Coriaria myrtifolia: All {glucosidi=coriamirtina sesquiterpene, coriatina, tutina} [ nervousness, allucinato state, convulsions ] FAMOUS: All the species are highly toxic. The coriamirtina a tetanico poison, of action similar to the picrotossina.
Crataegus oxycantha: Drupe, flowers in boccio {amine, derives to you terpenici, istamina} [ powerful cardiac, diuretic action and astringent ]
Cycas revoluta: All {glycosides, amino acids BMAA} [ vomito, diarrhoea, vertigos, convulsions ]
Cyclamen persicum: Rizomi {triterpenoidi saponina=ciclamina} [ nausea, vomito, FAMOUS diarrhoea ]: Leaves and flowers are not toxic.
It consolidates see Ranunculus
D Dahlia: Leaves, tuberi {composed toxic poliacetilenici} [ FAMOUS dermatitis ]: Tossicit much lowland.
Daphne mezereum: Fruits, leaves {diterpenoidi=mezereina} [ Swellings up to the labbra and the language, silks, difficolt of swallowing, nausea, vomito, inner hemorrhages with streaked diarrhoea of blood, weakness, coma ] FAMOUS: Pu to be lethal.
Datura stramonium/candida: All, alkaloid species seeds and leaves {tropinici=atropina, scopolamina, iosciamina} [ pupille expanded, agitation, tremors, delirium, convulsions, coma ] FAMOUS: propriet allucinogene ( D. stramonium ). Convulsions or coma often precede the dead women.
Delphinium: All, species seeds and young people alkaloid leaves {diterpenici=metilcaconitina, delfinina, aiacina} [ effects similar to the curaro: agitation, scoordinamento, barbollo, salivation, abnormal cardiac heartbeat, difficolt respiratory, FAMOUS paralysis, convulsions ]: Highly toxic, pu to be fatal.
Dianthus: Leaves {triterpenoidi saponine} [ cutaneous Irritation ].
Cucullaria Dicentra: Tuberi, leaves {derives simil-morfinici, alkaloid isoquinolinici=apomorfina, abdominal protoberberina, protopina} [ salivation, difficolt respiratory, pains, neurological collapse, convulsions, signs to you ].
Buccinatoria Dictictis: [ exanthema or irritation ].
Dieffenbachia: Leaves, steles {ossalato of soccer, ossalico acid, enzymes istamino-proteoliti to us} [ strongly pain and bruciore in the labbra, the mouth and the throat, FAMOUS salivation ]: difficolt respiratory - if the trache swell pu to become much dangerous one!
Digitalis purpurea: All {glycosides cardiaci=digitossina, digitalina, gigitonina, oils flown them} [ abdominal pains, vomito, diarrhoea, vertigos, irregular cardiac heartbeat, FAMOUS delirium or hallucinations ]: Pu to be fatal.
Dracaena draco: resin NOTES: the red resin ("blood of I dredge", "resin of dragone") is obtained for recording of the corteccia.
and Eucaliptus: Leaves, corteccia {oil of eucaliptus, glucosidi cianogenici} [ nausea, vomito, diarrhoea, possible coma ] FAMOUS: The oil of extremely toxic eucalyptus if ingested.
Euonymus japonicus: Species seeds, also leaves and corteccia {glucosidi cardiaci=evomonosidi, digitossigenina, evonina; in alkaloid seeds also} [ vomito, diarrhoea, weakness, brividi, convulsions and coma ]
Eupatorium rugosum: Leaves and steles, perhaps alcoli flowers {liposolubili=tremetolo} [ Tremors, sudorazione, depression, hardening, cardiac crisis, jaundice, latte toxic, possible died ]
Euphorbia spp: forbolesteri latex white man {, diterpene, euforbico acid} [ exanthema, serious ocular and cutaneous irritation; nausea, vomito, diarrhoea if ingested ] FAMOUS: . Euphorbia milii pu to produce cite-skeletal and tumorali damages. Not lethal.
