


Condylactis Gigantea or Giant sea anemone of the sand

Latin name
Condylactis Gigantea
Common name
Giant sea anemone of the sand
Principle 30 cm. In Aquarius 10/15 cm.
Values of the water
Temp. 24/27 Densit 1022/1024 PH 8,4

Antozoo hermit of the order of the Actiniari, coming from for the devout ones from the Mar of the Caribbeanses and the coast orients them of the America centers them, from Brasi them to Florida.
Sessile, equipped of a little obvious foot, of color yellow cream or Havana, to times gray; it is attacked to the substrate with an adhesive disc, often lives isolated on cliffs or, devout, with the foot completely buried in the sand between the praterie of alghe of the Halimeda type.
Obvious boccale disc, raised from the base of the crown of the tentacles; crown of the tentacles much large one with the longest tentacles, of conical shape, with the tips tapered; tentacles of color Havana, yellow or turchese; traslucidi and opalescenti, the tips to times are viola, red or blue.

Much sturdy one, for being an invertebrate, a lot adapted to the Aquarius of barrier in company of other invertebrates and fish of small largeness, preferibimente Amphiprion Clarki and Amphiprion Frenatus with which often it establishes a relationship of simbiosi.
Nutre of all that it arrives us to capacity of its urticanti tentacles, than ritraggono quickly in order to carry the captured food boccale R-all'.apertura; chip ax is mangime dry in grains, is dept freeze that frozen-dry; if much large this anemone pu to be nourished also with pezzeti of fish or polpa of cozza supports to you delicately on the tentacles.

It does not have particular requirements, regarding the other invertebrates, as far as the chemical and physical values of the water that must be filtered and be only very areata; it prefers to arrange in a place ombreggiato with one light water current, bearer of mangime and that door via the excretions, visible often like fuoriuscenti mucillagginosi filaments from the boccale opening; to times it is contracted completely expelling the water that permeates it, in order then rigonfiar after little time.
If the place in which be arranged the aggrada unfortunately able not to move in turn for the bathtub, being run the risk to end in little recommendable places.
For all these reasons would not have to never lack in the Aquarius of invertebrates of the principiante.


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