


Cynarina Lacrymalis or Carciofo of sea or eye of cat

Latin name
Cynarina Lacrymalis
Common name
Carciofo of sea or eye of cat
Maximum diameter 25 cm.
Values of the water
Temp. 24/27 Densit 1022/1024 PH 8,4

Antozoo colonial, pertaining to the order of the Sclerattinie, endemic in the Indian ocean and the western Pacific ocean.
The colony characterized from a globular limestone skeleton, produced from the cenosarco, on which the single individuals lacking in limestone structures of support develop themselves.

The common mesoglea of the colony, generally of red or rose-colored green or tawny color, to times, assumes a tondeggiante shape, with an only oral opening centers them, of color clearly, contorniata from individuals that of day, in the light of the sun, swell taking the shape of vescicole while of night they very resume the typical shape of polipo with a crown of tentacles estroflessi to the continuous search of the food.
In the far part devout from the mouth the polipi ritraggono in the cenosarco common, making to appear the colony similar to one furrowed carnosa cupola from ribbings to spiral; the diurnal rigonfiamento of the polipi pu to make to triple the dimensions assumed from the colony.
This the reason of the curious common names of carciofo of sea or eye of cat that comes given to this Antozoo.

The colony prefers to be arranged in correspondence of one water current of average intensit, such to make to sweetly move the single individuals, when they are estroflessi, without for strapazzarli too much.
Enough sturdy, intense lighting system has need of one, preferibilmente with linear light fluorescent lamps of cold coloration, 10,000 K and beyond, or of lamps HQI; of water filtered and oxygenated, very poor of nitrogenous substances and phosphates.
They are advises to you you attend water changes with sifonatura of the bottom and regular added of Soccer, Strontium, oligoelements and bioelementi.

Ermatipica nutre mainly of the metaboliti ones of the Zooxantelle simbionti, occasionally goes nourished with plancton frozen-dry made to recover some minute in water, preferibilmente the same one of the Aquarius, or better, dept freeze, to spuzzare with an appropriate syringe in the pressed ones of the colony during the nocturnal hours.
Enough difficult to raise; subject, moreover, to the limitation in the import, C.I.T.E.S., advisable only for acquariofilo expert and a much patient.


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