Epipremnum aureum You see Scindapsus
. Euphorbia pulcherrima You see Poinsettia
F Ficus: Latex {Furocumarina, psoraleni, ficina} [ exanthema or irritation, bruciore to the eyes ] FAMOUS: It has fotosensibilizzanti effects
G Galanthus nivalis: Bulbs {alcaloidi=fenantridina} [ nausea, vomito and FAMOUS diarrhoea ]: Lowland tossicit
Gelsemium sempervirens: especially rizomi {alcaloidi=gelseminina and gelsemina, gelsemico acid ( esculamina )} [ sudorazione, nausea,
muscular weakness, pupille expanded, hypothermia, convulsions, FAMOUS respiratory paralysis ]: Powerful spinal depressivo, pu to be fatal. The alkaloid ones have analgesic, antineuralgic and antispasmodic action
Hederacea Glechoma: Leaves, steles {essential oil, tannin} () FAMOUS: In erboristeria the plant bloomed for chronic bronchitises and like sedativo is used. They have been episodes of cyanosis in the horses. Tossicit disowned in the other animals.
Glorious arrogant: All, species tuberi {alcaloidi=colchicina and others, I rendered of it} [ intorpidimento of the labbra, language and throat, fever, vomito, diarrhoea with traces of blood, difficolt respiratory, convulsions ] FAMOUS: High tossicit, pu fatal if to be ingested.
Paniculata Gypsophyla: All {saponina} [ nasal irritation, allergic asthma, possible FAMOUS dermatitis ]: Lowland tossicit.
H Halogeton glomeratus: NOTES: Halogeton sativus (Saltwort sativus) it was used in the past in order to gain some hard. Cultivated like ortaggio.
Hedera helix: Poliacetilenici leaves, berries {triterpenoidi saponine, compounds, ederico acid (berries), glucosidi=ederina, sapogenine=aglicone ederagenina} [ immediate nausea, oral and gastric irritation, respiratory diarrhoea, problems ] FAMOUS: The toxic ederina, with effects emetici and purgati you.
Helleborus niger: All {protoanemonina} [ bruciori to the mouth and the throat, salivation, vomito, abdominal cramps, neurological diarrhoea, symptoms, depression ]
Heteromeles arbutifolia:
Hyacinthus orientalis: Bulbs, rizomi {alcaloidi=licorina} [ coliche, vomito, FAMOUS diarrhoea ]: The poisoning much rare one.
Hydrangea: All {glycosides cianogenici=idrangina} [ gastroenteritis, vomito, diarrhoea with traces of FAMOUS blood ]: The poisoning in kind not accompanied from the usual cianidrica symptomatology.
Hyoscyamus niger: All {alcalode=tropane} [ Salivation, nausea, vomito, diarrhoea, accelerated heartbeat, convulsions, coma ] FAMOUS: High tossicit, pu to be fatal
Hypericum perforatum/calicinum: Fotosensibilizzanti Doglie, flowers {chimici=ipericina} [ exanthema or FAMOUS irritation ]: The ipericina a fluorescent pigment, derived from the naftodiantrone, contained in small aims black visible to eye knot at leaves and petals.
Hippeastrum You see . Amaryllis
I Ilex aquifolium: Berries {illicina, perhaps saponglucosidi, triterpenoidi} [ vomito, abdominal pains, salivation, diarrhoea ].
Ipomoea: Indolalcaloidi seeds {, LSD and others} [ be allucinato, pupille expanded, nausea, vomito, diarrhoea, torpore, muscular intorpidimento to the estremit and rigidit ] FAMOUS: Lowland tossicit
Iris: Linfa, rizomi {glicosidi=iridina or irisina} [ nausea, vomito, abdominal pains, diarrhoea, consequent fever to ingestion ]
J Jasminum: Berries
Juglans nigra: Corteccia, yields mature, wood {naftoquinone=iuglone} [ exanthema or irritation ]
Juniperus communis: Pigne fresh {oils flown them, tuione} [ diarrhoea ]
K Daigremontiana Kalanchoe: Leaves and plantule {glucosidi cardiaci=bufadienalide, daigremontianina} [ gasping breath, convulsions, paralysis ]
Kalmia latifolia: {resinoidi=andromedotossina, glicosidi=arbutina, graianotossina} [ Salivation, lacrimazione, nasal mucus, slow heartbeat, nausea, vomito, abdominal pains, FAMOUS paralysis ]: Highly toxic, pu to be fatal
Koelreuteria: [ vomito, abdominal pains and sometimes diarrhoea ]
L Laburnum: All {alcaloidi=citisina} [ agitation, gastrointestinal irritation with nausea, vomito and diarrhoea; irregular pulsations, convulsions, coma ] FAMOUS: Highly velenoso, pu to be fatal.
