Beautifulst pertaining fish wing family of the Chetodontidi, coming from from all Pacific ocean, much coloring but, unfortunately, much delicate and difficult one to raise, little indicated to the cohabitation with fish lives to us, fast in eating.
Body a lot flattened, of nearly square shape, ventral fins lengthened, much characteristic the small mouth, in top to along tubular snout.
The livery white woman with five vertical bars of color orange or yellow, the first bar always passes over the eye; a black point to the end of the dorsal fin and one small black band on the peduncolo tail.
Much difficult one to acclimatize, convene to acquire only exemplary gia acclimatizes you to the Aquarius; once very acclimatized carnivorous, it preprefers mangime dept freeze, in particolar way chironomus.
It needs of a medium bathtub, in how much it does not swim gladly, with many shelters and hiding places; with water a lot very filtered and aereata.
Sociable, adapted to the cohabitation with calm different fish of barrier of breeds purche and discs of a valve in eating, suffers the presence from other Chaetodon.
Delicate and little resistant to the diseases, it suffers for oodinium attacks and for the excessive values of nitrates and phosphates, they are advisable constant temperatures high and, partial changes with sifonatura of the bottom, treatments with ozone and regular additions of oligoelements and vitamins.
Adapted to the Aquarius with invertebrates in how much is not in nature that in Aquarius if it feeds some gladly; not adapted to the Aquarius of a neophyte to its first experiences.
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