Lantana camara: Integral berries B & greens {triterpeni=lantadene, triterpenico acid pentaciclico=deidrolantadene To, and itterogenina} [ vomito, diarrhoea, pupille expanded ].
Lathyrus: Seeds {Amine, phenols and glucosidi} [ "latirismo": paralysis, pulsations lenmte and weak people, superficial breath, convulsions ].
Ligustrum: Berries {glucosidi=ligustrina, siringina} [ abdominal pains, nausea, vomito delayed, diarrhoea ].
Lilium longiflorum: Species the leaves [ vomito, depression, loss of appetite. Died for renal damages within 5 days ] FAMOUS: The purifying treatment must be begun within 6 hours from the ingestion, perch the cat has hopes to avoid the renal destruction.
Linum usitatissimum: All {glucosidi cianogenici=linomarina} [ difficolt respiratory if ingested, paralysis and convulsions ]
Lobelia inflata/cardinalis: Leaves, steles {alcaloidi=lobelamina, lobelina, oils flown them} [ nausea, vomito, diarrhoea, salivation, spossatezza and weakness, pupille expanded, convulsions, coma ].
Japonica Lonicera: Cianogenici berries, leaves {glucosidi and saponina in the leaves; carotenoidi in the fruits} [ possible neurological problems, vomito, diarrhoea, pupille expanded, cold sweats, you strike yourself accelerates to you, respiratory problems, convulsions and coma ].
Lophophora williamsii: [ allucinato state ].
Lupinus: All, behavioural species pods with seeds {alcaloidi=anagirina} [ respiratory problems, changes, tremors, problems correlates you to the delivery, coma, possible died ].
Lycium barbarum: Leaves {atropine, iosciaminae, scopolamina} [ abdominal pains, pupille expanded, vomito, diarrhoea, difficolt circolatorie and respiratory ].
Lycopersicon lycopersicum: Leaves, tomatoes glicoalcaloidi greens {steroidali=solanina} [ gastrointestinal irritation ].
. Lysichitum americanum You see Symplocarpus
M Malus: Respiratory cianogenici seeds {glucosidi, amygdalin} [ difficolt, tremors, spasmi, coma of short FAMOUS duration ]: The fruits are eatable, but they do not go ingested seeds.
Sativa Medicago: Leaves, steles {fitoestrogeni=cumestrolo & cumestano, saponine, medicagenico acid}
Melia azedarach: drupe, instilled of leaves {neurotossine=tetranortriterpene, saponina} [ gastric irritation, vomito, streaked diarrhoea of blood, paralysis, irregular breath, convulsions) FAMOUS: The name "tree from rosaries" had to the fact that the kernels came uses you in order to manifacture rosaries.
Menispermum canadense: Mature fruits {alcaloidi=acutamina, dauricina, FAMOUS menispermina} [ convulsions ]: High tossicit, pu to be fatal.
Momordica charantia: External Tegumento of the fruits, seeds {I rendered of it, glucosidi} [ salivation saponici, alkaloid, vomito, abdominal pains, diarrhoea ]. Deliciosa Monstera: Folgie {ossalati of soccer, enzymes istamino-proteoliti to us} [ irritation to the mouth and the throat, salivation; possible nausea, vimito and diarrhoea ].
Myrabilis jalapa: Bulbs, seeds {} [ gastric pains, nausea, vomito, diarrhoea ].
Myristica fragrans: seeds {terpenici hydrocarbons, miristico acid, alcoli=linalolo, borneolo} [ be alliucinato ].
N Narcissus pseudo-narcissus: Alkaloid bulbs {fenantridine=licorina, ossalati of soccer} [ nausea, vomito, diarrhoea, FAMOUS salivation, tremors, convulsions ]: pu to be fatal.
Nerium oleander: All {glucosidi cardiaci=oleandrina, nerioside} [ immediate nausea, gastrointestinal irritation, anormalit cardiac ] FAMOUS: Pu to be fatal.
Nicotiana tabacum: Leaves {alkaloid nicotinici} [ vomito, diarrhoea, gastrointestinal irritation, respiratory tremors, staggering, weakness, problems, problems cardiaci, collapse ]
or Ornithogalum umbellatum: All, species bulbs {glucosidi cardiaci=convallatossina & convallosidi, ossalati of soccer} [ exanthema or irritation, nausea, salivation, vomito, diarrhoea, gasping breath ].
Sericea Oxytropis: Folgie, yields mature, seeds, steles, flowers {alcaloidi=swainsonina, slaframina, substances allucinogene} [ cellular damages and to the central nervous system they, possible cardiac damaging ].
P Paeonia officinalis: [ exanthema or irritation ].
Papaver naudicaule: Dry latex in every part, species yields {alkaloid, morphines} [ fissit, catatonia, slow breath and respiratory and circolatori weak person, problems ] FAMOUS: High tossicit.
Quinquefolia/tricuspidata Parthenocissus: Leaves, yield mature {ossalati, ossalico acid} [ pain to the language, labbra inflamed, irritation and swelling up to the mouth and the throat, salivation; abdominal nausea, pains, vomito and diarrhoea with striature of FAMOUS blood ]: High tossicit, pu to be fatal.
Pelargonium: Leaves {essential oils} [ FAMOUS dermatitis ]: Tossicit much lowland.
Persea American: Leaves, kernels, rametti {} [ cases of pulmonary congestion and mammary inflammation in the cattle as a result of ingestion. Tossicit disowned in the other animals ] FAMOUS: the eatable fruit.
Philodendron: All {ossalati of soccer, enzymes istamino-proteoliti to us} [ irritation to the mouth and the throat, salivation, possible gastric irritation ]. Phoradendron flavescens: Berries {amine} [ gastrointestinal irritation with diarrhoea, lowland pressure, slowed down heartbeat, irregolarit cardiac ]. FAMOUS: Pu to be fatal.
Pistia stratiotes: All {ossalati} [ irritation of the mouth, labbra and language ].
Podophyllum peltatum: Integral fruits, leaves, rizomi {resina=podofillina, podofillico acid, podofillotossina, picropodofillina (rizomi), podofilloquercetina} [ dermatitis, salivation, vomito, diarrhoea, agitation, fever, coma ] FAMOUS: High tossicit. It supplies a medicinal drug from which the podofillina is extracted: in therapeutic doses it comes employed like laxative. In toxic doses it has lesiva action on general the internal mucosa and tossicit ( polyneuritises ). Pu to be lethal.
Poinsettia pulcherrima: All {annoying latex} [ salivation, exanthema, disturbidi stomacio; FAMOUS ocular and cutaneous irritation ]: Tossicit much lowland.
Polyscias: All {saponina} [ Irritation of the mouth, pupille expanded, pains of stomach, nausea, vomito ].
Sinensis/obconica Primula: {quinoni allergenici=primina} [ exanthema or irritation ].
Pteridium aquilinum: All, spore {proteici enzymes carcinogenici=tiaminase, reduction of vitB1, ptaquiloside, prunasina, aquilide To} [ weakness, fever, convulsions ]. FAMOUS: in Inghilterra/America sett. cases of poisoning with lethal outcomes in erbivori have been taken place: and to hemorrhage, enteric damages cargo laringe in several organs.
Pyracantha: [ exanthema or irritation.
Physalis longifolia: Integral berries, leaves {alcaloidi=solanina, solanidina} [ vomito, circolatori and respiratory diarrhoea, problems ] FAMOUS: Pu to be fatal.
Dodecandra/americana Phytolacca: All, species roots and seeds {saponina, fitolaccigenina, lemmatossine} [ salivation, pains addominal, coliche, streaked diarrhoea or less than blood ].
Prunus: All, species seeds, buds, broken off leaves {glucosidi cianogenetici=amigdalina -- >acido cianidrico, amygdalic acid, quercetina ( Prunus serotina )} [ breathlessness, weakness, agitation, pupille expanded, respiratory convulsions, problems, coma ] FAMOUS: the fruits are eatable. P. laurocerasus it contains a glucoside { lauracerasina }, than for free saponification cianidrico acid. Not crushed the fresh leaves!
Q -
r Ranunculus: Fresh leaves and steles {annoying oils, abdominal protoanemonina, glucoside=ranunculina} [ oral irritation, salivation, pains, diarrhoea with traces or less than blood ].
Rhamnus: drupe (said cerase canine ) {glucosidi, nausea derives to you antracenici} [, vomito and FAMOUS diarrhoea ]: lowland tossicit for the animals (used in veterinary for syrups purgati you), much violent one on the man. The corteccia fresh annoying.
Rheum rhaponticum: Leaves especially {ossalico acid, ossalati soluble, citric acid, glucoside=antrachinone} [ staggering, tremors, difficolt respiratory, weakness, diarrhoea, increase of silks and the urinazione, renal problems arrange to us, convulsions ] NOTES: Pu to provoke serious poisonings.
Rhododendron: All, polmonarie species leaves {andromedotossina, graianotossina} [ gastrointestinal irritation with hemorrhage, damages and possible damages to the tubuli renal, light degeneration of the liver. Salivation, vomito, abdominal pains, abnormal cardiac battico, convulsions and coma ]
FAMOUS: Pu to be fatal.
Ricinus communis: Seeds chew {annoying fitotossalbumine=ricina, alcaloidi=ricinina, oils to you} [ instantaneous or delayed nausea, vomito, abdominal pains, diarrhoea with blood traces, depression, tremors, sudorazione, convulsions, coma ] FAMOUS: Pu to be fatal. The seeds are died them for animals and children -3/4 seeds and adults -15 seeds because of the ricina, insoluble in the soluble oil but in water. NOT present in the oil of ricino, and it prepares to you trades them that they contain it are SURE.
Robinia pseudoacacia: All, fitotossine=robina, glucosidi=robitina, alcaloidi=robinina} [ depression, abdominal lack of appetite, weakness, paralyses, pains, diarrhoea with traces comprised withered leaves {or less than blood, FAMOUS abnormal cardiac heartbeat ]: Pu to be fatal.
Laciniata Rudbeckia: Flowers, leaves, steles {} [ scordinamento ] FAMOUS: Much bad one of sapore, the rarest poisoning.
Acetous Rumex: Leaves, steles {ossalati} [ diarrhoea ] FAMOUS: Nitrates to a toxic level can be accumulateed.
Rhus toxicodendron You see Toxicodendron
S Sambucus nigra/canadensis: All {glucosidi cianogenici, alkaloid} [ nausea, vomito diarrhoea, coma, pu to cause poisoning from FAMOUS cianidrico acid ]: The COOKED berries and the JUICE are eatable.
Bloody-thirsty canadensis: Rizomi {alcaloide=isoquinolina, sanguinarina, cheleritrina, alkaloid oppiacei=protopina and B omochelidonina} [ nausea, vomito, loss of acquaintance, staggering, pupille expanded, FAMOUS diarrhoea, problems cardiaci ]: High tossicit, pu lethal being. Rizoma and the roots contendono a red latex used like emetico and purgativo.
Trifasciata Sansevieria: All, organic species flowers {possible saponine, acids} [ salivation, FAMOUS cutaneous irritation ]: Tossicit much lowland, but the flowers contain a burning nectar.
Sapindus drummondii: Fruits {saponina} [ nausea, vomito, diarrhoea ].
Scindapsus aureus: Roots, leaves, ossalati steles {of soccer, enzymes istamino-proteoliti to us} [ Bruciore and swelling up of the labbra, mouth, language and throat; possible diarrhoea ] NOTES: Lowland tossicit.
Senecio: All, species alkaloid seeds {} [ "Poor doer", loss of weight, bad ones conditions, opaque hair, behavioural anorexia, changes,
hepatic damages us, FAMOUS jaundice ]: Pu to be fatal: the toxins are accumulateed, and begun to damage the liver before the appearance of the correlated symptomatology to it.
Sequoia sempervirens: [ exanthema or irritation ].
Solanum tuberosum: Leaves and tuberi (zones greens, buds) {glicoalcaloidi steroidali=solanina, glucosidi=solanidinaT, ciaconina} [ abdominal pains, vomito, diarrhoea or FAMOUS constipation ]: Not to expose the tuberi to the solar light. The solanina does not come eliminated from the baking.
Solanum: All, species the glicoalcaloidi berries {steroidali=solanina, atropine, solanocapsina} [ abdominal pains, vomio, diarrhoea, scordinamento, weakness, allucinato state, convulsions ] FAMOUS: Pu to be fatal. S. Nigrum it has propriet narcotic devout accentualte that S. dulcamara.
Japonica Sophora: corteccia {alcaloide=soforina, catartina (corteccia)} FAMOUS: the catartina produces coliche.
Sorghum halepense/sudanense: Leaves and steles, species of young plants {glucosidi cianogenetici=durrina, nitrates} [ respiratory problems, staggering, state of great anxiety, convulsions, coma ]. FAMOUS: Pu to be fatal. In some variet of Sorghum halepense the leaves contain a glucoside that per.share of a free enzyme cianidrico acid. Used like forage for the erbivori.
Spathiphyllum: {ossalati} [ irritation of the mouth, labbra and language ].
Oleracea Spinacia: {ossalati} NOTES: much rich one of knows them mineral, to avoid itself also cooked in case of urinarie and renal pathologies.
Stephanotis: [ exanthema or irritation ].
. Strelitzia reginae: {}
Nux-vomica Strychnos: Especially seeds {strychnine, FAMOUS brucina} [ convulsions ]: Pu to be fatal.
Symplocarpus foetidus: Roots, leaves, ossalati steles {of soccer, enzymes istamino-proteoliti to us} [ irritation of the mouth and the throat, salivation, intense pain; possible vomito and diarrhoea ].
Syngonium podophyllum: All {ossalati of soccer, enzymes istamino-proteoliti to us} [ pain to the language, labbra swollen and irritation to the mouth and the throat, salivation, possible gastric irritation ].
Schefflera actinophylla You see Brassaia
Sarcobatus vermiculatus You see Amaranthus
T Taxus: All, species the alkaloid berries {unexpected cardiotossici=tassina} [ Dead women for cardiac or respiratory paralysis. Occasionally: respiratory problems, tremors, weakness, problems cardiaci, FAMOUS gastroenteritis ]: Highly velenoso, pu lethal being.
Tetradymia: {}
Toxicodendron radicans: All {urusciolo, tossicodendrolo, tossicodendrina} [ cutaneous reddenings, burning pruritus, swellings up ] FAMOUS: Much toxic for ingestion, less for contact.
Albiflora/purpurea Tradescantia: Ossalati leaves {} [ exanthema or irritation, dermatitis ].
Maritime Triglochin: Flowers, leaves {glucosidi cianogenici=triglochinina, tassifillina} [ agitation, tremors, convulsions, vomito, possible died for asphyxia if ingested in sufficient quantit ] FAMOUS: High tossicit, pu to be fatal.
Trifolium: All, species leaves {possible nitrates, estrogeni=isoflavone, moderated upgrades them cianogenico} [ photosensitization, possible FAMOUS hepatic damaging ]: The alfalfa pu to be attacked from a containing FUNGUS toxins ( muscarina and slaframina ).
Tulipa: Bulbs, steles and flowers {fitoalessine=tulipalina, allergine; glycoproteins} [ exanthema or irritation, pain of stomach, salivation, sudorazione, nausea, vomito ] FAMOUS: Lowland tossicit
U Dioica Urtica: Urticanti hairs [ Intense bruciore and pruritus, dermati ]
V . Vicia faba: Cianogenici seeds {glucosidi} [ staggering, diarrhoea, nausea, vomito, pains of stomach ].
It wins major: {sostanse allucinogene}
w Wisteria: Seeds {velenose glucosidi=wistarina, lectine, I rendered of it} [ salivation, nausea toxic, vomito, gastric pains, diarrhoea ].
X Xanthium strumarium: Species seeds and cotiledoni {glucosidi=carbossitractilosidi, sesquiterpene, lattoni} (gastrointestinal irritation, behavioural weakness, difficolt respiratory, changes, anormalit cardiac, pu occerre one ] potentially FAMOUS lethal hypoglycaemia: The toxins disappear in short time after the germination.
y -
Z Aethiopica Zantedeschia: All {ossalati of strongly bruciore soccer} [ and swelling up of the labbra, the language and the abdominal throat, pains and possible FAMOUS diarrhoea ]: highly toxic.
Zygadenus venenosus: All, species flowers and bulbs {alkaloid steroidi=zigacine, zigadenina} () FAMOUS: considered devout the toxic between the kind Zygadenus. Pu to be fatal.

- - It returns to the beginning - -

This solo one list of potentially dangerous plants. I have collection for... putting of agreement my plants and Spottie. Pu and it does not want to be considered reliable for botanical references or veterinaries. You entrust yourselves EXCLUSIVELY to the VETERINARY for any poisoning. I pray to you, not hesitated!

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